Harry Potter: Dion the magician who changed everything

Chapter 19: Chapter 19: The Great Feast.

My eyes cannot see beyond the darkness of the forest in which I find myself... The thick bark trees are so tall that they do not allow any light to enter this place.

Noises and screeches of crows and owls echo all over the place, and footsteps of people running come behind me and around me, I am surrounded I can't stop if I do they will catch me.

"Dion, this way, quick!"- a female voice that makes my heart throb as I hear her shout through the trees- " follow my voice you're almost there, don't stop, run!"

I feel my body grab more strength every time I hear her closer, it's her I'm sure, she's here, I have to find her, I can't leave her alone, not again, I have to get to her before she gets caught.

"Run Dion they are almost here run!"- the girl shrieks heartbreakingly.

"wait for me, I'm coming, don't let them see you, please don't leave without me."

I feel despair run through my body and tears stream down my face as I feel that no matter how much I am running his voice is getting farther and farther away now.

Impotence floods my body and in an instant the forest is in total silence.

No screams, no people running, no animals, not even the breeze can be heard, a total silence that makes me stop in my tracks.

"You were late Dion, you couldn't save us, they arrived first..."- the voice breaks the silence that had lasted a few seconds, but his voice is calmer, more melancholic-" everything is your fault... you abandoned us, you decided to leave early and leave us stranded, now there is no one left"- he says while with each word his voice is breaking and his crying becomes present.

"No, I didn't mean to... I'll find them I swear... just talk to me more I'll follow you please don't leave me."

The crying gets louder and louder and a breeze hits the trees hard causing their leaves to fall and form a whirlwind around me.

"No Dion. It's too late!"- shouts the girl with a pale face and blood coming out of her eyes like tears, her blonde hair had a white hue as if its beautiful shine had been lost. An image that disappears instantly, it breaks my heart.

"It's already late"-he heard another voice, it's more like a child's voice in the distance, a voice approaching fast, a familiar voice... Patrick's voice.

"Dion wake up, god, we're late for class, we overslept, quick"- Patrick holds my shoulders and shakes me intensely.

As I open my eyes and see some cabins with sheets and laid out with the Ravenclaw crest, my mind remembers where I am.

"bullshit "

"Exactly Dion, god, shit, we fell asleep, move"- Patrick says as he puts on his shoes forcing them to fit his feet-"go and take a quick bath and I'll get the books and pens ready, run."

Without a moment's hesitation, I quickly get out of bed and grab my towel, and run to the bathroom. Without time to brush, I grab my toothbrush and toothpaste, when I get out Patrick starts throwing clothes on me quickly to get dressed.

As I finish dressing I put my toothbrush and toothpaste in my robe pocket, Patrick runs out before me to the Ravenclaw living room.

Patrick comes down the moving stairs at great speed, even jumping from one to the other with a skill I didn't expect him to have, and I follow him without doubting the paths he takes since he apparently knows where we're going and I barely remember the dining room from last night.

"Shit, what happened? Why didn't they wake us up?"- Patrick asks indignantly.

"Apparently we can't trust them, Patrick, we're running very late right now, so concentrate we need to cut through."

As Patrick turns a corner of the castle he is fiercely hit by another person who is also running, and as they collide he drops his books and they both fall to the ground.

"What happened to you, you idiot, watch where you're going!" shouts Patrick in a somewhat aggressive tone, something I didn't expect to see from him.

"Hey buddy calm down take a good look."

Patrick looks up and sees a girl with short dark hair, wearing a robe with the same crest as us, the Ravenclaw one. Her face is quite pretty, with green eyes and a small scar on her eyebrow, a rather weak and feminine appearance in my opinion, it seems to be someone who is the same age as us...

"What did you say, you idiot, you called me an idiot, who do you think you are, are you looking for me to finish you right now?"- says the girl, upset by Patrick's comments.

I take it back...I already remember this girl from last night at the banquet.

(last night, large dining room)

After finishing the selection ceremony the students remained seated, on the tunic of each new student the coat of arms of each house were immediately and synchronously baked, everything was going on quietly until the director stood up and gave a little speech with a big smile on his face and warned of certain things in the castle and its surroundings.

"Welcome dear students to tonight, we kick off the school year as usual, it's time to enjoy one of the best moments of the evening, the great banquet, so welcome to Hogwarts and enjoy...!"

Headmaster Albus Dumbledore is abruptly interrupted by Headmistress McGonagall who approaches him and whispers something in his ear again.

"Oh that's right I had forgotten, for new students you must remember that students must not enter the forbidden forest under any circumstances, this to prevent accidents and protect your integrity, I was also requested by the warden, Mr. Argus Filch, that the third floor corridor is forbidden, so be careful which floor you go to, this also goes as a reminder for old students."

Professor McGonagall, with a slight nod of her head, confirms to the Headmaster that he may proceed and that nothing more needs to be said.

"Now we do, bobo! boba! ooddment! tweak! And to our dear teachers! thank you, welcome to Hogwarts, and let the feast begin!" - shouts Headmaster Dumbledore

"Oh, so those are their names... People say they are the names of the house elves in charge of the kitchen, although no one has really confirmed it, they haven't denied it either, and well some teachers sometimes help in events for the preparation of said banquets"- says Patrick.


With a bang the doors of the main entrance open and with it an incredible amount of plates and saucers fly out in the direction of all 4 student tables and the main table of the teachers.

It's amazing how much food there is, there are dishes from all kinds of places.

"Look at that Dion there is everything here!, pumpkin juice, meat pies, tripe, tripe, stew, fried sausages, roast beef and chicken, shepherd's pie, Cornish pasties, lamb chops, steak and kidney pudding, black pudding, jelly slugs, fizzing whizbees, baked pumpkin, roast potatoes, chips, peas, carrots, gravy, cream pie, treacle tart, treacle tart, chocolate éclairs, jam doughnuts, rice pudding, butterscotch flies, pork chops, mashed potatoes, porridge, eggs and bacon, toast with butter and jam, cornflakes, turkey sandwiches, eggnog, trifle, open the same at the other tables?"- says Patrick trying to get a look at the other tables.

Instead, some students could not contain their desire to eat and began to fill their mouths with everything they could grab from the table, some apparently forgot that cutlery existed, among those people that girl, who looked like a rabid chihuahua fighting for her food.

"Dion eat, take advantage then they will leave you without food, or well... they will leave you without something you suddenly want to try since there is plenty of food."- says Patrick with the food in his cheeks as if he were a squirrel.

As I look at the large table of teachers, Patrick explains a little about each of the teachers, something that to tell the truth I didn't pay as much attention to as I wanted to because of all the noise around us.

author's note: remember to visit my website if you want to support my work. there you will find advanced chapters. patreon.com/SlipperyRaccoon

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