Harry Potter: Seducing Destiny

Chapter 61: Chapter 61: Swimming

Later in the morning, I sauntered to the kitchen looking for an apple. Elsie, the elf in charge of the kitchen, was quick to remind me that the kitchen was her territory and Masters and Guests were not allowed in it. Her demeanour reminded me a bit too much of Poppy Pomfrey and Minerva McGonagall, so I took her chastising without comment. At least she gave me an apple and a glass of lemon, before she sent me off on my merry way.

That's where I ran into Amelia.

Not the woman dressed in a bra and knickers giving me a soap bath. Certainly not the naked, sex-starved woman I had fucked to oblivion over her worktable. No, this was the DMLE Director, dressed for work, complete with her monocle over her right eye.

"Good morning," she said awkwardly, avoiding my eyes.

I refused to let things become awkward and took a step forward. Cupping her cheek, I kissed her tenderly on the lips. She grunted in surprise but quickly relaxed and kissed me back, only to break apart a few seconds later as she quickly looked around for potential witnesses.

"Feeling better?" I asked, taking a step back.

Amelia's cheeks burned. No doubt she was thinking about last night. "It's a little sore, but I can get used to it."

My grin widened. "I told you. Always respect the safeword. It's there for a reason."

Her eyes glittered with desire. "And I made my feelings clear about it."

"That you did." I said. "So, another busy day at the Ministry?"

She sighed. "Unfortunately. This month is a nightmare and a half for me."

"Security checks for the Quidditch World Cup, I take it?"

"I imagine you'll be going?"

"Angry dragons couldn't stop me," I said. And with due reason too. The Quidditch World Cup was exactly where all my efforts would culminate to an end. Whether that culmination turned out to be a success or an abysmal failure remained to be seen.

"You could come with us," she said.

"Would love to," I said. "Unfortunately, I promised someone else first. My friend Ron said something about getting tickets."

That was a lie. It was Ginny that told me about the tickets. In fact, Ron didn't even know about the tickets yet. Ginny only knew because she had eavesdropped on her parents' conversation the other night. That and she was really looking forward to making out in the Weasley barn. It was something of a fetish.

But knowing Amelia, she'd probably get jealous on hearing another girl's name. Plus, I'd have much less freedom in her presence. I had places to go, people to meet, plans to execute. You know, the usual.

"But that's not a problem, is it?" I asked. "I can meet up with you and Susan there."

Amelia looked like she did mind, but shook her head. "That's okay. What will you do today?"

I grinned. "Susan asked me out for a swim."

She looked at me curiously. "A swim?"

I shrugged. "She said something about a giant pool. And the weather outside is just perfect for a swim."

"Morning Auntie," chirped Susan, as she climbed down the stairs from behind her. She wore a light green half-sleeved shirt and hot pants. Even from my vantage point, I could see that she wasn't wearing a bra, given that her creamy, developed breasts kept bouncing at her every step.

I watched Amelia for reactions, and suffice to say, I was not disappointed.

Amelia's face flashed a multitude of emotions. First, a curiosity at my words, as well as a curiosity of what it might entail. Then I watched her smile fade as she considered Susan's presence in all of it, no doubt tying my random comment about marrying a Bones woman. If she was even half as perceptive as her niece, and believe me, one doesn't become the DMLE Director by collecting chocolate frog cards, she must have noticed Susan's rising interest in me during my spellcasting performance. That was followed by a quick, full glimpse of Susan's outfit, appraising her, followed by a slight smile. Then, her lips pursed slightly looking slightly mad.

"Hi, Auntie," said Susan lightly. "You're — uh —"

"I didn't know you had plans for a swim today," said Amelia. She made it really difficult to spot the annoyance from her voice but I heard it.

"I, uh, I really thought about it this morning." Susan squeaked. "Hazel told me you'd be off to your office. Honestly I thought I'd ask him for a spar but he got hurt yesterday and I thought relaxing by the pool would be a good way to spend the time and it wouldn't be very dangerous and we needed something to spend the entire day so…"

Susan, I realised, had a tendency to lose control around Amelia. I didn't know if it was because of her intimidating mannerisms or Susan was just that submissive around authority figures. It was almost impossible trying to spot the crafty bitch I had met in the early hours of the morning in her.

Still, best to put a stop before she blabbered anything vital.

"Is there a problem?" I asked, pointedly. Amelia turned towards me, holding my gaze for a second or two before she gave me an annoyed smile.

"Of course not," she said with a put-on grin. "Just… caught me by surprise. That's all."

I sat down on a chair as Elsie laid down Amelia's breakfast for her. The elf asked me if I wanted breakfast but I waved her off. Susan took a seat next to me, and I engaged her in small talk about the jacuzzi I had on my apartment's terrace. That led to me describing exactly how my apartment was, and what kind of facilities I had installed within it, with quick references to the business venture I had with the goblins. Amelia was pretty quiet during the whole meal. She was paying attention, but the annoyance stemming out of her was clear. I spent most of the meal wondering exactly what it was that drove her mad. Sure, part of it was that Susan had surprised her with her decision to go on a swim, especially with a boy who was a guest in their home without supervision. It was what a normal aunt or guardian would be annoyed with, but Amelia was definitely not normal, nor was her relationship with me for that matter, anything remotely close to normal. Obviously she had been happy to see me, and given how earnestly she had returned the kiss, things were just like I had left it last night.

Then… What could it be? My casanova nature? She had made no secret about her history with the Potters and had obviously bitched a lot about it to Susan over the years. Whatever I did outside with other girls was not her business, and she knew I wasn't foolish enough to try something with Susan under her nose. Not only would that create an explosive situation between us, it could very much cause our professional relationship to shatter.

Obviously, that didn't stop me from doing the same, which tells you exactly what kind of a safeplayer I am.

But if not that, then what else? Jealousy perhaps? Of whom? Susan? Susan had a woman's body, but anybody with eyes could tell that she was inexperienced in the games of seduction. At the same time, she was the future Lady Bones while Amelia was simply the Regent. Could it be that the idea of her niece getting wet with me, while wearing provocative clothing had gotten her competitive feminine juices flowing? Or was she just mad that I'd be here with her niece, flirting with her, swimming with her, while she laboured at her office. Or maybe she was just insecure because she had finally gotten a taste of sexual pleasure after a very, very long dry spell?

Either way, it was cause for concern. As much as I wanted Amelia to divulge her relationship status to Susan, I feared that this paranoia was going to make her act out. There was nothing preventing her from assigning elves to spy over me and Susan, which meant that we'd be spied over. Damn it. Maybe this swimming idea wasn't as good as we thought.

It wasn't a pool. Instead, it was a combination of spatial charms, atmospheric charms and runic enchantment to create a mini-copy of a sea beach within the castle periphery. In hindsight, it shouldn't have surprised me very much. After all, Newt Scamander had a dozen different natural environments put inside separate cubicles inside his freaking suitcase. Compared to that this was… almost normal, albeit a lot more polished and occupying a larger area.

I spread my towel down on the warm sand, smoothing it out before seating myself beneath the umbrella to get some protection from the unrelenting sun overhead, as several miles of blue ocean lay before me. Susan was laying out her towel outside the shade, preparing to make full use of the sun's rays to maintain her perfect tan.

Now that she had ditched the shirt and pants, I could see that she wore a two piece beneath. Her top was a little traditional in coverage, except it looked to be for someone with a smaller bust size, and pressed her tits upwards, as if they were trying to escape or scream for one's attention. It barely kept them trapped and instead, they bounced around with every step. Her bottoms were a simple piece of material covering the hot zone between her legs with a tiny string splitting of her glorious arse-cheeks. She kept giving hungry looks at me, but given how I had her naked and stroking my cock earlier, I was completely comfortable.

"So Harry, can you help?" she asked.

I looked at her, and she blushed, raising a bottle of oil as she turned and laid down on her towel, face-first.

Fuck yeah.

"Sure, I guess," I said, trying to sound as casual about rubbing oil on the exquisite creature next to me.

I took the bottle from her hand and dripped a generous portion on her back. Susan reached behind her and undid the strap on her bikini, resting her chin on her hands. I studied her naked back for a second before setting into my task. I poured more oil and rubbed a little into my hands, proceeding to rub her exposed flesh across her shoulders, down her spine and lower back. As soon as I was done, I moved down to her legs, taking note of her moans the moment I massaged her butt cheeks.

"That looks comforting."

The voice startled me, and I withdrew my hands so quickly, you might think they had been burnt. I looked to my left at the newcomer and froze.

"...Auntie?" Susan croaked.

I gawked, unable to believe the sight in front of me. True, I had seen her naked and had her writhing in ecstasy beneath me, but in both cases, it had been behind closed doors. My gaze danced over her body, which was almost completely on display. The skimpy bikini she had picked was only a bit more than a collection of strings, mixed with occasional tiny triangles. Two of those small triangles rested on her breasts, hiding her nipples and their immediate surroundings from my sight, leaving the rest uncovered for my viewing pleasure. The bottom piece was only marginally larger, managing to cover her nether lips, but with the promise that all it would take was a careless step for it to end. I couldn't see the portion on her back, but I guessed it would be even more revealing, with just a string to cover her backside.

Amelia stalked towards me, a predator towards her prey. She was aware of my hungry gaze on her, and it probably made her feel sexier and vindicated.

"Well?" she asked. "What do you think?"

She stood a couple of steps away from me, then did a full turn. It was a slow, lingering turn that allowed me to examine her perfect legs, her almost naked arse while her breasts danced with the movement.

"Err… nice," I managed to say. "Very nice."

Her smirk was a perfect portrayal of selfish satisfaction. It lingered on her face for a moment before vanishing in its entirety.

"But I thought…" Susan croaked. "You'd be off to the office."

"I would have," Amelia admitted, her nonchalance fooling no one. "But it's a Sunday, and we have a guest at our home. A guest that I invited to stay over for the weekend. I wouldn't be a good host if I left him by his lonesome the entire day now, would I?"

The frustration on Susan's face was a delight to watch. I might have agreed to join her little plan, but I wasn't stupid enough to not recognize a counter-move when I saw one. Susan had taken advantage of Amelia's absence to get out ahead, and Amelia had offered a strong comeback, even if it meant showing up like a bikini model.

"Plus," Amelia said, not at all hiding her pleasure at thwarting her niece's plans as he regarded me. "You were right. It's a beautiful weather, perfect for a swim."

I barely managed to suppress a chuckle.

Amelia wasn't done yet. "I see Harry gave you an oil massage. A little sunbath should do wonders for your skin, Susan."

Susan opened her mouth to speak, but then shut it. I got the impression that she really wanted to get up, but given her top was still untied, she had to stay down.

"Do you want a massage too?" I offered.

"Tempting," Amelia murmured. "Haven't had those in a while. But maybe later. I'm thinking of a swim. Join me?"

She might have phrased it casually, but something about her tone made it look more like an assertion. A command. Regardless of our relationship behind closed doors, she was the DMLE Director and me openly skirting her authority would not go nice with her.

I glanced at Susan. She was still lying face down with her top off and the oil on her skin made her shine a brilliant bronze in the sunlight. A beautiful sight, only marred by the frustration evident in her face. Despite it, she said nothing, either out of fear or she just knew a losing fight when she saw one.

"You coming too, Susan?" I offered her a way in.

"No," she said, a shadow of resentment in her eyes. "I'll just get some sun here."

I took that as her consent, and turned to Amelia. "Alright, let's go."

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