Harry Potter: Altair Black. Son of Asmodeus

Chapter 23: Chapter 23. Diagon Alley

"Wotcher!" Altair watches the figure of her cousin approach. She wasn't an aristocratic beauty like her mother, but she was just as attractive. Her personality was bubbly and extroverted.

"Hello, Tonks!" he replied to the greeting. "Where is your mother?"

"Not here. Here there's only Tonks! Sorry for the disappointment," Altair rolled his eyes at her dramatics. "Fine. She'll arrive in five minutes, today she works until noon," Tonks pouted.

"I'll settle for you for now," Altair replied.

"You're just like all the guys and their obsession with MILFs," Altair coughed in surprise. "Oh... it was just a joke, what would your little girlfriend say?"

Something like 'For the coven,' he thought.

"She would say you're a degenerate," Lavender would, and then she would ask Altair to fuck her cousin.

"Pff, the kids who haven't known the pleasures of life," she waved her hand.

"The MILFs?"

"Those are some of the best!" she replied.

"And I thought the only thing about the Blacks in you was your Metamorphmagus ability," Altair sighed disappointedly.

"Not my mother, idiot!" her hair turned red, matching her face.

"Me? What, Nymphadora?" the mentioned one jumped in her seat.

"Eh... Altair was talking about sexy witches and mentioned you," she said quickly. Shifting the attention to her cousin.

"Don't you agree with him?" her mother didn't take the bait. She seemed a bit offended.

"You absolutely are! But he shouldn't say it," Andromeda simply smiled at the first part and ignored the second. "Who is this handsome?" Tonks had stars in her eyes as she looked at a black cat with gray eyes.

"Its a she," her mother corrected her. "It's for Altair. I found her recently, she was malnourished and alone. I thought it would be perfect for Altair to have company at Hogwarts," she offered the animal.

Altair saw her up close, and as soon as he grabbed her, she seemed to melt in his arms. He could feel her ribs, the poor thing didn't seem to have had a good life.

An absurd idea rolled through his mind. The idea of having a real family changed his way of thinking. He sent a small wave of Legilimency. He was bombarded with images of a small baby. He withdrew as soon as he confirmed the cat's identity. He read several fanfictions with a similar plot.

"She seems quite intelligent for a cat," he said lightly. Andy smiled.

"Her name is Trixie. She had a collar with that name written on it," she said sweetly.

"I would have named her Bella..." he replied while watching the kitten's eyes comically widen.

"Isn't Trixie good for you? I think she liked it when you called her Bella," Andy seemed confused and worried. The cat purred in agreement.

"Bella is better... like my mother," he whispered the last part so quietly that only the cat in his arms could hear. "I would like to take a walk through the alley," they were currently in a private room at the Leaky Cauldron.

"Yes! I planned to take you shopping for school supplies next summer. But it was too far away. So I thought about doing some Christmas shopping," her aunt seemed happy.

"Wait! You never gave me a cat..." 'You gave him two,' she bit her tongue before speaking. His mother was furious when she found out about the fate of Tom, the cat.

"You have me," her mother said simply. There was a deeper meaning in her words.

"I want a cat. No! A dog!"

"Let's go to the alley, kids."

She led the way, followed by a small girl of twenty-six, a junior Auror, who was begging for a pet.

Altair looked at Diagon Alley, it seemed brighter than the last time he visited.

The alley was the same, but his view of the world had changed.

"Where do you want to go, Altair?" the boy thought deeply.

"At the pet store. I want to buy toys for Bella." The cat on his shoulder licked his cheek affectionately.

"Come on," Tonks' mood was as bright as a cloudy day.

At the store, Altair headed to the cat section. There was a wide range of toys and food, as well as litter boxes and beds. Altair bought a cat bed. It had a semi-enclosed crib design.

Its exterior resembled the head of a cat with an opening where the face would be, and it was enchanted to maintain a pleasant temperature. It had two cat ears on top of the opening. Just like a small ball for them to play with.

There were several designs. Bella jumped straight to a purple one, a shade close to his eyes, and touched it with her paw while nodding. She didn't look suspicious at all. Andy's face seemed worried.

Additionally, he bought her several toys and food, as well as a blanket.

Tonks was looking at a small puppy. It was a purebred Husky dog. The magical breed, of course. In the end, while paying, he told Andy to take Tonks out while he spoke with the employee.

He ended up leaving with his inventory emptier. This morning he had taken a thousand galleons from the Room of Requirement. He spent almost fifty minutes in the store.

"Did you put everything in an expandable bag?" asked his aunt.

"Yes," he did. Then he put the bag into his inventory, taking up a single space. The inventory was almost empty. He mostly used it to quickly undress the girls. "Let's go to Ollivander," a smile of anticipation filled his face.

Altair didn't even read the sign outside as he walked in. Inside, there was a family.

A tall man, with long curly hair, high cheekbones, an angular face, and gray eyes, was quite attractive. He had a sly smile on his lips.

The woman next to him was a complete knockout. Platinum blonde hair, straight and loose over her back. Her blue eyes were hypnotizing, and her fitted dress hugged her curves completely. Her face seemed proud but not pretentious.

And there was a young woman who looked one or two years younger than him. The girl seemed like a copy of her mother, she even had the same blue eyes. Her only difference was her hair, which was black like her father's. Her expression was shy and embarrassed.

"You are a Black," the man said as he approached. "Purple eyes... Bellatrix's child," his eyes narrowed slightly at the cat on his shoulder.

"Altair Asmodeus, Mr. Black," Altair extended his hand. He tried to divert her attention from her mother to him. The man in front of him was an animagus, he could detect another.

"You can call me Sirius, even though I am not that serious. You know, I'm an Auror," Altair stiffened. "So when I'm on duty, call me Auror Black," he finished while laughing. "Today I'm not on duty," he winked.

"I apologize for my husband's clowning around, Mr. Asmodeus. I am Adrienne Black," the blonde woman introduced herself while extending her hand. Altair took it while making the gesture of kissing her hand. "This is our second daughter, Sophie Black," the girl seemed shy in his presence but extended her hand. "She studies at Beauxbatons. In her second year. She will start at Hogwarts next year. You should know her sister, Violet." Altair knew her, Potter chased her over the castle often.

"The castle halls will delight with your presence, Miss Black," Altair heard giggles around him. The girl seemed red as she searched for the exit. Tonks was covering the door.

"He's my nephew after all," Sirius murmured as he looked at him, he didn't seem as kind as before.

"I took a video. I hope your girlfriend is happy when she sees it," at Tonks' words, the girl seemed disheartened, and Sirius sighed in relief.

"Is Andy here?" asked Sirius seriously as he approached Tonks. "Adri, come on, I'll introduce you to someone nice from my family," he left the store, leaving his daughter alone with his cousin. Tonks followed him.

Both young people looked at each other awkwardly.

"Altair Asmodeus. You're a bit late. I see you've used your mother's wand. Walnut with a twelve and three-quarter inch dragon heartstring core," Altair let out a curse loudly at the eerie sensation of the voice behind him. "Sophie Black, your father used oak, an eleven-inch dragon heartstring core. Are you here for a new wand?"

"No!" she replied, perhaps too loudly. "Uh, I just wanted a case," her voice was extremely low this time.

"Can I see your wand?" the man extended his hand. The girl handed him the wand without hesitation. "Ah... mahogany, phoenix feather core, thirteen inches, quite flexible. It seems decent for a foreign wand," the man returned the wand to him while searching through drawers. Altair raised an eyebrow at his arrogance. He could probably afford it, he was world-renowned as the best wand maker. "Here, choose one," he showed her several cases with different finishes and textures. The girl selected a light blue one, smooth, it seemed quite simple.

"Thank you," the girl said gratefully as she paid fifteen sickles for the case. She looked back at Altair, hesitating before running out. He watched her stumble outside.

"Now... shall we begin?" Mr. Ollivander asked with a smile.

"Before that... I wanted to know if there was a way to... return this wand to its original state," he handed her his mother's wand. Garrick looked at it while frowning in his sleep.

"I will remove all the abominations they placed on him. Now, let's see which wand will choose you, Mr. Asmodeus."

Garrick began handing him wands. Different combinations of cores, woods, and lengths.

After the seventy-seventh wand, Garrick began to get excited like a little child. He took out of the store a trunk with many boxes inside. Each box contained a wand with various rare cores. Troll hair, Thestral hair, centaur heartstring... Ollivander passed each one of them.

In the end, the old wand seller leaned on the counter with his elbows while hiding his face in his hands. He looked devastated.

"Follow me," he said with a hoarse voice. He walked slowly with his spirits in tatters.

Altair followed him to the back room.

"Where are we going?"

"To search among prototypes... None of the wands seem suitable for you," the old man glanced at him sideways. "These are incomplete wands," he pointed to a table full of wooden scraps. Unlike the other wands, these seemed rough and poorly made. "If we manage to get it to react with one of them, I'll finish it and sell it to you at a discount. I'll give it to you for free as long as you promise not to set foot in my store again! Go ahead!," Altair had already tried more than a hundred wands.

The idea of his little talent was reinforced in his mind. In the end, after several attempts, he took a wand made of a golden metal. It seemed to stand out among all the others. It had an ornamental finish. It was the most beautiful wand he had ever seen in his life. Her chest warmed with a pleasant and welcome sensation.

"Orichalcum... core of a feather from Athena's owl... pff, sure! Matt Ollivander just knew how to create stories," the man was not happy. None of his creations worked on the young man.

"What is it about?" asked Altair.

"An unknown metal that can carry a bit of magic. It's not much, the Ollivanders have done a bunch of experiments and it's barely an acceptable magic conductor. The core is from an unknown extinct bird. Fourteen inches. It's seven galleons. Twelve plus the repair of your mother's wand," the man walked back to the entrance of the store.

Altair didn't say anything about the discount he promised while ordering a case. He ended up paying and leaving before the wandmaker decided to start experimenting with a half-demon heartstring core. Besides, Bella seemed to want to scratch the old man's face.

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