Chapter 55: Chapter 55: A Surprise Visit
I lay in my bed, gazing up at the blue sky through the window, contemplating on what had just happened and tapping my fingers thoughtfully against the mattress. The reckless attempt at impressing Amelia and Susan had endangered me, and if not for Meta-Luck, things could have gone terribly bad. Even so, I couldn't really bring myself to dislike what had happened.
Especially the aftermath.
I had made out with Amelia 'Iron Lady' Bones.
I had her, naked and wet, sprawled all over me, and begging me to fuck her pussy.
I had pushed the DMLE Director down like a bitch in heat, and spanked her arse six ways to Sunday and back, leaving a sex-starved creature in her place.
All in a matter of two hours.
At the same time, I had been incredibly reckless, and not just with the Natural Demon bit. I had Amelia exactly where I wanted her, and I didn't fuck her. All that I needed was a single fuck, cum inside her, and I'd have had her as my latest World Anchor. Instead, I had played the arrogant casanova card, and left her hanging for more. It probably added to my sex-appeal but it was still reckless.
Frowning, I checked my anchorage stats.
Ginny Weasley - 53%
Hermione Granger - 100%
Dobby - 43%
Hestia - 100%
Tracey Davis - 10%
Narcissa Malfoy - 82%
Hannah Abbott - 14%
Cynthia Abbott - 31%
Romilda's world anchor had vanished, huh? There had been no notification whatsoever. I supposed it was a good thing I had gotten a quickie from Tracey the other day, or else her anchor too would have disappeared too. I had some plans to raise her anchorage to a lofty hundred by the end of the summer. As far as the Abbotts were concerned, I was pretty confident I could raise both of them past their halfway mark before the month was over. And Narcissa was… Narcissa.
Unfortunately that presented a major problem.
I was out of growth options. Dobby was an elf, and bound to me. I had absolutely no clue how to increase my importance in his eyes, what with the way the batty thing kept murmuring about the wonderful and great Harry Potter. Say what you want, but the crazy elf was good for my ego.
Of course, there was always Penelope. That girl was just itching to get a hard fuck, but her stubbornness and her pride were getting in the way. Besides, I had a feeling that Hermione wouldn't like it if I pursued her.
Oh no, it would be so much better to have her pursue me instead.
I checked my affinity stats.
Transfiguration — 43%
Charms — 79%
Martial Magic — 70%
Dark Arts — 71%
Psychomancy — 15%
Alchemy — 21%
Spatial Magic — 53%
Magical Analytics — 23%
Magical Sensing - 14%
If my plans went as planned, I'd have Transfiguration shooting up past the 50-mark. Charms, Martial Magic and the Dark Arts were already head and shoulders above what most trained Aurors and Dark wizards could claim. My spatial magic affinity was still something I had left untrained, having chosen to rely on Dobby most of the time. It was ironic, since one of my original reasons for purchasing my wand hilt was to apparate without the Ministry knowing any better.
Magical Analytics was something that lent itself to Arithmancy and Spellcrafting — both of them being stuff I had no clue about. Same for Alchemy. Magical Sensing on the other hand, could be an extremely useful skill, and one I had only started dipping into.
That left Psychomancy. Something that would be incredibly useful and at the same time, something I had the least affinity for. The Defiant perk would help against coercion, but I needed something against Legilimency. The last thing I needed was Snape, or worse, Dumbledore, peeking into my mind and discovering the secrets within.
But how? My only knowledge of Occlumency training was limited to reading about Snape mind-raping Harry in his fifth year, a process that left him mind-fucked and violated instead of strong and well-defended. It did jackshit against Voldemort's fucking with his mind or his half-brained possession attempt. The worst part? Narcissa was probably a solid Occlumens. Maybe Hestia had some skill in it too. But I couldn't just let either into my mind now, could I? What if they saw my memories of my other life? 100% anchorage or not, that would be difficult to explain.
No. I needed an alternative. I needed someone that could give me a Psychomancy boost. But who?
No one came to mind.
No one that could be fucked, that is.
What if I just went out and asked Hestia? Or Narcissa? Maybe they'd know something. Occlumency was supposedly frowned upon, but it was clear that if Susan was given Occlumency training then Amelia was a decent Occlumens as well. Maybe if I had both of them on my side, it would boost my current levels?
Damn it. No matter what I did, it was always an uphill climb.
Maybe I was being a tad difficult on myself. After all, the holidays were about to end, and I'd be back at school. With my skills and Devil's charm, I was certain I'd have no shortage of anchors to add and girls to fuck. Hell, if things progressed according to Canon, then I'd have access to students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang to add to my ever-growing collection.
And of course, Fleur Delacour. And Nymphadora Tonks. The ultimate prizes.
Exhaling, I pushed myself up. My skin was still a little itchy from earlier, but the pain was little more than a throbbing at the back of my head. The warm soak had been good to me in more ways than one. I was definitely back where I was — physically and magically, before the accident had happened. I had fortified myself using magic when I had grabbed Amelia and punished her, and was seeing the aftereffects only just.
Scowling, I tried to stand up on my shaky legs, taking a deep breath and ignoring the tinge of pain and the pressure building in my tendons, and stumbled as I took a step forward. That I was feeling a phantom pain of any injury that once existed but had been deleted from reality was unnerving as fuck.
Think that's nasty? You should have seen me when I got out of the bathroom and entered the room Amelia had allotted me.
My eyes had been fucking bleeding.
As in twin rivers of blood, running down both eyes like tear drops, cutting over my cheeks and over the corner of my lips. I don't know if reverse-placebo is a thing, but that's what probably happened to me. The phantom pain of being charred alive by extreme magical exhaustion was enough to pop a few blood vessels or something, and they hurt like hell.
And, as it turns out, it was the least of my worries.
For there was a knock on the door.
"Who is it?"
"It's me," came a composed reply.
Susan. What did she want? I could go out on a limb and say that the Bones heiress was just as impressed by my performance as her aunt. Maybe she wanted to see how I was faring?
Either way, I could let myself look weak.
Bad for the image and all that.
Closing my eyes, I channelled magic into my bones, pouring a little juice in the Natural Demon perk. Foolish you say? I know. But let me tell you, Natural Demon is addicting as fuck. Whiskey has nothing on this. Besides, I was only going to slightly enhance the passive effect.
"Come in."
The door opened, and Susan stepped in. She looked, well, I don't want to say angry, but conflicted at the very least. And for the love of God, I couldn't fathom what I had done to annoy her this time. No, that look wasn't for annoyance. She was genuinely pissed off, and not necessarily at me. For a brief second, I wondered if she had found out about my little moment of extreme familiarity with Amelia.
Guess that would be a reason to be infuriated about.
Shutting my inner monologue, I gave her what I thought was a charming, rakish smile. I think it actually looked a little out of place, mostly in the bloodshot eyes. No matter.
Then I realised she was staring at my clothes. Or well, lack of.
"Is this your latest stunt to impress me? Walking without a shirt on?" she asked.
"Is it working?" I shot back.
Her cheeks gained a reddish sheen. "I've got better things to do than admire your muscles, Potter."
"That definitely explains why you're in my room, devouring me with your eyes. You can have a closer view if you want, you know. That is, so long as you keep your hands to yourself. Molestation is where I draw the line."
Susan snorted and flicked her wand, pulling a shirt from the wardrobe and landing it on my left shoulder. I put my arms through, but didn't bother with the buttons. Susan just rolled her eyes and walked in.
Obviously she wanted something but didn't know how to voice it. Taking pity on her, I gave her an opening.
"So, what's next on the menu?"
She looked confused. "Menu?"
"Well I'm here for the next couple of days, aren't I? You're telling me I'll be locked up in my room all that long?"
She laughed. "Would you like that?"
"Depends on who's in the room with me."
She rolled her eyes. "Could you stop being a total flirt for a moment?"
She cocked her head, wondering how easily I had given in. "I've been thinking about your performance earlier, you know."
"Eh, what performance are we talking about? Because most of my performances require at least one participating member."
She blushed. "I was talking about spell practice earlier, idiot."
"Oh that performance," I mocked. "Why didn't you say that?"
"What happened to not flirting?"
I shrugged. "You asked if I could stop flirting, not to actually stop."
She palmed her face. "And would you please stop flirting for a moment? I really mean it."
I'll be honest. Part of me wanted her to leave. I really needed some rest and her presence wasn't helping. But rejecting a potential opportunity would be stupider and there was no way I would let a little magical inconvenience and pain take away a potential World Anchor.
"Eh, sure. You've got five minutes."
She looked ready to mutiny, but then accepted it as the best case scenario and moved on.
"It was really… something. Like originally when you hit the first row without a miss, I thought it was a fluke. Then I thought it was because of your training as a seeker. I mean, I've seen you pull some really dangerous moves in the air, and you're the best in DADA. But then the quaffles started flying in all angles and you kept hitting them without fail. That…" she breathed, "that was no fluke."
"Erm, thanks?"
She scowled at me. "After Auntie took you to the bath, I checked the stats. I even got Hazel to get me a copy of the Auror training records from Auntie's office, and your score leaves all of them in the dust. Auntie was saying that if you were half as good with your spell selection as you are with your casting, you'd be instantly taken in for Hit-wizard training."
"Just training?"
She gave me a levelled look. "Hit-wizards need to learn a lot more stuff than just shooting curses."
"So how do you do that?"
"How do I do what?"
"Oh for Merlin's, I mean your casting. How are you so freaking fast? Who trained you?"
"Oh don't you know?" I said with as much seriousness as I could muster. "After I defeated the Dark Lord, Morgana and Merlin took me to their magical castle up there in the clouds where I learned all kinds of magic and played with unicorns and roamed around with dragons. Why, there was this one time when I faced a really terrifying selkie and won a mermaid's heart. Best sex I've ever had, I tell you."
"Right, if you were trained by Merlin and Morgana, I'm freaking Circe."
"Are you?" I went on, giving her a really awestruck look. "I mean you are good at transfiguration and you wanted to lock me earlier. Would that be before or after you transfigure me into a pig?"
"Pig!" She snorted. 'Stop that. But seriously, how did you do that?"
I gave her a knowing smile but said nothing.
"I mean, I've seen you in class. Granted, you've changed so much over the summer. A complete shift from the recluse hiding behind Weasley and Granger to this stupid, casanova jock that uses others for his benefit but your skills… One would think you have been hiding your real talent all along."
"One would be correct."
Out of everything I had said, this shocked her the most. Susan opened her mouth to say something, but no words came out. I laughed at her repeated attempts and spoke again.
"I mentioned this to your aunt before, you don't need to score good marks to be a good student."
Susan crossed her arms. "And why would you hide your skills?"
I shrugged. "I've had a dark wizard gunning for me ever since I was born. I've had to face dangers every goddamned year ever since I entered the magical world. Possessed professors, cerberus, trolls, wraiths, basilisks, dementors, werewolves, and let's not forget Snape," — Susan snorted at that — "it's been one ugly thing after another. The last thing I need is for the other side to take me seriously."
She blinked. "That's a… surprisingly Slytherin approach, Potter."
"Must be," I said. "The Hat offered me Slytherin back then, but I had already been corrupted by Ron and Hagrid and I had met Malfoy, so me being the impressionable idiot I was, I decided not to go into the house of Dark wizards and bigoted idiots with great hair."
She chortled. "Harry Potter in Slytherin. Now that would be a sight to see."
"It would," I readily agreed. "The silver and green would match my eyes perfectly."
"Didn't know you took lessons from Gilderoy Lockhart."
"Well someone had to," I bantered. "Maybe if I was cute and female with blazing red hair, I'd have stared at him dreamily instead."
"Shut up," she said, looking utterly embarrassed. "It's different. As a pureblood, I practically grew up reading Witch Weekly. Auntie would listen to Hobgoblins and Celestina Warbeck, but me, Hannah, and all the other girls were crazy for Whomping willows, and after that, Weird Sisters. Witch Weekly defined our lives, and Gilderoy Lockhart was a heartthrob. Witch Weekly would do a full page on him at least once a month. That and contests over being the Boy-Who-Lived's Fairy bride of the month."
I blinked.
Susan blushed scarlet.
I cleared my throat. "Ah, well, that's… good to know." I really needed a change in conversation. "So, you wanted to tell me something apart from the spellcasting?"
She blinked twice. "Right, before you so cleverly distracted me," she glanced at my naked chest again, before meeting my eyes. "I've been wondering. Exactly what is it that you've got Penelope working for you?"
"I thought I told you."
"Yes," she said, annoyance filtering into her tone again. "An enchanting company. Those are dime a dozen. I don't see why you'd go all the way to start one, and then hire a muggleborn at that kind of salary."
"You don't think she deserves it?"
She shrugged cagily. "You know what I mean."
I tilted my head slightly. Knowing what I did about Amelia's experience with Lily Evans, I was now beginning to wonder exactly how pro-muggleborn the Bones family was. Of course, that wasn't saying that they were bigoted like Malfoy and his ilk, but perhaps after her experience, Amelia too shied away from being an active muggleborn supporter? Was that why she maintained her House in the Neutral faction?
It bore thinking about.
"My company Moonforge Inc enchants muggle technology for the wizards only instead of just enchanting it, we redesign it in ways that it stops being a muggle tech that works on a magical battery, and instead, becomes a magical invention that bears resemblance to a muggle tech."
"You realise that falls under Misuse of muggle artefacts, right?"
"Not quite," I said. "Take my car for example; I've got fire-based enchantments to increase fuel potency, water-based enchantments to improve the fuel efficiency and duration, durability charms to increase hardness, kinetic charms to enhance speed and driving experience and so on. We remove the extra muggle parts and hire enchanters and runesmiths to carve rune sequences that when combined with the right spells—"
"Function exactly like muggle technology while being a magical artefact," Susan finished. "Isn't that right?"
"That's awesome."
"Er, I guess it is. I mostly had goblins run it in the background. My car was the first successful prototype, but after its success, they are more willing to work with me. The Ministry already is a big purchaser of muggle cars, and half the old families also want one. All they needed was someone to enchant it right. I've already gotten Penelope hiring more people to work under her, and she's doing a good job. Some of them have not yet passed out of Hogwarts so I'm taking them in as interns and part-timers for now."
"Like whom?"
"Tracey Davis for example." I said. "I've already got some applications from Hogwarts grads, Penny Haywood, Tanya Khanna and a couple more names that I can't remember. Penelope got a couple of people from her year, and why are you staring at me like that?"
And she was. Susan was staring at me. Not the 'I want to eat you' or 'I'll cut you into tiny pieces' stare but something inscrutable. Almost made me wish I could legilimize her thoughts right then.
"Huh… uh, nothing, just wondering."
"About what?"
I arched my brow. "Me?"
Susan met his eyes and scowled. "You— you frustrate me to no end, Harry Potter. The last three years, you've been a complete recluse, hiding behind Weasley and Granger's skirts, and yet, you've been a hero. You fought Quirrell to save the Stone, you went to the Chamber of Secrets to save Weasley's sister and in the third year you faced dementors. You've been this lone hero all this time, and suddenly you turn into a jock and start flirting and bedding girls and…" She fumed. "It just makes me so furious!"
"Really? Why's that?"
"Do you really know nothing about our families? About the Potters and the Bones?"
Ah. I could see where this was going.
"Amelia mentioned it, yes."
Susan frowned at my casual use of her aunt's name. "Did she now? When?"
"When I was having a soak."
Her eyes bulged. "You mean—"
"I was suffering from magical exhaustion, and could barely move on my own. In Amelia's words, we're both adults and should act like one. She helped me disrobe and get into the bath. She thought I'd need help getting dry and putting my clothes back, so she stayed. We ended up talking."
And much more. But there was no need to tell her that.
"And she mentioned her history with James Potter?"
"Among other things, yes."
She frowned. "Auntie has never gotten past that. You know how she said she was supposed to become your guardian? Sometimes I think she did that because she couldn't stand being in your presence, because you'd remind her of James Potter. Honestly, you even look so much like your dad that it's crazy. I almost thought Auntie would reject your request just because of that."
"But she didn't."
"But she didn't," Susan agreed. "And she ended up welcoming you instead. Whatever you did in those ten minutes, you must have seriously impressed her."
Oh girl, I thought. She really has no idea.
"And that makes me wonder, if she was impressed by you, then where does that leave things for me."
I frowned. "What do you mean?"
She took a step forward. "You're a mystery to me, Harry Potter. I'm not sure if I like it."
"And why is that?"
"Because all my life I've seen my aunt live a lonely life because she dared to love a Potter. On the other hand, I've always wondered what it would have been to grow up with you. And then when you showed up at Hogwarts, everyone had this idea about you, but you proved us all wrong. And then the Chamber incident happened, and we saw you hissing…" she shivered, "and we got mortally afraid. We painted you as the Heir of Slytherin, and again, you proved us wrong. And then after this year, you became a casanova that plays with others' hearts and I knew my aunt was right, but then you do this for Penelope and others and prove me wrong. It's like you exist just to prove me wrong, and I don't know if I'm enthralled or repulsed by it."
"That feels like a major issue," I said.
She snorted, and took another step forward. "Joke all you want, but I'm now pissed off. All my life Auntie stayed negative about you, and the first time you meet, she gets so impressed that she invites you to stay, and now she's seen you without your clothes and I find that more than mildly annoying."
I grinned and took a step forward. "That can easily be corrected, you know."
She laughed again. "In your dreams, Potter."
We were only inches apart now.
"No," I said. "Not in dreams. In real life. I can make it real, even the naughty things that you might dream of."
"Naughty ones, huh?"
I softly grabbed her chin. "Especially the naughty ones. Question is, do you want that?"
Susan's response was to take another step forward.
Our lips met.
If you want to help me financially, you can do it on