Harry Potter: The Hidden Wizard

Chapter 4: The Dark Lord’s Editor (RIP in Advance)

Ho Ho Ho… Look Who's Back Again! (Seriously, I need major work on my villain laugh.)

You desperate souls have returned once again, craving your daily dose of sweet nectar from me. (Ew. That sounded wrong, but whatever, you get the idea.)

Even after carefully calculating and confirming that my genius level is over 9000, I still can't figure out a good way to start this diary entry. So, instead of wasting time on fancy intros, I'll just dive straight into it.

It's been about a month since my last entry, and a lot has happened.

First of all, Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief is well underway.

Sadly, I can't remember the book word for word, which, at first, seemed like a problem, but honestly, it's a blessing in disguise.

Now, I can make some much-needed improvements. Like, let's be real—Luke's whole reason for stealing the bolt? Not good enough. Just "Daddy didn't love me." Nah, he needs a stronger motivation. I'm adding some foreshadowing to make his betrayal hit harder.

Also, I always felt Percy's water control abilities were underexplored, so I'm fixing that too. And, of course, Annabeth needs a bit more character growth.

On the magic side of things, I've started practicing spells or at least have been trying to, but my success rate so far is a grand total of 0%.

Not that I'm worried. Greatness takes time. What's important is that I increased my telekinesis strength to 3kg.

Soon, I'll be throwing things around like a proper wizard.

To aid in spellcasting, I also joined piano lessons.

Why? Because flexible fingers = better control.

And let's be honest, who wouldn't want mighty dexterous fingers?

In addition to that, I've started running to build stamina.

I know some of you are already screaming at me about "push-ups" and "pull-ups" and "how resistance training is good for wizards." To that, I say—rituals, my dear peasants. Stop trying to apply your limited muggle logic to my superior methods.

One thing I've been thinking about a lot is reaction speed.

Strength is useless if I can't dodge a curse in time. After much thought, I realized two things could help—F1 racing (which, let's be real, isn't happening) and table tennis.

The problem? Money. I can't ask my father for more since he's already doing his best. And while I may be evil, I do have my moments of gratitude and understanding.

So the only solution is to finish writing Percy Jackson as fast as possible and get that sweet, sweet big M.

See? Every problem and every solution boils down to money. Maybe I have Jewish blood in my veins.

Now, back to spells.

I've already tried all three versions of Lumos that I remember:

Lumos – Creates light at the wand's tip.

Lumos Maxima – Creates an extremely bright light .

Lumos Solem – Produces sunlight, useful against Devil's Snare.

And guess what? Not a single reaction. Not even a tiny spark. Not even a flicker. Nothing. I could have been holding a random stick for all the good it did me.

Next, I moved on to Alohomora—the unlocking spell. Tried it on my door. Nope. No reaction. I had a legendary plan if this had worked. A plan that would be discussed for generations to come. The day when every kid in school mysteriously lost their candy because all their lockers had been unlocked. But alas, my masterpiece of mischief died before it could even begin.

The only spell I might have succeeded in is Wingardium Leviosa. And I say "might" because I'm still not entirely sure. I chanted the spell, concentrated, and the page in front of me floated. You'd think that's proof enough, right? Well, here's the catch—I've also been training my telekinesis, so there's a chance that I lifted the page without the spell and just thought it worked. Future me will have to solve this mystery.

Next, I tried Reparo, thinking maybe I could make some quick cash fixing things. You know, like those fanfiction wizards who casually repair broken stuff and sell it? But of course, no luck. (even motivation of money was not able to make my magic work, maybe I don't have enough Jewish blood)

Conclusion? Either I completely suck at magic, or magic in this world works differently than described in those fanfictions.

…Or maybe, just maybe, the universe is testing my patience.





Next—and best—I plan to start using Crucio on this waste of an editor I have. He does nothing except exist, and honestly, I'm starting to think I'm wasting my precious peanuts just keeping him alive.

But hey, since I'm such a merciful individual, I'll let the editor-san have a few last words before I start my practice session.

{Editor's Note:

FUCK. FUCK. FUCK. I think I'm not gonna make it. This psychopath is actually going to kill me before he even launches his Patreon. I swear, he's a monster.

Just the other day, he was trying Sectumsempra on me, which—of course—he conveniently sweeps under the rug to maintain his goody-two-shoes image in front of you guys.

I am BEGGING you, please save me. SOMEHOW. I don't wanna die. Please, keep your cash ready. Buy his damn Patreon membership before he murders me in cold blood. }


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