Chapter 33: Arrival of Gojo
Three days later
The castle was ready to welcome the guests. Inside, where the party would take place, Big Mom's children were starting to gather. At the entrance stood Smoothie, surrounded by various drinks that she would offer to the guests. Two of her sisters accompanied her, the tea party having just begun.
"Smoothie nee-san, don't you think Gojo underestimates us?" pondered Charlotte Cinnamon, judging this man presumptuous.
"Indeed... Coming accompanied by only two shamans, without even a curse by his side," remarked Charlotte Citron calmly.
"What are Mama's intentions, Smoothie nee-san?" inquired Charlotte Cannelle, a hint of worry in her voice.
"Who knows... She doesn't seem to want to attack him for now. She rather wishes to get to know him. His territory is dangerous, and he possesses a Road Poneglyph," answered Smoothie nonchalantly.
Suddenly, the main door, infused with the souls of Big Mom, announced the arrival of Gojo D. Satoru. A respectful silence fell among Big Mom's children - after all, they were in the presence of an emperor. The doors opened, revealing Satoru advancing, his two shamans following closely behind, under the scrutinizing gazes of the assembly. The triplets, stationed near the entrance to welcome the guests, were the first to catch sight of them.
"Welcome to Mama's tea party, pirates of the infinite. Would you like to refresh yourselves?" offered Smoothie in a poised voice, presenting the array of drinks.
"Oh, I didn't expect to be greeted by the beautiful and sweet General Charlotte Smoothie," declared Satoru, a mischievous smile on his lips. "I'll have something from Léon."
A slight blush briefly tinged Smoothie's cheeks, but as a strong and confident woman, she kept her composure perfectly.
After serving Satoru, she turned to his two companions, easily recognizing the second most powerful of the shamans. She asked them for their preferences.
"Serve me your best drink!" exclaimed Yuki enthusiastically. This shaman, second in power in their order and in charge of the Fish Island, had a bounty of 608,800,000 Berrys.
"The same for me," replied Choso impassively, causing Smoothie to nod. In charge of the Lion Island, his bounty amounted to 678,410,000 Berrys.
With their glasses in hand, they continued on their way under the watchful eyes of the triplets. Smoothie would join them later at their table.
"So she is the second strongest of the shamans, and he is the third! Their reputation is well deserved," commented Cannelle, impressed by their aura.
"What could be the power of their curses?" pondered Citron aloud.
"Who knows," answered Smoothie simply, wiping her hands after finishing her service.
Satoru and his shamans progressed under the vigilant gazes of the assembly. His smile did not waver, even when he finally reached the designated table. The presence of Big Mom did not seem to intimidate him.
"You're finally here, Satoru. I must admit I doubted your coming," declared Big Mom, a wide smile on her face.
"Your invitation was intriguing. I wanted to find out what the great Big Mom expected of me," he replied as he took his seat, his shamans by his side.
"Mamamama, let's first enjoy the festivities," she suggested, her tongue slightly protruding. "By the way, some guests are still missing." The table, set for fifteen people, was still awaiting five guests.
"As you wish, I'm not in a hurry," he retorted, settling comfortably, arms crossed and a smile on his face.
The other guests remained silent, some out of respect, others preferring not to interfere in the exchange between emperors. Perospero, the eldest of the Charlottes, observed the scene with astonishment.
"He doesn't fear Mama at all?! Emperor or not, he's still the youngest... He's formidable," he thought, a bead of cold sweat forming on his forehead.
"I see you kept your word by coming with Choso and Yuki. But isn't it reckless to present yourself in enemy territory with such a small escort?" inquired Big Mom.
"No need for a larger escort," he replied, raising an eyebrow. "After all, it's just a simple tea party, isn't it?" he added, emphasizing the last word, slightly lifting his headband to reveal an eye.
The auras of Big Mom and Satoru intensified simultaneously, their pride as emperors at stake. The atmosphere instantly tensed, with only Yuki and Katakuri seeming unperturbed. After a few electric seconds, their auras calmed down as Satoru readjusted his headband. A synchronized laughter erupted between them.
"Mamamamana / Hahahahahaha
"Mama, avoid these displays of strength," intervened Katakuri calmly.
"Always so rigid, Katakuri," she sighed, settling back in her seat, observing the last arrivals. "It seems we are all here."
"What a prestigious welcome, gathering the most powerful members of Big Mom's pirates..." commented Satoru casually, stretching in his chair.
In the distance, other members of the Charlotte family, including Cannelle accompanied by her younger sisters Flampe and Pudding, watched the scene nervously. While the whole assembly remained attentive, the pointed looks from the other children of Big Mom prompted them to return to their activities.