Chapter 32: Taste of Big Mom
On the main island of Totto Land, Whole Cake Island, Big Mom watched with an exaggerated smile as she awaited Gojo's response, all the while savoring a piece of candy.
"Mamamamama, I can't wait to meet him! We will become such good friends, won't we..." Her unsettling smile echoed through the halls of her castle.
Three days before the much-anticipated tea party, preparations were in full swing on Whole Cake Island. Few dared to venture onto the territory of an Emperor, except for their peers.
Six of Big Mom's daughters were gathered around a table outdoors for their sacred tea ritual. Charlotte Compote, the eldest, spoke first:
"What do you think of Mama's upcoming taste test?"
"How would it be any different from the others?" replied Charlotte Custard, the sixth daughter, her violet hair waving in the breeze.
"An Emperor is coming, that's not insignificant!" worried Charlotte Brûlée, the eighth.
"We're talking about Mama," cut in Charlotte Smoothie, the fourteenth. "He's the one coming onto our territory!"
"Indeed..." Compote continued, capturing her sisters' attention. "But if Katakuri has been summoned, it's not just a simple taste test."
"Even more reason not to worry," affirmed Smoothie, arms crossed.
Charlotte Galette examined Gojo's bounty poster. His bounty no longer surprised them since he had ascended to the rank of Emperor.
"He's quite handsome," remarked Galette with a mischievous smile.
Three of the sisters agreed, Smoothie being the exception. Despite being daughters of Big Mom, they were still susceptible to male charm, especially when it promised powerful offspring.
"He's our enemy!" exclaimed Smoothie.
"Just because he's our adversary doesn't mean we can't recognize his beauty. Our loyalty to Mama is not in question," retorted Galette.
"Of course, little sister Smoothie," intervened Brûlée. "But with that attitude, you'll end up an old maid."
"Excuse me?" exclaimed Smoothie, her cheeks flushing.
"Brûlée is not wrong... You're already thirty-two years old," pointed out Compote.
"And still a virgin..." added Galette, teasingly.
Smoothie blushed even more. If she was still single, it was out of choice, but she remained the only one of her older sisters in that situation.
Charlotte Amande, the third daughter, took a puff of her cigarette before speaking up:
"Let's stay vigilant. Let's not forget why the World Government granted him that title."
"Yes... Even Mama respects him for that," Custard agreed.
"Facing Kaido for two days and two nights, one on one..." Smoothie grimly recalled.
"Without a winner... but they razed the entire island," Galette concluded.
This meeting between two of the five greatest pirate powers could not be taken lightly. Even if Gojo did not seek conflict with Big Mom, he was capable of it. Their trust in their mother was absolute, but a duel between Emperors was always unpredictable.
On the shores of Whole Cake, a towering figure of 5.05 meters disembarked. His eternal scarf covering his mouth, Charlotte Katakuri, one of the three Sweet Commanders, calmly made his way through the capital's streets.
"You must be preparing something extraordinary, Mama," he thought, his eyes closed.