Chapter 196: CH 196
Opening her own, Daphne quickly scanned through it. Soon after she began to read she gave a little gasp of surprise and turned to her bondmates. "Mother says father already has the tunnel dug and constructed," she said, soft enough only they could hear what she said.
Surprised, Hermione said, "That was fast." Nodding, Daphne explained, "He contracted with the dwarves. They had it dug in a matter of weeks. He'll show us when we go there at Easter.
"Ah!" she suddenly said. "They're building a similar one at Hermione's home moving in and out under cover of darkness."
"What are they doing with the tailings?" asked Hermione. "The earth they remove while digging?"
"They vanish it," replied Daphne. "Its how they're able to dig so fast. They don't need to worry about what to do with the dirt and rock they remove. The harder part is bringing in material to line the tunnel walls and floor; and to stop it collapsing."
"I'd think they'd portkey it in," suggested Harry. "Well, however they did it, mother says they'll show it to us so we know where it is when we get there for the Easter break," said Daphne, indicating somewhere on the page before her. "She also says it has hidden external entrances. The one at Ant and Cele's will be similar but not as extensive, as they only have to worry about one dwelling there."
On the Monday morning Madam Bones walked into her office and took a seat. The first thing she then did was call her two top Aurors, Scrimgeour and Robards, one at a time.
When Scrimgeour walked in she ordered him to sit in the chair opposite her desk. As soon as he did, she stunned him and immediately bound him to the chair. Walking around her desk, she first checked his arm for the Mark, using every detection spell she could think of that would make it show if it was magically hidden. Seeing nothing, she pulled a phial of Veritaserum from her robes and, gently pulling his head back by his reddish somewhat long locks, dropped three drops onto his tongue.
Once she was done she walked back to her desk and sat in her chair. Then she revived him and immediately vanished the ropes.
As the man woke up again she started asking questions. "Are you now, or have you ever been, a Death Eater? Did you then, or do you now, support the policies of the wizard known as Lord Voldemort? Do you believe that muggleborns should not be allowed to live in our world? Do you carry out spying for anyone? Do you accept bribes?" With five quite succinct negative responses from her senior most Auror, she administered the antidote.
When Scrimgeour came around enough to realise what was going on, he frowned and angrily asked, "What the Hell, Boss?"
"Sorry, Rufus," she replied, not sorry at all. "I needed to make sure."
Scrimgeour sat there for a few moments as Amelia shifted slightly in her seat.
"What's going on?" he asked, a lot more calmly after thinking about it.
"I have intelligence we... that is, the Auror department... have been infiltrated with Death Eaters," she replied. "I need to find out who they are." "And what do you want to do with them if you find them?" he asked, curious.
"I only want to know who they are for the moment," she said. "I'll Obliviate them as soon as I... we... find them."
"Then I'd best help," he firmly said.
With a smirk, Madam Bones reached into her hidden bottom drawer on her desk and drew out a large invisibility cloak.
"Go stand in the corner," she instructed her Head Auror. "When they sit, stun and bind them." Before he could do more than stand, she handed him her two phials. "Veritaserum and the antidote," she said.
While Scrimgeour made himself ready in the corner, Madam Bones called for her next candidate.
"Robards? I need you," she said into her wizarding intercom. The man walked in a minute later.
When Robards had proven to be no Death Eater, unmarked follower of Riddle, spy, hater of muggleborn or accepter of bribes he was sworn to secrecy and sent out again. It was his job to start sending people in. He was to do it as subtly as he could.
That's how it went for the rest of the morning, and then again into the latter part of the day after a break for lunch.
Master Aurors were questioned and sworn to secrecy. Senior Aurors, Aurors and Trainee Aurors were questioned, Obliviated and told they were interviewed with the possibility of promotion. As well as finding a few bigots, they found their first 'wannabe' Death Eater among the Senior Aurors. Then they found their first actual Death Eater.
"Senior Auror Jugson," said Madam Bones after she answered the knock to her office door. "Take a seat," she said to him, indicating the chair before her desk.
Again, as soon as the man sat, Scrimgeour stunned him and bound him from behind. Doffing the cloak, he forced the man's head back and dosed him with Veritaserum before checking his arm. There was no Mark.
As the man was enervated and woke up again, from where she remained sitting behind her desk, Madam Bones began asking her questions. "Are you now, or have you ever been, a Death Eater?" "Yes," replied Jugson.
Surprised, but knowing she shouldn't be, Madam Bones glanced at Scrimgeour.
"You were a Death Eater?" she asked.
"You are a Death Eater?" "Yes."
"Do you believe the Dark Lord will return?" "Yes."
"How?" "My master made great strides in the darkest of magic to ensure his immortality. He will return. My confirms it."
Again, Madam Bones looked to Scrimgeour. Turning back, she asked, "How is it your Dark Mark cannot be seen?" The Dark Lord showed his inner circle how to mask the Mark from normal detection charms. Lucius Malfoy taught it to me." "How do you remove the mask when you want to?" "A counter-charm removes it."
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