Harry Potter: Dion the magician who changed everything

Chapter 20: Chapter 20: A Rare Girl.

"It's not worth fighting with you stupid kid, I don't have time to be here, I'm late."- says the girl while picking up her books at high speed.

"What class do you go to?"

"Leave her Dion she must be lost"- says Patrick with an indifferent tone.

The girl turning her back and remaining static for a moment in silence confirms with her actions that she does not know the way to the salon either.

"And what if it is, it's not your problem brat...and I'm going to stand up class so get out of my way."- says the girl as she turns and walks towards me to proceed to push me with her body to pass through one of the aisles behind me.

"Ha good luck finding the hall, when you go the other way the only thing you will achieve is to get further away from your destination hahaha."- says Patrick mockingly.

"If you know so much brat why don't you just speak up?" says the girl as she hurriedly turns back to us and pulls out her wand pointing it at Patrick-" or do you want to end up with a flower shop on your head or better yet, lose all your hair?"

"Dare to do that and you'll sneeze for life or better yet vomit slugs for life"- says Patrick as he pulls out his wand and points it directly at her.

At this rate, the problem is going to escalate senselessly and things will not improve, besides we are already wasting time here.

"Put your wands down, I know this is not the time to get along, if you want to fight that's fine, but Patrick look at the time we don't have time for this, as for you..."

"My name is Phylicia"- says the now calmer girl.

"Well phylicia, it's up to you to decide if you keep wandering the halls aimlessly, but if you like you can join us, we are going for the same class, so we have the same goal and that is not to fail on our first day."

"Pff what a bummer, Dion is right, we don't have time for this, we have to go."- says Patrick resigned to fight already with Phylicia.

"Well, I'll follow them just because I need a good background"- says Phylicia.

"Well then go ahead Patrick we'll follow you."

"Don't hang back or you'll get lost again," Patrick says mockingly to Phylicia.

"I'm faster than you think, idiot," Phylicia replies proudly.

"We'll see," Patrick replies in a challenging manner.

At least they are not fighting, but they are running so fast that none of them, due to their body structure, will last long until they reach the classroom, and if they do, their breathing will be so labored that they will spend most of the class choking.

After closely following Phylicia and Patrick's competition I discovered that Phylicia wasn't lying about her speed and endurance, she doesn't have enough to run a marathon but for her age, that's enough, as for Patrick the only thing that keeps him at that speed is his pride as a man who doesn't want to lose against a person, and even less against a woman.

"Hey, why are you late?"

"I got lost... not just today, yesterday too, the moment the banquet was over and we were separated by houses, I lost the group for a moment because I needed to go to the bathroom and I couldn't wait to get to the ravenclaw area, so I got sidetracked for a few minutes... minutes that took me hours to get there"- says phylicia.

"I see so you were that person who was missing last night."

"Yes that's right, one of the house managers found me and helped me get to the Ravenclaw entrance. He was a nice, cute boy...his name was Percy."

Seeing her this calm, it makes her not look like she's a girl with explosive anger issues.

"And I got home very late last night, so I just put my stuff together and fell asleep doing it, plus no one called me to go to class."- ends Phylicia somewhat indignantly.

"That must be because you have no friends because of that personality you carry" - says Patrick in a sarcastic way.

"What did you say? "Phylicia says as she quickens her pace to catch up to Patrick and punch him.

Patrick caressing the place where he had just received the blow continues running without saying anything else, apparently not only Phylicia's character is strong but also her strength.

"And you guys, why are you late?"

"Last night we stayed up late, we were so full from the banquet that we couldn't even move, climbing the stairs to the Ravenclaw room was torture, especially when your stomach is about to explode from so much food".

Although it is partly true, when we were having dinner different ghosts appeared at dinner hovering over our heads, some dancing and others simply telling stories of their deaths and past lives, or what they believe it was at least, since as some say ghosts are only souls tied to the earthly plane.

So remembering their past lives before their death is somewhat complicated, but some do have vague memories, this along with the amount of paintings in the castle, I took advantage of the night to explore a little corner of the castle along with Iolita, something that in the end did not result in anything because it is a very big place with many secrets.

Some ghosts helped me back to the dorms in a kindly way but also warned me that it was best not to go out at night unless I found a way to really not be discovered.

"Hmm You're right, but every dish was worth it"- says Phylicia excited to talk about food.

After a few minutes running through the corridors of the castle, we made it to the potions room.

"Alright who will go in first?"- asks Patrick.

"That's obvious isn't it Dion?" replies Phylicia as she takes momentum and with a kick to Patrick's back she slams him into the classroom.

The door bangs so loudly that everyone looks at us, looks that show that we are definitely finished....

"Dion... I think I overdid it a little too hard"- says Phylicia speaking in a low voice.

"You think?, I think you broke a few bones, he still can't get off the ground."

"I'm fine, don't worry..."- Patrick says between groans as he slowly gets up from the floor.

"I see you are having fun"- a voice sounds at our back, A murderous aura becomes present threatening the three of us, a person who with his shadow seems to flood us in the darkness.

"We're finished"- says Phylicia scared as she looks behind us.

"Since my class seems like a game to them and a place where they think they can do whatever they want, coming in late and coming in violently to try to be funny, I have an idea, how about they teach us a little of their knowledge in potions, if they think my class doesn't matter it must be because their knowledge is good enough to pass over the class," says Professor Severus.

A silence pervades the classroom and no one moves an inch to avoid being judged harshly by Professor Severus.

"Well, how about we start with you Mr. Dion," says the professor pointing to the potions desk at the front of the class, "I've heard from some upperclassmen that you're good with magic, why don't you at least give us a little demonstration."

"As you command Professor Severus."

"hmm, you have a strong determination, pretty confident too I would say. I need two potion, one which is the enlarger potion, you will find the ingredients in the classroom." - Severus says with an overbearing certainty that I won't make it.

Good thing at my old academy positions were one of my favorite subjects so this won't be as complicated as I thought.

"Ok, to start with the enlarging potion we need, 3 Blowfish eyes, 1 Bat spleen, 2 Tablespoons of dried nettles."

As I go through the different banners in the classroom I take each of the ingredients, which everyone observes as I confidently grab each jar as if I know where each ingredient is located in the classroom. Which is very easy to deduce since at first glance, although it looks disorganized, each ingredient is divided according to its characteristics, animal parts, powdered materials and other categories that help to make it easier to find each thing.

"When all the materials are already on the table we proceed to pour 2 tablespoons of dried nettles in the mortar. Pour 3 eyes of puffer fish in the mortar and crush them to a powder that is not too fine. Pour 2 portions of the crushed mixture into the cauldron, and heat to medium temperature for 20 seconds. Shake the wand when you have completed all the steps. As a next step we leave it on the fire for about 45 minutes."

Severus was unblinkingly attentive as he watched her follow each step perfectly, even Patrick couldn't close his mouth due to his amazement at the ease with which she was making the potion.

author's note: remember to visit my website if you want to support my work. there you will find advanced chapters. patreon.com/SlipperyRaccoon

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