Chapter 263: Before the conference pt 2
*narrator pov*
Before the ICW conference began the government of England decided to hold one last Wizengamot session to address the aftermath and progress being made after the attack of Hogsmeade.
Most Lords and ladies were in attendance and a few noted the absence of Morpheus but barely paid it any mind.
The Wizengamot session wasn't to begin in another thirty minutes so many were still arriving for the day. The minister was in his office pouring over topics for the day and peppering last-minute touches to his opening speech when a knock sounded outside his door.
The minister frowned minutely in confusion before checking his docket to make sure he wasn't missing a meeting. Seeing his time slot empty led his confusion to grow, "Come in." his tone wasn't pleasant in the slightest nor was it unhappy
Perfectly neutral in every sense of the word. His eyes narrowed as a figure he had never seen before entered his office. The minister clicked his tongue promising in his mind to talk to his secretary about letting people up to his office right before a Wizengamot session.
"Good evening minister." the late middle-aged man said briskly a smile spread across his lips
For some reason that smile seemed oddly familiar and it deeply unsettled him.
"I don't believe we have met Mr?"
The man took the seat across from the minister, "Herpo is fine, though this is an excellent time to bring up why I'm here. You see, I hail from the house of Gladius. Carry the Lordship ring and everything, was hoping to fully announce my return before things get too hectic around here."
Bagnold's brow rose, "Not one but two new additions in a single year, both reviving their family line. Do you perhaps know Morpheus Everglade?"
Herpo smiled warmly, "Indeed I do minister, we used to go to school together you see. He has been trying to get me back here for a long time." he spoke no lies as technically what he said was a version of the truth
"I see." Bagnold resisted his urge to curse, "If you can provide proof I can announce your addition before the Wizengamot session officially starts today, it would be much simpler than what your friend Morpheus did." a small tint of annoyance bled through
Herpo chuckled faintly, "I must apologize for him, he can be a handful at times." you could tell this wasn't his first time saying this exact sentence
Before the minister could continue Herpo revealed his ring and a sealed document from gringotts, "These should be sufficient I think."
The chamber slowly quieted as Minister Bagnold took his position his eye catching Herpo in the crowd mingling with Lord Lestrange and Mulciber. His expression turned tight at their familiarity, "Welcome, before we officially begin I want to welcome a new member into our midst; Herpo Gladius! I have personally confirmed the authenticity of his heritage via Lordship ring and a sealed Gringotts authentication."
The reactions of everyone present varied as their attention was drawn to the man the minister was pointing at. Herpo to his credit was perfectly calm under all of the scrutiny as he stood, "Thank you for the warm welcome minister, I look forward to working with all of you."
Once he was seated the minister addressed the room once more, "Now, to begin I want to address some things, I am happy to report over a hundred Aurors have been healed back to fighting strength from the battle of Hogsmeade. This is all thanks to the quick actions of Head Auror Scrimgeour and his team including our brilliant healers at St Mungo's. The building damage is still being repaired and is expected to be fully fixed in two weeks' time."
He then sighed, "Now to the bad news, many death eaters are still out there. We have all by now heard the rumors of Voldemort's death but let us not take that as a fact. We must prepare for another attack."
"Im sorry minister but if I may interrupt," Herpo said standing as everyone snapped their heads in his direction
"Well you already did so speak." The minister said trying his hardest to contain his annoyance
"You see, I killed Voldemort. The faction known as Death Eaters is no more," he said confidently
The room erupted in shouts.
"Please." Herpo breathed, "Let me speak." his words although not said loudly seemed to quell most of the light faction
The dark faction didn't react to the news in the first place.
"As you know Voldemort created many Horcruxes, vile pieces of magic if I do say so myself. When I learned of this I couldn't help but put an end to the creature that dared to use such a vile spell. Luckily I know how to destroy Horcruxes quite easily, once I got my hands on one I was able to create a magical effect of destroying all of them at once. Once I killed the man known as Voldemort his ranks soon crumbled, you should not fear him any longer." He said smoothly his explanation quelled many of the grey factions' doubts
"How! What was the spell then?" a loud voice boomed
"Lord potter, I wouldn't dare ask you to reveal family magic please do not ask me to do the same." Herpo answered with a small smile
Lord potter scoffed but didn't push any further. You cannot dig into another family's magic so publically.
"For what it's worth, I have confirmed Voldemort is dead." Lord Black said with a calm shrug his eyes danced with joy at the sight of many disgruntled faces
"Well then." the minister said sharply, "I will want to hear more about this later but, we should move on this conversation isn't getting us anywhere. The main reason I called this meeting today is because an ICW conference is being held, If you have been following international news you would have heard about the recent attacks led by unknown magical creatures. I urge everyone to reinforce their wards, I fear another war is upon us."
Morpheus appeared in Salem before placing a small cube onto the floor, "Alright next new York why does America have so many magical locations." he groaned before popping away a cheery smile on his face
The head of the ICW thumbed through a list of names debating on who he should invite for the negotiations, "What about Dumbledore?" he asked his secretary
She nodded picking up the thick file with Dumbledores name plastered across the front, "He is a good candidate, a strong believer in peace. Well-known and likable, he hasn't been internationally talked about since that business with Grindelwald. Inviting him would also be a show of strength I think you should put him on the list, sir."
He grinned, "Im glad you agree, now to find one more person."
A/N: will admit I completely aired on Albus's ICW position. Sorry