Hazard Grand Order

Chapter 4: Bit, 100

The battle had ended, the digital remnants of their fallen enemies now fading into the air. The eerie silence of the ruined city park was only broken by the sound of excited, frantic flapping.

"THAT WAS SO COOL!!" Cupidmon hopped up and down in mid-air, his tiny wings working overtime as he bounced in excitement.

"You were so heroic! The way you dodged that attack! And the way you just sliced through that thing! Your legends and stories that everyone spread in the digital world truly don't do you guys justice!!!"

Takato, who had been serious and focused just moments before, immediately turned into a flustered mess. His face turned bright red as he awkwardly scratched the back of his head. "W-Well, I just… I mean, it wasn't that big of a deal! I just did what any Tamer would do in my situation!"

Bazett, watching with mild amusement, decided to cut in. "Regardless, you did well. Gigimon truly proved himself to be a top-tier Familiar in combat."

Guilmon, standing beside Takato, tilted his head. "I'm not Gigimon anymore. I'm Guilmon now."

Bazett raised an eyebrow. "Wait, so your name isn't Gigimon?"

Cupidmon, still in the background, continued fanboying, repeating 'Knight of Hazard' over and over like a mantra.

Takato sighed, shaking his head. "Digimon evolve. Every time they do, their name and sometimes their personality change. But their memories stay intact."

Bazett hummed in thought. "An evolutionary system that changes their very identity… interesting."

Romani's voice crackled through the communicator, sounding intrigued. "Hold on—is there's a limit to how many times a Digimon can evolve?"

Takato thought for a moment before nodding. "Sort of. Digimon go through a life cycle, but how far they evolve depends on different factors. Let me explain."

Takato held up his D-Arc as he spoke. "It starts with an egg. When it hatches, you get a Fresh Stage 1 Digimon. At this stage, they're basically defenseless babies, and their only real method of attack is blowing bubbles."

Cupidmon puffed out his chest. "I remember that! My bubbles were the biggest!! Lady Ophanimon said I was a big boy seeing how shiny and pink they were, and I was so happy I evolved into a Cupidmon from a Puttimon!"

Takato chuckled. "Yeah, that makes sense. After that comes the Fresh Stage 2." Takato started explaining as he pointed at Cupidmon, "This is where Digimon start getting little limbs—horns, fingers, claws, chubby arms, and legs—or just a more stable form. It's the last stage where you can predict their evolution 99% of the time."

Bazett's eyes sharpened. "And what happens after that?"

Takato crossed his arms and said, "After Fresh everything changes. Each Digimon's evolutionary path is influenced by various factors, including their personality, environment, type of training, the amount of training they receive, the Digimon they interact with, whether they have a Tamer or not, their diet, and even the data they absorb as they grow."

Romani, who had been listening intently, cut in. "Wait, what do you mean by 'Data'?"

Takato nodded. "Digimon are creatures made entirely of data. Their forms are usually based on culture, history, mythology, or concepts. Absorbing certain types of data can influence their evolutionary lines, so like I said after the Frash stage 2 level, Digimon can evolve into any possible branch in their evolutionary branch depending on how they were raised as infants, and even after reaching the Rookie stage."

Takato continued. "After Fresh 2 comes the Rookie Stage. like Guilmon is right now. This is the first stage where Digimon can hold their own in a fight."

Bazett glanced at Guilmon. "And from there?"

Takato took a deep breath. "Next is Champion Stage. This is where Digimon get serious power. Even a weaker Champion can level a battlefield."

Romani paused. "...How strong are we talking?"

Takato frowned, carefully considering how to phrase his thoughts. "Champions can easily destroy small areas, and possibly entire city blocks if they're strong enough. There are also exceptions to this rule that can be even more devastating."

Romani visibly paled. "...Oh."

Bazett, however, remained calm. "And beyond that?"

Takato's voice lowered. "Ultimate Level. This is where Digimon begin to attain the power to devastate continents, reshape the environment, create their own territories using their abilities and data, and even exert some control over the elements. However, like every other stage, there can be exceptions to this rule, where they might truly threaten the world if not handled carefully."

Romani choked on air. "C-Continents?! WHAT?!"

Takato nodded grimly. "Yeah. The weakest Ultimates can obliterate cities, but the strongest? They could end entire landmasses if they cut loose."

Bazett's eyes sharpened. "And there's another stage after that?"

Takato exhaled. "Yes. Mega Level."

For a moment, silence settled. Then Takato spoke again, his voice firm. "Megas don't just destroy the world; some of them can actually bend reality itself. According to the lore, the mega level is where digital deities, great spirits that have control over metaphysical concepts are born. These beings are the closest to gods and represent the rarest level of Digimon, as this is the final stage of evolution that is possible."

Romani's entire soul seemed to leave his body. "...You're telling me these creatures can become walking natural disasters that also have reality-warping capabilities?!"

Takato shrugged. "Only the really strong ones."

Romani buried his face in his hands. "This is worse than Dead Apostles, I swear..."

Takato blinked. "Dead what?"

Bazett shot Romani a glare, then shook her head. "Don't worry about it. You'll probably never need to know."

Bazett, however, stayed focused. "And what about Guilmon? How far can he evolve?"

Takato paused. For a moment, his mind flashed back to Beelzemon. To what happened when Guilmon reached his Mega form. He clenched his fists from remembering his greatest mistake and regret.

"Guilmon alone can reach Mega." He exhaled sharply before finishing, "But I will never let him evolve past Ultimate alone."

Bazett raised an eyebrow. "And why is that?"

Takato shook his head. "I just won't. Ever."

Bazett studied him, then sighed. "If I were here as an Enforcer and not your Servant, I would have taken you to the Clock Tower immediately. You would have been issued a Sealing Designation on the spot."

Takato blinked. "Uh… What's a Sealing Designation?"

Bazett shook her head. "Something that doesn't concern you. I'm your Servant, so it will never happen. That's all that matters."

Romani, looking exhausted, sighed heavily. "Alright, maybe we should move on. The next energy signal is near the graveyard, just outside the city."

Takato nodded. "Alright, let's—"

Before he could take a step, a tiny voice piped up.

"W-Wait!" Cupidmon floated closer, fidgeting shyly. "Can I… come with you?" His small wings fluttered nervously. "Everyone here is mean and scary… And also—can I have an autograph?"

Takato sighed in defeat, signing his name. "I guess I don't mind. It's flattering, but also kind of embarrassing."

Cupidmon cheered, flying onto Takato's left shoulder.

On his right shoulder, Fou narrowed his eyes, glaring at the newcomer.

Bazett simply smirked. "Well, Master, it seems you've picked up another ally."

Takato smiled. "Yeah. I guess I have."

-Ritsuka's group-

The classroom was dimly lit, and the once-bustling high school was now repurposed as a temporary base for Chaldea. The faint glow of magical lights flickered along the walls, casting long shadows over the desks and chairs that had long been abandoned by their original occupants.

Mash sat at the center of the room, her round shield resting at her side, while Olga Marie stood with her arms crossed, speaking with an air of authority.

"Mash's Noble Phantasm is truly something remarkable," Cu Chulainn (Caster) said, his casual smirk never leaving his face as he leaned against a desk. "A fortress-like defense that can even hold against Servant Noble Phantasms. That's not something you see every day."

Olga Marie huffed. "Of course. It's to be expected. She was created by Chaldea, after all. We wouldn't settle for mediocrity, and after proving herself against Medusa of all servants don't you forget that."

Mash, still blushing from the praise, looked down in embarrassment. "I… I'm just glad I could be useful."

As the conversation continued, Mash's attention drifted toward the corner of the room.

Ritsuka sat near the window, gazing out in silence, his face unreadable. His hands were clenched into fists, knuckles white.

She had noticed it earlier. his distraction, his worry. While the others had been discussing strategies and their next move, Ritsuka had been searching for something outside.

She followed his gaze. The graveyard. The place where they had found stone statues of victims. people who turned to lifeless monuments by the Gorgon's curse. And yet, despite his deepening frown, there was also relief in his eyes.

He hadn't found a statue of Takato.

That meant his little brother was still out there. Alive. 'But then why did he look so… haunted?' Mash hesitated for a moment before quietly making her way to him. She gently sat beside him and spoke softly. "Senpai, you need to rest."

Ritsuka didn't react at first, still staring out the window, deep in thought. "He's all alone right now…" Ritsuka murmured under his breath. "Takato… He's defenseless. No one to protect him from this place…"

Mash's heart clenched. Ritsuka had barely spoken about his little brother since they arrived in this singularity, but now… she could see just how much the weight of his absence was affecting him.

"I'm sure we'll find him soon," she reassured him, her voice gentle.

Ritsuka turned to her with a small, strained smile. "Thanks, Mash. I appreciate you trying, but… it's impossible for me to calm down." His smile wavered. "Takato is my little baby brother, after all, what kind of big brother would I be if I didn't care for his wellbeing."

Mash stayed silent, letting him continue.

"I know I can't let my emotions cloud my decisions... I won't let my worry make me reckless. He wouldn't want that. But…" His grip tightened on his pants. "I just… I can't stop thinking about what he must be going through right now."

Mash nodded, listening carefully. "Four years ago… when the Digimon invasion started, I was visiting my grandparents in England. I didn't even know Takato was involved in it until it was already too late. I still remember the moment I found out, how my stomach dropped when I saw his name on the news. How the world cheered for him and the other kids, calling them heroes."

His voice turned bitter. "Heroes. As if there was something to celebrate. As if they weren't just a bunch of children forced to act as the last line of defense because the adults were proven incompetent and couldn't do anything. Takato was ten. Ten years old, and the world expected him to fight monsters. And then… the D-Reaper."

Mash noticed his shoulders tense. "The way he fought… the way he carried himself back then… he wasn't a kid anymore. He was some kind of… soldier. I remember watching him on the news, seeing him standing there, covered in cuts and bruises, looking so much older than he should have, forced to grow up and leave his innocence behind."

His voice picked up, emotions rising. "And the world was happy. They cheered. They called him and the others heroes. But no one wanted to talk about what it actually meant. No one wanted to talk about how it wasn't fair. How the people they were celebrating a few weeks ago were more preoccupied with doing homework, playing with friends after school, wanting the next big craze like all children, no they found someone to rely on, not caring that those little shoulders belonged to children that weren't thirteen year old yet."

Mash could feel the anger simmering beneath his words. "No one cared. When it was over and the Digital World was closed off, they just moved on. They didn't care that Takato spent years waiting for Guilmon to come back. They didn't realize he had stopped being the happy, clumsy kid he used to be, plagued by constant nightmares and needing someone to sleep beside him. He was always tense, ready for a fight that would never come. They didn't acknowledge that their hero was just a child who deserved to have a childhood like any other!!!"

Mash looked down. She didn't know what to say. Her entire life had been in Chaldea. She barely understood what it meant to be human, let alone what it meant to lose something so important. But before she could find any words, Olga Marie suddenly spoke up. "Wait. Are you saying your little brother was one of those children who had those… Servant-grade familiars?"

Ritsuka looked at her, blinking as the anger in his chest cooled slightly.

Olga crossed her arms, nodding to herself. "I see. That explains a lot. While he seems ignorant of the Moonlit World, the fact that he had a Phantasmal creature of that quality as a familiar speaks volumes about his potential. You should be happy, Ritsuka. Your brother could be considered one of the chosen fe—"


The classroom shook as Ritsuka's fist slammed into the desk. Everyone froze. For the first time, Ritsuka looked truly, visibly furious. His voice trembled as he turned to Olga Marie. "Happy?!"

His usually calm and friendly demeanor was gone. "Director, I respect your position, what you are doing in Chaldea, and I understand that you come from a different world, but—"

He stood up, his glare piercing. "DON'T EVER SAY THOSE IDIOTIC THINGS AGAIN! Takato was a normal kid. He had a big imagination, he was clumsy, he was friendly, and he was happy. And then, one day, all of that was taken away. I don't give a damn about magic or fate or whatever else you believe in. Takato should be a normal teenager. Not a Mage. Not a Warrior. Just… a kid."

The room was silent. Olga Marie, her lips pressed together, looked away. She sniffed, as if holding back tears. Then, without saying another word, she turned on her heel and walked out of the room.

Cu Chulainn, who had been silent this whole time, sighed heavily. "Would. Should. Kid, the world doesn't care about what someone is 'supposed' to be, I should know it more than everybody after all."

Ritsuka didn't look up. Cu crossed his arms. "In a perfect world, you'd be right. But we're not in a perfect world. From what I've heard, your brother sounds tougher than most. So take a deep breath and remember we're all on the same side here."

Ritsuka stared down at his clenched fists. Mash, without a word, gently placed a hand on his shoulder.

Cu, watching the scene, muttered under his breath. "To think… a new generation of legends and heroes is being born in this day and age, just what the hell is going on with the world? I thought the age of heroes and monsters ended a long time ago."

Ritsuka didn't reply. He just closed his eyes, exhaled shakily, and silently promised himself that he would find his brother. No matter what. As Ritsuka was about to speak what is on his mind, suddenly they felt the ground shake and rumble under their feets, with the sound of blades, and explosions in the distance.

"Everyone, we need to check it out!" Ritsuka declared, running in the direction of the commotion. He didn't acknowledge the calls from Olag and Mash, who shouted for him not to run outside alone from the safe house with all the monsters that seemed to infest the city.

-Takato's group-

The night air was cold and heavy, the ruined streets eerily silent as Takato and his group made their way toward the next signal. The faint glow of firelight flickered from distant, still-burning buildings, casting ominous shadows along the cracked pavement.

Romani's voice crackled through the communicator. "Man, I have to say, Guilmon is one hell of a combat Familiar. Taking on seven different groups of skeletons, tooth warriors, and mud zombies without even slowing down? That's top-grade performance."

Guilmon, walking beside Takato, wagged his tail happily. "Did I do good?"

Takato grinned, rubbing the top of Guilmon's head. "You did amazing, buddy."

Bazett, who was currently carrying a sleeping Cupidmon in one arm, glanced at Takato. "While you've certainly proven yourself competent as a Master of a high-grade combat Familiar, you're still relying solely on Guilmon in battle. That will need to change."

Takato raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

Bazett adjusted her grip on the sleeping Cupidmon before continuing. "When we start your training, you'll need to take a more active role in combat. A combat-type Magus doesn't simply give orders from the backline; they fight alongside their familiars. Of course, I don't mean for you to start battling servants, but fighting the undead and other Digimon seems like an excellent goal for you to aspire to."

Guilmon tilted his head. "Does that mean Takato will be able to breathe fire too?"

Takato choked, trying to hold back a laugh.

Bazett, her usually serious expression faltering, coughed into her fist to suppress her amusement. "Well… we'll see."

Takato, meanwhile, was already picturing himself draped in flowing white robes, a long wizard's staff in hand, casting fireballs and summoning lightning from the heavens. "Yes… Yes… Lord Takato, the Grand Wizard! The Sage of Fire and Lightning! The Digital Gandalf!"

Or better yet, a cool magical war axe wielding magical knight, as Takato daydreamed about trying to draw that new Gallantmon variant that started to form in his head, Romani's voice snapped him out of his fantasy. "Takato? You're daydreaming again, you should be more alert."

"Ah—uh—nothing!" Takato coughed, waving it off. 'I should try to draw that later, wonder what I should name that new Gallantmon'

As they rounded a corner, Bazett suddenly tensed, her eyes narrowing. In one swift motion, she placed a firm hand on Takato's shoulder, signaling him to stop. "Quiet," she whispered.

Takato stiffened. Even Guilmon's ears twitched as the air grew heavy with malice. From the depths of a dark alley, low, distorted laughter echoed. A chill crawled up Takato's spine.

Two shadowy figures stepped forward, emerging into the dim firelight. "Heh. Finally… fresh prey."

Romani's screen flickered on, his expression immediately turning grim. "Those are—! No way… Shadow Servants?!"

Takato blinked. "Shadow what?"

Romani quickly started scanning the two figures, his face shifting from concern to pure confusion. "Wait… that can't be right."

Bazett, still watching the two figures, didn't look away. "What do you see, Doctor?"

Romani's voice was hesitant. "Something's… wrong with them. Normally, when a Servant gets corrupted by an external force it fully takes them over and creates what we call an Alter Servant. But these two… their willpower is probably truly out of this world."

Takato's eyes widened. "They resisted…?"

Romani nodded, his brows furrowed. "Yes. Their Spirit Origins are literally cracked like they tried to fight back against the corruption. They defied the transformation, but they didn't escape it fully. That's why they've become like this."

Bazett's gaze darkened. "So instead of fully succumbing, they broke."

The figures stepped fully into the open, their forms barely holding together, shadows writhing around their bodies.

One was tall and imposing, covered in an assortment of spears and weapons. His face was obscured by a scarf, his aura filled with a grim sense of duty.

The other man was thinner and hunched slightly, his movements twitchy and erratic. His left arm, massive and grotesque, twitched as he flexed his claws. A sick grin spread across his half-shadowed face, which was partially concealed by a skull mask.

"We are Musashibō Benkei."

"And Hassan of the Cursed Arm."

Both of them grinned, their voices laced with sinister amusement. "We can't wait to hear what your screams of terror sound like."

Bazett's gaze hardened as she took a step forward, placing herself between the enemy and Takato. "Stay back," she instructed firmly. "I'll deal with them."

Takato opened his mouth to protest, but one look at her stance silenced him.

Both of Bazett's gloves and boots began to glow, intricate runes lighting up across their surface. The air around her shifted, crackling with the hum of magic.

Her stance was perfect and controlled, powerful, ready to strike at a moment's notice. She turned her head slightly, speaking to Takato over her shoulder. "Watch carefully. This is how I expect you to move when you start learning Magecraft and martial arts."

Takato swallowed, gripping his Digivice tighter.

Hassan let out a low cackle as he melted back into the shadows. "Oh… your heart will make a fine prize, woman."

Benkei's deep voice rumbled. "Your head… and your Master's… will look good mounted on my spears."

Guilmon snarled, stepping closer to Takato, his body low in a protective stance. His claws flexed, his fangs bared in warning.

Takato felt his pulse quicken as he drew a Modify Card, ready to use it if things went south.

Bazett, however, didn't even flinch. Her glare sharpened, her entire body tense like a coiled spring. "The black mud has truly rotted your minds if you think I'll let you lay a single finger on my Master."

Her eyes glowed slightly as the runes across her body flared brighter. "You should have stayed in the shadows. Because now… I'm going to hunt you down."

The battlefield was a ruined street, surrounded by crumbling buildings and dim firelight. The air was thick with malice, the ground scorched from past battles. Bazett stood firm, her glowing runes illuminating the cracked pavement, facing off against Musashibō Benkei and Hassan of the Cursed Arm.

From the shadows, Hassan's rasping voice cut through the silence like a knife. "A proud warrior of the past… let's see if you can still fight when you're crippled and your life essence will stain the floor red."

A flicker of movement knives rained from the darkness, each one aimed for Bazett's throat, heart, and legs in a pattern meant to kill instantly.


Bazett's arms snapped up at impossible speed, her rune-enhanced reflexes allowing her to deflect each projectile with her Rune-enhanced gloves.

Before she could counterattack, Benkei lunged forward, his spear a blur as it swung in a devastating arc.

Bazett sidestepped just in time, the spearhead grazing past her ribs, slicing fabric but not flesh.

She countered immediately, twisting her body into a brutal roundhouse kick that struck Benkei's side.


The sheer force of the impact sent Benkei skidding backward, his shadowed form flickering erratically.

Hassan reappeared behind Bazett, his grotesque, oversized arm lashing out in an attempt to grab her heart.

but Bazett was already moving. Her fingers traced glowing runes into the air, and her voice rang out like steel, "ᛊᚦ!" A flaming arrow materialized in midair and launched straight at Hassan before he could react.

"AAAAARRGH!" The corrupted Hassan screeched as fire engulfed him, forcing him back into the shadows.

Benkei took the opportunity, his spear striking forward like a lightning bolt.

Bazett twisted her body at the last second, the weapon barely missing her cheek.

With a sudden burst of speed, she moved inside Benkei's guard, her glowing fist slamming straight into his gut.


Benkei staggered, dark ichor splattering from his mouth.

Hassan, still recovering from the fire, snarled as he leapt from the darkness once again, twin daggers flashing.

Bazett didn't even turn to look.

Her hand shot outward, tracing another rune, "ᛞ!"

A blazing sphere of pure white light erupted above the battlefield, illuminating everything. The shadows that Hassan and Benkei had been relying on were obliterated. Hassan's sick grin faltered as his body was exposed, his cursed arm twitching uncontrollably in the harsh glow. "Tch!"

Bazett, taking advantage of his hesitation, rushed him at full speed. She ducked beneath his wild slash, then drove her knee straight into his jaw. "GAH!" Hassan was sent flying back, tumbling across the ground.

Benkei, still slightly dazed, recovered fast, his spear sweeping low.

Bazett jumped over it, flipping mid-air before landing in a perfect stance.

Benkei growled, gripping his weapon tighter.

Hassan, still smoldering from Bazett's fire arrows, crawled to his feet, gasping for air. His breathing was ragged, uneven. He was in bad shape. He glanced toward Benkei, hoping for aid. But Benkei didn't move. Instead, his grin widened.

Hassan's eyes widened in horror. "Wait—"


Benkei's massive spear pierced through Hassan's chest. Hassan let out a blood-curdling scream, writhing in agony. Benkei hoisted him up like a trophy, the tip of his weapon dripping with corrupted ichor. "Sacrifices must be made."

With a vicious twist, he held Hassan's twitching body in front of him, using him as a human shield just as Bazett fired another barrage of flaming arrows. "AAAAAHHHHHH!" Hassan screamed, his corrupted body igniting once more, fire consuming him whole.

For a moment, Takato could only watch, his face pale. This wasn't battle, this was cold, calculated cruelty.

Bazett's gaze hardened, disgust flashing across her face. "You have truly fallen low, Benkei."

The dying Hassan reached a trembling hand toward his former ally… but his body finally gave out, collapsing into burning ashes.

Bazett didn't let him suffer longer. With a final, brutal strike, she drove her fist through Hassan's skull, shattering it in one decisive blow.

Benkei simply laughed. "Loyalty? Honor? A Warrior's Code?" His twisted grin stretched wider. "There is no place for such things when you are already in hell."

Then, with a flick of his wrist, he hurled his spear straight at Takato.

Bazett's eyes widened in shock. "Takato—!"

But Takato was ready. He had been preparing from the moment the battle began. His fingers gripped a Modify Card, already scanning it through his Digivice. "Digi-Modify! Digmon's Drill Activate!"

A golden light flashed, and suddenly Guilmon's claws were gone. In their place were massive, rotating drills, one on each arm, another protruding from his snout like a lethal spear. The thrown spear rocketed toward them, cutting through the air like a missile.

But Guilmon met it head-on.


The force of the clash sent sparks flying, the ground shaking beneath them.

Benkei's eyes narrowed in shock.

Takato grinned. "I don't have Lee's WarGreymon Shield card, so this was the next best thing!"

Then, to everyone's disbelief, Guilmon's drill overpowered the spear. The weapon shattered into pieces, fragments scattering into the wind.

Benkei's twisted grin faltered.

Bazett, her voice colder than ice, spoke with venom. "You… tried to kill my Master, I will make sure your last moment's breathing would be pure torture Benkei, know this is all on you!!!."

Benkei simply smirked. "Let's see if you can back up your threats." He slammed his weapon into the ground.

The earth trembled. Benkei with a smirk looked into Bazzet's eyes as he started talking. "You see, I noticed those things scurrying around earlier, now when they lose their homes, they will start to rampage very soon"

From the depths, hundreds of monstrous creatures began to rise.

Takato's Digivice beeped wildly. Takato glanced at the screen and his blood ran cold.


A Reptile Digimon that mainly acts in groups while camouflaging itself in desert areas. By controlling the amount of sand that makes up its body, it is able to expand and contract, and transform its limbs and tail. It is difficult to detect once it has blended in with the desert, and it is not uncommon for one to think that there is quicksand, but turns out to be hordes of Sunarizamon.

It defends itself from intruders with its "Grit Nail", where it transforms its forelimbs to being claw-shaped and scratches with them, and "Sand Blast", which shaves off the enemy's body with sand that it spits out aggressively.

"They're Digimon… Sunarizamon."

The monsters looked like lizards, their bodies made of hardened sand and stone. Their jagged rock heads twisted unnaturally, their glowing eyes filled with hunger.

They licked their lips, their sharp tongues made of chain-linked stones. Their metal fangs gleamed.

Benkei's laughter turned wild, unhinged. "I may not be able to use my Noble Phantasm in this state… but I can at least take all of you with me."

The Sunarizamon turned their glowing eyes towards him. Then, they pounced.

Benkei's laughter was drowned out by the horrific sounds of tearing flesh, of stone fangs ripping through his corrupted body. His screams of agony echoed across the ruined city.

Takato's breath hitched from such a bloody display, never seen a Digimon killing a human before. The Sunarizamon turned their hungry, glowing eyes locking onto him and started to roar and charge.

The Sunarizamon advanced, their numbers stretching into the hundreds, their rook jaws snapping hungrily as they charged forward.

Takato felt his heart hammering against his ribs as the ground trembled beneath them.

Bazett's voice cut through the chaos, sharp and urgent. "Takato! Guilmon! RUN!"

But instead of running, Bazett dashed forward, meeting the monstrous wave head-on. Her runed gloved fists struck with explosive force, each punch reducing a Sunarizamon to nothing but data fragments.


Every time a creature lunged at her, she was faster. Stronger. One strike. One kill. But no matter how many she destroyed, more pushed past her. Their glowing predatory eyes locked onto Takato, Cupidmon, and Guilmon, their bodies thrumming with hunger.

Cupidmon shook violently, his wings trembling. "T-Too many…"

Guilmon stood protectively in front of Takato, his body returned to normal as the effects of the modify card wore off.

Takato's mind raced. 'Think. Think! What would Lee or Ruki do?!'

Romani's voice was heard as Takato thought on how to get out of the situation, "What are you doing Takato?! run! they are too many to handle!!!"

Then, he knew. His hand shot into his pocket, fingers wrapping around a Digivolution Card. "Bazzett!" Takato called out. "Focus on your fight! I've got a plan!"

Before she could argue, he scanned the card through his Digivice. A crimson Digi-Egg enveloped Guilmon, pulsing with power as Takato felt the dragon core inside him seem to exelrate the amount of mana it produces and he felt his fear slowly being replaced with motivation to answer the challenge.

Guilmon's voice echoed from within, his body radiating heat. "Guilmon… Digivolve to…" The egg started to expand and glowed brighter and brighter, until— "GROWLMON!!!" With an earth-shattering explosion of crimson light, the egg cracked apart, shattering into golden particles.

A colossal dragon-like beast emerged—muscular, and demonic in appearance.

Bazett froze mid-strike, her eyes widening as she took in Growlmon's towering form.

He was taller than the buildings, his clawed feet crushing the pavement beneath him with every movement. His amber eyes burned with power, his white mane bristling like flames.

Cupidmon, who had been trembling a second ago, gawked in awe. "H-Holy— I think I just peed myself… but that was still the coolest moment of my life I just saw the first and only Guilmon in existence evolve into the demonic red dragon!!!! No one in the Kernel will EVER believe me!!!"

Bazett, still surrounded by Sunarizamon, was staring up in complete shock.

Romani's eyes nearly popped out as he witnessed Takato's partner transform again, this time from a small baby dragon into a fully grown one. "This is insane! The readings indicate that the ether levels in the area are rising at an alarming rate. The energy readings are so high that even weak to medium-level servants would seem trivial by comparison. Guilmon is truly a dragon!"

The Sunarizamon's bodies suddenly shifted, their natural brown camouflage turning a bright gray.

They were afraid, having lost their ability to stay hidden. It was as if the very data responsible for their appearance had been manipulated and distorted, stripping them of their natural ability to blend into their surroundings. With all their colors gone, they could no longer camouflage themselves effectively.

Takato, now standing on Growlmon's outstretched paw, spoke for the first time since Guilmon evolved—his voice cold, edged with danger, and the warmth in his eyes was all but gone. "Bazett, get to the rooftops."

Bazett's sharp eyes flicked toward him. Something about his tone had changed—less innocent, more controlled. Still, she followed his command, leaping to the top of a crumbling building.

The Sunarizamon, seeing their prey cornered, unleashed their most lethal attack. "SAND BLAST!!!" A deadly sandstorm erupted from their mouths, their breath moving at speeds that could shave through titanium.

Bazett's eyes widened as she sensed the sheer destructive force coming toward Takato and Growlmon.

But Takato and his partner were already prepared. Their voices echoed in unison. "PYRO BLASTER!!!" Growlmon reared his head back, his throat igniting with white-hot flames. Then—he roared.

A torrential inferno of pure white fire erupted from his maw, surging forward like a tidal wave of destruction. The sandstorm never reached them. The flames were so intense, so overwhelming, that the approaching attack was instantly reduced to nothing—turned into molten glass in a fraction of a second.

And then, the fire kept going. The wall of flames swallowed the army of Sunarizamon whole. "GAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!" Hundreds of agonized roars echoed as the creatures were completely incinerated—erased without a trace.

The entire street melted into lava, the buildings collapsed from the sheer heat.

Everything in the blast zone was wiped out. A quarter of the city was gone in seconds. The only thing left was swirling clouds of scattered data, floating through the air like dying embers.

Takato, standing atop Growlmon's massive claw, exhaled. His eyes remained cold, indifferent. "They should have stayed out of my way."

Bazett, watching from the rooftop, felt a cold sweat run down her back. "That power…" She could feel the ether around them rising. The sheer magnitude of magical energy was suffocating. It was almost like…

"The Age of fay…" she whispered. "Is this what it felt like when King Arthur ruled England…? When dragons still walked the earth?"

Growlmon let out a triumphant roar, absorbing the data from his fallen enemies. Takato remained unmoving, his expression distant. But before he could say anything a voice called out. "T-Takato?"

Takato's eyes widened, his cold mask shattering. He turned toward the sound. Standing at the edge of the high school was a familiar figure—his brother.

Beside him stood Mash, Olga, and Cu Chulainn, all staring at the massive red dragon in utter disbelief.

Cupidmon, who had been fanboying the entire time, was now screaming. "THAT WAS AMAZING! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT WITH ONE ATTACK YOU JUST DELETED AND ARMY OF EVIL DIGIMON, THAT IS SO COOL!!!"

But Takato wasn't listening anymore. He signaled for Growlmon to lower him, and as soon as his feet hit the ground— Growlmon shrank back into Guilmon.

Instantly, the childish innocence returned to his partner. "Takato, I'm hungry." Guilmon whined, rubbing his stomach.

Takato let out a tired chuckle, but then winced, clutching his head. A massive headache was forming, and he felt his dragon core produce less Od, but he didn't care. He ran straight to his brother. "Ritsuka!"

Ritsuka had so many questions. But none of that mattered right now. Before he could say a word, Takato threw his arms around him, hugging him tightly.

Takato was crying. "I was so worried—I looked for you for hours!" Ritsuka felt his chest tighten. He didn't care about the dragon. Or the flames. Or the Servant watching protectively from behind Takato.

He just wrapped his arms around his little brother. "It's okay, Takato." He ruffled his hair, smiling softly. "I'm here. Everything's going to be okay."

Takato felt truly safe for the first time since arriving in the Singularity.





1) Illuminate: ᛞ

Dagaz ᛞ : (D: Day or dawn.) Breakthrough, awakening, awareness. Daylight clarity as opposed to nighttime uncertainty. A time to plan or embark upon an enterprise. The power of change directed by your own will, transformation. Hope/happiness, the ideal. Security and certainty. Growth and release. Balance point, the place where opposites meet. Dagaz Merkstave (Dagaz cannot be reversed, but may lie in opposition): A completion, ending, limit, coming full circle. Blindness, hopelessness.

A simple array that provides a source of light once it has been inscribed. When the rune is provided with Prana it will glow with enough intensity to illuminate the area around it.

2) Firestorm Arrows: ᚺᛊᚦ

Hagalaz ᚺ : (H: Hail.) Wrath of nature, destructive, uncontrolled forces, especially the weather, or within the unconscious. Tempering, testing, trial. Controlled crisis, leading to completion, inner harmony. Hagalaz Merkstave (Hagalaz cannot be reversed, but may lie in opposition): Natural disaster, catastrophe. Stagnation, loss of power. Pain, loss, suffering, hardship, sickness, crisis.

Sowilo ᛊ : (S: The sun.) Success, goals achieved, honor. The life-force, health. A time when power will be available to you for positive changes in your life, victory, health, and success. Contact between the higher self and the unconscious. Wholeness, power, elemental force, sword of flame, cleansing fire. Sowilo Merkstave (Sowilo cannot be reversed, but may lie in opposition): False goals, bad counsel, false success, gullibility, loss of goals. Destruction, retribution, justice, casting down of vanity. Wrath of god.

Thurisaz ᚦ : (TH: Thorn or a Giant.) Reactive force, directed force of destruction and defense, conflict. Instinctual will, vital eroticism, regenerative catalyst. A tendency toward change. Catharsis, purging, cleansing fire. Male sexuality, fertilization. (Thorr, the Thunder god, was of Giant stock.)Thurisaz Reversed or Merkstave: Danger, defenselessness, compulsion, betrayal, dullness. Evil, malice, hatred, torment, spite, lies. A bad man or woman. Rape?

A simple projectile reinforcement array that increases the power of an arrow, stone, bullet, etc by giving it increased penetrative power and a fire element attribute. The addition of the Hagalaz rune makes the fires of the projectile wilder and more unstable, surrounding it with a raging inferno that consumes whatever the projectile hits.

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