Chapter 145: Chapter 145: Maids, And Shikon Jewels!: Naraku Vs. The Four Aces Alliance! (Part 1)
"Hello there viewers...Angel Bluebell here again...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed. To which I then proceed to open them both up again, in order to continue, to properly address the viewers*...So anyways viewers, we will now move on to the next chapter...Which now taking place in the Inuyasha anime timeline...In what is actually the very last episode of the anime, The Bond Between Them, Use the Sacred Jewel Shard! (Part 2)..Which for those who don't the final battle with Naraku...which is something that I think you'll find, will wind up going a little bit different from how it did in the anime...But anyways, and as usual viewers, before I proceed forward with this current upcoming chapter...and like always viewers...a chapter recap is in order then viewers...let us begin the chapter recap now, okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed*"
Date: October 22, 1914
Okay, so things had quickly gotten a bit out of hand with the currently unexpected arrival of one Cana Alberona. Who had been a bit plastered to say the least. But, the good news here...
"Alright, so Lucy, Erza, anyone want to tell me where we are exactly?" Cana now decided to speak up with in a question like manner. To which I then noticed, that the slurring had now all but completely vanished from her tone and speech. And upon then realizing why this had happened...
"Well I guess it's true, Cana does in fact have a very high tolerance to alcohol. Well Urd, looks to me like you and Lieutenant Matsumoto have some competition," I proceeded to say. Which I had proceeded to say while briefly turning my attention to Urd, and proceeding to give her a giddy sort of smirk.
But then, just after Roy Mustang used his lighter in combination with the alchemy circle carved into the glove on his right hand, to incinerate and kill Lust...
"What the...?!" The voice of Cana Alberona then proceeded to say in a somewhat confused tone. Which was due in large part to another all too familiar looking wave of bright light proceeding to light up the area that we were all in again. And like all of the other times, it wound up blinding us all temporarily.
And just like last time, when the light had proceeded to die down after a couple of seconds. I once again made sure to check around and behind me, to make sure that everyone was still there.
But interestingly, though no one regarding my allies had left. What had actually happened was in fact the opposite. As in every single one of the allies that we had met in the previous anime canon timelines, were now once again present.
And this included the three non villainous Reflectors from the Blue Reflection Ray timeline, Hikaru, Umi, and Fuu, from the Magic Knight Rayearth timeline, and Roy Mustang, Alphonse Elric, and Riza Hawkeye, from the Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood timeline, and Mew Ichigo, Mew Mint, and Mew Lettuce, from the Tokyo Mew Mew timeline.
And this, had then caused me to let out a brief sigh of relief. Which unfortunately, did not wind up lasting for very long. And as for the reason as to why this was the case...
"Hey, you with the long blue hair, get down!" A strong sounding but yet also concerned sounding female voice wound up calling out to me. Which just as I had proceeded to briefly duck, a pretty large looking boomerang proceeded to wiz past me, missing me by a mere few inches.
And not surprisingly...
"What the heck was that?!" The surprised voice of Renji Abarai proceeded to speak up with.
And as for the response...
"Well Renji, about that..." I then proceeded to say. Only for someone else, to now proceed to speak up.
"Heads up!" A female voice now proceeded to say to me, which was then followed by a aura encased arrow, proceeding to fly right by me. And this also wound up missing me by a couple of inches.
And as for who just sent that arrow...
"Well, I don't think that there is any sort of doubt where we all ended up...Well viewers...let me welcome you all to the land of Feudal Japan...the date, is currently March 11, 1553...or to be more precise..." I proceeded to say briefly to the viewers, only for someone else to proceed to call something out, which wound up cutting me off mid-statement.
"Wind Scar!" A very aggressive sounding male voice proceeded to call out. Which was then followed by an immense pressure wave of energy then proceeding to rush past me. And as for who it wound up hitting. Well here's the thing about that...
"Well Inuyasha, it would seem as though you haven't lost your touch," A somewhat dreary sounding sort of male voice now proceeded to speak up to the male who had just sent his attack towards their current opponent.
"Oh, so the dog finally learned some new tricks then? Good for you," A now demonic sounding male voice proceeded to say to both Inuyasha, and the rest of the people who were there before we had gotten there.
"Well Naraku, I wouldn't be acting all high and mighty, because this is the end for you," The voice of yet another male had now proceeded to speak up with saying. Which as I turned towards the source of the male voice. I then saw an all too familiar male, who was dressed as a monk.
And it was then, that he proceeded to place one of his hands on the behind of the girl who had thrown that large boomerang towards Naraku. And upon seeing this, along with the girl proceeding to get quite irritated that the male had just gone and done this...
"Well, that is a sad site to see...It would seem as though Miroku, is just as much of a perverted monk, as he was in the actual show...Though I can't say that I am surprised..." I proceeded to say, as a sweatdrop now proceeded to appear, and then make its way down one side of my face.
"Yea Bluebell, I would say that I am not exactly surprised either. As I do have quite a bit of experience with dealing with a pervert..." Keiko now proceeded to speak up with, while she also proceeded to give a weary sort of side eye glance and expression towards Kuroko.
And not surprisingly...
"Oh know that you enjoy it..." Kuroko proceeded to say back to Kuroko with a slight bit of perversion to her tone.
And also not surprisingly...
"I am going to pretend that I didn't hear you say that just now Kuroko. So, unless you want to get zapped by me and Keiko, then I suggest that you don't attempt to repeat it, okay?" Misaka now proceeded to say to Kuroko, as a small but just noticeable spark of electricity, had then proceeded to briefly crackle, through the bangs of her and Keiko's hair.
But, getting back to the situation...
"Wait a sec here Bluebell, did you just say 1553? How is that possible?" Rukia Kuchiki of all people had now proceeded to ask me.
And as for my response back...
"Well Rukia, let me ask you this. Just how much do you really know about Feudal Japan? Because believe when I say, that this isn't the usual Feudal Japan, that we're all familiar with...Isn't that right viewers?" I now proceeded to say back to Rukia in response. Which during this, I had briefly turned my attention slightly over to my left, in order to briefly address the viewers.
And as for the current situation...
"Kagome, just who are these people and who exactly is that girl talking to?" The voice of the girl who had thrown the boomerang now proceeded to ask the girl with the bow and arrow in her hands.
"Well Sango, I don't honestly know myself," One Kagome Higurashi now proceeded to say back to Sango with. Which interestingly, had now caused Inuyasha to get a bit unhappy.
"What do you mean you don't know?!" Inuyasha proceeded to respond back to Kagome's statement with.
But then...
"Sit boy!" Kagome then proceeded to say. And not surprisingly, in no more then a second, Inuyasha then found himself dropping forward and then winding up laying flat and face first on the ground.
And upon realizing what had just happened...
"Oh, well that was a tad bit embarrassing..." Super Sailor Venus then proceeded to speak up with. Which wound up earning a nod from Super Sailor Mercury, Super Sailor Mars, Super Sailor Jupiter, and the rest of the Senshi. And this was while a sweatdrop was present, on all of their faces, except for the Outer Senshi.
"Venus, you don't even know the half of it..." I proceeded to respond back to Super Sailor Venus with. While a sweatdrop of my own, was also currently present on one side of my face.
Which interestingly enough, this was also currently the case with everyone else on our side that was currently present.
But then...
"Enough of this, time for you to die Inuyasha, and the rest of your friends as well!" Naraku now proceeded to say, as he proceeded to launch an attack of his towards Kagome.
But thankfully...
"Didn't anyone ever tell you that it is pretty unfair to attack someone out of the blue like that?!" Zachary now proceeded to say, as he once again proceeded to throw the Shield Card up into the air. And as it spun in place above him and Sakura, they both proceeded to once again raise their respective star staffs.
"Shield!" Zachary and Sakura chanted in unison, as the Shield Card then stopped spinning, and the Shield Card spirit formed its barrier around everyone on our side, and caused Naraku's attack to slam into it, and then dissipate into nothing.
And as for the reaction to this having just happened...
"What the?! Who the hell are you?!" Naraku now proceeded to yell out.
And as for the response...
"We're your worst nightmare! So let us all show you, why you don't stand a ghost of a chance against us Naraku!" Hikaru proceeded to yell out back to Naraku, as she, Umi, and Fuu held their respective magical swords at the ready. Which as I had just seen them do so, I then proceeded to attempt to try and ask where they had gotten their respective swords from.
But, upon then realizing that they had probably gotten them back in Cephiro, before they had just reappeared again. I instead decided to forgo with asking that at all, since I pretty much knew that they had gotten them there.
"Well it seems as though the more things change, the more that they seem to stay pretty much the same...Isn't that right viewers?...*I now proceed say this, while I also proceed to let out a very audible and defeated sounding sigh from my lips*...Angel Bluebell here by the way again...But anyway viewers...I think that this is now a great place to stop this chapter...But as usual viewers...we will get right back into the action in the next chapter...So viewers, from me, Keiko, Zachary, and the rest of the Four Aces Alliance...We will see you all in the next chapter...So viewers, see you all there...okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed in a very cute looking manner*"
And now that the chapter recap is now done. We will now proceed right into the current chapter.
Date: March 11, 1553
Okay, so me and the rest of the now fully together again Four Aces Alliance. Which consisted of all of our new allies as well. Things were currently a bit on edge. And to further confirm this clear and cut fact...
"I mean honestly, how is this even fair? Me versus all of you? It seems a bit much don't you think?" Naraku now proceeded to say, after he had just now proceeded to take in the vast number of people who had just appeared out of basically nothing.
But not surprisingly...
"Really Naraku? I would say that you're really not the one who should be talking about what is fair and what isn't don't you? And besides, you don't even know who we all are! But I can tell you this much! You really shouldn't take me or anyone else here lightly! As I think you'll find that you may wind up regretting your statement! And speaking of which...Erza, would you care to show Naraku here what I mean?" I now proceeded to say back to Naraku in response.
And sure enough, without having to say a word back to me in response, Erza simply went and shouted out a phrase, to change her Requip armor yet again. "Requip!: Heaven's Wheel!" Erza Scarlet shouted out. And in a quick flash of light gold colored light, she was once again back in her Heaven's Wheel Armor.
And as a follow up...
"Now dance my blades...!" Erza Scarlet now followed up with shouting out. Which was quickly followed by several all too familiar looking swords appearing in a large circle around her Heaven's Wheel Armor. Which was then quickly followed by each and every one of these several swords, proceeding to launch themselves towards Naraku at a very very high rate of speed.
And also...
"Open, Gate Of The Maiden!: Virgo!" Lucy Hearfilia proceeded to call out. Which in a quick flash of light, was followed by the appearance of a petite looking girl with short pink hair, dressed in a black and white maids outfit. And had what looked like shackles on both her hands and legs.
"Greetings again princess!" Virgo proceeded to say as she also took a slight curtsy like bow.
And upon now realizing who she was...
"Oh good god no...Well this just got a bit sort of dodgy..." Keiko now proceeded to suddenly say. Since she now knew just as well as I did, just how sort of off-putting someone such as Virgo could be at times.
But putting this thought to the side for the moment, and while I proceeded to turn to Angel Lily, and give her a small nod...
"Saint...Spiral...Whip!" Angel Lily proceeded to call out, as she waved her right hand over her leg band, and her all too familiar Saint Spiral Whip appeared in her right hand, which she then proceeded to lash out towards Naraku.
But then, and not surprisingly...
"Oh, I bet that would feel good for you to punish me with mistress..." Virgo now suddenly wound up saying seemingly out of the blue to Lucy. Which I wound up hearing unfortunately, as Virgo had in fact said this quite audibly to Lucy.
Which not surprisingly, had now caused a sweatdrop to appear, and then make its way slowly down my face. And also while I proceeded to make a somewhat horrified sort of expression on my face, along with the sweatdrop. Since even though I knew about Virgo's personality from the Fairy Tail anime. It wasn't really the same for me to experience Virgo's personality for real.
"Which to be honest viewers...Sorry, Angel Bluebell here again...but as I was about to address to all of you viewers...watching an anime character such as Virgo on your television at home, is not even close to the same, as experiencing a personality such as hers for real...But anyway viewers, this now marks the end of this chapter...But as usual, we will be getting right back into the action in the next chapter...So viewers, see you there...okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes close in a very cute looking manner*"