Harry Potter: Shippuden

Chapter 16: Chapter 16: The Severing Charm

Professor Flitwick had noticed Kyle, the son of Grindelwald, the moment he rushed into the classroom.

However, he didn't alter his lesson plan because of Kyle's presence. He proceeded with the original schedule, beginning his instruction on the Severing Charm.

Kyle quickly flipped through The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 1, which he'd bought that morning, to the relevant page.

Professor Flitwick waved his wand, and a pile of small wooden sticks on the lectern floated up, precisely landing on each student's desk—including Kyle's.

"Let me demonstrate once. Pay attention to the incantation and the wand movement."

Professor Flitwick recited the Severing Charm, then gave a slight flick of his wrist. The stick in front of him snapped in two.

After explaining some key points and common mistakes beginners make, Professor Flitwick announced that it was time for the students to practice on their own.

Kyle: …

That's it?

What about the principles behind the spell?

How does the magic work during the cutting process?

How do you control the point of severance?

He didn't explain anything!

Skeptical, Kyle mimicked Professor Flitwick's movements, precisely reciting the incantation and flicking his wand. Then…

Nothing happened to the stick in front of him.

After several futile attempts, Kyle felt like a curly-haired baboon waving a stick.

Just then, the black-haired girl next to him turned her head. "Hi, I'm Cho Chang."

Kyle blinked. She looked Asian, probably Chinese.

Suddenly, he had a bold idea.


Cho nodded. "To be precise, just a Chinese-American."

"So, do you know kung fu? Like Bruce Lee?" Kyle threw a few mock punches into the air.

Kyle was inwardly laughing his head off. Who'd have thought he'd be the one asking that question in this life?

Several black lines appeared on Cho's forehead. She felt rather offended.

After denying any knowledge of kung fu, Cho finally asked the question she'd been wanting to know:

"What's your relationship with Professor Dumbledore? I saw you with him in the Great Hall this morning, and you seemed close."

Uh… this question…

Kyle also wanted to know what his relationship with Dumbledore was.

In terms of seniority, should he call Dumbledore "Uncle" or "Elder Uncle"?

Did that mean most of the professors at Hogwarts were technically his juniors?

Better to just tell her his surname and let her figure it out.

So, Kyle extended his hand to Cho. "I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Kyle Dumbledore."

Cho let out an incredulous gasp.

"Dumbledore!" The girl on Cho's other side, with a head of reddish-gold curls, turned around. "As in Professor Dumbledore's Dumbledore?!"

Well, he should've expected such a reaction.

"Hi, I'm Marietta Edgecombe, from Ravenclaw." She extended her hand confidently.

Kyle reached out to shake her hand, but just then, a cough sounded near their table.

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