Chapter 193: Chapter 193
After speaking with Sirius to get a few more details out of him, including that Sirius had given his letter for Frank and Alice to the healers going in, when Sirius had a little bit more important news to give him.
"I've also been informed that written messages can also be passed in to them through some contraption they've got," he said. "I think it might be based on what's known as a Vanishing Cabinet, but it only goes one way.
"That means messages can be passed in to them but they can't pass messages back. At least it's something."
"Good to know," said Harry. "I have a feeling I'll now be sending through a couple of messages each day to keep them up to date on what's happening out here in real time."
"My thoughts, too," said Sirius.
Once the call ended, Harry softly called Dobby and had him deliver a pre-written message to Hermione.
~ # ~
Both parts successful. Both now in Gringotts.
Cry havoc! And let slip the dogs of war.
~ # ~
He thought she'd appreciate the Shakespearean reference.
Augusta Longbottom was sound asleep in her bed soon after dawn broke when one of the Hall's house elves woke her.
"Mmm? Yes?" she asked.
"Mistress 'Gusta," said the elf. "There beings someones from Saint Mungy's wizard hospital in floo. They says it be urgent."
Frowning and starting to rise, she asked, "Did they say what it's about?"
"Only that it bees urgent," replied the elf.
Frowning, she continued to rise and said, "Thank you, Fluxy. Please let them know I'll be down in a moment."
"Yes, Mistress," the elf replied before popping away.
Getting up and pulling a long housecoat over her bedclothes, Longbottom slipped her feet into her house slippers and made her way downstairs.
When she arrived in the welcoming hall it was to see the floo still active and a face within it.
"What is this about that's so urgent for you to contact me when the sun has barely risen into the sky?" she snapped.
"Madam Longbottom," replied the female face. "On a routine bed-check of the wards at first light, this morning, it was discovered that your son and daughter-in-bond were not in their beds. A quick check of the ward, followed by a more extensive check of the hospital, has determined that they are no longer within Saint Mungo's.
"They have, without even tripping any of the wards or alarms, disappeared. It is Saint Mungo's policy to―"
"Enough!" she snapped. "I've heard enough. I'll be there within the half hour. If you have not found out any more information than they have 'disappeared', heads are going to roll!"
With a flick of her wand she rudely terminated the call, causing the young lady at the other then to be ejected from her end of the floo call.
Careless of that, she quickly strode from the room and hurried up to her dressing room.
In her haste to dress and leave for the hospital she never even thought of her grandson, sleeping in his own room further along the wing from her own room.
At Hogwarts, Dumbledore was early for breakfast because he'd forgotten it was a Saturday. His intention was to arrive 'in his glory' and stride to his place at the head table. He did so love to make an entrance.
However, with the late start for breakfast on Saturdays, he arrived almost right at the start and was one of the first to arrive. And, now that he was there, he couldn't very well leave and come back later. That would be far too obvious. So sit to eat, he did.
When the owls came in for the morning mail bomb, what few owls there were of course, his copy of that morning's Daily Prophet was almost dropped into his half-finished bowl of bran cereal.
Wondering what sort of letter's the Prophet received in anger at Potter's withdrawal from the Ball, he almost missed the main story on the front page. He only stopped to look at it because of the name in the headline; 'Heartfelt Apology to Lord Potter'.
"What?" he muttered, quickly flipping back to the main page and reading the article.
As he read he was at first in disbelief, then accepting shock, then into anger before finally hitting rage.
"Blasted, buggering bastard!' he thought of Cuffe. 'The man's flat-out back-stabbed me!
'How... the hell... am I supposed to regain everything I've lost, when everything I do is turned back on me! Potter is just not this smart! This has to be agents working behind him, goading him on!'
Harry was just glad it was a later start that morning than it was for the previous four. He'd have missed breakfast with the Grangers if it wasn't. Getting down at a little after 8.30am he only just beat Hermione down.
"Sleep well?" ask Monica, as she almost always did first thing in the morning.
"Yes, thank you," he replied, as Hermione walked in.
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