Chapter 146: Chapter 146: Ninja Healers And Kunai!: Naraku Vs. The Four Aces Alliance! (Part 2)
"Hello there viewers...Angel Bluebell here again...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed. To which I then proceed to open them both up again, in order to continue, to properly address the viewers*...So anyways viewers, we will now move on to the next chapter...Which is now taking place in the Inuyasha anime timeline...In what is actually the very last episode of the anime, The Bond Between Them, Use the Sacred Jewel Shard! (Part 2)..Which for those who don't the final battle with Naraku...which is something that I think you'll find, will wind up going a little bit different from how it did in the anime...But anyways, and as usual viewers, before I proceed forward with this current upcoming chapter...and like always viewers...a chapter recap is in order then viewers...let us begin the chapter recap now, okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed*"
Date: March 11, 1553
Okay, so me and the rest of the now fully together again Four Aces Alliance. Which consisted of all of our new allies as well. Things were currently a bit on edge. And to further confirm this clear and cut fact...
"I mean honestly, how is this even fair? Me versus all of you? It seems a bit much don't you think?" Naraku now proceeded to say, after he had just now proceeded to take in the vast number of people who had just appeared out of basically nothing.
But not surprisingly...
"Really Naraku? I would say that you're really not the one who should be talking about what is fair and what isn't don't you? And besides, you don't even know who we all are! But I can tell you this much! You really shouldn't take me or anyone else here lightly! As I think you'll find that you may wind up regretting your statement! And speaking of which...Erza, would you care to show Naraku here what I mean?" I now proceeded to say back to Naraku in response.
And sure enough, without having to say a word back to me in response, Erza simply went and shouted out a phrase, to change her Requip armor yet again. "Requip!: Heaven's Wheel!" Erza Scarlet shouted out. And in a quick flash of light gold colored light, she was once again back in her Heaven's Wheel Armor.
And as a follow up...
"Now dance my blades...!" Erza Scarlet now followed up with shouting out. Which was quickly followed by several all too familiar looking swords appearing in a large circle around her Heaven's Wheel Armor. Which was then quickly followed by each and every one of these several swords, proceeding to launch themselves towards Naraku at a very very high rate of speed.
And also...
"Open, Gate Of The Maiden!: Virgo!" Lucy Heartfilia proceeded to call out. Which in a quick flash of light, was followed by the appearance of a petite looking girl with short pink hair, dressed in a black and white maids outfit. And had what looked like shackles on both her hands and legs.
"Greetings again princess!" Virgo proceeded to say as she also took a slight curtsy like bow.
And upon now realizing who she was...
"Oh good god no...Well this just got a bit sort of dodgy..." Keiko now proceeded to suddenly say. Since she now knew just as well as I did, just how sort of off-putting someone such as Virgo could be at times.
But putting this thought to the side for the moment, and while I proceeded to turn to Angel Lily, and give her a small nod...
"Saint...Spiral...Whip!" Angel Lily proceeded to call out, as she waved her right hand over her leg band, and her all too familiar Saint Spiral Whip appeared in her right hand, which she then proceeded to lash out towards Naraku.
But then, and not surprisingly...
"Oh, I bet that would feel good for you to punish me with mistress..." Virgo now suddenly wound up saying seemingly out of the blue to Lucy. Which I wound up hearing unfortunately, as Virgo had in fact said this quite audibly to Lucy.
Which not surprisingly, had now caused a sweatdrop to appear, and then make its way slowly down my face. And also while I proceeded to make a somewhat horrified sort of expression on my face, along with the sweatdrop. Since even though I knew about Virgo's personality from the Fairy Tail anime. It wasn't really the same for me to experience Virgo's personality for real.
"Which to be honest viewers...Sorry, Angel Bluebell here again...but as I was about to address to all of you viewers...watching an anime character such as Virgo on your television at home, is not even close to the same, as experiencing a personality such as hers for real...But anyway viewers, this now marks the end of this chapter...But as usual, we will be getting right back into the action in the next chapter...So viewers, see you there...okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes close in a very cute looking manner*"
And now that the chapter recap is now done. We will now proceed right into the current chapter.
Date: March 11, 1553
Okay, so getting back to the current situation, which was just after the appearance of Virgo. And with, well...
"Wait, what did she just say?!" Super Sailor Jupiter now suddenly wound up saying. Since like most of the rest of us, she wasn't really used to Virgo's personality.
And as for me, and as a way in order to get back to the current situation at hand...
"Jupiter, I would save the questions regarding Virgo, until after we've dealt with Naraku if you don't mind!" I proceeded to say, as I used my Saint Sword Of Bluebell to deflect a very high speed attack wave that had just been launched at me by Naraku.
And as for everyone else thankfully...
"I am with Bluebell on that Jupiter, as you really need to keep your current attention on the fight at hand," Angel Salvia now proceeded to speak up with. Which she said as a way to help me out with quickly getting Super Sailor Jupiter, as well as everyone else focused back on the current battle at hand.
And as for that in particular...
"Alright enough! It is time for you all to die!" The unmistakable demonic voice of Naraku proceeded to speak up with. Which was then followed by what looked like a jewel in the middle of his demonic looking chest, then proceeding to glow a very evil looking red color.
And it was only then, that I realized what it was, and how we were going to easily win this battle against Naraku. And so, with this in mind...
"Hey Zachary? Do you know what 'The Arrow' Of Time is?" I proceeded to ask him, while I proceeded to put a bit of emphasis on the arrow part of my question to him.
But, just like last time when I had tried this sort of way to let him know about which Star Card he and Sakura should use for this particular situation...
"Bluebell, can you please not speak in anymore riddles?! It was annoying when you did this the last time!" The unmistakable voice of Li now proceeded to yell over to me with.
And not surprisingly...
"Okay fine Li, I get the message!...You know you can be a real killjoy sometimes you now that!?...Which by the way viewers...not that there is anything wrong with that...I am just getting a little bit tired of Li not being able to take a bit of Good Humor...And yes viewers, that was a double entendre...Good Humor, meaning comedy, and Good Humor, meaning an ice cream company of the same brand name...And yes, I know viewers I know, it was very cheesy and corny, and I won't say it least for now that is...But anyway, let me just push that to the side for the time being, and we just get on with the story again shall we?" I proceeded to think to myself.
Which as usual, during while I had this very same thought, I had also proceeded as usual, to slightly and briefly turn my attention and eyesight to the left of me, in order to briefly address the viewers.
But getting back to the situation, and back to Sakura realizing which Star Card of theirs I had been suggesting she and Zachary use.
Sakura then proceeded to pull out the Arrow Card. And as usual, without either of them needing to say a word to each other, they proceeded to throw the Arrow Card up into the air above them both. And this was then followed, while the Arrow Card spun in place, by Zachary and Sakura raising their respective star staffs towards it.
And as for me and everyone else...
"Mars, Kagome, Mew Mint! You three are up! Now lets show this demon how a true hero wields a bow and arrow!" I now proceeded to speak up with.
And sure enough, everyone else had now caught onto what exactly I had planned for dealing a lethal blow to Naraku. And with this now in mind, Kagome proceeded to put another of her bows from her quiver on her back, and proceeded to then pull it back on the drawstring of her bow.
And at the exact same time, Super Sailor Mars called on her Flame Sniper. "Mars...Flame...Sniper!" Super Sailor Mars called out, with the appearance of her flame and fire composed bow and arrow. And like Kagome, she too proceeded to pull it back with the intent to fire it at Naraku.
"Ribbon Mint Echo!" Mew Mint called out at the exact same time as Super Sailor Mars. Which with the use of her MinTone Arrow, she proceeded to fire her attack along with Super Sailor Mars, and Kagome, towards Naraku.
And of course...
"Arrow!" Zachary and Sakura both chanted in unison. Which was once again followed by the all too familiar appearance of the Arrow Card spirit a second later. Which was then followed by the Arrow Card spirit conjuring up an arrow, to which it put it into its bow, and then let it loose from the drawstring of its bow only a second or so later. And just like last time, the arrow wound up rapidly multiplying into an array of at least a dozen more arrows. Which along with the original arrow, wound up making their way towards Naraku at a very high speed.
And as I had intended from the beginning, as all of these arrow based attacks wound up slamming very hard into the jewel on Naraku's chest. The resulting force of the combination of attacks caused a very blinding white light to result.
Which, like all of the other times, wound up blinding us all temporarily. And this time, when the brightness of the white light had once again died down. I then realized that we were no longer in the open area of the forest where we had all just been battling against Naraku.
In fact, we were now in what looked like yet another forest. But, something told me deep down, that this was not the same forest that we were in just before the light had blinded us.
And as for where we had all ended up, well about that...
"Hey, you with the blue hair, heads up!" A unfamiliar but frantic sounding female voice proceeded to yell out to me with.
And as I instinctively proceeded to duck, what looked like a dark metallic looking object, had then proceeded to quickly whizz by over my head, and embedded itself in a tree not too far behind me.
And once I had briefly turned around to look at it, I then realized that it was what looked like Kunai. As in the type of dagger like weapon that was commonly used by a ninja.
And though I did not want to realize it, I now had to accept exactly where we had all ended up this time. And as for where this was exactly, well about that...
"Well, I guess it's true then, Sakura Haruno is as useless a ninja as the fans of the Naruto anime said that she is," I now heard Keiko proceed to speak up with.
And as a way to hopefully prove that Keiko was wrong with this. I then proceeded to look back towards the direction of the person who had just launched the Kunai.
And unfortunately...
"Hey, I am not useless! No one told you to give your two cents!" A girl with short light pink hair now proceeded to fire back quite angrily at Keiko.
And with this now unfortunately confirmed...
"*I start off by proceeding to sigh quite audibly and in a defeated sort of tone*...I mean seriously?...So of all the ninjas from Konoha...The Hidden Village In The Leaves...we wind up running into the useless Sakura Haruno?!...I mean are you kidding me?!...I mean for goodness sake, Sasuke would've even been a better choice then her!...And yes viewers...I am well aware that there a far worse characters then her...Tenten is one that comes to mind...But I guess that is just an opinion that a good portion of the fans of this anime have about these characters..And speaking of which viewers...Let me now welcome you all to the one and only Naruto canon anime timeline...Yes, so we have Bleach, and now Naruto...And yes viewers...I am all too well aware of both of these anime being part of the big three...And as for one of the next anime that we will wind up in eventually?...Well, I think you can hazard a pretty good guess on which one of the three is still to be used don't you?...Look, what I mean here that you will not want to miss the future chapters of these three fics...And so viewers...this now marks the end of this chapter...But as usual viewers...we will see you all in the next chapter...So viewers, see you there...okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed in a cute looking manner*"