Harry Potter: Altair Black. Son of Asmodeus

Chapter 22: Chapter 22. Family

His mind once again sought the reason for His actions. Did he just want to form a coven?, was sex everything to him? There was no way he would give up sex. At that moment, it was his path to power... 'What do I want power for?' he asked himself.

Getting revenge on the Malfoys seemed like something too small to gain power. He closed his eyes as he stopped halfway down the corridor. The principal was in front of him, looking at him with those sparkling blue eyes.

Altair didn't want to be a protector like the professor Dumbledor or a revolutionary like Grindelwald. He didn't want to be a dark lord. Did he want so much power just to get laid more?


"Something on your mind, Mr. Asmodeus?" the director asked kindly.

"Not as much as in yours, I suppose," Professor Dumbledore liked long conversations.

"Sometimes a good walk is the best way to clear the mind," he said simply.

They walked in silence, turning at the corners of the hallways. Altair's mind was still wrapped in doubts.

"What does it feel like to be the most powerful mage?" Altair asked.

"Am I?, maybe from the castle. Maybe I could even be the most powerful in Great Britain... There are thousands of wizards out there, I don't dare to think that I am the most powerful of them all. The world is bigger than what you think," said the professor as they passed in front of an ugly portrait. It represents demons, fallen angels, and angels fighting in a three-way battlefield. Altair listened to him attentively. Wondering if Dumbledore was the pinnacle of power in this world. "Do you think about what you will do once you gain power?" he asked. Altair flinched a little. "Your heritage will make you strong. It's good that you think about how to use your strength," the director seemed pleased.

"Doesn't it scare you that a strong person might show up?, especially when it's a hormonal young man," Altair asked curiously.

"A little. But not too much," the professor stroked his beard as he spoke. "These old bones of mine would appreciate not having to chase another dark wizard, however," he said with a smile.

"Why did you become strong, professor?, the reason, I mean."

"I had an ideal. One that I abandoned a long time ago. I was always more talented, more powerful, more skilled than those around me. I became arrogant and overbearing. I changed over time, based on bad experiences. You grew up the other way around, but you may end up in the same place," the professor seemed to have delved deep into his thoughts.

"I don't think my dream is to be a professor."

"Oh?, so do you have any dreams?"

"I don't believe it."

"A childhood or unreal dream... Both can become real with magic."

"When I was a child... I liked the stars. I always thought about conquering one and naming it after myself. It turns out there is already one with it," in his first life he wanted to be an astronaut as a child. He abandoned his dream when his parents died. His sister took care of him until he turned seventeen, when she died at work, stabbed during a failed robbery.

"Professor Evans wants to see the space up close," the professor seemed particularly proud of the professor.

"That was my childhood dream. Then, when I discovered what magic can do, I thought about creating a lot of things. I wanted to create so many artifacts that people would search for them thousands of years later. I wanted to create entire books of spells. I wanted people to stop using Merlin's name and use mine instead... I wanted... to be remembered. In the end, I was just a child seeking approval from someone," his first dreams after his rebirth were quite lofty.

"The approval of a few loved ones is thousands of times more important than that of thousands of people," Dumbledore said wisely. "Many men seek power, greatness, most seek spells lost in time. Or ancient magic created by others. Few have the dream of creating their power. Their legacy."

"It was... it was my dream, I abandoned it."

"Did you? I must have imagined the sparkle in your eyes when you talked about dethroning Merlin," the professor seemed to mock him. "When wizards and witches seek to become stronger, they often find their reason halfway along the way. I believe your path is paved with humility and kindness," the professor pushed open the doors to the great hall. It was dinner time. "The walk made me hungry. Enjoy your meal, Mr. Asmodeus!"

Altair realized too late that he had entered the great dining hall alongside the headmaster. The entire way, he seemed lost in his thoughts. He didn't even notice how all the corridors they passed through were completely empty.

Altair headed to the student's table. Around eighty percent had left the castle. So the professors decided to create a larger table for everyone who decided to stay.

At the end of the table, Charles Potter and his friends were sulking as they looked at him. Neither Draco nor his entourage seemed to have stayed in the castle. His sister, Lyra, would be at Malfoy Manor at this moment. Altair thought he remembered something about her, but he simply shook his head.

He found a hand on his wrist and an anxious blonde witch was dragging him to his place at the table.

She began to serve him a plate with his favorite food while claiming that she had just come out of the infirmary and had to take care of him. 'As if we hadn't done intensive activities as soon as I woke up.'

She introduced him to her roommates. Parvati, Hermione, Fay, and Harley, the latter seemed about to leap towards him, but she held back. Luna had left the castle to spend the holidays with her father. She would probably visit her mother who was in a coma, unlike in the canon where she died.

For the first time in his life at Hogwarts, he didn't feel much hatred from the student body, except for Charles, Neville, and most of the Weasleys. The rest seemed quite happy with him. People hated his mother because of the newspapers, but at Hogwarts, Snape was more hated.

Neville in particular had a rather unpleasant look about him. 'Bellatrix didn't attack your parents, Longbottom... I can't say that, can I?'

Ginevra Weasley was sitting next to Harley, trying to get his attention. Altair saw her and smiled, thinking about his new... victim?, prey?, target? target sounds less criminal.

That night ended quickly. Lavender felt a bit uncomfortable sitting for so long and asked to leave. He escorted her to the painting of the fat lady where they said goodbye with a big kiss.

Altair returned to his room and looked for his W-phone.


Mom wants to take you to Diagon Alley. She got a permit for you.


Mom wants to hear from you as soon as you wake up.


Hello?, mom is worried.


Even your girlfriend responds more to your dear cousin than you do ;(

When can you go to the Alley?


I'm fine. I don't usually use my w-phone much. I don't carry it with me.


Tell Aunt Andy that I'm sorry for worrying her. I'm fine now.

Altair had a smile while talking to Tonks. They had only met a few times, but they were interesting. She reminded him a bit of his older sister in his previous life.

His cell phone began to vibrate as the face of a pink-haired witch appeared on the screen. A video call. A mirror call will be more accurate.

"Hello!" Tonks' heart-shaped face was completely pressed against the camera. Her eye was completely exposed.

"Hello, Nymphadora!" she huffed and hung up immediately.

Seconds later, she called again. This time, a beautiful woman with brown hair and gray eyes appeared on the screen. According to everyone, she looked a lot like her mother. Altair only had a newspaper clipping as a reference of his mother. It was an unhealthy image of her.

"I still don't understand why her name bothers her so much. I put a lot of effort into choosing it, but she prefers to use that stupid surname," the witch seemed sad while Tonks complained in the background.

"Neither do I. Nymph is a mythological deity, they were very beautiful creatures who lived in nature." Altair went along with it, personally, he would never name his daughter Nymphadora.

"Yes! That's what I based it on when I named her. She would be a beautiful and refined woman. Although she is as clumsy as a newborn," she said with a smile. The smile widened when they heard a body fall to the ground. "One moment," Andy left the camera to go help his daughter. "Alright, alright, it's just a scratch," was heard in the background. "And you wanted to live alone, pff," the witch mocked.

"She will burn the house trying to boil water," Altair mocked.

"Oh!, and I thought we were friends," Tonks sounded offended.

Suddenly, the image on the screen changed from vertical to horizontal. Andromeda seemed to have cast a spell to hold the phone while she healed Tonks.

"We are. Friends screw each other," Andromeda gave him a look. "Not that kind of screw each other, I mean messing around!"

"Watch your language, young man. Once you live with us, I will make sure to correct your language," she gave him an angry look that quickly softened.

"Live with you?" he asked her.

"Of course. Your restriction has already been lifted... you can decide where to live... or don't you want to live with us?", an adult woman shouldn't give a puppy-eyed look like that.

Last year, Altair came of age, but the Malfoys somehow managed to extend his guardianship for another year.

"I... I want. But my girlfriend doesn't have a place to stay. I'm not going to leave her alone," He said. Andromeda simply nodded.

"There are many rooms available in this house. More since that idiot Edward went after a damn muggle whore. Your girlfriend will be welcome. I met her, she's lovely. At first I thought you could do better but after seeing her take care of you, I gave her my approval," she began to tend to her daughter's wound again.

"Mom!, use magic, please," she ignored the blow to her father. It had hurt her to be abandoned.

"No, the magic made you clumsy up to this point," Andy used alcohol to disinfect the small scrape on Tonks' elbow.

"Hey, as a metamorphmagus, can't you just... I don't know, change the wounded skin for a healthy one?" said Altair.

The girl froze for a moment before concentrating. Her wound disappeared in a matter of seconds.

"You just contribute to his clumsiness," Andromeda shook her head. But even she couldn't hide her enthusiasm.

Tonks was hopping around while shouting how brilliant she was.

"Did you see that, Altair!? I'm like Wolverine," she looked at her hands as she concentrated. "Ahh! Damn it!" she shouted as her hands began to bleed. Small bony protrusions emerged from his knuckles.

"Don't try any nonsense, you fool!" Andromeda shouted at her. "Altair, send which day you want to go to Diagon Alley. If it's soon, I'll be happier." She hung up immediately afterward.

Altair held his stomach while laughing. He scheduled the appointment for the next day. He hoped to see his family soon.

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