Harry Potter: Dion the magician who changed everything

Chapter 21: Chapter 21: Potions

"This process is somewhat delayed that's why a more efficient solution for this is to use a spell that speeds up the process"- I pointed my wand and as it is an uncomplicated spell reciting is unnecessary, the wand responds to my thought, and makes the potion at its point in less than a minute. 

Finally, throw a bat spleen into the cauldron, and stir it 4 times, counterclockwise, this is very important if you do not want to run the risk of creating a dangerous potion, which makes them grow until they explode. And finally, let it simmer for 30 seconds and wave the wand to finish the potion.

Severus was shocked at how perfectly he had finished the potion. 

"Not bad at all for someone your age"- Severus says it in an overbearing way- ' we'll test if it's really effective'. 

Severus reaches over and takes a quill that one of the students present in the class had, and proceeds to put it in the center of the table, next step he takes the potion and applies some to the quill, almost immediately the quill increased in size significantly.

"Very well next, Mr. DION since you know how to brew it you must know what its consequences are". 

"Yes sir If the potion was miss administered, it will have undesirable effects, "Yes sir If the potion was poorly administered, it will have undesirable effects, the person's face will swell up like a balloon. The eyes will become the size of soup bowls, and other effects will depend on the part of the body where it is applied, the arms will swell to the size of large clubs or the lips so much that it will be impossible to speak."

"You are correct, not bad, come forward Patrick, I hope that just as you have flashy entrances you will surprise just as much with hidden talent," Severus says sarcastically.

Patrick steps forward and proceeds to make a fire breath potion which is a surprise to many as it is a long process and ingredient potion. Most know that Severus was going to make a complicated potion as a punishment, but no one expected this potion. 

The fire breath potion has ingredients such as peppermint, valerian, fire seed, powdered dragon horn, and lavender, is a complicated potion because although it allows the user to produce a powerful breath of fire the consumer can also get burns on the skin, in the worst case it can burn internally the consumer of this potion.

It is a potion that should not be used recklessly, preferably in the best case not to be used, even some cases have been known that some people who have failed in their preparation, the fluid after the effects already known could melt the flesh with such ease that even burned to the bone. 

To prevent such effects the best way is to add mint to the potion, as this allows the drinker when consuming the potion not to melt his tongue or any part of his body, as mint possesses healing properties.

Patrick passes more confidently than many believe and without hesitation begins the preparation of the position, however when taking the ingredients he overlooks the mint, something that no one had noticed more than me, seeing that it was at risk any individual in the room that was imposed to try the potion I signal to Phylicia to quickly take care of creating a distraction. 

Severus intimidating some students who were whispering also didn't notice the mistake Patrick had made, so that helped a lot to make everything easier. 

Phylicia walks over to the professor and proceeds to tell him that she is feeling sick, dizzy, and nauseous because running into the classroom was not the best thing for someone who suffered from sports problems. 

Severus, somewhat resigned and looking to get rid of Phylicia's insistence, searches in his bookshelf for a healing potion suitable for Phylicia's ailments. 

At that moment I took the opportunity to cast a spell on Patrick so that he could see in his mind what I was trying to tell him without using words. It is a spell that sends an image directly to the brain. 

Patrick somewhat dismayed at the invasion into his head quickly looks at me aware that I was the person who was interrupting his thoughts. Patrick nods his head and runs to get the missing ingredient and continues with his brewing of the potion. 

After a few minutes he manages to finish the position successfully, it only remains for Severus to check the effectiveness of the potion. 

"Due to time issues Phylicia won't make a potion by herself, so it occurred to me that instead of Patrick testing the potion he prepared himself the best way to see if it works is with one of the students present, so Phylicia will be in charge of being the test person for this potion."- says Severus. 

"But professor it's risky if the position doesn't look right she could suffer serious consequences." - exclaims one of the first-year students present in the class, 

"Calm down, if necessary, I have a potion that removes the effects of any potion with a high probability of risk," says Severus. 

Phylicia, not knowing if the potion is really well elaborated, takes a step forward and takes the potion with both hands, an orange-colored potion with red tones that bubbles constantly. 

Patrick also nervously passes saliva as if it were the last gulp of life he had. 

"Patrick and I want you to know that... if I die, I'll kill you myself, you idiot," says Phylicia a second before drinking the last drop of the potion. 

The classroom goes completely silent and they only watch as Phylicia proceeds to touch her stomach as if she had a strong colic in her guts, making her complain about the weird effect the potion was causing. 

"Professor this one should pass?"-asks a student. 

"If the potion is well brewed yes, let's just wait a moment longer."- says Severus as he uncaps the potion he was holding in his hands in case the potion did not give the required effect. 

Patrick tries to approach Phylicia worried to see her writhing in pain and smoke coming out of her nose. 

"Here it comes!..."- says Phylicia moments before letting out a big burp that is accompanied by an incredible burst of fire that shoots towards the ceiling of the classroom. 

Everyone present was attentive to what they were witnessing. Something incredible, a person exhaling fire as if it were a dragon. Patrick goes from having a frightened face to a face in which a smile is drawn and his eyes light up with joy to see that the potion did work. 

After the potion lost its effect on Phylicia she falls to the ground frightened at what had just come out of her mouth. 

"Are you okay child?" asks Severus-.

"...that was great, Patrick that was amazing!"- says Phylicia as she quickly stands up and jumps into Patrick's arms without hesitation. 

"Alright students that was all for today, we will see you in the next class, don't forget your quills and your books."- says Severus as he covers the healing potion again and puts it back on its stand. 

Phylicia realizing what he was doing pushes Patrick again violently towards me. 

"What are you doing stalker, don't touch me."- Phylicia says with her face flushed and with a somewhat angry and embarrassed expression. She grabs her books and runs out of the room. 

"But...if you jumped at me, you're crazy!"- Patrick shouts. 

"You three!"- shouts Professor Severus. 

Phylicia stops dead in her tracks and turns to look at the professor. 

"You did well this time, or maybe you should just feel lucky that the punishment wasn't worse... don't be late for my class again if you still want to stay alive."- says Severus in a serious and threatening tone.

author's note: remember to visit my website if you want to support my work. there you will find advanced chapters. patreon.com/SlipperyRaccoon

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