Chapter 95: Chapter 94: Shopping Disaster
Harry managed to just barely maintain his poise as Andromeda Tonks continued straightening out his newest dress robes and just in general fussing over him as she made sure his attire looked perfect. She had told him that it was so he could look the part of a pureblood heir to an Ancient and Most Noble House. Harry thought she was just fussing over him so she could use the opportunity to mother him, that seemed to be what most of the older women he knew did.
As annoying as her mothering was, the next few minutes would be incredibly important, and he did not want to bungle this meeting because of something as simple as him not looking the part.
"I have no clue where you got these dress robes, Harry, but they are some of the most beautiful robes I have ever seen," Andromeda was saying as she smoothed out a small wrinkle in his collar. Harry almost absently ran his hands over the soft and comfortable fabric of his robes.
The dress robes he was wearing were one of the pairs Perennelle had bought him in France. They were a dark green in color that almost bordered on the black, but would lighten up whenever the light hit it at a certain angle, making it look like his robes had shimmering lights on them. On the front right breast was the Potter family's coat of arms and motto stitched into the fabric in incredible detail. Harry could understand why Andromeda was so impressed by his robes, they were made to impress.
They had also cost a small fortune.
"Imported from France," Harry said absently as Andromeda finally took a step back and studied his outfit and posture. Technically, he wasn't lying.
"From France, you say?" Andromeda murmured as she eyed the clothing with a speculative gleam. "I can definitely see that. The French have always had a flair for clothing we English just don't possess. Now," she adopted a more business-like tone as opposed to the casual one she had been using. Harry straightened. "You remember what I told you when dealing with Nathaniel Greengrass?"
"Be exceedingly polite, only make small talk about issues regarding open policies within the ICW, and do not state any opinions unless asked," Harry recited dutifully. "You needn't worry. This meeting is too important for me to jeopardize by doing or saying something foolish."
"Of course," Andromeda smiled, her eyes glinting a bit. "This meeting will determine whether or not Nathaniel will allow your girlfriend to be seen in public with you anymore."
Harry felt a very small blush creeping up on his cheeks. It was, in all honesty, impressive that his face only had a small blush instead of a larger one like he would have had several weeks ago for someone suggesting anything remotely similar to him being intimate with one of his friends. Or anyone else for that matter.
He would have to thank Selene the next time he saw her.
Scowling a bit, he did his best to remain calm. It would not do for his body to react like a normal teenage male just before he was to meet with the father of one of his friends, especially this particular friend.
Even though Nathaniel Greengrass was not what anyone with a sane mind would call a protective father (sane people would call him the opposite), he was someone who would not let his daughter be seen with a person he did not believe he could benefit from allying with.
That was why this meeting was so important. It would determine whether or not Nathaniel Greengrass would allow him to see Daphne anymore. That man was not like other witches and wizards he had met during the New Year Gala, sheep who went with everything he said because he was The-Boy-Who-Lived and the Heir to one of the Founding Five Houses or humored him because they felt they could take advantage of him due to his age and relative inexperience.
Those people were fools. Easy to manipulate and use if you knew how to play to their greed. It was even easier for him because so many underestimated him due to his age. They felt that because he was a child, they had nothing to fear from him.
Nathaniel Greengrass was no fool. He would not fall in line due to his fame, nor would he underestimate Harry because of his young age or lack of true political experience. If Harry wanted to get Head of the House of Greengrass on his side, or at least convince the man to allow Daphne to be seen with him, he would need to tread very carefully and show that allying with him would bring about more benefits than it would to not ally with him.
"She's not my girlfriend," Harry muttered a tad more harshly than he had intended. Andromeda giggled at him.
"Of course not," she amended, still smiling with that mischievous twinkle in her eyes. It reminded Harry a lot of the look Sirius Black had the few times the man had visited before he and his parents went into hiding. "She's just a friend who you happen to find extremely attractive."
"Yes, exactly," Harry nodded his head, "she's just a ― wait, no!"
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