Chapter 60: Chapter 60: Dirty Secrets
I swear there are days when I totally hate the Child of Prophecy perk.
Fifty percent increase in chances of encountering significant characters of this world was such a misleading statement. You'd think it meant that I'd meet all sorts of people in positions and power, and end up in bed, either with them if they were females, or their wives. No doubt the perk would go hand in hand with my chosen nature as an Incubus, and help me develop my World Anchors. I won't say that it wasn't happening like that, given my recent encounters with all sorts of interesting witches like Tonks, Hestia, Narcissa and Amelia, and no doubt I had ended up in bed with almost each and every one of them. But nowhere was it written that I'd be caught off guard by people that I thought were just side characters and forced into a desperate situation.
Like, right now.
Fucking Amelia Bones had been a massive payoff. Her virgin and utterly inexperienced niece, who was also the future Lady Bones, was supposed to be a bonus,an extra serving of dessert. Even my attempt to clear the air was a trick to further influence her to look at me in a positive light.
Instead I had… this.
"So tell me," asked Susan, "What's really going on in that twisted mind of yours, Harry Potter? What are you really up to?"
My rising paranoia told me to just shut up and try to obliviate the shit out of her. I was faster than her, and stronger, and I had made it a point to learn the memory spell. But Susan had shown to be remarkably cunning and sly, and perfectly capable of playing the part of prey while being a predator. There was no doubt that behind that youthful face lay a mind as sharp as mine, if not sharper. One that wasn't above using her own insecurities, her lack of sexual experience and her sheltered lifestyle to get what she wanted.
I was right. I was dealing with another Narcissa Malfoy. Only one that had a different set of agendas, and hid her plans behind a childish facade, and most importantly, one that I had no protection against.
Suddenly I was reminded of the fact that I was all by myself, in the heart of Bones mansion, the residence of the DMLE Director, and guarded by a minor army of hit-wizards. And worse, I was in bed, naked, with the future Lady Bones. Regardless of how I tried to slice it, or how much Amelia liked being dicked by me, it wouldn't stop her from throwing me into Azkaban if Susan played her cards right.
Susan giggled. It was amazing how an expression that looked angelic a moment ago now appeared utterly malevolent.
"I love watching you think," she giggled again. "I can almost hear that poor little hamster running and running on its wheel."
"You clubbed me over the head with it," I replied. "What did you expect?"
"Oh, this," Susan said, her eyes sparkling. "You are always so sure of yourself. I love seeing you off balance."
"I have to tell you this, you might be an inexperienced virgin, but your brain is fucking sexy."
She giggled again. "My thanks, Lord Potter."
Now only if I could figure out what did this twisted bitch wanted from me? Either way, I began conjuring multiple worst-case scenarios and making assumptions on what this could mean as fast as I could. I barely even paid attention to the way she snaked around over my body and began playing with my balls.
"Well?" She demanded.
"Well what?" I challenged her. "I have a ton of plans rolling. Do you really expect me to reveal them just like that?"
She frowned. "Tell me why you asked me for that favor."
Oh. That narrowed the field a lot.
"You're right. I have something cooking with Narcissa. And it involves my becoming the next Lord of House Black."
"Draco Malfoy was supposed to be the next Lord of Black."
"And he would have, if not for Sirius Black nominating me instead. I need Sirius declared a free man, and for that, I need Amelia to do certain things for me."
"You mean sleep with you."
I shook my head. "Do certain things for me, as DMLE Director. It'd be for our mutual benefit."
"Like sleeping with you."
I snorted. I swear she had a one-track mind. "Contrary to what you might think, I didn't get in here to sleep with you or your aunt. I certainly didn't know about your aunt's history with my family, or her personal vendetta against my mum. Whatever happened was just a nice bonus."
"And me? What were your plans for me?"
"You?" I asked, shrugging. "Absolutely nothing. Believe it or not, Susan, my life doesn't revolve around you. From the very start, it has been about acquiring the mantle of the Black Lord. The debacle with Draco, my arrangement with Narcissa and this meeting with Amelia, all were geared towards that purpose. I won't tell you that I am against having something with you, or your aunt, but it was completely unplanned. You pointed it out yourself, I rejected your advances twice."
She frowned. "Why do you want the Black Lordship so bad?"
I curled an eyebrow.
"I wasn't born yesterday, you know. The Potters were freaking rich. Richer than us. Unlike Auntie who donates half of our annual profits to running the DMLE and the war before that, or the Blacks who practically funded the Dark Lord's campaign, Fleamont Potter was a fencesitter, happy to do nothing with the war. You're loaded with enough gold to let your seven generations squander it around and be left with more. You don't need the Black fortune any more than you need to win the Witch Weekly's Most Charming Smile award."
Perceptive little thing, wasn't she?
"Voldemort," I said, and noticed her lack of flinching, "will be back in a year."
Her confident and condescending stature didn't change immediately. It took a few moments for her to slowly realize what I was talking about, and twice as much for the realization to sink in.
You could tell that from the rapid vacation of colour from her face.
"No…" she whispered. "That can't… be…"
"Yes, and he will. Not believing in it will not stop it. I fought him back in my first year, when he was a wraith. He was indirectly behind the petrifactions of second year, and last year, I inadvertently let a man escape, who is prophesied to resurrect Voldemort."
Susan stayed silent.
"From what I've seen, everyone is content with the freak magical accident that stopped him. No one pauses and thinks that, maybe, just maybe, a wizard as dark and twisted as him would have taken steps to prevent his own death? A fluke took him out, and what did the Ministry do? They let the same men in charge. Malfoy, Nott, Selwyn, Goyle, Greengrass, Crabbe — all of them are still free and causing problems in society."
"But —"
"You know as well as I do exactly what the society is like," I said, channeling my rage through my eyes. Susan had already moved back, allowing me my space. That or she was simply too shocked by the truths I was throwing at her face.
"Hogwarts is a place where an entire House is filled with students who believe that Might makes right. The majority of wealth is concentrated in those same hands. The same discrimination, the same bigotry, at least the last time when Voldemort was there, his people were young adults, freshly out of Hogwarts. Now? They are in charge. They make the law, they run the economy, they direct the country. Tracey Davis's mum's a muggle, fucked by a pureblood lord of an Ancient House. She should be an heiress like yourself, enjoying life on a silver platter. Instead, she whores herself to pay her education bills. Hestia's one of the sharpest minds I've ever picked, and she was thrown out of her job just because she acted against one of Lucius's acolytes. Hermione's one of the highest scorers in our year, and you told me she'd be lucky to be hired as a whore after becoming a werewolf, and the less said about Penelope the better."
My power was practically rolling off me in waves by the end of it.
Okay, I might have been a tad more annoyed at this than I had believed.
Yet, a small part of me that wasn't overwhelmed by rage couldn't help but ask: why the hell was I so angry?
I could understand being upset after what happened, anyone would be, but I didn't understand where all of this anger was coming from. This rage, this overwhelming need to smash things, or anyone's face for that matter, was so unlike me that I couldn't understand where it came from.
I tried to sort out my emotions, examine what I was feeling so I could understand the source of my rage but no matter how hard I thought about it I came back empty.
I really need to get started with Occlumency.
Exhaling, I glanced at Susan's pale demeanor. The manipulative little bitch had been shocked out of her wits and was staring at me with wide eyes.
"Last time," I said in a lower, composed tone. "Last time it took a toddler and a magical fluke to stop the man. I don't believe in coincidences, so this time, I'm gonna attack him where it hurts."
"His finances…" she mumbled.
Quick, wasn't she?
"Yes. Lucius Malfoy commands the Wizengamot. He uses the Black fortune to fund his illegal ventures and gets richer every damn year. He's the reason behind the DMLE getting starved for funds and why your aunt has to adjust the difference from your family revenue."
"And you think getting the Black fortune —"
"That's only a single step in the way," I whispered. "It's what Amelia is helping me with. If I succeed, it will solve the DMLE problem for good. As well as end the problem known as Lucius Malfoy."
"That sounds like —"
"Yes," I said. "It's exactly what it sounds like."
Susan's brows furrowed, as she slowly digested it all. "And Auntie is helping you with this, while also sleeping with you."
I barely suppressed a chuckle. "Yes. That's exactly what's happening."
Her lips twisted. "Damn it, Potter. Couldn't you have acted out like expected for once?"
I arched an eyebrow.
"I mean, I thought you were doing this just to sleep around and gain power. I thought I'd use your little game against you and get something out of it. But this… damn it. You just have to prove me wrong all the bloody time, don't you?"
I shrugged. "Apparently, I'm Fate's bitch."
I even had a Perk to prove it.
"So now you know everything," I said. "Now tell me, what do you want?"
She frowned, her eyes flickering around in quick calculation. "If you want to overturn the economy, you'd need more than the House of Black and Potter. You'd need allies — "
"I know, which is why I have Amelia —"
"Not like that, idiot. I mean, Allied Houses. A coalition of powers."
I nodded slowly, wondering if she was thinking exactly what I thought she was.
"Potter… Harry, I want to live my life the way I want it. While also being Lady Bones. And it's obvious that Auntie has no plans to let you go anytime soon from her grasp, which means you're gonna show up at my house frequently."
"I suppose I can be sneaky."
"This is the DMLE Director's house, dummy. Being sneaky gets you killed."
Right. I hadn't considered that.
She grabbed my hands and met my eyes. "I want to marry you."
I blinked.
"Say what?"
"I…" she repeated with the air of talking to a child. A dumb child. "Want. To. Marry. You. You're the Lord of an Ancient and Noble House, and hold the same station as I do. I'll be the second wife to House Potter, and Lady Bones. It allows you to… well, have two more chances to gain powerful allies by marrying women from other Houses, and I'll even help you sort them out. But most importantly, it gets you regular entry to this mansion, and gives me all the time I need with this cock."
She squeezed it for good measure.
"Oh, and Auntie gets to continue with her hypocritical perversities."
"That.. came out of nowhere."
Susan threw her head back and laughed. "Only you, Harry Potter. You didn't think twice before jumping in bed with Narcissa freaking Malfoy. You're single-handedly fighting the Dark Lord and working to upturn an entire political structure, while also fucking the DMLE Director. And a simple marriage proposal from little old me gets you gawking? That's just sad, you know."
"And… it doesn't bother you that your husband would be sleeping around with others?"
Susan blushed. "It actually turns me on to see my man is so coveted, but only I can have him by law, and be on his arm as his wife, while the others will have to contend to be his whore for the night."
"They're not my whores. I care for every one of them."
"I forget the details sometimes," she said dismissively.
"And the fact that I'm screwing around with your aunt?"
"Honestly? It infuriates me as much as turns me on. You might not know this, but you've got the unique ability to get under anyone's skin. It might sound weird, but Auntie is never lacking in composure. Seeing her turn this unpredictable has been a treat. That said, she is going to fight tooth and nail against my proposal."
I arched an eyebrow. "And why's that?"
"Because Amelia Bones is a jealous bitch," she snorted. "Your father spurned her and in return, she spurned his child by refusing to take you in. She might not have thought it like that, but on some level, she was spitting on his wishes like he did on hers. I don't know what bloody magic you did on her, because I know for a fact that Auntie's got a strong resistance against the Imperius, but she's taken in by you, and let you fuck her on her bloody table in just a day's encounter. You remember what she told you at the end of your fuck-fest, right?"
"She'd never let me go."
"Damn straight," she laughed. "Aunty will fight tooth and nail to keep you all to herself. Me marrying you will make her mind go all weird, because I'm her niece and she would hate for me to look at her differently. If there's one thing Amelia Bones cares about more than protocol, it's her sterling reputation. You're her dirty secret, Harry, and she will go to absolute lengths to keep it that way. Me marrying you, that will spill it out before me, and she can't have that."
I blinked.
Her lips curved into a small smile.
"And that's exactly what you want, isn't it?" I asked, "to push her so far that she spills her dirty secret in the open."
Her smile deepened. "I like the way you think, Harry."
"I'm thinking of you and me right now."
"I'm thinking of you too, Harry," she squeezed my cock as she draped herself all over me. Her smile was innocent and pure and completely belayed the fact that she had spent the last thirty minutes shit-talking her aunt.
Our lips met.
If you want to help me financially, you can do it on