Chapter 59: Chapter 59: Outmaneuvered
Something tickled my balls, and with a start, I jerked awake.
"Oh, Merlin!" a feminine voice gasped in the darkness, followed by a thump as she stepped back onto the floor. I felt the mattress shift as her body weight was no longer pressed into it. It probably said something about me that I didn't say Amelia's name out aloud, and instead blinked a few times and tried to peer into the darkness.
Then I remembered I was a wizard and snapped my fingers.
A pulsing ball of evanescent light popped into existence, and I found my culprit. There she was, wearing a long t-shirt that stopped mid-thigh, leaving her milky white legs exposed, and by the delightful bounce of her breasts with every breath, she wasn't wearing a bra.
"Susan," I croaked. "What are you—" I paused, and then lowered my voice down to a whisper. "What are you doing here?"
Susan frowned, and instead of answering my question, climbed back into bed first, scooting over next to me until our faces were merely an inch apart.
"You promised we'd cuddle after dinner."
Oh. That's right. I did. Guess promises of cuddling tended to evaporate when faced with an alternative of savage rutting with an older and far more lascivious woman.
"I got a bit carried away last night," I replied, still shaking cobwebs loose from my brain. A quick Tempus charm told me it was four in the morning, so not an hour when I did my best thinking. In fact, I was so addled at the moment that it was a miracle I hadn't called her Amelia.
Speaking of Amelia, we had stayed like that for over an hour of post-coital bliss, occasionally shifting over each other, our sweat mashing with each other as we made out on her worktable. It was only sometime after midnight that she pushed me off, and demanded that I take a shower, and leave. Damn woman wouldn't even let me walk off to my room, and stressed that I have the shower — a really cold one, in her office bathroom instead, and no, she wasn't going to join me.
And then I dragged myself all the way to my room and collapsed on my bed.
That was less than three hours ago.
"Must have," she whispered, surprising me with a soft kiss on my lips. "You were sleeping like a log."
I must have, given that I was a pretty light sleeper, and Susan had vanished my boxers without me noticing.
"I waited and waited until midnight, but you didn't come, so I planned to get a morning head start."
"I can see why you're a Hufflepuff."
She stuck her tongue out. "Hufflepuff and proud, and don't you forget it."
"And what does this Hufflepuff want?"
"To wake up next to you," she murmured, wrapping her arms around my waist. I arched an eyebrow at her forwardness but said nothing. I looked at her legs and found that unlike me, she still had her underpants on.
"I'm sorry," she mumbled. "I don't think I'm ready for… you know."
"It's fine," I assured her. "No rush."
"I.. I wanted to touch your dick again," she replied shyly, "I mean, I kind of left it hanging the last time."
Yeah, babe. Not a problem. Your Aunt took care of it and more.
"You can touch it again, if you want." I said.
"Well," Susan bit her bottom lip in a way that made her look incredibly sexy, but she probably didn't even know what she was doing. "I haven't seen anyone cum before."
"And you want to?"
She squirmed, something I found very entertaining.
"Only yours," she blurted out.
"Okay," I nodded.
Susan pushed herself close to me, until her assets were brushing against my chest, the flimsy layer of cloth only accentuating the feeling as she grasped my cock and began jerking it.
"Is it true that guys just do this on their own?"
"Yup." I said, "though usually there's some kind of mental or visual image."
"I can show you my breasts if you like," she said, almost too quickly.
I laughed. "I won't object to that." I paused, and quickly added, "that is, if you're comfortable."
"You keep staring at them," she said, "you must like them."
"Breasts like yours?" I replied. "I'd have to be a reptile not to."
Her eyes lingered on my naked chest for a few seconds before she sat up, and pulled the hem of her shirt up and over the head, spilling her glorious breasts out. I couldn't help but wonder if like runecraft and organic transfiguration, being top-heavy was also a Bones bloodline trait. Even as a sixteen-year-old, Susan was almost as gifted in the chest department as her older and mature aunt.
"Does this help?" She asked, sitting there, looking a little apprehensive.
"A lot," I murmured, eyeing her breasts as she returned to working on my shaft. Slowly, I crawled my right hand up to her right breast,keeping my touch spidery, and Susan moaned, squeezing my shaft in response. I palmed her nipple and gave her a light squeeze and she squirmed, and squeezed my shaft even more, eliciting a hiss from me.
"Oh, I'm so sorry," she apologised, looking ten times more nervous. "Did I hurt you? That looks painful."
"Not really. Just took me by surprise. That's all. You could even squeeze a bit harder. It feels good."
I grabbed her by her hip and pulled her close. She draped over my body, her breasts flattening over my abdomen as she gripped my cock, slowly working on my tool. I closed my eyes and fondled her breasts and her body quivered every single time I hit a pleasure spot. My eyes drifted shut somewhere along the way as I lay there, basking in the feel of her hands around my pole, idly noting the difference between Susan and every other woman I had been with.
I'd go ahead and say that every single woman I had bedded had been an absolutely unique experience. Even so, sex with them had been about carnal desires, mostly pleasure, and other times, pain, and sometimes just good old lovemaking. Even Hermione, despite being a virgin, was marred with her intellectual bent of mind and the darkness of her curse, twisting her deflowering into an actualization of her darkest desires.
But Susan was different. She was beautiful, funny and adorable in a puppy-sort of way. You'd think that her utter lack of experience would be a major turn-off after having so many women, and more importantly, her hot, mature and extremely willing aunt.
The truth couldn't be any more different if you tried. Susan boasted a sensual figure, but anybody with eyes could tell that she gave zero fucks about other's perception. She dressed casual, and often without make-up, accentuating her natural beauty. I'd even say that her lack of open sex appeal merging with her acute sense of wonder about sex made it an intensely magical and novel experience for me.
Which made what I was about to say so much worse.
"You're beautiful, Susan," I murmured, and she smiled, and draped further along my body, shivering as my fingers danced across her naked back.
"Your cock is beautiful too." she said.
The pragmatic part of me wanted to wait until she had sucked my cum and gotten me an anchor, but I knew it must be done. Susan was a pure and delicate thing, a sheltered angel, and as arousing as it would be to corrupt something like her, I could end up breaking her.
It was better I burned the bridge before that happened, not after.
"Look at me."
She paused, and turned her head, her delectable body rubbing all over my chest as she faced me, our lips an inch away from each other and her dark orbs meeting my green eyes.
"There is something we need to talk about."
Her hand fell away from my erection, and she raised herself slightly, her massive udders filling up my gaze.
"No," she said, looking absolutely pissed off. "This isn't about to happen. Give me one Merlin-damned reason why we need to have a talk."
I blinked, utterly unprepared for her reaction.
"Susan, you need to know — "
"That you slept with Auntie?"
Of all the things I expected her to say, that definitely wasn't part of the list. I was about to tell her about my nature as an Incubus, and why I needed to have sex to keep gaining power, and why I couldn't give her the love of a one-woman man that she expected out of me.
Instead I had… this.
"How did you —" I croaked.
Susan sneered, reminding me of the pissed off mother-hen Hufflepuff I knew and loved to annoy. "It's cute that Auntie thinks she can fool me that easily. Auntie's a creature of habit. She has a bath right after waking up, and right before sleeping. I knew something was wrong the moment she came out of the bath, looking all tired and freshly-bathed just minutes after you walked out. You telling me that she was inside the bath with you, and calling her by her name only made it easy to suspect."
I stared at her, like a deer in the headlights, and began to realise just how massively I had underestimated her.
"And don't get me started on dinner. You forget I've got friends, Harry Potter. After all the times I've seen Megan squirm while Ernie fingers her under the table during dinner, I'd be a fool to not notice what's happening in my own home. I had Auntie after the first minute when she stopped being a bitch and went all silent and squirming. She never does that. Once she's got something in her head, she'll bitch on about it for hours."
I was impressed. Lack of experience in the bed notwithstanding, Susan had an extremely sharp mind. And just like her aunt, she was quick to connect the dots, tally her knowledge and understanding of body language and come to neat, precise and logical conclusions.
"I'll hand it over to you though," she snapped. "That attempt at footsie was inspiring. Play with both women and they'd be too distracted to notice each other's oddities. Guess what, Potter, I still noticed. The older someone gets, the more rigid they grow in their mannerisms, and Auntie? She's a bloody rock. You'd have to be blind to not notice the difference."
I exhaled. For the first time since coming to this place, I was completely out of my wits.
"You're a right bastard, Harry Potter," she hissed. "Fucking Auntie behind my back. Making out with me behind her back."
Susan sat up straight, and planted her hands on her perfect hips, glaring at me.
"Then why didn't you do anything?"
"Because you're right." she said plainly.
I looked at her — a little shocked at her response. "Excuse me?"
"You're right. About what you said. About living your life. About legacy. James Potter could have stayed true to his family and betrayed his own desires by marrying Auntie, but I doubt he'd be really happy that way. Instead he married Lily Evans and had you. I'm not saying it was the best or the smartest thing to do, but he chose to do what made him happy, and that's a lot more precious than most people think. I… I've lived all my life as the Bones heiress. I've gotten everything I've wanted and more — toys, friends, a grand house, servants at beck and call, Auntie even got Auror Cadets when I wanted to learn how to duel. She lets me throw parties, attend events with friends, throw lavish get-togethers and everything I'd possibly want except for one damned thing."
"Choosing how to live your life." I murmured.
"Yes," she said in a very small voice. "I'm living the life of the Bones heiress. Somewhere in this vast mansion, Susan got lost. Protocol became my life." She met my eyes and glared at me. "And then you happened."
I blinked, unsure how to react at being addressed like a disaster.
"I —"
"You!" Susan snarled. There was so much fury in her little form that I idly wondered if she'd catch fire. Her blazing red hair had gained a subtle glow, as her innate magic fueled her momentous wrath. "You and I had so much in common. Both of us were heirs of Ancient and Noble Houses, only children, orphans, and had media attention focussed on us the moment we stepped out on our own. For the last three years, you behaved like a bloody peasant, unaware of your lineage, your class, your fortune. Auntie thought that Fleamont Potter must have not acknowledged you as Heir, and all you had was your Trust vault."
"To be fair," I acknowledged, "I thought the Trust vault was all I had. And I didn't know jackshit about the Potter name or its legacy. Nobody ever said anything to me until I checked it myself at the start of this summer."
Susan grumbled. "And that's when everything changed. You took up the Potter mantle. Auntie got a notification from Gringotts and everything changed. We — I expected that you'd embrace your heritage and play your part as a Potter. Instead you — you —"
"Became a douchebag buttfucker?"
She growled. "Yes. It made me furious. You — I was so angry. You were in the same vessel as I was, so how dare you get to live life like you chose, while I —" She was practically frothing. "I was so angry that it hurt. Between what Auntie told me about you, and what I saw —"
"And me bedding Hannah and her mum —"
She growled.
"Right. I'll shut up now."
"You pissed me off. But at the same time, you were still the guy I knew over the last three years. You helped Mrs. Abbott, and I know you promised her that things would be better. You hired that Jones woman, a halfblood and you let Granger stay in your own home when anyone else would've thrown her to the streets and shunned her as a werewolf. And then Penelope…"
"I told you, Penelope was just at the right place at the right time."
"Don't lie," she snarled. I was sure her wand would be hissing out sparks if she had it in her hand. "You might have done it for your own reasons, but you helped her out. You didn't have to, but you did. You hired her, and gave her a salary she deserved in a fair world. You're a douchebag buttfucker, Harry Potter, but you've done more good to people than I have in my entire life."
"So saints turn you on?"
She growled again, and I chuckled.
"I'm a pureblood witch," she said. "Magical power and skill are the easiest ways of attracting our attention. We've grown up looking up at people that have changed the world with their might. You're the Boy-Who-Lived, Lord Potter, and a master of tremendous fortune. The way you used me and Penelope and Malfoy to get what you wanted demonstrated political acumen. You impressed Auntie enough to make her play ball. And then you demonstrated raw power and talent. And you drive me crazy. It's obvious I'd be attracted to you."
"That's… a definitely unorthodox way to admit your feelings."
She blushed.
"Tell me something," I asked. "How did you know I've been sleeping with your aunt?"
She glowered for a second, before mumbling something under her breath.
Her hands went down to my shaft again, and she began squeezing and stroking it. "At first I was puzzled and curious. I thought maybe I was overthinking things. But then I realised that Auntie never gave me any explanations for whatever she did, but she went out of her way to let me know that you were going to be with her. I was curious and I wanted to know the truth. So I cast a listening charm."
"And Amelia couldn't feel it?"
"I cast it on her sandals."
"Sneaky," I smirked, impressed. "And then you went to your room and masturbated to our make-out session? Guess you saw a different avatar of your aunt, huh?"
She blushed to the roots of her hair. "I didn't think she could be that… vocal. She's always been —"
"A blowhard?"
She snorted. "You've no idea how mad I was with her. All my life she's preached nothing but hate for James Potter's child and when that child visits her, she snatches him away and fucks him like a bloody harlot. All that preaching about manners and protocol and she lets you finger her at the dinner table and takes your cock like a Knockturn Alley whore on her own work table. The sheer hypocrisy…."
I hissed out in discomfort, and Susan realised she was squeezing my cock really tightly. She quickly apologised and began to stroke me softly. She slowly laid herself down on me, her breasts flattened over my body and her chin resting on my chest.
"I couldn't believe her nerve. She makes me go through all this my whole bloody life, and then she just snatches you away from me like a jealous bitch. I laid on my bed, listening to you grunting and fucking her and imagining me in her place, and when you left after midnight, I knew I had to have you."
That explained a lot.
"I — err, don't really know what to say."
"I can think of at least one thing."
I blinked.
"You said you had something to say earlier. I know you, Harry Potter. I've watched you for years. I've offered myself to you twice now, and you've tried to pass it off both times. You've been nothing but an absolute gentleman to me, and even when I'm in your bed, naked and stroking your dick, you wanted to stop. Why?"
I opened my mouth to speak —
"And don't feed me some bullshit about fessing up about Auntie. You wouldn't have fingered her over dinner while feeling me up if you did."
My jaws snapped shut.
"It's like everyone thinks my boobs replace my brains," she grumbled.
I snorted. "Far from it. You're one of the sharpest women I've ever seen."
"Oh?" her lips curled. "And who else is on that list?"
"Well there's your aunt, no doubt about it."
"And your secretary, who you're obviously fucking."
Damn it. I really need to up my game.
"...And my secretary."
"Who else?"
Could I trust her? Maybe, maybe not. If she had sucked my cum, I'd get a quantified value of her anchorage. But if I stayed silent, then she'd see it as a lack of forthcomingness on my part. She had known what was happening behind her back, and instead of confronting me with it, waited — like a snake — until I had fessed up. And given that she was draped all over me and stroking my cock, it had to mean that she considered me significant enough to reveal her plans despite my obvious and ill-timed deception.
It was like dealing with Narcissa for the first time all over again.
"Narcissa Malfoy."
Her eyes went wide like saucers. "Of course. Of bloody course. You're fucking her, aren't you? Narcissa bloody Malfoy is jumping on Harry Potter's dick behind her husband's back. That's why you knew what to expect. That's why you pulled all that bullshit out of your arse and agreed to her proposal. And then you asked me for a private meeting with…"
She stilled.
I said nothing.
Her hand left my cock. She crossed them over my chest and rested her chin on them, her dark eyes on the same level as mine.
"So tell me," she asked, "What's really going on in that twisted mind of yours, Harry Potter? What are you really up to?"
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