Chapter 63: Chapter 63: Wager
Amelia pushed me backward, her giant udders pressing flat into my chest, my cock pressing against her flat stomach as the horny woman came for my lips and moaned breathily. My hands found her hips and pulled them up, the buoyancy only making it easier. She wrapped her legs around my waist, and broke the kiss, leaning back, exposing her cleavage for me to kiss and suck, as she moaned in ecstasy.
"Merlin," I murmured, "have I mentioned how much I love your tits?"
"Yes, but you can appreciate it more. I worked very hard on my body."
I bit into her nipples, and she inhaled, trembling, as I mauled her breasts with my hands, and she came for my lips again. She couldn't help herself, and locked her lips with me again, her tongue speedily and hungrily probing my mouth as passion roared through her. Hotly kissing, lips smacking, tongues mingling, she let me devour her whole. All her anger, all her resentment for everything her family and James Potter put her through was dissolving and she wanted to forget it all while succumbing to the erotic pleasures of the flesh that only I could give her.
"Like your nipples getting bit, huh?" I asked, grinning.
"I like a lot of things," she told me. "I've forgotten half of what I like."
"Maybe I can make you remember them?"
"Are you sure?" She asked saucily. "My list is quite long."
"I doubt that. We can already cross biting your nipples and underwater sex off the list."
"Tip of the iceberg, Harry," she said, grabbing my cock and positioning it at her clit. I pushed deeper into her, and she let out a wild moan. The buoyancy helped, and she moved upwards, her hips resting on my palms and my face trapped within her mile-long cleavage. Amelia coiled her hands around my head and pushed my face into her chest.
Drowning me had failed. Perhaps this was her attempt to suffocate me next?
Grinning inwardly, I reached into her arse and jammed two fingers in. Amelia squeaked and pushed herself further, impaling herself completely upon my cock, all the way down to the base.
"Ugh! Fuck!" She groaned. "It's like I'm getting double-penetrated."
"And now we've found out a third kink."
"Not a kink, a fantasy," Amelia corrected, "No one but the Potter heir gets to do anything with my body, remember? Unless you can get your hands on a Time-turner, this is all I can get."
"Damn it. Not even a dildo?"
"Not even a dildo," she scowled. "It was either James or nothing."
"So how did you end up with such a big stick up your arse?"
Amelia slapped me on the shoulder. "Prat." Then, her lips twisted in amusement. "If you want, we can always put your stick up my arse."
"I doubt it's gonna make you any less of a bitch."
"At least you'll know what's to blame this time around."
I laughed. "Well, so long as it's in the name of science."
Amelia moaned, and sank down on me, my cock still inside her cunt, throbbing softly, resting against her moist walls. As we just floated there, I thought about everything she had told me, and the implications of that statement. She was supposed to have been James Potter's wife, but fate and circumstances had other plans. For the first time, I could say for sure that it didn't have anything to do with my arrival into this world or my intervention into other people's lives using Meta-Luck. The real Harry Potter would perhaps never have learnt of his family, and the only time he'd have interacted with Susan would be the DA, and then gone different ways. He'd perhaps have never interacted with Amelia Bones in person, and she'd have gone through life as a celibate, cursing the memory of James Potter and Lily Evans until her death bed. An ugly, unfair, wretched ending for the most powerful woman in the Ministry, and that was assuming she'd stay alive until then. In hindsight, death by Voldemort's hands was almost a kindness to her.
But that wasn't an option any longer.
Had things been different, had I never come to this mansion, had I never fucked Amelia, she could still keep on living. But after getting an orgasm after two decades of repression, Amelia would go insane without me. And that also meant that there was nothing she'd not do, no lines she'd not cross, to keep me with her. Fucking her. Regularly.
"Why did you come swimming today?"
She rubbed her face against my neck. "I thought I told you. I wanted to swim with you."
As if to emphasise her point, she pushed herself deeper against my cock..
I smiled. Her attempt at distracting me was almost cute.
"I won't leave you."
That sparked a reaction. Slowly, softly, she pulled off me, and took a good look at my face. The moistness in her dark eyes had nothing to do with us being in sea water.
"You — you are —"
"I'm not lying," I said. "I won't lie to you. Not about this."
"And that isn't because you're afraid your little deal would go down the drain?"
I smiled. "Of course I'm afraid of that too. But if I stop, if we stop, then I know for sure that you'd lose your mind. It's a lose-lose for both of us. And that's not really my style. I'd rather have you as a partner, as someone I can trust."
"Someone you can fuck and treat like a whore?"
I laughed. "That too. But you've got to be honest with me."
Amelia frowned. "But I have. I've already told you everything about this betrothal and the binding. Unless… you don't believe me?"
"Not about that," I corrected her. "You told me about your past, yes. But not about what you did earlier. You were ready to leave for your office. But then you changed your mind and came racing to the beach, dressed like a raging slut. Why?"
A nasty look flashed across her features. "Because of my niece."
Bingo! Finally I had hit the crux of the problem.
"And why's that?"
Amelia glared at me. For a moment, I thought she knew about my nightly encounter with her niece, but instead her expression twisted further. "Because she's a scheming bitch, that's why. I know how her mind works. All her life she's been a sheltered princess, playing rebel as if her life was upset with dangers and nightmares. All I wanted was for her to grow up a proper Lady of House Bones. By Morgana's lacy underthings, I wasn't even a Lady, just an offshoot that had to be married off."
I blinked. Twice. I had not been prepared for that level of disdain erupting out of her, especially not for her niece. Susan had shit-talked about her earlier, but I had sidelined that as her rebelliousness. But if Amelia too shared such acerbic opinion about her niece, just how dysfunctional was this family?
Damn. I was treading in dangerous waters. Be careful Harry!
Wait. I was calling myself Harry? Yes I couldn't remember my own damn name but —
Just how little time did I have left? How long until I became Harry Potter?
I swallowed.
Okay. Not the time to stew in my own identity crisis. Potential dysfunctional family shenanigans around. Focus on this, Potter! I shivered as I unknowingly called myself that.
Damnit. Damnit.
In order to make myself stop thinking about it, I turned my attention to the current situation. And the easiest thing to start the conversation would be…
"What —'' I croaked, before clearing my voice. "What does Susan want?"
"What else?" Amelia seethed. "You."
I gulped. I really was stuck between a rock and a hard place, wasn't I?
"I've sacrificed everything for this family, Harry. My father bound my chastity. The betrothal bound me to James. His death forced me into celibacy. I've lived all these years staying true to pureblood traditions and preparing Susan to become the Lady Bones. And now, when I've finally got a second chance at life, she wants to snatch it away?"
"Susan isn't —"
"The hell she isn't," Amelia snapped. "I saw the lust in her eyes when you were casting. I saw the desires you raised in her. This entire summer she's been bitching about you, and now, she invites you to a private swim and gets naked for an oil massage? Hippogriff shit. That was a move. Scheming little bitch. If she wants to play rough, then I'll be her competition. I get it, she's like me. Cute, maybe stunning, but I'm gorgeous. Her skin's pale despite everything. Mine is sexy and tanned. She's tiny and I'm lithe and firm. Her breasts are —"
"DD's," I pointed out.
"Well mine are FF's," she snapped back. "And I'd request you not to stare at her tits or arse or anything else, for that matter. You have mine to view and touch and play with all you want. And seriously, she's the freaking Lady of Bones. By authority, she ranks higher than me, but she's always so transparent in trying to get my approval. One hard look and she begins stammering. Ugh. Gag me. A superior woman doesn't care for approval from another. I've tried to forge her into a bastion of strength, instead she's a young, stupid, pathetic, jealous little girl. A loser. And the little virgin thinks she can steal you away? From Me? I'll be thrice-damned before I let that happen."
Shit. Shit. Shit. Bloody hell, why do I always get into this kinda mess? Why in the name of Morgana's thong couldn't this be a normal seduction?
"What about her chastity bind?" I asked, remembering Susan's reluctance over losing her virginity.
Amelia scowled. "The Bind is put on during the child's third birthday by the Lord or Lady of the House. Three being a powerful magical number and all that. My brother Edgar and his wife Alicia died sometime after her first, so she missed it. I'm just the Regent, and I lack the authority to enforce ritualistic magic on the Lady of the House. So I just did what I could. I brought her up following the old ways, taught her to respect the traditions, and made her believe in the power of a woman's virginity when maintained all the way till her marriage. And it would have worked out for the better, but then you entered our lives."
That certainly fit in with Susan's own claims, no matter how much she hated it. Even her first action was to ask me if I would be willing to settle for her and her alone.
"What do you want from me, Amelia?" I asked, deciding to go blunt for once. "I can fuck you all you want, but it doesn't make the truth go away. I'm the Lord of House Potter, and if things work out in my favour, the Lord of House Black too. As much as I hate it, I'm a celebrity. And you are…"
She narrowed her eyes. "I what?"
I swallowed, knowing I had just entered a deadly zone. "You're the DMLE Director, and as you put it, my mom's age. Regardless of my position, I'm a teen. What do you think will happen to your reputation if we're seen together?"
Amelia scowled, but said nothing.
"And even if we keep this thing secret, I doubt I'll be able to keep it going when I'm married. I doubt my wife, or wives for that matter, would turn a blind eye if their husband was not in bed half the nights in a week."
Amelia opened her mouth to retort, but no words came out. She tried again, but nothing happened. Finally, she fisted her hand and splashed it on the water surface.
"You want to be Lady Potter, don't you?"
Amelia raised her head and looked me squarely in the eye. The look she gave made it quite clear exactly what sort of turmoil was raging in her mind.
"What if I do?"
I shrugged. "I'd have said that because of the age difference and a lot of Ministry reasons that probably won't make sense, it'd be illegal. But then worse things have happened in the name of pureblood protocol, so I'm just gonna let you say your piece."
"And if it were allowed?" She asked bitingly. "Would you have married me?"
Damn good question. Would I have?
Despite the increasingly progressive society back in my old world, the age-gaps in relationships was a taboo that just refused to die. That said, it was not uncommon to see a man or woman in their forties dating someone barely in their twenties. Despite thousands of years of evolutionary psychology, generations of social and cultural norms, economic shifts and recent social justice movements, couples with large age-gaps face judgement to this day. Rather than assume people are happily together, there is a social tendency to worry about possible power imbalances, and view the relationship as transactional, assuming one party is seeking to elevate their social status or wealth. There's even specific vocab to aid that judgement — an older man must be a 'sugar-daddy', a younger woman a 'gold-digger' or a victim of 'daddy issues'. An older woman is reduced to a 'cougar' and a younger male a 'toyboy'.
And all of that was excluding the retrogressive nature of the Wizarding World.
"If we married, then you'd be painted as a cougar trapping a young celebrity," I said, weighing my words as I uttered them. "I'd be termed a playboy, pleasuring an older woman to get things at the DMLE run my way. And with what we've planned…"
"It'd destroy everything," said Amelia in a small voice. "A scandal like that would damage my reputation, and yours."
Mentally, I gave Susan my thanks. She had quite clearly established Amelia's position. The DMLE Director cared very much about her sterling reputation and pureblood protocol. But Susan had also been wrong about Amelia's hypocrisy about me, but she lacked the proper context so she was blameless on that point.
I thought about Narcissa, about her desire to shed her Malfoy connections to become 'Narcissa Black' again. Something told me that there was more to it than just annulling her marriage, not that it would mean anything if we succeeded in offing her husband. With older, wiser and politically well-connected ladies like Narcissa and Amelia, and a secretary like Hestia, I could almost see a future ahead. Susan's sharp mind would make a lovely Lady Bones, and I'd still have two options for taking in brides for my Houses. Hermione was a werewolf, and thus out of the question. Everyone else was just in for the ride.
It was enough for a man to be content with.
But that wouldn't be my life.
I was an Outlander. I needed World Anchors to keep growing. Whether it be Dumbledore, Voldemort or motherfucking Destiny, I'd always be moving uphill.
There'd always be the next woman to fuck, to conquer, to make my own.
One could call it a blessing. Or a curse.
I recalled Susan's words. As much as her aunt's hypocrisy infuriated her, it also aroused her. And I doubted Amelia was stupid enough to see the easy solution that lay before her.
So why wasn't she jumping at the opportunity?
"Amelia," I said, looking into her eyes. "You can't tell me that you don't see the obvious solution."
Amelia scowled but said nothing.
"Susan is attracted to me. Susan is the Lady Bones, and I, as the Lord of the Ancient and Noble House of Potter, fit the bill perfectly. If I marry her, Bones Mansion would become the house of my in-laws."
"And me? What happens to me? Do I become the spinster aunt that opens her legs for my niece's husband?"
I smirked. "Isn't that what you're doing already?"
Annoyance flashed upon her face. "Don't play games with me, Harry. There are alternatives that do not have you marrying Susan. You can make me the Potter Regent. Let me help you rebuild Potter estate. Make it just like it was before Voldemort destroyed it. As your Regent, you are always welcome to visit me, for consultations or otherwise. We can keep what we have, and nobody needs to know a thing."
Which, come to think of it, was a fair trade. I doubted I could bring myself to live in a grand old fifteenth-century style mansion, but I had to maintain appearances. And after Susan took over as the Lady in the Wizengamot, Amelia would be excused from her position as Regent. She could become the Potter Regent, and even choose to live at the Potter mansion if she wanted. And between her own political power, and my world anchors, I was sure I could convince my future wives to be perfectly okay with her joining me in my bed.
Amelia would fight tooth and nail against that possibility now, but who knows, maybe after hitting past her eighties in world anchorage, she'd become a lot more compliant.
It was a good plan. A solid plan. There was just one tiny problem.
I had bedded Susan. As in, not fucked or anything, but in her virgin mind, I might as well have. I had seen her naked. Hell, we had made each other cum, while lying in each other's arms, naked. Susan had openly offered to marry me, and she was perfectly fine with letting Amelia continue with her shenanigans. If I walked out on Susan to satisfy Amelia, it would trigger her bad side. And that wouldn't be nice.
The only way forward was to make Amelia agree to let me marry Susan.
"So it's not about you getting satisfied, is it?" I asked. "You don't want to get fucked. It's about Susan. It's all about Susan. Isn't it?"
"YES! DAMN IT! YES!" Amelia seethed. "It's about Susan. I've spent the last sixteen years of my life playing parent to her, keeping her safe, getting her every damn thing she wants, but she just wants more and more, doesn't she?"
"Susan is perfectly —"
"Don't try to teach me about my own niece, Potter. I know exactly what she is. And I'll be damned if I let her lord over me. I refuse to be that whore you fuck in the bedroom while Susan gets to be on your arm in the light of day."
"But you are my whore," I said, twisting her nipples as Amelia moaned softly. I chuckled. "And why shouldn't they? I mean you're literally writhing over someone your niece's age. All that attitude during that meeting, looking down at me like I was nothing, when all you wanted was to bounce on my cock."
I pushed her up slightly, and let her sink down upon my dick for extra emphasis.
"Don't flatter yourself," she replied, a hint of derision in her tone while also sounding breathy and staring at my naked chest. "Yes, I'm repressed. Yes, I'd like to stay with your cock inside me until I've got my fill. But that's only because your father was an asshole."
"I'd say you're equally to blame for that, Amelia," I taunted her. "None of this would have happened if you had controlled yourself. But you were too much of a slut for that."
"I wasn't a slut," she seethed.
"My dad's slut," I rephrased. "And now mine. Isn't that why you're bouncing on my dick right now? Why you brought me so far into the sea, knowing that your niece, someone of my age, wants me so badly that she got topless and had me rubbing oil on her back?"
"Are you trying to annoy me, Harry?" she asked, narrowing her eyes. "Because I swear it's working."
"I'm just calling a spade a spade," I said. "You talk of how much you need me. But the truth is what you need is my cock. You want someone of your niece's age to become your boy toy, because you were a horny bitch then, and you're a horny bitch now." I slapped her arse, making her wince. "Isn't that right?"
"Yes! Yes! I was horny!" She snarled. "Yes! I'm horny now! I've been horny for two decades. And stop being a sanctimonious bastard, Harry Potter. We both know that I was willing to walk away from that bath. You were the one that pulled me back. James Potter's son or not, you've wanted to fuck me, and you're the one that can't resist me."
"FUCK!" Amelia yelled, feeling the sting of my palm on her naked arse. She glared daggers at me. My smirking at her didn't help.
"Think Susan heard you? I wonder if she's sulking, cursing you for snatching her crush like a cougar and nailing him in the middle of the sea."
"You're such an arrogant arse, Harry Potter," Amelia whispered, her eyes practically shining as she looked into my eyes, our lips inches apart. That smile returned to smugness incarnate, and the sexual tension between us practically tripled. "You can annoy me as much as you want, but in the end, I'm the one you're having sex with, not Susan."
"Why not? What's stopping me?"
"I am." Amelia looked dead serious. "Do not play that game with me, Harry Potter. You won't like what follows."
I smirked. "Playing a game, am I? What does that make you? My pawn?"
Before she could answer, I rammed the entire length of my cock into her folds. I smashed my lips into hers and our tongues danced more and more passionately, as Amelia, predictably enough, began to rock her hips back and forth faster, my dick sliding in and out of her tight pussy. I cupped her breasts and mauled them, and her nipples only hardened at my rough treatment. All Amelia could do in response was moan, her vocal cords seemingly lost for the moment in the intense pleasure coursing through her body.
"Fuck! I've fucked you so much and I still can't believe how tight you are!" I groaned, and Amelia looked at me, smugly.
"Benefits of a woman's body, darling," she smirked, "I couldn't get the pleasure, so I worked hard on it. I turned my hate to focus. This body has twenty years of diligence built into it. No matter how much you fuck this pussy, it'll always be tighter than a virgin. No matter how much you pull and maul these breasts, they'll remain taut and firm. And don't even get me started on my arse…"
Her smiles made me throb. "Darling, you can sleep with an entire veela coven and all you'll get would be above-average fucks sprinkled with psychic nookie. But this body? It's the real thing. You're delusional if you think it gets any better than this."
"James Potter was really an idiot," I murmured.
My words made her smile.
"That he was," she said. "But if he hadn't, then you wouldn't have been born, sweetheart. And you wouldn't have your fingers clenching this arse while your cock shapes this pussy."
"Fuck! You're hot!" I breathed heatedly, taking one of her breasts into my mouth as she continued to rock against my cock. I pushed her to the other side, and grabbed both of her breasts and began slobbering over them hungrily. And then I slapped them.
Amelia squealed.
"You're such a fucking pig!" She added with a low moan, biting her lip as I pushed deeper. "I — I can't believe how big your cock is! I can't believe you have such stamina! Oh! Just how do you, Oh! Yes! Fuck me! Show me how you fuck ugh! Harry!"
"I'm going to make you scream!" I promised. The conversation had flown out of the window as we began to make out. She was unbelievably tight. It felt SO fucking good. Now that I think of it, her cunt was better than any pussy I had ever felt, and that included Narcissa Malfoy. It was squeezing my cock from every angle, smothering it with pleasure, doing things that had me shivering. Just like quicksand, wet and velvety quicksand, it pulled me deeper with every slight move I made. And I was only too happy to oblige.
"Ugh!" She groaned. "Make me scream! Make me scream!"
I pushed more of my meat into her. I had drilled the entire thing into her before, and it had been incredibly tight, but this time, it was welcoming me like an old friend. I was able to push more into her, spreading the walls of her pussy around my invading shaft, her juices coating every bit of my cock and easing its journey. I looked down to see her scrunching her eyes in pleasure.
"You like that?" I growled at her.
She looked at me, lust painting her face. "You've yet to make me cum, stud."
The woman I had made out with had been an angry, repressed bitch that was only just tasting the forbidden taste of sexual pleasure she had been denied all her life. The horny woman I had fucked in her office had her floodgates of ecstasy opened, and now that she had a taste of it, she wanted more. But this? This was a seductress, one with a mature body and boiling with intense feminine competitiveness.
Yes she wanted my cock. Yes, she'd do anything to ensure I stayed with her, and yes, she was a mean bitch like Narcissa Malfoy.I might have impressed her with my skill at politics and spellcasting, but I had yet to dominate her in bed. I had fucked her sore last night, but the yearnings of her years of celibacy wouldn't vanish with a couple of fucks.
She wanted an odyssey. And she wanted me to give her that. But until then, she wasn't mine. Not completely.
And her world anchors only reflected that status.
"Fuck!" Amelia screamed, as I pulled out and slammed back in, filling her to the brim with my dick. "Yes! Stay right there! Stay right there!"
"Ugh!" She groaned, feeling my coarse palms against her arse. In return, she pushed herself deeper against my cock to gain a longer reach and —
I rained down smacks upon her butt. She hissed, groaned and moaned in pain and ecstasy, taking in my every ministration head on. She was being an absolute submissive, but her ability to tank whatever I dished out was making me feel uncomfortable.
It was time to take it up a notch.
I grabbed her hands and threw her against the reef, her body resting on it, joined with mine at the abdomen. Grabbing her shoulder, I used all my strength and slapped her in the face. For a moment, I feared I had crossed the line, but instead, when she looked at me, her eyes were melting with raw desire.
"More!" She groaned.
Gritting my teeth, I slapped her face again with the other. And again, and again and then some more. Every single slap left an imprint on her face, her cheeks growing redder and redder while she kept fucking me back harder with every single blow. Her legs were actually coiling harder around me, and she was using my trapping her as a leverage to fuck me back, as I slapped her. Her huge boobs were bouncing and jiggling with each motion, her nipples dancing in the cold, sea air. And she kept on driving into me, again and again. She was relentless.
"You like that? You like fucking like that?" She panted out. She was pressing her advantage, well aware of what she was doing to me. On each stroke, her cunt squeezed every inch of my shaft and that tightness felt incredible as she drove into me, her pussy stroking my cock with each bounce. I couldn't find the words to reply to her and this just spurred her on.
It was essentially a competition, and I couldn't help but feel that she was having different thoughts about me. She must have been wondering exactly how I was managing to last this long, physical stamina and magic be damned.
And you know what the funny thing was? If I told her that I was an incubus, it would actually drive her crazy. She'd instantly connect my nature to Lily Evans, claiming that Lily must have enthralled James using her succubi powers.
"C'mon Harry! You big, strong man!" She spat out sarcastically. "Look at you, being a pussy, just taking it. Letting me fuck you!" She met my eyes, and a vicious snarl tore through her lips. "You think you are my master? Boy, you dominated me because I let you do it. You fucked me like a whore because I was willing. You're nothing but a child, taking advantage of something your father did. Give it up, Harry! This nasty bitch's body can give you more, so much more than the girls you slap around! Why! Just why do you keep talking about fucking Susan when I'm here? Why?"
"Because she's got a lot to offer, too. And she's perfectly fine with letting you be, as you put it, my whore."
Amelia gritted her teeth and kept fucking me harder. "Why? Why are you doing this, Harry? Am I… Am I not enough for you? What? Do you need me to prove it? Because I swear by Merlin I will —"
"Prove what?" I asked, fucking her back. "That you can outfuck me? Bitch, please. Did you forget what you told me last night? You asked me not to fuck you that hard every night. Because you couldn't handle it. Trust me, Amelia, you can't. You simply can't."
Amelia gripped my hands and brought me to a pause, her enraged eyes meeting my gaze.
"And what if I can?"
I curled my lips and gave her a patronising smile. "You're a sucker for losing, aren't you?"
"Losing is all I've done in my entire life, Harry," she said in a small voice. "At least this way, I'll know I'm best fair and square, not because of a pointless betrothal and pureblood tradition."
I froze at her words. Like, what could you say to that?
"But yes," she said. "I will still wager on that."
"Amelia," I said. "We had sex last night. You know very well how long I can last. Don't go making claims you can't keep."
"No," she said. "If my sacrifice of twenty years means anything, if all my hard work at shaping my body to be the perfection that it is means anything, then yes, I will get the better of you, Harry. Yes, your cock is beyond impressive, and you have the stamina of a god. But I'm Amelia fucking Bones, and I do not quit."
Her words sent a surge of emotion shooting through me. There was something utterly inhuman about it. Something too pure, too primal, and it made my body thrumm in response. I had challenged her in a way no one had, and knowing her, she'd die but not accept defeat.
"Fine," I said. "We have a wager. We fuck. It's just like you said. Any hole, any position, any place. I'm gonna fuck you in every hole and every position that your slut brain can imagine and then some. And I'm gonna dominate you. I'm gonna leave you lying, my seed coating your face and breasts. I'm gonna cum in every hole until you appear five months pregnant with my cum. And I'm gonna make you admit that you are my bitch."
I smirked at the flash of rage on her features. "And when I do, you'll withdraw all opposition from me marrying Susan."
"WHY?" Amelia roared, making them back-off in surprise. She pushed me in a bout of rage and practically pinned me against the reef with her voluptuous form. "Why do you need that girl? I'm hotter, mmm, yeah, and sexier. I have way sexier hair! I have better legs. A way prettier face. Breasts to die for. Arse tighter than Lucius Malfoy's wallet. I'm way more fit, and you've already seen my cunt is better than anything else you can ever have."
"Bugger!" I murmured, as she slid my cock deeper into her pussy.
"But it's fine!" she said. "Fine! It's a wager after all. Alright, I accept. If you succeed, you can go marry her. You can bed that pathetic whiny bitch. Is that what you wanted to hear? Does the idea of destroying her tiny pussy make you throb?"
She threw her head back and laughed. "Well, you're never gonna get it. Do you know why? Because you won't win."
She raised herself slightly, until she was at my eye-level.
"You do not understand what force of nature you've awakened, Harry Potter. I'm going to fuck you, and leave you on the ground, gasping for breath and claiming my superiority. And when I do, I'll make you my bitch. You will stay here, with me, away from all your whores. You'll be my bitch and lick my pussy until I cum all over your face. You'll slobber all over my nipples and my breasts and I'll fuck you until you're unconscious. Every. Single. Night. Yes, you'll marry, but I'll teach those bitches that their husband belongs to me."
My cock throbbed powerfully at her words. I knew this was a challenge where I had very less to gain and very much to lose, but I didn't care about that anymore. She had challenged my pride, my sexuality, my nature as an incubus.
It wasn't even about defeating Amelia in the wager anymore. That was actually a given. The question was how badly she would be defeated. If despite all that we shared together, she thought she'd be able to overwhelm me in bed, then she had something else coming. I'd show her how stupid she had been to claim that I was just enjoying the fruits of James Potter's labour.
Angry or otherwise, she had tickled the wrong dragon. And she was up for a rude awakening.
"Fine," I told her, my eyes meeting hers. "We have a deal."
If you want to help me financially, you can do it on