Chapter 195: CH 195
"You also need to build it in complete secrecy. Not even your auror guards, when you have them, can know about it; except, of course, for Susan. If more than one person knows a secret; it won't stay a secret for long. Plus, my research tells me you have Death Eaters within your Auror Corps."
She thought about that for a few moments before she sat back and muttered, "Interesting."
"I beg of you, Madam Bones, to have that tunnel built and ready to use by June," he said.
Snapping her head at him to give him a very direct look, she asked, "Why?" With a sigh, he replied, "I'm... unable to tell you."
"A Wizard's Oath?" she immediately asked. "Again, I'm unable to tell you," he replied. "But, please, do not doubt my knowledge of this."
"I see," she said, taking another sip of her coffee while she was clearly collecting her thoughts. "Then, I shall take your... suggestion under advisement."
"That's all I can ask," he said.
"Anything else?" she asked.
"Yes," he replied with a nod. "My wife, Daphne, remembered I've yet to be awarded an Order of Merlin, as recommended by Chief Interrogator Fitzwilliam. She has written to Madam Longbottom asking her to investigate what is going on there."
Madam Bones snorted a little and said, "I'm aware of that. Or, rather, I'm aware Madam Longbottom is investigating. I was not aware it was at the behest of Miss... sorry... Missus Greengrass-Potter. Though, now it makes more sense."
Smirking at Daphne, she said, "You should be aware Gus... Madam Longbottom... is bent on rampaging through the Minister's office with demands to know why the award has not been given yet; and when it will. She's pushing things through.
"Rest assured, it will happen soon. Augusta Longbottom is used to getting her way when she's feeling so passionate about something."
"Their excuse for... acting so slow?" asked Daphne.
"They claim, among other things, difficulty in finding supporting evidence," replied Madam Bones. "And yes, before you say anything, I'm well aware the pensieve memory and supporting testimony was enough."
"Hmmph!" Daphne harrumphed, still offended, which made the older witch smile.
Turning back to Harry she asked, "But, are you ready to take seat within the Wizengamot?"
"The Wizengamot?" he asked.
"Yes," she replied. "As a holder of an Order of Merlin, you're automatically eligible for a seat on the Wizengamot. Actually, we think it's you automatically getting that seat that is what's making Fudge baulk at awarding you the Order."
"If it comes to pass," he said. "I can bet many galleons Dumbledore will try to block that."
"He can try," she said. "However, we'll just remind him that he only sits on the Wizengamot as a holder of the Order of Merlin. If he tries to block you taking seat, we'll call him a hypocrite for holding a seat as an Order holder, himself."
"Clever," he smirked. "But... as you asked... yes, I believe I'm ready."
Sitting back, he said, "Besides, I'm married to the two smartest witches in the world. They'll keep me on the straight and narrow. And Daphne and her father will make sure I know what I'm doing while the Wizengamot sits."
"You better believe it," said Daphne.
After a bit of a snicker Madam Bones asked, "Any other business?"
Looking to his wives, Harry saw both of them shake their heads before he turned back to Madam Bones. "No, Ma'am," he firmly replied.
"Good," she said, sitting forward and placing her coffee cup on the coffee table. "Thank you for that most enlightening talk, Mister Potter," she said while rising. "And your hospitality."
Harry and his wives also stood. Harry offered his hand to the older witch and said, "And, thank you for coming to hear me out." With a nod while shaking his hand, she said, "Don't bother to escort me out. I know the way."
Harry smiled and nodded in return.
When the older witch left, he sat down again and asked his wives, "Well?" "Well handled," said Daphne. "But, you forgot to mention the Dementors and the risk of escape at Azkaban."
"Next time," he firmly replied. "I didn't want to give her too much, too soon." "Homework?" asked Hermione.
"Sex," replied Harry.
"Homework," she firmly retorted. "You had sex last night and this morning."
"So?" he asked. "Is there a law that states I'm only allowed sex a certain amount of times a week or a month or something?"
"Yes," she said back, but there was no heat in it. "My poor pussy needs time to heal. I'm surprised you don't feel rubbed raw!"
"I do, a little," he sulkily replied. With a smirk he asked, "Would you mind kissing it better for me?"
Daphne giggled and said, "I'll kiss it better for you."
And with that she sauntered over to Harry, who had leant back in his chair and lifted his bum, trying to undo his pants, and fumbling it. Her eyes widening Hermione sat there. "What? In here?" she gasped. "But... someone might come in!"
"Let them," Harry gasped, as Daphne pulled his pants and underwear down. "The risk adds to the thrill."
The next morning Daphne received her weekly letter from her parents during the breakfast mail drop. While she was untying the letter from her owl's leg, a rather aloof Northern Hawk Owl named Stupid, Harry was trying to offer the bird some bacon.
He'd asked why the bird's name was Stupid soon after they got together; and Daphne replied it was because Astoria, when they first got the bird and she heard its ululula call, pointed at it and said, "That's stupid!" And the name stuck. Once the letter was untied, the bird ignored the bacon and flew over to Astoria, to drop off her letter.
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