Harry Potter: Seducing Destiny

Chapter 62: Chapter 62: Amelia's Offer

We waded into the fresh saltwater, all the way up to my wait, Amelia's tits doing amazing things as she bounded along, crashing through the smaller waves that splashed against us. I glanced past to look at Susan, my enhanced senses revealing the open scowl she was wearing.

"My breasts are up here, stud." said Amelia as she grabbed my arm and pulled me towards herself, me crashing against her impressive rack.

"Oh, don't worry. I noticed," I said with a grin.

She grinned and pulled me further into the surf. I glided through the water and she joined me, until we were far enough to look like dark silhouettes against the morning sun.

"I love this, you know," she whispered, as we floated face to face."I had almost forgotten what this was like."


"Swimming with someone you want," she corrected me.

I felt a little bad inside. Despite her tough exterior and her blowhard attitude, Amelia wore her heart on her sleeve when it came to me. When she hated James Potter's child, she was ruthless. And now when she had become my lover, she did so without reservations. It was almost enough for me to ignore Susan's little deal and just be with Amelia, except for the fact that it would send the little redhead into the same vengeful route James Potter had sent Amelia into. And besides, she was right. Amelia had always had her on a leash, controlling almost every aspect of her life. I had no doubt that Amelia would try to control me as well. It was just part of her character. On the other hand, if I married Susan, I'd be the Lord Bones, and continue my dalliance with Amelia. Plus, Susan was completely willing to let me continue my other dalliances without even factoring my Incubus nature.

The only major problem with this was Amelia herself.

"So," I floated closer. "What happened to going to work?"

"I thought I told you," she began.

"And we both know that isn't worth hippogriff shit," I reprimanded her softly. "Amelia Bones deciding to skip work just to entertain a guest? And showing up in that swimsuit?"

"You don't like it?"

"I think you're the sexiest thing I've ever seen. Now stop trying to digress."

She didn't meet my eyes.

"It's about Susan, isn't it?"

She looked away. "It's complicated."

"You saw your niece take your lover for a private swim, and you reacted out of jealousy. Seems pretty straightforward to me."

Amelia's eyes flashed, and for a moment, I thought I might have stepped the line. But then she sighed and closed her eyes, controlling her breathing. She exhaled coolly, letting the air blow out through her slightly parted, smooth lips.

Then she finally opened her eyes.

"Everyone thinks that the Ancient and Noble Houses have the best of everything. And to be honest, they're mostly right. But more often than not, we also have the worst in everything."

I waited for her to explain.

"It's… custom for a woman born to any family of the Sacred Twenty-Eight, to be put under a chastity binding. It abstains us from going any further sexually than perhaps… kissing and groping. The spell is undone by the husband as part of the marriage vows by deflowering the virgin woman on their marriage bed."

"That sounds pretty misogynistic."

Amelia frowned. "Not really. It's magical symbolism at play. Sacrificial magic, invoked through the woman sacrificing her sexual energies and her pleasure until her wedding night. It is what allows her to be accepted by the magic of her husband's family as its Lady. The same is true for any man wanting to marry into one of the Sacred Twenty-Eight."

"So if someone wants to marry Susan —"

"Unless he's from an equal or higher station, he'd need to be, among other things, a virgin. Though that's only applicable if the woman is the Lady of the House."

"And if he is?" I asked. "From an equal or higher station?"

Amelia gracefully arched a brow. "Subtle you are not, Harry Potter."

I scratched the back of my head.

"If he's from an equal or higher station, then he doesn't need to be accepted by the Family magic. He can occupy the position of Regent just fine."

"Gotcha. So you and James…"

"I was betrothed to James at a very early age. Seven, in fact. I didn't mind because James and I practically grew up together. We were best friends, until he joined Hogwarts and met the other rascals, Black and Lupin and Pettigrew. And I…. let's just say that I was extremely sexual and leave it at that. The trouble began when I hit puberty."

I crinkled my nose. I could understand getting angry and repressing herself for two decades, but imagining this stern woman as highly sexual felt strangely dichotomous.

"My body went into overdrive seemingly overnight. I was bombarded by hormones. I remember looking at my classmates and wondering why they weren't being driven as insane as I was. I could barely control myself, and my body craved constant satisfaction, and with the chastity binding intact, I could think straight."

Her hands grabbed mine and she pulled me closer. "I finally admitted to James about it in my fourth year. We knew that we couldn't move past kissing, but that just didn't feel enough. I wanted more, and James was a sixteen-year-old male. I don't know exactly what he did, but he fudged with the betrothal contract, altering its provisions."

I winced. James Potter had done some pretty outrageous things as a student. He had hacked into the Hogwarts wards, invented the Marauder's map, become an animagus by his OWL year, and developed enchanted mirror-phones that allowed long-ranged video-calling — all of that before passing his OWLs. Somehow, twisting a betrothal contract seemed right up his alley.

"You're thinking how typical it is for James to have done that, aren't you?"

I couldn't help it. I laughed.

Amelia frowned, but after a moment, she smiled fondly as well.

"What did he do?" I asked.

"He used sacrificial magic and the law of equivalent exchange to overwrite the clauses in the contract. It allowed me to engage in all forms of sexual activity, without any bar, but confined me to a single partner. Himself. Or rather, the Heir of House Potter, staying true to the contract. But we were to be married, so at that time, I was absolutely ecstatic. That year, we fucked like rabbits."

She paused. "Then my OWL year happened, and everything went to hell."

I sighed, realising where this was going. "My mom."

"Lily Evans," Amelia uttered the name like it was the vilest curse imaginable. "For obvious reasons, neither of us ever mentioned the changes in the contract to our respective families. Forget what Uncle Fleamont would say, my father would have skinned me alive for tweaking around with sacrificial magics just for sexual debauchery."

She exhaled. "You know the rest. I joined the Hit Wizards as an Intern and James stayed back at school and pursued Lily Evans. I like to think that James enjoyed me in bed, but I don't know, maybe he thought he got me too easily and that reduced my worth in his eyes? And Lily Evans kept turning him down, so maybe the chase gave him the thrills?"

"It's natural. Everyone loves a chase."

Amelia glared at me, and then sighed. "I guess that can't be helped. I accepted that James would keep mooning over Lily, and after my attempt at getting him checked for potions, he became distant with me. I had become a Hit-Wizard intern and focussed on my career."

Her face tightened. "And then he died. And I got fucked for good measure."

"Wait, how did —"

"My father passed away some months earlier. Cerebrumous Spattergroit. Uncle Fleamont and Aunt Euphie had died in a Death Eater attack. With James's death, the three people capable of cancelling the betrothal contract were gone for this world. In less than six months, I lost my father, my future father-in-law, and my would-be husband, and everything went to hell."

"I don't understand. James was dead, so why should the contract matter anymore?"

Amelia gave me a pained smile. "It was a side-effect from the tampering. It held me and my magic bound, allowing me to experience sexual pleasure with the Potter heir and the Potter heir alone. With your father dead, I stayed celibate for twenty-years, unable to so much as pleasure myself to sleep.""

I winced.

She let out a silent snarl. "I was…. I was angry. I was absolutely furious. Furious at my own stupidity. Furious at James for dying. Furious at Evans from stealing my life, my James, and my pleasures from me. I was… I was… UGH!" She smashed her palms on the water, splashing it around in impotent fury. "James was dead. The Potters were dead. My entire family was dead, leaving me behind with a little baby to take care of and twenty years of repression."

I stayed silent. Like, what did you say to that? What could you say to that?

"But I didn't give up. I immersed myself In Occlumency. It was hard work but it paid off. There were times when I just wanted to give it all up. But I couldn't. Amelia Bones doesn't quit. The mind arts are dangerous, and if I made a mistake, I could burn out the ability to feel desire out of my system. It would… damage me. So I went a different route. A far more difficult route. I made myself believe that the others were not worth it. That I was better. My body was a temple and everyone around me was unworthy of worshipping it. I became the dominatrix. I still felt desire, but I could control it. With my new discipline, a future of fame and power came to me. I became stronger, ferocious and absolutely ruthless. In a single decade, I arose from an intern to DMLE Director. And it was like that, until you came into my life."

"Until I…" Her words hit me like missiles. "The heir of House Potter, is that why…"


"But I'm the Lord —"

"You haven't taken your seat at the Wizengamot, yet. By Ministry mandate, you are still the Heir of House Potter." She closed her eyes and exhaled again. "You've no idea what just looking at you made me feel. I'm sure you've heard this, but you look exactly like your dad, except for your eyes. When I met you for the first time, I thought James had come back."

"So you gave me a hard time."

Amelia opened her eyes and cocked her head. "I'm the DMLE Director. Giving others a hard time is part of my job description. That you had come in demanding a private meeting didn't help either. It was just like James, demanding to get something done, regardless of the consequences. I have no lasting love for the Malfoys, or the Blacks for that matter, but you kept reminding me more and more of James with every passing minute. So I took it further, wanting to see just how far you could be pushed. Honestly, I had half a mind to send you rejected, just out of spite."

I scowled.

"But then you offered me your deal. The way you strong-armed me into siding with you, toying the line between a direct bribery and a political alliance, was a masterstroke. If nothing else, I was impressed. I wanted to know more. So I challenged you in other ways, and you performed, no, you surpassed my expectations. And then… when you said those things..."

She pushed herself against me, her wet breasts rubbing against my chest. "You were more right than you know. I was forced into solitude by my past, but I stayed there by choice. Between the contract binding me, and my own anger at James, I took it all out on my desires. I crushed them, ignored them, turned into this… harridan that only lived to work and see her ward grow up as per protocol. Until, well, you happened to me."

Yep. She was Susan's aunt alright. If nothing else, both of them described me like a natural disaster.

Her hands moved down my chest, and into my boxers until she grabbed my cock. "This cock gave me something I had missed for twenty years. The moment I gave in to your ministrations, I was flooded with desire. I wanted it all. That raging slut, the sex-starved bitch that wanted to be fucked in all three holes was finally awake Two decades of Occlumency, and that one moment shattered it all. Sex was my addiction, and the moment I relapsed, I knew I would never be able to conquer it again. And believe me, I hated you and loved you for doing this to me."

She began stroking my cock and pushed herself even further, entwining her hands behind my neck as she pulled me closer. Our noses touched. "Remember last night, when you made me cum at the dinner table? That was my first orgasm in twenty years."

I swallowed. To the best of my knowledge, even an orgasm denial for a couple of weeks could reach impossible levels of agony. But twenty years? I was hearing her, sure, but my mind was still working on believing.

"Last night, you made me cum after twenty, long years. If not for Occlumency, I would have screamed to the high heavens. Screamed in utter delight and ecstasy. But you know what, Harry? I thought it'd make me feel better. Instead I felt worse. I wanted more. I wanted more. I wasn't thinking straight. I just knew that I needed to be fucked in all my holes and I needed you to keep fucking me until I was unconscious." Amelia met my eyes. "I was serious, you know. Darling, I'm never letting you go."

I mentally winced. When Amelia had said those words to me last night, I hadn't given them much value. But now, after I had context, I suddenly realised exactly how complicated the situation could become. For her, and for me.

"You want me to stay here? I have a home too, you know."

Amelia scoffed. "By home, you mean your whorehouse where you fuck your pet werewolf and your secretary? Bones Mansion has everything you'll ever need, and your home is just a Floo away." At my frown, she backpedalled. "Come on, Harry. My mansion is the most secure place in all of Wizarding Britain. There's nothing you'll want if you live here. Those Auror equipment? Yours. Use your home as a place for business if you must, but stay here. With me. I'll help you connect with the Wizengamot. And every night, we'll have mind-blowing sex. C'mon Harry, you've had me. You know this body can give you pleasure more than what any of those little sluts can dream of. I'm willing, Harry. Any hole, any position, I'll be your slave in bed. You want the Black Lordship? I'll help you get it. You want me to go after Greengrass and Malfoy? I'll ram my resources on their Death-Eater arses. Just… just stay with me."

"What of Hogwarts?"

"A non-issue," said Amelia dismissively. "You're a Lord now, and that means getting Lordly privileges. You have the right to leave Hogwarts for official business from time to time. You can even leave the school right after your classes on Saturday. So long as you return for classes on Monday morning, it won't be a problem."

Amelia was on the level with the offer, wasn't she? I'd be a fool not to take advantage of her desperation. I knew I could push for more, a lot more, and Amelia would likely cave in. But in doing so, it might utterly destroy my reputation with her. Would the undue benefits I could extract out of her outweigh the loss of reputation if she put me in the same slot as Malfoy and Greengrass? An opportunist sonofabitch that was taking advantage of her situation?

"Harry," Amelia cupped my face. "I've finally gotten a new chance at life. I don't want to… I don't want to lose it."

Damn it. This was getting complicated. Amelia must have noticed the growing unease on my face and pulled me by my hands.

"Enough of my sob story. After twenty years, I finally have the chance to swim with someone I want to be with. I'm not gonna waste another minute." She gave me a dazzling smile, as she came closer, and whispered into my ear like a seductive dark angel.

"Fancy a challenge, Mr. Potter?"

I looked at her playful avatar in surprise.

She pointed at a tiny reef, easily a hundred and fifty feet away. "Last one to reach there loses his swimsuit."

And then she immediately started to swim.

"You minx!" I barked out a laugh, and followed suit. With my larger arms and Natural Demon boosting my capabilities, it wasn't hard to overtake her. Still, for someone operating purely out of athleticism, Amelia was freaking fast.

"I… lost?" she stammered, upon reaching the end-point and finding me waiting for her. Her face flamed red.

"And now you get to lose your swimsuit."

"Ah — Harry, maybe we can choose an alternate punishment? I mean, Susan is out there on the beach. Without my wand, I cannot — uh —"

The rest of her words died as I moved in to kiss her. Mimicking her actions, I whispered into her ear. "Why Amelia, are you going to go back on your word?"

Amelia looked at me, tongue-tied.

I watched as a bunch of emotions played across her face. There was resignation, followed by fear and slight insecurity, only to be replaced by a vindictive smile. Then she met my eyes.

"I will, but on a condition."

"Oh?" I played along. "And what is that?"

Her lips twisted, and she came closer, grabbing me by my arms. She entwined her arms around my neck and whispered into my ear.

"Take a deep breath."


Before I could even finish the thought, she drew in breath and pulled me underwater. I let her kick and struggle as Amelia pulled me to the bottom, until we were about ten feet beneath. She was slippery and fought like a tiger, and we landed against one side of the reef with her sandwiched between me and the wall of coral. A shoal of fishes, painted in every shade of the rainbow, were playing tag, while turtles sang from the holes in the reef. Everything was so full of colour, just tinted with a greenish hue, as sunlight struggled to force its way through. I had never been to a reef before, so it was all a novel experience for me. My eyes darted towards a formation of corals, fragile, yet the longer you looked, the more intricate each precious piece appeared. Each section of coral was beautifully formed, with none quite like each other.

Just like the gorgeous woman with me.

A desperate need for air flared within me, and I tried to push myself up, but she wouldn't let me, determined to get the upper hand. I had never seen this side of her. Just what was she trying to do?

Confused, I tried to push her away and struggled against her iron whole-body grip. After another five seconds or so, I managed to escape her arms and swam to the top and took in fresh air.

"What the —" I began, but the rest of my words died in my throat as I looked down.

Amelia was coming after me. Predator after its prey. I felt her hand on my hips and took a deep breath. She yanked me down again for the second time. I marvelled at how she had been under for almost a minute now and hadn't even come up for air. It was clear that she was an expert swimmer, and me outmanoeuvring her in her own element had triggered this side of her.

Be it the bedroom or underwater, there was always another battle.

As Amelia pulled me down, I grabbed her red bikini top and yanked it off her. Her breasts popped out from behind the trivial fabric triangles and bobbed freely in the sea water.

Amelia didn't give up easily either. The feisty woman yanked my boxers down, pulled and twisted with her legs above her and soon had it down around my ankles. Pulling with my arms, I tried to reach the surface but she held me down with my boxers in one hand and her fingers wrapped around the coral reef in the other. Her determination both amazed and aroused me. But it was close to two minutes now, and she needed air desperately, so she released us and we both struggled to the top together.

We met each other's eyes.

Two deep breaths later and we went back down under.

I let free some of my breath as her hand clenched my cock. I reached for her tits and grabbed her nipples, pinching it hard with my fingers. She jumped back and her grip loosened on my cock. That cost her her breath and we both had to swim back up again. Catching our breaths, she dove down again and this time, grabbed me by my ankles and pulled me under.

I was ready this time.

Dropping all resistance, I went straight for the offensive and grabbed her hips, yanking her bikini bottom free. Before she knew it, I pushed two fingers into her submerged cunt and Amelia let out a gasp, releasing her breath. She struggled for air, but I grabbed her and held her down, pulling her into an aggressive kiss, my fingers digging deeper into her tight cunt. We landed against a reef wall, scaring a school of fishes away, her hands around my neck, and her legs entwined around me. My right hand was busy fingering her cunt, while I mauled her breasts with my left. Amelia broke the kiss suddenly and gasped for more air, fighting out of my grip as she swam up to the surface, and I followed suit.

Only to realise my mistake.

Amelia had surfaced before me. She took in a deep breath and dove down before I could reach the top. She grabbed my cock with one hand and with another, pushed me by my chest until she had been sandwiched between her and the reef. She clamped her pussy against my cock and sank down until I hit all the way in, and pulled me into a searing kiss, her legs entwined around me. Within seconds, we were sinking deeper into the bottom of the sea.

Was this psychotic woman actually trying to drown me?

Within seconds, we were easily twenty-five feet below the surface. I could only look up at the surface which looked so close and yet so far. I could feel the weight of the water pressing down on me. Breaking the kiss would mean a struggle for air and Amelia didn't look like she was in any mood of letting me out of her grip.

And so I grabbed her and looked at her straight in the eye. Before jamming my fingers right up her arse.

Amelia let out a gasp and loosened her grip almost instantly

It was getting harder to breathe now. I knew Amelia could cast a bubble charm on us if things went south, but where was the fun in that?

Speaking of which, now I know what spells to add to my rings next.

Pulling away, I shot for the surface and took a deep gulp of air. This time she surfaced a little away from me, just enough to keep me from getting back at both floated in the water, with only our heads above the surface. I was getting horny as hell and wanted to fuck her underwater. And looking at her rock-hard nipples, I knew she wanted the same.

"Not bad for a newbie, wouldn't you say?" I asked her.

"Barely," she gave me a condescending sneer. "At least you're brave enough to take on the queen of the seas. Guess you're a Gryffindor for a reason."

"The Queen of the seas is a sore loser," I laughed. "Tell me this isn't about me besting you in that swim?"

Amelia didn't acknowledge my statement and slowly padded herself towards me. "I've been a swimmer since I was little." She dunked underwater, and then emerged right before me, her breasts rubbing against my chest. "It's one of the few pleasures I can still enjoy."

She put her arms around my neck again, and this time, I mirrored her gesture. Looking in each other's eyes, we submerged and sank down, landing against the reef walls again, still holding each other at arm length, our lips holding our precious breaths. I pushed her against the reef wall, and sank into her depths, my right hand palming her right nipple while my left hand gripped her hair tight, pulling her head back. Amelia tried to suppress a hiss, and pulled my head into her cleavage, as I pushed my cock deeper into her. She pulled me deeper as I kept pushing harder and harder, her legs coiling around my waist as we fucked each other. The buoyancy made it extremely easy for me to hold her like that, while she grabbed the reef with both hands, holding us in place.

And not just that, Amelia kept fucking me back. Perhaps with greater enthusiasm than I did. It spoke volumes about the sheer desperation she was under.

It wasn't long after that that I felt a need for air. I watched her closely as each of my strokes on her cunt took effect. I sped up my pushes, and with each stroke, more bubbles escaped out of her lips. I hoped she was going to give in first. She in turn began squeezing me harder and harder, trying to get me to cum. Both of us wanted to escape to the surface for air, and both of us were heading towards a massive underwater orgasm. But we were too stubborn to accept defeat and neither wanted to cum first.

It was ecstasy. It was agony.

I grabbed both of her nipples and twisted them hard. To my surprise, Amelia pulled out and clamped her mouth against my cock. Before I could even register what she was up to, she dug a finger into my arse. I got so surprised that I totally lost control, and erupted in her mouth, her cunt spasming as it greedily accepted my cum. Scowling, I pushed herself off and went up to the surface, and she followed suit.

"How did you like that?" she asked, grinning like a loon.

"You cheated!"


"You put your finger in my arse."

"Oh?" she arched her brow. "So it's only okay if you put yours in me." She threw her head back and laughed. "You've complicated rules, Harry."

I couldn't come up with a retort at that, and only scowled further.

Amelia laughed and came up to me, our bodies touching. We had entered a small pocket inside the reef, with barely enough space for three people.

"But if you're really that annoyed," she whispered into my ear. "Why don't you take me right here and show me exactly how displeased you are with me?"

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