Chapter 56: Chapter 56: Legacy
Susan was staring at me with a deer in the headlights expression on her face. Her deep brown eyes regarded me with such desire and wonder that I couldn't look away. All my plans of getting her to leave the room to get some rest flew out of the window, and the next thing I knew, her lips were pressed against mine.
It was soft to begin with, as if she were testing the waters, but I automatically returned her kiss. Within a few seconds, our tongues were battling for dominance as we forgot ourselves and simply enjoyed the moment. I wasn't sure when it happened, but the next thing I know, I was sitting at the edge of my bed, with Susan's leg swung over and now she was straddling me. My hands found purchase on her hips as her fingers ran through my hair as she pulled me into her. Susan's hips rocked against me, and my hands guided her movements before I let my fingers trail under her top, and up the smooth, bare skin of her back. I felt her moan into my mouth as her body shuddered from my touch, making me want to touch her more and more. I was drunk on the feeling of her body and addicted to the sounds I was drawing out of her.
We finally came up for air after what felt like an eternity. Her hair hung about us like a red curtain, blocking the outside world. Our chests heaved with heavy breathing as we struggled to calm our beating hearts, and I felt my cock nestled between her legs.
"Morgana!" She whispered. "Harry… is that —"
"Not my wand," I said. "And yes, it's because I'm happy to see you.'
"Prat!" She softly struck me on the shoulder. And then with a smile, she said. "I suppose that's flattering. Given what I'm wearing."
I pushed her slightly just to look at her baggy clothes. Someone had gone out of her way to hide her fantastic bust. I wondered if that was simply because she was at home, because Susan hardly dressed this conservative outside.
"You look great in anything," I said. "Even a potato sack."
She threw her head back and laughed. "I'll tell you I can totally rock a potato sack."
Her hand moved downward and touched my cock from above my shorts. "It's so thick. And throbbing." She met my eyes again, and bit her bottom lip.
"Can I see your….?" She trailed off.
"See my… what?"
Her fingers gripped my cock softly and began massaging it above the shorts. "This."
"Do you really think it's a good idea?"
"No," she admitted. "But I want to. I haven't seen one before, you know, face to face."
Susan, I realised, was a virgin.
"Not one." she confessed. "I'm not like Hannah. I know you've been with her. And her mum."
I looked at her in surprise.
"She's my bestie," Susan said. "We tell each other everything. She told me how you made her feel. How you made her mum feel. I felt angry, but I also felt happy. Auntie Cynthia… she's a lonely woman."
"Like your aunt?"
She frowned. "Don't get any ideas, Potter."
I raised both hands in surrender.
"But yes," she admitted. "Like my aunt. I wish I could have been like Hannah. She takes these things so easily. She's also more experienced with this sort of thing."
Somehow I doubted that Hannah really told her everything. If she had, she'd have mentioned how she was routinely raped by her uncle under the guise of preparing her as the future Lady of House Abbott.
Also, not just a virgin, but Susan was also absolutely inexperienced when it came to sex. It almost made me feel guilty about what I was about to do.
"You're right. I've been with Hannah. And her mum. And others. And will be in the near future."
"What do you mean why?"
"Why?" Susan repeated. "Why can't you be happy with just —"
"You know, one woman."
"Like you?"
She blushed like a tomato. "Maybe?"
I chuckled.
She scowled. "What's there to laugh about?"
That made me laugh harder. "Just a day ago, you hated my guts. And now you're proposing marriage."
Her cheeks burned. "I'm sorry. I didn't intend to come across as a pushy woman. It's just… I've responsibilities. As the Bones heiress, I cannot just do whatever. It's my job to lead House Bones in the future, make it prosper, and for that, I cannot let my character be besmirched. It's why I've always tried to be like my aunt. I study hard, and train every day, so that someday I too can be DMLE Director. And when it's time, my aunt will find me someone that fits the bill to marry and have children."
"Someone that fits the bill?"
"You know, a pureblood of considerable pedigree, preferably the second or third son of another Ancient House, who'd be willing to marry into the Bones family and take my family name. In my absence, he'd be Regent Bones until one of our children can take the mantle. The other alternative is to, well, marry someone of my station— Heir or Lord of an Ancient and Noble family, but in that case, I'd be relegated to the position of a Second wife, while he'd have another wife for his own family. Our first-born would take his family's name while the second-born would be a Bones."
"Somehow I don't think Amelia would like that."
"She wouldn't," Susan agreed. "She's had her heart broken by your father. She thought he'd abide by pureblood protocol, marry her, and take Lily Evans as his concubine. Instead, James rejected their betrothal and Auntie became… well, what she is. When news of your association with multiple girls came to light, Auntie looked overjoyed at being proven right."
And what did that tell me about Amelia Bones?
I suppressed the urge to smile. Susan was… innocent. For all her mothering and her stern facade, she was an innocent girl that was still living under her aunt's protection, living a life as dictated by her aunt. Even though part of her rebelled at the idea of such a life, she had come to accept it as her destiny, ignorant of the fact that her aunt's views, something she had based her foundations on, were stuck in a maelstrom that would shatter them completely.
A plan began to form in my mind.
And it wasn't a good one. If I messed up even a tiny bit, it would spell disaster and utterly destroy my chances of having the Bones duo as my anchors. It would also damage my relationship with Amelia to a significant degree, and possibly hamper the professional relationship we had agreed upon. My plans for Malfoy and Greengrass would suffer serious setbacks.
It was a horrible, horrible plan.
If I succeeded, the fruits would be magnificent.
Take a guess on what I chose to do next?
"Maybe it's not my place to comment," I said, "but in your own words, you're trying to imitate your aunt. And your aunt, honestly speaking, does not feel like a very happy woman."
"Don't I know that?" She asked. I could almost taste the bitterness in her tone.
"Then why do you follow her strict rules? She's the Regent, but you're the Lady, aren't you? Shouldn't you have the right to live your life the way you please?"
"You don't understand, Harry. I am Lady Bones. I have a legacy to—"
"A legacy that only exists so long as there are people. The Potters too are a Noble family. Same for the Blacks. You don't see me trying to fulfil my parents' aspirations. I want to live my own life, and make it worth living. The family, the legacy, they all come after."
I held her. "Look at you. You're straddling me, and we just kissed. You tell me, what do you want to do next? Enjoy and do what makes you happy, or force yourself to walk away, even if it hurts you, because you think you have a legacy to stay true to?"
"Does your family name really mean that little to you?" She asked in a small voice.
"My name's Harry Potter," I told her. "I'm Harry first, and then Potter. Your Auntie can hate it as much as she wants, but the truth is she let James go. She was too confident about the protocol and family legacy and focussed too little on my dad. Maybe if she had been more direct about her feelings, James would have never looked at Lily Evans. But she didn't, and James found love in Lily, and I was born. He chose his own happiness above his family. Imagine if he hadn't done that, Voldemort might have still been out there, terrorising this country and killing people left and right. I'm not saying that Family and legacy means nothing, but your own life has to come first. The dead are dead and they're not coming back, so let them be. Only the living matter, as it should."
Susan just… stared. There was something intense in her eyes, a calculation that I couldn't make heads or tails of.
"... what?"
She didn't say a word. Instead she brought her lips closer and kissed me again. And as she did, I felt her loosen the threads tying my shorts and I waited for the ultimate moment to arrive. My cock was still not fully hard, but it was enough to make her eyes go wide. I resisted the urge to get her to suck it, and let nature take its due course.
"Can I touch it?" She asked tentatively.
"Go ahead."
Susan slowly reached out with her fingers, trailing up the length of my cock as it grew to full mast. She must have sensed the sudden change, and pulled her hand away.
"Sorry," she mumbled. "Did that hurt? I think I did something wrong."
Oh you sweet summer child, I mused. I was going to have so much fun corrupting her.
"Didn't hurt," I promised her. "It felt good."
This time, Susan tried again, not shying away when my cock twitched.
"It's so big," she giggled.
"How do you know?"
"Well, me and Hannah talk. And I've seen pictures." She bit her lip. "Would you like to see my… you know?"
I arched an eyebrow. "Don't you think you're being too hasty?"
"You— you do this every time, Harry Potter," she said with a scowl. "You've been flirting with me non-stop over the last month and now when I offer you to see me naked, you ask me if I'm sure? Why can't you just behave as expected for once?"
I laughed, and she huffed at that.
She touched my cock extremely carefully, as if it might attack her at any given time. At least she had good instincts.
Her movements were absolutely slow and clumsy, showing her utter lack of experience with this thing. Even Hermione, back when she had been a virgin, had been loads better than this.
Not that I'd ever tell Susan that.
Even so, I found it to be just as arousing as Hermione's recently gained expertise in taking me in all three of her holes.
Susan got bolder by the second, and began caressing my balls with her left hand, as she slowly stroked my cock with her right. She also started to grind herself against me, and then let out a soft moan.
She rested her head against my shoulder. "Do you think we can cuddle a bit tonight? After dinner?"
I almost laughed at her innocent suggestion.
"Of course."
It didn't take a genius to know that Susan was still apprehensive about sex. I could tell by the way she looked at me, and how her body moved against me that she wanted to have sex very much. But she just hadn't crossed the finish line yet. Add to the fact that she was still a virgin, and her own complicated situation as Bones heiress, I could empathise with her. I'd have let her take it at her own pace.
As I pondered over my next plans with Susan softly stroking my cock, there was a loud gong somewhere. Susan almost jerked back, as if physically struck, and pushed herself off me.
"Wha — what happened?" I asked.
"That's Auntie. She must have gone to my room and didn't find me. So she rang the gong. It's time for dinner."
Dinner. With Amelia and Susan.
I had left the former all hot and wet and ready, and left her hanging as a punishment.
And now the other was leaving me blue balled, my hard dick hanging without a fitting end.
And I was about to have dinner with both of them.
The weekend was shaping into a wonderful thing, wasn't it?
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