Chapter 2: Chapter 2: The Red Comet
Yunkai. The ancient and glorious city of Yunkai had existed since ancient times. Yunkai was old before dragons stirred in the old Valeria.
The city was ruled by the wealthy slave merchants known as the Wise Masters. They prided themselves in training their bed slaves in the 'Way of the Seven Sighs'. Yunkish bed slaves were famed far and wide; Their demand stretched from the Gates of the Jade Sea in the east to the Seven Kingdoms of the west.
In this city, where slaves outnumbered their masters 5 to 1, the merchants and slavers ruled their enslaved subjects with an iron fist. Among the many merchants in this city was the minor noble family of Azar.
It was not a very old family, nor was it very powerful or influential. But the family was wealthy enough to be called nobel. The merchants of the Azar family had first made their fortune when one of their men made a successful journey to Asshai and back.
Laden with numerous spices and jeweled trinkets, their family had earned a small fortune and successfully started a trading business. Regularly travelling between Qarth and Slaver's Bay, the family had slowly accumulated wealth until they finally reached the ranks of nobility of this glorious city.
Among the many mansions that littered the great city, a yellow stoned mansion with red and blue painted walls sat somewhere in the middle when it came to opulence. But what it lacked outwards, it made up for in the myriad of rare and valuable decorations and treasurers that portrayed the wealth and power of the nobel family that called it home.
The building was built in a square with a garden in the middle, housing many well kept and colorful flowers spaced around a white stone fountain. The halls of the mansion were decorated with rare items such as elephant tusks, Tiger furs and huge antlers. The Walls of the mansion all hung paintings of majestic views and mythical animals, a few of these had been imported from as far as YI Ti.
There was another, slightly bigger garden behind the house, with walkways shaded with trees and scented with beautiful red and white flowers.
The back garden was visible from the second floor terrace. The terrace housed a big wooden table and soft cushion chairs, and a majestic Divan that overlooked the garden. The entire terrace was shaded with a wooden structure that was covered in green vines that allowed soft sunlight to filter through while making the whole place greener and airy.
Upon the divan, lay a young man, not older than 16, clothed in the finest gold and red Brocade clothing that had been custom made by a tailor from Asshai.
His bright scarlet hair hung messily to his shoulders, his healthy white complexion and sharp features had swayed the hearts of many ladies in the city.
The Young man lay lazily on the divan as he occasionally opened his mouth to allow a young maid to feed him fresh grapes from a tray of fruits.
He stared listlessly at the cloudless blue sky that had been stained red by a comet, casting an ominous shadow into the hearts of the men below.
A red comet had carved a bloody streak on the heavens above, many wise masters had called it an ominous sign, an omen of death and destruction.
However this young master knew that this celestial phenomenon only meant one thing…
"Dragons!" he mindlessly muttered.
"Pardon my lord?" a weathered old man in a simple white cotton dress asked with a confused look.
"Nothing, go on. What about the grains?" the young boy asked as he looked back at one of the very few slaves that were left in this mension.
His parents had both passed away, they had left the boy with a substantial fortune, enough to live a wealthy life. However the boy had refused to engage in slave trade and had run his father's business to the ground.
He had given freedom to all those that had asked for, hoping it was enough to impress the mother of dragons that would soon conquer this city.
It was his plan to impress her and then ask to join her and get a nice and cozy position as the advisor to the Dragon Queen. Now only the old slaves that had served the house for their entire lives were left here as they simply refused to leave. Apart from the young maid next to him that is… he did need some company at night after all and he lived in Yunkai of all places. It would be a pity to not enjoy the pleasures of life when they have been presented to you on a silver platter.
"The grain store is nearly empty my lord, I've sent someone to purchase enough to last the winter and deposit it in the Mansion you purchased in Meereen, just as you had commanded." the old servant reported. "But this old slave is concerned, this is the ancestral home of your nobel family… why have you sold it my lord?" the man asked in scepticism, the wrinkles on his weather face deepening in concern.
If the old man hadn't raised the boy and didn't know of his intelligence, he would have thought him a fool. One day just as he was telling his master about some dothraki Khal named Drogo getting married, the master had commanded him to start selling everything and move to Meereen without giving any explanation!
"Don't worry about it. Get ready to move as soon as possible." the young man dismissed the old slave and once more gazed up at the red comet.
'Finally. I had hoped to not live through this chaotic time but, since it's going to happen anyways, I might as well make the most of it!' He grinned.
Even though he was quite sure that he didn't have any dragon blood, he wasn't worried because the moment the red comet had appeared in the sky, his golden finger had activated.
[Magic has Reappeared in the World]
[Magik System in now Active]
[Gain Influence Points to grow stronger and Unlock Spells]
This was the reason he was grinding so widely. 'I wonder how strong this system is… Status!' and summoned by his thought, a transparent blue window appeared in front of him.
[Name: Jafaar zo Azar
Age: 16
Level: 0
MP: 1
MP Regen: 1MP/Day
Influence Points: 30
Spells: None]
'Oho, at least I am not starting at rock bottom, even though my level is a nice round number. Now, how do I get spells?' As soon as the thought crossed his mind, another translucent screen appeared before him.
'So I can only see spells of the lowest level huh… let see what's in it.' As soon as he opened it, he saw several options open up.
[SPELL SHOP>Apprentice]
[Purchase Cost: 3 Influence Points Per Item]
MP: Buy additional Magic to increase your total MP limit. (MAX:30)]
MP Regen: Regenerate your MP Faster. (MAX:30)]
Magic Bullets: Summon 5 Magic Bullets to strike your enemies. Range: 10 Meters.Magic Arrow: Summon 1 Magic Arrow to strike your enemies. The arrow is powerful enough to easily pierce through a tree. Range: 30 Meters]
Magic Shield: Summon a Magic Shield to protect yourself and others. Strong enough to block normal strikes and arrows. Lasts 30 Seconds.Magic Defence: A passive Defensive Spell against a single attack. Lasts 3 Hours.]
[ELEMENTAL MAGIC(3 Influence points per Element Purchased):
Elemental Shot: Summon a small Elemental orb and shoot it towards your enemies causing ½ blunt and ½ elemental damage. 10% Chance of a Small Elemental debuff upon contact(Can be increased by spending 1MP/30% increase).Imbue Element: Imbue Element into other compatible spells. I.e. combine with Defence Magic to increase Fire Resistance or with Attack Magic to do additional Fire Damage.
Available Elements: Fire/ Water/ Lightning/ Earth/ Wind/ Undeath.]
Mend Wounds: Heal minor cuts and wounds.Cure Illness: Heal minor ailments, diseases and poisons.]
Telekinesis: Move objects with your mind. Up to 1 kg in combined weight and 1 meter in combined diameter. Duration: 10 Minute.Shockwave: A directional telekinetic shockwave strong enough to knock down a normal wall. Range: 1MP/5 Meters.]
Charm: Trick a target into thinking you're their friend. Duration: 10 Minutes. 1MP/Person.Telepathy: Conway your thoughts to your target and listen to theirs. Duration: 30 Minutes. 1MP/Person.]
Turn Undead: Turn a dead corpse into a low-level Undead.Strengthen Undead: Make your Undead Servant Stronger.]
Transform: Turn yourself or your target into any non-magical animal or creature of the same Species. Duration: 30 MinutesShapeshift: Turn yourself or your target into any non-magical animal or creature regardless of their original species. Duration: 10 Minutes.]
Enchant: Imbue an Item with a magic Spell to be used by you or someone else at a later time. 2MP/Enchantment.Create Magic Item: Turn a mundane item into a Magic Item with a specific type of Magic. The Magic Item will Regenerate Magic its own magic power. 4MP/Enchantment.]
Feather Fall: The moment you cast this spell, you will become as light as a feather. Duration: 30 Seconds.Air Step: Step onto air as it's solid. Duration: 20 Seconds OR 10 Steps.]
'Huh, quite a lot to choose from… lets see… huh!? I have to buy MP too? And spend points to increase the regeneration? Talk about being petty.' Jafaar sighed before he started to ponder which magic spell to buy first.
'I should definitely get the Defence Magic and Healing Magic to ensure my survival. I could enchant Items for later use so I don't have to spend precious MP in time of need. But I also need to buy enough MP to actually cast these spells…' he sighed as he tried to budget his limited points.
[You have Purchased:
Create Magic ItemMagic BulletsMagic ShieldMPx5MP Regen x2
TOTAL= 30 Influence Points
Remaining Influence Points= 0]
'Ah man… Maybe I should have bought some other Spell… ah well.' he sighed as he felt a strange sensation. He could feel the magic inside him and how to manipulate it.
He got up from the divan and dismissed the maid. After the maid was gone and he was sure that he was alone, he closed his eyes for a second before opening them and raising his hand.
Instantly, 5 green colored crystals materialised around his left wrist, slowly orbiting around it at equal distance from each other. Jafaar could feel each crystal and with a thought, one of them shot into the distance and struck the stone wall, causing it to slightly chip. It was definitely strong enough to take out an eye or leave a dent in someone unarmoured.
The remaining 4 crystals spread out slightly to adjust for their missing number while they continued to orbit.
The other four also shot out, hitting the exact same spot as earlier.
'Good thing I can just aim with my eyes huh. A well aimed shot could do alot of damage.' he nodded with a smile.
He felt that he could do a lot more with it and decided to do an experiment. He lifted his arm upwards and pointed to the sky, 5 crystals materializing once more and started orbiting around his wrist before shooting upwards.
But unlike before they curved just inches after having been shot upwards and fell downwards before straightening out and hitting the same spot as before in succession, making a 5 inch deep hole in the wall.
Jafaar looked at his MP and nodded, 'It worked! I can spend extra MP to give my spells extra buffs like auto-aim or penetration power.'
[MP: 3]
After purchasing the 5 MP he had 6 in total. The first spell used 1 while the spell with auto-aim used 2, leaving him with 3.
Jafaar sat back down and started to think. His previous plan was made with knowledge that he didn't have a golden finger and that the only way to make it big was to attach himself to one of the players, but now that he did have a way to get stronger, things had changed. 'Influence points huh… the more influence I have, the more points I earn… I could just take over… become a King but…' he groaned at the thought.
Having lost his birth parents a few years ago, he knew how much trouble it was just managing a household muchless an entire kingdom. He didn't wish to be neglectful to his duties, leaving the ruling to other people while he went off playing the hero and increasing the size of his harem. A King has a lot of responsibilities and obligations that he wasn't sure he wanted.
'If not its not becoming a King then serving one would bring the next greatest amount of influence. It also comes with freedom and far fewer responsibilities.' he made up his mind. Even though he had decided to follow another, he wasn't just going to roll over and let these muggles push him around. Jafaar was quite sure that no one else in this world could use the magic the same way he could and that made him powerful and unique.
He thought for a while and decided to stick to his original target, 'Westerosi Kings won't move east, they are far too preoccupied with their petty games, and there aren't many power hungry, conquerors to choose from.' he looked up at the red comet once more and grinned, 'If I remember correctly, Daenerys should be on the run from the Dothraki and would wind up in Qarth through the Red Waste… this should make it easy to find her and since she is in distress…' his grin widened, 'That should make it that much easier for me to influence her and make her trust me.'
Jafaar summoned his servants and gave them instructions to head towards Meereen as soon as possible before he began to prepare for his journey towards the future Dragon Queen.
SInce he already knew where she was and where she would end up, finding her seemed easy… at least to the current him that was comfortably seated in his mansion in a well-supplied city.