Harry Potter: The art of divination

Chapter 264: Negotiations

*Albus pov* 

I rubbed my eyes hoping that in doing so the words on the letter before me would somehow change into something new. 

Something better than what I was seeing at least. 

Opening my eyes again I read the letter and got the same result, a task being forcefully thrust upon me. The head of the ICW Tenzin of clan Ba, a Tibetan wizard I've only interacted with a handful of times was assigning me to attend the negotiations with the 'creatures' that attacked our communities.

To make matters worse, the negotiations were set to happen tomorrow evening meaning the time I would usually have to prepare for these sorts of things is now non-existent. 

"Polly," I called gently 

A house elf popped into existence immediately, "How can Polly assist the great headmaster!" she cheered loudly 

A faint smile crept onto my lips, "Thank you Polly I think I needed some cheer, do you mind grabbing the professors?" Polly nodded enthusiastically, "Aye aye!" she cheered popping away with a flourish 

Minerva was the first to arrive as she was already supposed to be arriving for a meeting, "Minerva, it seems plans have changed we must wait for the other professors to arrive I just received some unpleasant news." 

Do not misunderstand, I am overjoyed at the prospect we could facilitate negotiations so early in their arrival. If they were successful there would be no war and many lives would be saved. 

But, I wish I hadn't been put on the committee. Things here were already hectic enough and with me leaving at this time anything could happen. 

Slughorn was next, followed by Abara, then Yowie, Pomfrey arrived shortly after she looked like a mess and I couldn't blame her she had been busy lately, and then came Morpheus he looked paler than usual meaning he was using whatever spell let him be in two places at once. The others soon filed in behind him. 

Lifting the letter I began, " It seems I have been selected by the head of the ICW to attend the negotiations between us and the creatures who recently made themselves known. Unfortunately, the negotiations start tomorrow meaning I must be gone in the morning and I don't know how long I will be away. Minerva, I leave you in my stead. Please remember this school is always open for children in need, I fear if these negotiations don't run smoothly war will be on the horizon." 

"What about the school year?" Minerva asked, "Shall we continue classes?" she added hope burning in her eyes 

I winced, "Unfortunately, the time isn't right I don't think anyone would be paying attention. You may of course teach and help anyone who wishes, hold full-school courses if you must in the great hall. By all means, do not stop teaching the children will need all they can now more than ever. But, classes will not be officially resumed. Any child who wishes to stay here can for as long as they need, I'm sorry but it looks like there will be no breaks." 

"Very well, I will do my best to prepare them, headmaster," Minerva replied tightly a frown fixed upon her lips 

Abara and Yowie shared a look before Yowie stepped forward, "If it is alright with everyone abara and I would like to continue with dueling though now opening it for everyone and we will teach more than proper dueling. The children need to be prepared." 

Minerva opened her mouth to retort but Morpheus beat her to it, "Brilliant!" he exclaimed, "I would have never considered the idea before but it's truly brilliant yes! We must teach the children to defend themselves if the war in Hogsmeade has taught us anything is its best to be prepared for all scenarios don't you think?" he asked the rest of the professors who voiced their agreement 

The man was not done yet, "Oh, Poppy you could even help the students who are interested in healing can't you? It could surely take your load down considerably once they are up to a minimal standard of course." 

Poppy to her credit mulled his words over for a moment before nodding, "Yes I think you're right, teaching those willing to learn would help tremendously. Slughorn could help with teaching the potions if he's willing?" she asked 

The man looked like he swallowed a lemon but before he could tactfully disagree Morpheus swept in once more, "Amazing, just think of the recognition you would finally get Slughorn. Bringing up a new generation of healers during a time of great need." 

His sour expression quickly morphed into one of delight, "Yes yes, of course, I'm willing to help Poppy! Think of the lives we could save." 

It all hit me at once, Morpheus somehow convinced all of my professors to teach the students key positions of war. 

And I wondered if had he planned this when he first applied for his position.


The meeting site was a barren stretch of land, cleared and flattened for this singular purpose. At its center stood a massive stone table, its smooth surface etched with neutral runes meant to prevent magical interference. Five chairs lined each side, evenly spaced, a silent representation of two opposing forces meeting on equal ground.

Albus Dumbledore arrived with measured steps, his blue robes flowing gently in the evening breeze. His expression was one of calm curiosity, his twinkling eyes betraying nothing but warmth. Beside him, Henderson—broad-shouldered and deliberate in his movements—wore a carefully neutral face, though tension lined his jaw. The other three members followed: a sharp-eyed diplomat with ink-stained fingers, a quiet but perceptive seer draped in deep green, and a war wizard whose presence alone carried the faint scent of burned ozone. The latter's gaze was sharp, his fingers twitching ever so slightly toward his wand holster.

The opposing faction arrived in unison, materializing in a way that made the air hum with something not entirely of this world. The angel was the first to step forward—tall, radiant, and too perfect, her golden wings folding neatly behind her back. Her expression was serene but unreadable. Beside her, a demon of imposing stature stood, his dark robes shifting as if woven from shadows themselves. His crimson eyes flickered with amusement, but he remained composed.

At the center of their group, Loki's hazy form seemed to flicker, his edges undefined, as if his very presence was only half-formed in this reality. His smirk was ever-present, but his gaze held weight. The remaining two figures—a slender being with silver-gray skin and cold, calculating eyes, and a hooded figure with fingers tipped in blackened gold—took their seats with practiced ease.

Albus inclined his head politely. "Welcome. It is my hope that tonight marks the beginning of understanding between our peoples." His tone was warm, inviting, as if he were greeting old friends rather than potential threats.

The angel was the first to respond, her voice smooth as flowing water. "And ours as well. We come not with ill intent, but with necessity. Let us speak with clarity."

The war wizard beside Albus exhaled sharply through his nose but remained silent—for now. Henderson merely nodded.

Loki leaned forward slightly, his insubstantial form seeming to shift with the movement. "Introductions, then. Names and roles, so we may know who we speak with."

Albus smiled, but his mind was already dissecting the choice of words. We may know who we speak with—not so that we may be known. They sought to gather information before offering anything in return.

"Of course," Albus said smoothly, folding his hands atop the table. "Shall we begin?"

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