Harry Potter: The Legend of Nero Ravenclaw

Chapter 31: Chapter 29: Hogwarts Classes (2)

The bell rang, signaling the end of Charms, and Nero packed his things with a sense of satisfaction.

Saying goodbye to LIlith, he made his way through the bustling corridors of Hogwarts.

The chatter of students filled the air, but Nero remained focused; his next class would be the Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Upon entering the D.A.D.A. classroom, Nero immediately noticed its distinct layout. Unlike the orderly rows of desks in Charms, the room was arranged in a semicircle, fostering an open and engaging atmosphere. At the center stood an imposing yet approachable figure, the professor, whose presence immediately commanded attention. Nero took a seat near the middle, setting his bag down and surveying the room.

Just as he settled in, he noticed Ember Gryffindor entering the room. Her fiery red hair and confident demeanor made her stand out, even among the notoriously bold Gryffindors. Instead of sitting with her housemates, Ember strode directly to Nero's side and plopped down next to him without hesitation.

"What?" she said with a grin, noticing Nero's raised eyebrow. "Did you think I'd follow some silly tradition about house seating? As if."

Nero chuckled softly. "Fair enough. Let's see what this class has in store."

The door closed with a soft click, and the professor strode to the center of the room. He was tall, with striking silver hair and a long, deep green cloak that swirled dramatically with every step. His sharp eyes scanned the room, taking in each student with a piercing gaze that seemed to weigh their potential. When he spoke, his voice was both rich and resonant, immediately silencing the room.

"Good morning, students. My name is Professor Aurelius Thornfield, and I will be your guide in mastering the art of Defense Against the Dark Arts. But make no mistake, this is not a class for the faint-hearted. Here, you will learn to face what lurks in the shadows and how to protect not just yourselves but those who cannot defend themselves."

The room was completely silent, save for a soft murmur from a Gryffindor at the back. "He looks like he's seen some serious action," the student whispered to their neighbor. Another student nodded in agreement, their eyes wide with awe.

Professor Thornfield paused, pacing slowly as he continued.

"Before teaching at Hogwarts, I served as an Auror for twenty-five years, specializing in counter-curse operations. I've battled dark wizards in the depths of the forbidden regions, and dismantled cursed artifacts that could've wiped out entire villages. My mission is to prepare you, not just for your exams but for the real dangers that exist beyond these walls."

A Ravenclaw to Nero's left leaned over to his friend. "He's definitely the real deal. Can you imagine being in a duel with him?"

"Not if I wanted to live," the friend replied, their voice barely above a whisper.

"Now," the professor said, his tone shifting to one of curiosity, "how many of you believe defense means dueling? Wands out, spells flying?" A few hands tentatively rose.

Thornfield smiled, but there was a sharpness to it. "You're wrong."

A few students shifted uncomfortably. Thornfield continued, his voice calm but firm.

"True defense begins with understanding. You cannot fight what you don't know. And sometimes, the greatest weapon you have isn't your wand, it's your mind."

Nero leaned toward Ember and whispered, "I like him already. Make sure to keep your dagger sheathed for today."

Ember smirked. "As long as you don't start quoting textbooks at him."

Thornfield raised his hands, drawing the students' attention back to him. "Today, we start without your wands. Defense is more than spells. It is awareness, resilience, flair and strategy. I want each of you to stand up and form a circle."

The students exchanged uncertain glances but complied. As they stood, Thornfield moved to the center of the circle. "The first lesson is trust, not blind trust in your peers, but trust in your instincts and observations. I will ask you to pair up. One of you will close your eyes. The other will attempt to approach silently and tap your partner on the shoulder. The goal? To sense the approach without relying on sight."

Nero paired with Ember. She grinned. "You're going down, Ravenclaw."

"We'll see about that," Nero replied, smirking.

Ember closed her eyes first. Nero circled her quietly, his footsteps light and deliberate. Just as he reached out, Ember suddenly spun and grabbed his wrist.

"Got you," she said with a triumphant smile.

"Lucky guess," Nero teased, shaking his head.

When it was Nero's turn to close his eyes, he focused on every sound and shift in the air. Ember was good, but just as she was about to tap his shoulder, he stepped to the side, causing her to stumble forward slightly.

"Nice try," he said, opening his eyes to see her glaring playfully.

Around them, other pairs were having mixed results, with laughter and groans filling the room. Thornfield observed with a faint smile, clearly pleased by the energy in the class.

At the end of the exercise, Thornfield clapped their hands. "Excellent. Some of you may have found this easy, others not so much. Remember, awareness is a skill you must sharpen constantly. In the field, your life may depend on it."

The professor's eyes glinted as they looked around the room. "Next time, we'll bring the wands into play. For now, class is dismissed."

As students filed out, Ember nudged Nero. "Not bad, for a bookworm. But don't get used to winning."

Nero smirked. "We'll see who wins next time, battle maniac."

With that, the two parted ways, both looking forward to the next challenge.


2nd chapter of the day as promised. (2/3)

100 chapters ahead on Patreon (Suiijin): Chapter 129: Breaking the Link

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