Harry Potter and the Heir of Slytherin

Chapter 94: Chapter 93


Sometimes when Harry was feeling stressed out from whatever was ailing him, he would go out into the garden and tend to the plants. While he was no Neville Longbottom, he was good enough with non magical flowers that his garden had grown rather well. Helping heal the plants using his magic and digging around in the dirt to soften the soil usually helped sooth his troubled mind when his meditations failed him. He called it physical meditation.

Yet not even working in the garden could help sooth him now.

After his appointment at Saint Mungo's, Harry had met up with Lisa as always. Just because he had come to the startling realization that his puberty had started a year earlier than it should have did not mean he was going to start ignoring his best friend. However, in meeting up with the girl he had known and thought of as a little sister for years Harry had discovered something that in a single instant changed how he thought of his best friend for going on six years now.

Lisa had breasts. True, they were not very large, mere lumps on her chest no larger than a pair of Clementine oranges (small seedless oranges that are no bigger than a few centimeters in diameter and are often called cuties), but they were there. His friend had been wearing a sleeveless, skin tight shirt today, and he had been able to see she was beginning to develop in the bust. She had even begun to wear a bra!

Of course, him noticing this may have had something to do with the fact that the first place he looked after her face was her chest, but that just compounded onto his problem.

Lisa was like a sister to him. Ever since he had developed feelings for the girl, they had been nothing but the love a brother would have for his sister. Or so he thought at least. Since he had never had a sister, he couldn't say for sure if that was what he was feeling. But Harry imagined that if he did have a sister, that was what it would feel like.

Now he just felt sick. The mere fact that he had been looking at the person he had for years believed was like a sister to him in a way that was anything but brotherly repulsed him. He didn't even want to imagine what Lisa would think if she ever found out he had actually been checking her out. Harry doubted such an occurrence would be pleasant.

A sigh escaped his lips as he realized that not even gardening was going to help him. What he needed was some good old fashion exercise. Maybe if he ran himself into the ground his head would clear.

Then again, maybe not. It was hard to say.

"Such a long sigh," a hissing voice reached his ears, causing Harry to perk up. He looked down to see a decently sized garter snake by his feet. It was a long black snake with white scales running along it's back. It's yellow eyes were fixed on him."Something on your mind, amigo."

"Just dealing with some new problems, Gerard."

"Anything I can do to help?"

"Not unless you can tell me how to reduce the amount of testosterone in my body," Harry hissed dryly.

"I don't even know what that is..."

"I know."

Harry spent a few more minutes talking to Gerard, who he had named himself after finding the small snake in his garden. He and Gerard had worked out a deal; Harry would let him stay in his garden, provided he was careful not to get caught by Petunia and the other members of his 'family' and took care of any rabbits that tried eating his flowers.

It went without saying that Gerard agreed to his terms. It helped that the snake found speaking with a human to be interesting.

After a while, Harry decided to head back inside. It was getting late, but maybe he could get in a good work out that would tire him out enough that he would not have any erotic dreams tonight.

Opening the door to his room and entering, Harry realized that he would not be getting any exercise this night. The reason being that there was someone already in his room. A house elf, to be exact.

Though, saying the creature before him was a house elf did not really do the being before him any justice, or perhaps it would be more accurate to call it injustice. This particular one had to be the strangest elf he had ever seen bar none.

Like all house elves it still had the disproportionately large head, the spindly arms and legs, the pointed nose and the floppy bat ears. It was also wearing a tea towel like most house elves, but that was where the similarities ended.

For one thing, the tea towel it was wearing had seen better days. Much better days. It looked like it had not been washed since the elf had begun to wear it. Both the front and back were stained with numerous black marks that looked like ink and food, and Harry even saw red stains that looked suspiciously like blood.

No self respecting house elf would ever wear such a dirty tea towel.

Another thing Harry noticed were it's scars. Lining the creature's tiny arms and legs were numerous scars that looked to have been made with a whip of some kind. A few even looked magical in nature. He recognized the cutting curse.

What did this mean? Were his owners abusive? Or were these scars some kind of punishment? Harry could not see all of them being used for punishment. The House elf would have been sold off or freed long before it committed enough horrible acts to be branded with so many scars. Which left abusive owners.

That just left one more question. Well, a few actually, but one that he really wanted to know.

"Harry Potter!" the house elf squeaked in a high pitched voice. Harry absently cast a silencing charm around his room so no one would hear this conversation. He didn't need his relatives freaking out. "So long has Dobby wanted to meet you, sir, but you have been difficult to get alone... such an honor it is..."

"Honors all mine," Harry said as made a small gesture with his hand. A soft, almost unnoticeable squelching sound came from the door behind him as it locked.

He turned his attention back to Dobby, determined to get the answer to the question he wanted.

What was this house elf doing in his bedroom?




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