Chapter 64: Chapter 64: An Object Lesson
We decided to return to the manor. As enthralling as an underwater fuck session sounded, both of us were already exhausted, and an official challenge deserved preparation and ambience.
Amelia's words, not mine.
Both of us waded through the waters to the beach. Me without my shorts, and Amelia, without her bikini. As much as the idea of us walking out buck-naked stirred my cock, there were limits to our debauchery and indecency, and also, pureblood protocol to consider. So I stayed away, adrift in the shallow waters, watching Amelia slowly rise, the salty waters kissing her naked arse as they dripped and fell down to the sandy floor, as she treaded towards an absolutely shellshocked Susan, who had her bikini tied back on.
I saw her fumble around, utterly flustered as she handed Amelia her wand, who then conjured a towel around herself and tied it around her voluptuous form. Aunt and niece exchanged small conversations, the latter constantly throwing me looks of intense longing. Susan's expressions turned increasingly volatile as the conversation flowed, and at a certain point, her red hair was billowing like Snape's cloak, despite the lack of wind. I contained the urge to get out and check what was going on, but Amelia wouldn't like that. After all, I was still a guest at the manor and had to keep a certain decorum.
Several anxious minutes later, an angry Susan stormed off, stomping the ground and blowing off sand with her legs.
"You can come out now," Amelia yelled, flicking her wand to dry herself.
Silently, I got out of the water, until I was standing right next to her. She cast a drying charm over me, and conjured a pair of shorts which I put on.
"What happened? She looked… angry."
"Oh nothing," Amelia said airily, fooling no one. "She asked me what happened, and I told her."
I gave her a blank stare. "You told her we had sex underwater?"
"No. I told her we were swimming, and went into the reef. The water was too strong and you lost your boxers in the process. I tried to save your arse and ended up losing my bikini to your greedy hands."
I snorted. "No way she believed that."
Amelia gave me a pleased look. "No, she didn't, which makes it so much better. Does she know exactly what happened there? Maybe. Maybe not. But she knows we swam with each other." She brought her lips close to my ears. " Naked."
My cock throbbed.
"While," said Amelia as she pulled back, "she was here, all by herself, in the sun. Just like a pathetic loser."
"She seemed… upset."
Amelia let out a soft laugh. "That's putting it lightly. I must thank you, Harry. In just two days, you've managed to do what I couldn't in fifteen years." She chuckled. "Susan showed me that she, too, has a backbone. She had the gall to tell me that she likes you, and wants to pursue a relationship with you."
"And… what did you say?"
"Oh, I'd have said no, obviously," she drawled, "but it looks like seeing me naked and getting all wet with you got her juices flowing. All these years she's been a nice little poppet, and now she's barking at me. Really, will wonders ever cease?"
Barking? Now I knew what that hair-raising moment was about.
"She actually had the temerity to talk about my relationship with the Potters, and how I held nothing but derision and scorn for James Potter's child. She claimed that my actions are proof that not only have my feelings changed, but I also consider you as someone worth my time. With you being the next Lord of Potter, Susan claims that you'd make a perfect husband material."
I whistled.
Amelia gave me a withering glare.
"What? She's not wrong."
"I told her that you're a serial womaniser and reminded her of what it means to be the Lady Bones. Yes, you have the station and lineage, but you're like a whirlwind, a walking-talking chaos machine. And it's obvious that you can't walk down the street without looking down every skirt that catches your eye. Being on the arm of such a figure would be detrimental to our political stance, which advocates traditions and culture above everything else."
"Really?" I drawled, feeling the very first tendrils of annoyance seep into my tone. "You're talking about loose morals when you have spent the last two days getting nailed by this womaniser? Hypocrisy, thy name is Amelia."
Amelia cocked her head and let out an extremely refined snort. "I'm not the Lady Bones, just the Regent. And even then, it's less of my own choices and more of that contract's magic. Me choosing to sleep with you is no different from a person lashing out with a dangerous spell at his attackers. Worse things have been done in the name of self-defence."
"Really?" I said, affronted. "Remember that when you come begging for my cock the next time."
Amelia snorted. "Stop with the pulling child act, Harry Potter. You know exactly well how true my words are. And I acknowledge I'm a hypocrite for engaging with you, but it isn't like you're getting nothing out of it. Apart from my body, you get the support of the DMLE Director. Or…" she drawled, "you would have gotten it. Now, we have a wager, and after we're done with it, I'll show you your rightful place. Though if you want, we can forgo that and you can accept your defeat right away."
That rankled. For all the terrible suffering she had to endure and all the bad faith that James Potter dealt her, it didn't make it any less true that Amelia was a control-freak, and just like Susan, maybe James had understood that as well? Was that why he had given her up for the muggleborn Lily Evans?
"What did Susan say?" I asked her.
Amelia cackled. "She did what she always does. Whine. Like a little bitch. She claimed you could change, and she'd charge you directly about it. As if you could restrain your cock from drilling into every pussy that gets your attention." She let out a wicked laugh again. "Just how stupid does she think I am if she expects me to go all gooey over this sentimental tripe? I told her there was no way to be certain she could hold your interest until next summer, forget the rest of your life. I told her that your responsibility to find wives for the other Houses under your control gives you carte blanche to go sticking your cock into every pussy on the street, and there's nothing Susan would be able to do about it. I asked her if she was willing to stay the pureblood trophy wife for the rest of her life, waiting for her husband to come home, only to find the juices of some whore sticking to his cock when she tried to service him at night."
I winced at her bluntness. "And?"
"And what? Little girl didn't like the truths I was throwing at her, and whined as always. She claimed that the mantle had always snatched away her happiness or some such shit. That she wouldn't let it take you away from her as well. Take you away! Hah! She hadn't even said two words to you before this summer, and she despised you until you played that little stunt with Malfoy and the muggleborn. I know her. She's a jealous bitch that would utterly hate to see her man go to anyone else."
Pot, meet kettle. I didn't say.
"I told her she's just a small fish in a large ocean," said Amelia, "that the competition is above and beyond what she can digest. That alone should have been enough, but guess miracles happen, after all."
She gave me a nasty smirk.
"She had the gall to pull rank over me. She reminded me that she was the Lady Bones while I was a mere Regent. That said I was the Regent Bones, and she was the Lady, and I had no right to keep her from getting what she wanted. I'd have slapped her pretty little face, but I had to reward her for initiative, didn't I? I'm her guardian, after all. Plus, she put up quite a lot of thought in her little speech."
I cocked my head.
Amelia laughed again. "She claimed that as Regent, it was my duty to prepare her for every trial the Lady may face. And she calls this — changing a casanova into a proper, one-woman man, a trial. Could she be any more pathetic? And she claims that her ineptitude and inexperience in matters of seduction are my shortcomings, as if I was a pimp, prepping her to become a Knockturn Alley whore, and not a Regent educating the Lady of the House."
"You said no, then."
"I said yes," Amelia barked out a laugh. "Yes! A hundred times, yes! My dear Susie, my little poppet has finally learned to bark!" She cackled again. "Such initiative, such growth needs to be rewarded. This is the first time she's acted like she should. Say, Darling, you wouldn't mind postponing our little wager by a day or two, do you? You need all the rest you need for an ideal performance."
Okay, now she was just being mean. "Why? What do you plan to do?"
She let out another of her characteristic wicked laughs. "I have my job cut out for me. The Lady wants me to teach her, and teach her I will." A poisonous smile spread across her face. "Bitch thinks she can pull rank over me? I'm the one in control. I'm running this show, the game master. I am Amelia fucking Bones. No one ever pulls rank on me, not even the Minister of Magic. "
She stood her tallest and faced me. "But it's fine. She wants to play? We'll play. We'll play rough. She thinks she's cute and pretty? She's a poor wizard's version of me, a consolation prize when one cannot get the real thing." She glared at me. "You really shouldn't have started this, Harry. I understand wanting the power of the House of Bones, but talking about fucking Susan like she's more than me somehow? Like I'm an afterthought? That's an outrage."
I was beginning to realise that maybe, just maybe, things would have been better if I hadn't tried to impress Amelia in the bath after all. Part of me wondered if I could use Meta-luck to undo all of this. Another part of me that sounded suspiciously like Hestia pointed out that such a divergence was probably because of the Domino effect perk I had gained, and by fucking with Reality and Destiny, I had unwittingly created my own demons.
Maybe I had.
"She wants me to teach her, so teach her I shall. An unforgettable lesson. I'll show her the fucking truth. The truth that I was her superior. I'll make sure she knows that I have the bigger tits, a better arse, a prettier face, better hair. I have it all, and she has nothing. I'll show her how she's nothing but a downer. She mothers her little Hufflepuffs around like she's a veteran when she's nothing more than a sheltered kneazle. She talks shit about people, when in fact, she's worse than the ones she makes fun of. She's a dumb little know-it-all who deserves to be treated like the pathetic little cunt that she is. The Lady of Bones must be enigmatic, larger than life. Yet she dresses like a slob, acts all sarcastic and snarky. And you say you want to fuck her? Don't lie to yourself! You want a real woman! A hot fucking woman with tits and arse, not a chubby little fucking bitch."
"Don't you think you're being a little too harsh on her?" I asked. "She's your niece after all."
"She doesn't deserve any mercy now, Harry darling. Not after she all but declared me her rival. I am almost certain she knows we've been intimate and today was her chance to get out ahead. If she wants to act like an adult, she'll have to play adult games. The game of seduction and sex. She thinks you'll choose her over this body?"
She took a step closer and entwined her arms around my neck, and brought her lips closer. "I'll be frank with you, Darling. You're a mystery to me. Boy-Who-Lived or not, your power is strange. Your skill at casting, your reflexes and your precision, they are all strange. And most of all, that stamina you boast, it's the strangest of all. Almost enough to be called… inhuman. Makes me wonder what kind of rituals you did to become this Adonis!"
Her eyes glinted. "But it doesn't matter. It would be hypocritical of me to judge you for enhancing yourself. After all, I'm a woman in my prime, with twenty years to shape my body into this. It's only natural that you'd use everything you have at hand. And honey, you did land some good hits on me in the past, I'll give you that much, but this is it. After I am done teaching Susan a lesson for life, we'll execute our wager. It will be an epic climax," she laughed at her own wordplay. "We will fuck, and I will break you. I will conquer you, and when I do…" she smiled. "I will own you."
She threw her head up. "Are you seeing this, James?" She yelled out loud. "Your son is paying for your deeds. Just like you, he tried to play with me. But as they say, fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. I'm not gonna be fooled by a Potter twice. I won't wait for him to make me his wife. I will own him, dominate him and make him my toy. And then, I will be the Lady that Harry Potter worships. And this time, nobody will stop me. Least of all my fucking niece."
Yup. Shit had really hit the fan. The Amelia Bones that the world knew and feared was gone. The repressed woman living the life of the Bones Regent and stuck in the solitude of her past was gone. The woman that had taken care of Susan all her life was gone. And in her stead, was a depraved slut that her father had bound away using the magic of the chastity binding. I had wanted to shatter her repressed urges for a world anchor, and instead, I had unleashed a hurricane. A newly evolved form, the final evolution, combining the sluttiness of her younger years, the diligence of the two decades, and the discipline and control she had acquired through her experience and maturity.
This… this would be a worthy conquest.
Narcissa had injected veela blood into her system, and I had the Defiant perk to fight against her mental coercion. And once she had given in, it was only a matter of time before my Pheromone perk, combined with her own sexual starvation, and her knowledge of my actions as Lord Conditional of Black, had prompted her to act in the way she did. But once that was done, even Narcissa was putty in my hands when it came to sex. Hermione's werewolf nature gave her a stamina and a hunger for sex that was unmatched by normal witches and wizards, but against an Incubus, it stood no chance.
Amelia on the other hand? She was no succubus, but she had an iron will. An Occlumency so strong that it had allowed her to keep her mind and her sanity intact despite the impossible struggle she went through. And not just that, she thrived, and prepared her body to become the ultimate sexual art form imaginable. She was one of the most fearsome witches in the Wizarding world. A woman that held the entirety of the military in the palm of her hand, while staying as the Regent of a Noble House. By power, by skill and by experience, she was my superior. Sexually, her pussy was divine. Her arse was taut like a bow. Her breasts were succulent.
There was only one way out. I had to conquer Amelia, out-fuck her, and tame that hurricane. That way, I could have Susan, and have Amelia calm down and get the sensible and pragmatic DMLE Director back and push my plans to completion.
All this time, I was relying on my natural abilities and passive effects of my Incubus powers to get shit done. But with her, something else was needed. Part of me wanted to summon the fullest power of the Devil's Charm, and use it against this sanctimonious bitch. Unlike the other perks, Devil's Charm was an upgraded perk, crafted out of my own Pheromone perk — a manifestation of my Incubus nature, and Femme Fatale — a manifestation of Narcissa's own nature and skill set. Unlike other perks, Devil's Charm was dangerous. Just the passive effects could rival the effects of the Imperius curse on a certain level, but if I were to use it voluntarily then…
I shuddered at the idea. To my knowledge, I had used that perk only once, and even then, on a subconscious level. The results had been nothing short of terrifying. But if I were to use it voluntarily, unleash the Devil within me then…
No. I told myself. I couldn't use it. I shouldn't use it. No wager was worth it.
Besides, Amelia was an ordinary witch. Not a succubus. If I, an incubus that made Narcissa Malfoy scream my name over and over couldn't outfuck her, then it was definitely my loss.
No matter how you sliced it.
Either way, the game that had started from the moment I entered this mansion was almost over now, and I couldn't wait to end it.
Susan had once told me that Amelia Bones cared about two things more than anything else in her life — the House Protocol, and her sterling reputation. But as the day passed, it became incredibly clear that she was not above using either so long as she got to achieve her goals.
We had gotten back to the mansion and changed into proper clothing. It was supposed to be my last day here, and Amelia was hell-bent on playing the part of a proper host. Only this time around, she was milking the situation to its worth. And my trained eye saw every move she made.
Susan had described me as Amelia's dirty secret. In normal conditions, she'd even be right. A woman scorned by her love, only to retreat into her job and the task of rearing a child and future Lady of a Noble House, only for her deepest carnal desires to be reawakened by the son of those who had scorned her in the first place. And now she'd fight to her utmost to keep the object of her desires close to her, while maintaining the facade of a sterile harridan to the rest of the world. Even if it meant killing her own niece's dreams about the same individual.
It was practically a movie script.
Susan had that mostly correct. Except for one thing. She had not known about the tweaking in the chastity bind, and unless I was very wrong, ignorant of exactly how deep Amelia's psychological issues ran. For someone so sharp, Susan had panicked like an amateur and used what she thought was her trump card against Amelia and came out lacking. And now, her aunt was milking the situation to its worth.
I sat at the table, munching a sandwich, watching as Amelia came down the stairs with her niece. Her top had a couple more buttons unbuttoned, and she wasn't afraid to parade around her juicy cleavage and the delights within. She did nothing directly. It wasn't like she was shoving them in my face or anything like that. No, she was just giving me a frank comparison between her perky, squeezable breasts and Susan's comparably less generous bosom.
Just as promised, she was teaching Susan all about femininity and charms and seduction. I noticed the casual way she threw appraising comments about Susan's looks and her body. Susan was no slouch, but Amelia had her beat as far as physical appearance was concerned. She had more stylish hair, a more gorgeous model-like face, bigger breasts, a rounder, juicier arse, longer legs, and now that she was no longer suppressing it, a more blatant, obvious sex appeal. And depending on your tastes, her older age and higher experience added to her appeal. It was true, Amelia's body was indeed a work of art, sculpted out of the most immaculate flesh imaginable, carved with the finest features. If an artist wanted to design the ideal woman, she would no doubt look a hell lot like Amelia Bones.
When Susan bent over to pick a spoon, Amelia commented on her waist as the hem of her jeans lowered. She caught sight of Susan's thong, hidden tastefully under the hem of her pants and cackled in derision, only to stand up and reveal her own exposed g-string, lifted over the hem of her own jeans. In her own twisted mind, Amelia had concluded that Susan needed to be at least better than the Regent herself, if she wanted to be a successful Lady. And given she wanted to learn how to appear more seductive, it was up to Amelia to demonstrate.
I was just the happy-go-lucky scapegoat that volunteered to help her out.
Nothing was sacred to Amelia. As we sat down for lunch, I complimented Susan on how endearingly cute she looked in her loose pants and half-shirt. Barely ten seconds later, Amelia had spilled fruit juice on her top, and instead of vanishing it, she had excused herself, only to come downstairs, wearing an almost indecent silk nightie. She was clearly nude under the thin material, judging by how her rack jiggled under it, held up by two thin shoulder straps that hung halfway between her knees and her crotch. During the entire lunch, she had caressed my cock, and when I had tried to stop her she had grabbed my wrist and pushed my fingers into her snatch, and crossed her legs, trapping them inside.
Yes. I am aware of the irony.
It was like watching a train wreck. You knew where this was headed and you knew how nasty it was going to be, but for some reason, you just couldn't look away from it.
But the worst of it all came the next morning, when I walked down to the beach to see both of them lying down on towels in the sand, enjoying the afternoon sun.
Susan had come in wearing a green one-piece with an oval cut that exposed her insanely toned stomach along with her round and perky breasts, looking cute and sexy. And Amelia, oh God, Amelia had come in wearing another of her tiny bikinis, looking positively sinful. Her breasts were jutting out proudly, perkily, the bikini top stretching to the max to contain the mile-long cleavage between them. Her bikini bottoms were tiny, and they barely left anything to imagination.
"Ah, Harry," Amelia called out with mock surprise, "I didn't know you'd be here. Me and Susan were enjoying some private time with each other."
The bitch. As if she hadn't sent me a patronus inviting me to the beach ten minutes ago.
"I can leave if you want."
"Oh no," Amelia shook her head, her act fooling no one. "You are a guest here. Perhaps we can come to an arrangement? You offered me an oil massage yesterday, didn't you? If it's all the same, I'd like to take you up on that offer now."
Of course she would.
Her own declaration must have flooded her with a rush of adrenaline, because her nipples sprang forth through the bikini, standing straight and hard as pebbles, and I was suddenly at a loss. Amelia was dressed to bring down the craftiest prey, even if it was a predator like myself. It was almost a shame that all of this was a setup to make Susan feel uncomfortable about herself instead of a spontaneous seduction.
My eyes lingered a little too long on her erect nipples and my breath caught. My cock started to respond as I forcibly removed my eyes from her chest, and made contact with her amused gaze. I turned to Susan and found her eyes scolding me.
Amelia flipped around and dug into the towel, waiting for me to start. I gave Susan a half-shrug and straddled her, undoing her bikini top. It would be interesting to see exactly how far she was willing to let me play with her body, given that Susan was watching.
Correction. Especially with Susan watching.
I began by dribbling warm massage oil from her shoulders, down her back, over her buttocks and down the backs of both legs. I then proceeded to smear the oil evenly over her body.
"You can remove the bottoms too," she murmured. "It's more convenient to work that way."
I heartily agreed.
Having spread the oil, I began to massage her, starting at her hands and arms, then shoulders, then moving slowly down her body. I did her buttocks, working the side of my hand deep into the crack of her arse.
"Oh, you have such strong hands, Harry," said Amelia, obviously enjoying the experience. "Don't forget to do my butt."
As if to emphasise her point, she raised her arse upwards, giving me a closer look. I squirted more oil into the cleft between her arse-cheeks, and vigorously worked it into her skin, making sure to shake them a bit as I slathered them.
Yes, we were about to have a wager that would be a deciding point in our lives, but that didn't mean I had to tone down my performance. After all, Susan was watching. She needed to see for herself exactly how I played the female anatomy like a harp, needed to realise that I was going to do the same to her.
Besides, if Amelia thought that that little performance in her office was all I was capable of, she was up for a nasty surprise.
"Ah, so forceful!" Amelia giggled. "See how I'm enjoying this while he works his magic, Susan? You need to learn to draw the pleasure out. There's nothing more annoying than a woman who can't even last ten seconds."
Susan was imitating a tomato.
Deciding an intervention was necessary, I mauled her arse-cheeks one final time and —
"Oh! Yes!" Amelia moaned, arching backward at the sharp pain, flooding her body with pleasure. "Just like that."
"Yes! Oh, Yes! Spank me more, Harry!"
SLAP! My palm rang against her arse-cheeks.
"Are you watching, Susan?" Amelia cooed. "This is how a man treats a woman! No one wants a little girl that'll cuddle and smooch but run away with her tail between her legs when it comes to the real thing. Men want the real thing, you understand, Susie? They want the naughty, the filthy —"
Her arse squeezed my hand in them.
She raised her head and chest upward, arching her back, further trapping my hand.
She turned towards me and smirked. "Think you've massaged my butt nicely, Harry? I wouldn't mind if you did a thorough check."
My cock throbbed.
I pulled my oily fingers out of her arse, much to her disappointment, and worked my way down to her legs, spending extra time on her upper thighs in her pussy area, but not touching it. I then went down to her ankles, massaging the soles of her feet and toes.
Amelia moaned.
I moved upwards this time, massaging the inside of her upper thigh and started to rub her pussy with the edge of my hand. I worked the creases on both sides of her clit, and occasionally glided across it, teasing her slit and clit. Amelia was breathing heavily, as I avoided her wet pussy, which had turned pink and pooched out significantly. Part of me wanted to make her cum and end Susan's impromptu lesson, but I ruthlessly suppressed it. For all of Amelia's ruthlessness and her need to teach Susan an object lesson, I was all for giving Susan a first-row seat to what I did to my women.
"You're such a tease, Harry," Amelia purred. "Didn't anyone tell you it's bad manners to get a woman all pent-up and ready to cum and then leave her hanging?"
I chuckled, and poured a generous amount of oil upon her shaved pussy.
The effect was immediate. Amelia's body jerked.
"Oh my! Merlin, that feels sooo good!"
"Wait until I rub it in," I said.
What? I wanted to win the wager and make Amelia my bitch. But that didn't mean I wasn't at all enjoying the frustration she was putting Susan through.
I should probably try to be a nicer person.
Amelia spread her legs, revealing her folds. Her bare pussy became even more engorged and red, her clit peeking out of its folds, and tingling from the oil.
"Yes…" She hissed. "Do me, Harry. I'm not Susan. I'm not gonna squirt just with your hands on my pussy."
Susan choked.
"Turn around," I said.
She couldn't have been happier to accommodate me. Amelia flipped around, and lay down on her back, her perfectly perky breasts and swollen nipples standing ramrod straight without the slightest sag. No more hiding, no more silly excuses, she had revealed herself to me, naked as the day she was born, with Susan gawking at us as she tried to grasp the situation that had gotten hilariously out of her control.
"You don't mind doing my breasts, do you?" asked Amelia.
"No," I replied with a smile. "I don't mind. I don't mind at all."
"Auntie, don't you think you're being a little —"
Amelia turned to face her with a curled eyebrow. "A little what?"
Susan looked like she was having trouble finding the proper description. "Um, more indecent?"
Amelia grinned at her victoriously. "I understand it might look like that to you, no doubt because of your inexperience, Susan, but this is actually perfectly acceptable behaviour. After all, Harry is a family friend, and had things gone differently, he'd have grown up in this mansion. And even if it wasn't, this is a perfectly common thing in oil massages. Why, even the muggles have nudity beaches, don't they, Harry?"
"Ah, yes. Yes, they do."
"See?" Amelia grinned. "Not everyone is lucky to have an aunt that is this flexible, I mean, this willing to go to extenuating degrees to teach them. Come closer, pay attention to how a woman behaves when a man seduces her."
"But — but Auntie. Harry's my age. You're really going to let him touch your breasts like that?"
"Tosh, Susan!" Amelia admonished. "We went over this already. These," she grabbed her massive udders, "are just breasts. Maybe the most perky and delicious breasts Harry will ever feel, but breasts nonetheless. It's completely normal and natural, and I will not be shamed for my age. If nudity makes you uncomfortable, you'll just have to learn to get over it, or walk away, because I am not going to shame myself just because you're too much of a prude to accept it."
I choked the laugh threatening to escape my throat.
"But Auntie!"
No buts," Amelia snapped. "Tell me, do you understand? Or do I need to send you back to the manor? This is why I said you weren't ready. Kids, these days! Just because they sprout breasts, they think they know what it's like to be a woman."
She gave Susan a withering look. "Tell me Susan, do you understand?"
Susan looked like she wanted to cry, but sighed in resignation. "Yes, Auntie. I understand."
It took me everything not to snicker.
"Learn from this experience, Susie, or else you'll forever stay with the seduction instincts of a troll."
Susan looked like she was about to say something, but she choked her words and stayed down, lying on her front, watching me feeling her aunt with acute disbelief.
Amelia turned towards me, victory shining in her eyes. "I apologise, Harry. I'm still trying to teach Susan many things. I'll not interrupt your massage any longer. Do continue. And remember, extra attention on my breasts. I don't want to end up getting sunburnt."
I grabbed the bottle of oil and erratically squirted it upon her delicious rack, noticing the mortified look on Susan's face. The oil formed a small pool in the deep crevasse between her tits and stayed there in a long, transparent line.
"Make sure you get underneath too," She requested, lifting her heavy breasts further up towards her face, allowing me access to the underside of her breasts. I glanced at Susan again, at her incredulous expression, like she was trying and failing to say something, or at least try and stop me. Not breaking eye contact with her, I squirted more oil beneath Amelia's breasts.
"That should be enough for now," said Amelia, allowing her breasts to slide back into position. "We might need a second layer later though. Unless you mind?"
"Oh I don't mind at all," I said, playing along.
"Such a gentleman," Amelia murmured, closing her eyes. "Susan claimed that you are intimately familiar with Hannah? And her mum as well?"
I glanced at Susan, annoyed that she had advertised my sexual conquests to her aunt. She withered under my glare. A rush of vindictiveness surged within me, and I decided to teach Susan a lesson.
"I did. Cynthia's a lonely woman, you know. Her husband left her a lonely widow, while his brother cheated the Abbott fortune away from her. I promised her I'd help her get it all back."
Amelia opened a single eyebrow. "You did, didn't you? Was this before or after you lay with her?"
I scoffed. Who did she think she was talking to? "I merely helped Cynthia feel the pleasures of the flesh she had forgotten. My desire to help her claim the fortune back had nothing to do with it. Even Hannah understood how lonely her mum was, and how she needed to reacquaint herself with her desires."
"So true…" Amelia moaned, playing along. "Much like me."
I stretched my hands out, a master musician about to play the performance of his life, making sure my hands were ready. I lowered my hands on her melons and started slowly smearing in the oil. First, I cupped her right breast and spread the oil over the nipple with my palm, and quickly progressed to methodically kneading and slathering her mammaries. Her tits were wet with the sheer amount of oil and my hands glided over them accompanied by slick sounds as the excess oil splashed around.
"Don't forget the sides."
"Of course," I promised. "Say, Amelia. About those desires of yours."
"Oh yes," Amelia replied with a soft groan. "Young girls don't understand this, but I'm not just an aunt, Harry. I'm a woman. A sexually charged woman in her prime." She moaned as I ran my hand snugly against the underside of her breasts with thumbs resting between her cleavage, slowly cupping my fingers around the sides.
"I have needs too," she admitted. "Needs that haven't been fulfilled in many, many, Oh!"
She arched as I squeezed her melons right then.
"Young girls don't understand this," Amelia went on. "They think that just because I'm an adult, my work is my life. They do not understand that as I am now, I am in my peak form. Children cannot fathom the kind of arousal that courses through this body. They do not understand what it feels to have a nice, hard, cock, pushing through these folds. They do not understand the joy of having a man beneath me, with my pussy walls squeezing their thick—"
She glanced at Susan, and raised her hand upwards. With me straddling above her, she was able to reach my pants quite easily.
Her fingers undid the strings of my shorts, unleashing the monster within.
I didn't care any longer. I couldn't care any longer. I clenched her melons, and shoved my cock into the folds of her moist pussy.
"Fuck!" screamed Amelia, as her walls slowly unclenched around my intrusion. And then she turned to Susan. "Are you still watching, Susie?"
A single tear fell down Susan's cheek as she got up. "No. And I don't need to watch it anymore. I think I've learnt my lesson, Auntie."
And then a predatory smirk formed on her aunt's face, as Amelia Bones shed all her facade. "Then, run away, little girl. And let the adults have some fun."
We watched Susan run away in tears.
"Was that really necessary?" I asked.
Amelia looked at me, and exhaled, as I let go of her breasts. "If she couldn't bear it, maybe she shouldn't have demanded it in the first place. One must be careful what one asks for. Isn't that right, Harry?"
I was not amused.
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