Chapter 195: Chapter 195
"My staff and I are not forensic investigators. That is why we immediately called in the DMLE. We believe your son and daughter-in-bond were taken by person or persons unknown―"
"Of course they bloody were, you stupid twit!" she yelled. "What? You expect anyone to believe they could have suddenly been cured and decided to sneak out?
"Ward 42 is supposed to be the second most secure ward you have here! Everyone knows only the DMLE dangerous prisoner ward is more secure! And yet, through your incompetence, you still allowed someone to come in and kidnap my son!
"He's One of the Seven. That means, in case it hasn't occurred to your pea-sized brain or it's just leaked out your ears, whoever took him and his wife is looking towards a very quick trip through the Veil! And so will whoever aided them, in whatever capacity!"
"There is no need for threats or name calling, Madam Longbottom," he firmly replied. "I have been patient with you until now because I understand how upsetting this is―"
"Upsetting? Upsetting?" she screamed. "I'm absolutely bloody terrified for my son and his wife and furious this even happened in the first place. Upset passed by an hour ago!"
He quietly sighed. It was going to be a very, very long day.
At Longbottom Hall, Neville was getting worried. He'd come down early to breakfast and knew to wait to say good morning to his grandmother before he headed out to the greenhouses that morning. He knew that if he didn't, he'd receive a bollocking from her.
However, when she didn't turn up, he asked the 'inside' house elf, Fluxy, to go check on her.
The little elf immediately replied, "Mistress 'Gusta not be ins the Hall, Master Neville. Mistress 'Gusta be out."
"She went out?" he asked, surprised. "When?"
"Mistress 'Gusta be leaving bouts halfway 'tween sun up and brekky," replied the elf.
Frowning, Neville quickly calculated and realised she'd been gone since just before he rose.
"Did she say where she was going?" he asked.
"No, Master Neville," replied the elf.
Wondering whether to wait or head out to the greenhouses to occupy himself, that's when a dark-feathered Spotted Eagle Owl came swooping in. The Merlin bedamned thing look vicious, but it acted placid enough. It even held its leg out for him.
Neville was quick to free it of its load and even passed it a slice of bacon and an owl treat to see if it preferred one over the other. It turned its nose up at the owl treat but willingly plucked the bacon out of his fingers before flying out again.
As soon as he watched the owl fly out he turned his attention to the letter. He recognised the handwriting on it, immediately.
'Harry,' he thought. Muttering to himself he said, "I wonder why he's now got another owl. Maybe its Hermione's."
Quickly opening it he began to read. Breakfast was done and his grandmother wasn't there, so she couldn't tell him off for reading at the table.
Like Harry's last, it was a long one.
'Betrothal Agreement?' he thought. 'Someone with white hair, eh? How not to be subtle, Harry-style... Ted Tonks? Yeah, I remember him... 'Bout time you figured it out, Harry... The Charter? I'll have to remember where... What the bloody Hell?...
'Okay, if Harry's writing to me about not getting worried, he must know I immediately would about something... so, what's going on?'
Neville sat there and tried to think it through, as Harry told him to do before they left Hogwarts.
'"If you're having trouble with that, write it down," he'd said. "When you can see the problem with your eyes, sometimes it helps you see the answer."'
"Fluxy!" he called.
"Yes, Master Neville?"
"Can you bring me parchment, quill and ink, please?"
"Yes, Master Neville," replied the elf.
A few moments later, the required writing material was on the table next to where his plate was, which disappeared at the same time.
Bringing it before him he began to write in short sentences, laying out his thoughts.
When he finished he had a fair idea what to do.
"Fluxy," he called.
"Yes, Master Neville?"
"Do you know where my grandmother is right now?" he asked.
"Yes, Master Neville," she replied. "Mistress 'Gusta be at Saint Mungy's hospital. She be seeing hospital big-man in his office on top floor."
"Is she hurt or injured in any way?"
"No, Master Neville. She just beings really, really angry."
'Right,' he thought. 'Harry was right. Now, why was she angry with someone at the hospital?'
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