Genshin Impact: The Spirit King

Chapter 12: [12] Dragons Edge

A/N: Happy Newyear's everyone! 

-Duncan Campbell POV-

Well, I'll be dammed, I knew the kid wasn't normal.

From the window of my house, I saw the boy manifest a sort of energy-based practice sword and gave it to his daughter, the one with blue hair.

And I'm pretty sure that the energy he controlled isn't elemental energy, I should know.

My hand slowly trailed to my waist, my thumb rubbing the deep blue gem at the center of my Hydro Vision.

Heh, now I want that kid to join the knights even more!


"Bloody hell!" I shouted as I almost fell on my ass from the massive earthquake.

"Duncan!" Meliodas shouted at me as he finally noticed my presence.

-Meliodas POV-

Holy fuck.

I looked at the horizon with sweat running down my forehead, Esdeath's shaking figure in my arms.

The whole fucking forest was burning, and a massive dragon hovered above it as it shot more of its destructive flames towards the ground.

Hm? is that mister Duncan?

"Duncan!" I shouted as I saw him looking at me through the window.

...wait since when was he there? don't tell me he saw me using [Reishi]?

Ugh, never mind. I have the fire breathing dragon to worry about.

Duncan jumped out the window and rushed at me.

"Bloody hell kid, what...was...that..." Ah, seems like he finally noticed the dragon on the horizon.

"What the fuck is a dragon doing in these parts?!" he shouted in confusion, fear evident on his face.

He might be the captain of the Favonius Homeland Defense and has a Vision, but a dragon is too much of a beast to fight.

A billion thoughts seem to go through his head, that was until he spoke words I really hated to hear

"Wait, purple scales, yellow eyes, and a scar on its right cheek. Shit, its Ursa" he said in realization 'Ah, shit. Crepus and Dulic' I thought in realization. Today was Diluc's coming of age, and the day his father would die.

But would things really go that way? The world has been fucking me sideways with all these curveballs it's been throwing at me. Who's to say that Diluc will survive this time? with how different things are, I doubt his original fate of being a survivor will save him.

...fuck it, I thinks it's time I test my strength against a stronger foe anyways.

I looked back at Duncan "Mr. Duncan, take care of my kids from now" I said as I put my shirt back on and placed my sword by on my waist.

"Wait what? are you planning on fighting that bloody monster?" he asked, looking at me like I was crazy.

"Yeah, sorry about it but I can't let things deviate to much" I don't utter another word, I summoned

Sleipnir and began to ride him towards the horizon.

-Crepus POV-

"Father!" My sweet boy shouted, his face becoming blurred by the second. I held my hand at my stomach hoping to slow down the blood that was gushing out of me like wine being served into a wineglass.

I never thought that her majesty would send for my...dispatchment in such a cruel way, especially after I had completed the last task she had asked of me, allowing me my "retirement" as a Fatui Harbinger.

...or perhaps it wasn't her?

She might have had created a wall of thick ice around her heart, but her warmth still radiates to those around her, even when it is encased in that eternal loneliness of hers.

The sudden attack of the hillichurls, that wyverns sudden attack, my Delusions malfunction mid fight; this has Dottore written all over it!

That bastard!


There's no use worrying about that anymore, I'll be dying soon. Any moment now I'll be drawing the last of my breath-


A yes...the giant wyvern, how could I have forgotten.

With all the strength I had left, I lifted my hand, the palm of my hand gently caressed Dilucs face.

The blood that was already on his cheek becoming even more smeared on his handsome face.

Heh, well he did get that from me.

"My boy, get *COUGH!" out of here!"

"What?! I'm not leaving you, get your arm over-"

"DILUC! *MORE VIOLENT COUGHING* I am not asking you, I'm telling you to run...I'm not going to make it either way my boy"

Ah, please don't make that face. I know that feeling so well my sweet baby boy.

The feeling of despair from not being able to do anything. That lump that clogs your throat making you even more desperate than you were before.

Don't feel sad my boy, as long as your fine, as long as you live, it doesn't matter how I die.

No matter how painful it may be.

"Go on Dulic" I whisper softly as I got up to my feet. Every second I stood on my legs was torturous, the feeling of a million needles digging into my skin permeated through them.

"I-i m coming back with help, I'm not letting you die!" He shouted as he began to run the opposite direction from which the wyvern was heading at us from.

I could hear the soft sobbing that came from him, all until I could hear it no more.

Good, that means he'll be safe.

From the beginning the wyvern has been targeting me and me alone so he shouldn't be chasing after him.

"Now then, Ugly creature. Prepared yourself!" I shouted at the wyvern, my hand holding the sword of one of the fallen caravan escort's that had traveled with me.

The purple and black wyvern roared at me, seemingly understanding my challenge towards it.

It threw its head back and took in a deep breath midair.

Damnit, it's going to spew out another sea of flames out of its damned mouth.

I only managed to save myself and Diluc from its first attack thanks to my delusion, but now that's not possible due to its "malfunctioning"

As it finally finished charging up, it yanked its head forward.

A powerful blast of fire began to head towards me at increasing speed.


So, this it, huh?

I dropped to my knees, well, more like my knees had finally given out on me. The blood from my gut would still pouring out.

I closed my eyes, hoping my death would be painless which was nothing less than a dream, but the feeling of "death" or even pain never came.


The sound of steel cutting through something reverberated through the forest.

Wait, steel?

I opened my eyes, only to be met with the back of a man. His body still in the stance of someone who has just cut something.

And he did, the flames that should had hit me were somehow sliced, causing them to deviate apart to opposite sides and burn everything besides us.

He wore some sort of outfit resembling the Fatui military uniform, or at least it's aesthetic. His long black hair tied up into a nice high ponytail.

And that sword of his, I don't know what it is but just looking at it makes me feel shivers. It feels as I'm going to be cut into minced meat just by being in its presence.

"W-Who are you?" I weakly asked, my voice reduced to a husky whisper.

He finally stood back straight and looked back at me.

He was young, EXTREMELY young. I think he's even younger than Diluc.

He flashed me a smile before placing his sword back to its sheath.

"Easy there white chocolate, wouldn't want you to melt~" he spoke, his young voice taking on a teasing tone.

Wait, did he call me white chocolate?

-Meliodas POV-

Thank ROB I made it!

Just a little bit more and Crepus would have been dragon meat, well done, salted slightly.

I looked down to him, his body was beated up and a whole bunch of blood flowing out of his stomach.

Shit, he won't make it with how much blood he's lost already...I was too late!

Damn it Melioda's, think, think!


I could do that but I'd have to get his consent first, I also haven't tried it at all so there's a 50/50 chance he might become some sort of disfigured lump of meat.

Oh well, he doesn't have much too loose anyways.

"I'm going to cut straight to the point, you're going to die in about 30 seconds" I told him.

Crepus's expression didn't change, seems like he accepted that fact not so long ago.

"I know" he weakly replied.

"So, I'll give you two choices. One, I'll end your misery here painlessly. Two, I can save you" Crepus's face seemed to have favored the first option when I had mentioned it. At least it was better than getting turned charcoal in the most painful way possible.

But once I gave him my second option, his face turned from an expression full of pain and relief to an expression showing confusion.

"" He asked as his breaths became more shallows.

"Yes, but it comes with a few strings" I explained. His pained expression turned into one of skepticism, he obviously didn't trust me.

"Don't worry, all I need you for is as a babysitter" I explained, Sleipnir as a great help with the kids, but even for the two it is too much to raise, individually speaking of course. Some have different likes, hobbies, and stuff to teach. The time I have becomes stretched thin between all of them.

"Babysitter?" This time he was now confused.


"You don't have a lot of time, yes, or no?" I could feel his soul slowly disconnecting from his body, meaning that he was about to die.

"...Yes" He accepted.

Oh, thank ROB!

Now then, cross your fingers and hope I don't turn you into Gollums twin brother.

I reached out, my hand pressed against his wound. I could feel my soul swiftly shifting, a piece of it ripped itself from myself and transferred towards Crepus.

[Soul Distribution Power], one of the nifty skills I had gotten from Yhwach. Just like Yhwach, I could rip a piece of my soul and give it to someone, this heals them from all wounds, disease, and unlocks their soul's potential. I just didn't give him a [Shrift], I don't think it would be smart to give him one since I've barely just met him, even if his soul now belongs to me.

Before you could say supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, his wounds healed. Even his clothes fixed themselves. Crepus looked down on his self in amazement.

"Incredible..."' he muttered

"Now then, how about-" Before I could speak, flames engulfed us both.

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