Chapter 5: Bit, 101
Takato held onto Ritsuka tightly, still recovering from the overwhelming relief of finally finding his big brother safe and sound.
Ritsuka, despite his mounting confusion about what he had just witnessed, simply hugged his little brother back, ruffling his hair. "It's okay, Takato. I'm here. You're safe."
Takato, sniffing slightly, wiped at his eyes and smiled. "You have no idea how much I was worried, Ritsuka. I thought I was alone here!"
Ritsuka chuckled. "I was worried about you too. You have no idea how relieved I am to see you're okay."
Takato nodded enthusiastically, then stepped back, eyes scanning the others behind his brother.
Mash, Olga, and Cu Chulainn all stood there, still somewhat stunned by what they had just witnessed.
Before anyone could say anything else, Cupidmon suddenly flew closer, his tiny wings flapping excitedly. He tilted his head, blinking in confusion. "Wait… why are there so many Takato?"
Takato blinked. "Huh?"
Cupidmon gestured to each person behind Ritsuka, pointing his tiny fingers dramatically. "Virus Black Takato," he pointed at Ritsuka.
"side evolution Takato that will go nowhere and will not get his own evolution line," he pointed at Mash.
"snow Takato that will somehow turn into a scary Takato evolution or a yeti," he pointed at Olga Marie.
"And Blue Takato that feels funny... guys I think he may be from Witchelny, be careful or he will turn you into a newt" he whispered while pointing at Cu Chulainn and giving him a side-eye.
A pause.
Then Cu snorted loudly. "Pfft—!"
Mash blinked. "W-Wait, what?"
Olga Marie looked offended. "Excuse me?! Did you just call me 'Snow Takato'?!"
Cupidmon, completely serious, nodded. "Yeah, you all kinda look like different versions of Takato... weird how black Takato looks so passive and not acting like a jark and all aggressive like."
Guilmon, who had been standing beside Takato, tilted his head. "I don't see the problem."
Mash, Olga, and Cu all turned to look at him.
Guilmon nodded sagely. "Humans all kinda look the same to me. The only differences are your voice, height, colors, and…" He suddenly paused, thinking deeply. Then, in complete innocence, he added, "And if they hide two round bread buns in their chest and call themselves female."
The entire group froze.
Mash turned bright red. "B-Bread buns?!"
Olga looked utterly mortified. "EXCUSE ME?!"
Cu was on the verge of bursting into laughter, clutching his stomach.
Bazzett, standing slightly behind Takato, just sighed, rubbing her temples. "…Humans are not like Digimon," she said tiredly. "We don't take new forms and just call ourselves something different. Every human is unique."
She paused, then hesitated, glancing at Guilmon. "And also, females do not hide bread buns in their chests…" Her voice faltered slightly, and she blushed.
Cupidmon, his curiosity now piqued, hovered closer. "Oh! Then what do they hide there? Water balloons?"
Bazzett choked on air. "What?! NO!"
Cu wheeze-laughed from the side, barely able to contain himself.
Mash looked like she wanted to melt into the ground and disappear.
Olga Marie was furiously red, looking one step away from screaming.
Cupidmon, completely innocent, flapped his wings excitedly. "Then what are they?!"
Bazzett, now feeling utterly trapped, just blurted out the first thing that came to her mind. "Natural… milk jugs."
A stunned silence.
Cupidmon brightened. "OH! CAN I HAVE SOME?!"
Bazzett immediately groaned, dragging a hand down her face.
Cu fell over laughing. "HAAHAHAHAHA!!!"
Mash was frozen, steam practically coming out of her head.
Olga Marie looked like she was about to start throwing fireballs at people.
Takato, meanwhile, was torn between embarrassment and complete and utter amusement.
Guilmon tilted his head again, confused. "I love drinking the milk straight from the tap, oh boy remember how mommy was angry when she caught me drinking all the milk in the house Takatomon?"
Ritsuka, still hugging his little brother, just sighed.
Takato let out a strangled noise. "CUPIDMON, THAT'S NOT HOW IT WORKS, and Guilmon this is inappropriate, you don't ask about people's bodies like this!!!"
Cu just continued to cackle.
Ritsuka, his head in his hands, simply muttered, "I don't even have the energy to process this anymore."
Olga, meanwhile, had completely given up, turning away while mumbling something about idiotic nonsense.
Mash, still bright red, covered her face with her hands.
And in the midst of all this chaos, Guilmon wagged his tail, still completely innocent. "Did I say something wrong?"
Bazett sighed, muttering under her breath. "I should've just let the Sunarizamon eat me…"
Takato took a deep breath, looking around at the faces surrounding him, wanting to change the topic of the conversation, "Alright! So, guess it's time to introduce the new faces, um… let's start with Cupidmon!"
The tiny cherubic Digimon was currently locked in a playful wrestling match with Fou, giggling as the little white creature pounced on him, "Aha! You're really soft! But I won't lose! The future angle of justice and judgment and everything good will not lose to you beast, hahaha!" Fou let out an excited chirp, flipping Cupidmon onto his back before bouncing onto his head.
Takato chuckled. "Cupidmon's a Digimon, like Guilmon."
"Excuse me, what?!" Olga Marie's voice snapped through the air like a whip. She took a step forward, her wide eyes locked onto the tiny cherubic creature. "That thing… that thing is a Digimon? A real Digimon?!" Her hands trembled slightly, not out of fear, but out of sheer disbelief.
Mash, Cu, and even Ritsuka looked at her in confusion.
Takato blinked. "Uh… yeah? Why is that so shocking?"
Olga whipped around, gripping her head. "Because Digimon are the greatest mystery of our era!!"
A heavy silence fell over the group.
Olga's voice lowered, trembling slightly with a mixture of awe and realization. "I… I'm the first living Magus to ever see a real Digimon with my own eyes. Something that has been a subject of wild debate within the Moonlit World for four years ever since the D-Reaper accident."
Takato stiffened. "Wait… what do you mean?"
Olga turned toward him, her expression unreadable. "There are four main perspectives on Digimon among the supernatural world."
She began pacing, her fingers twitching as she spoke. "The first idea is that some believe Digimon and the Digital World—often referred to as the Earth Cell by many magi, are the key to reaching the Root, which is the ultimate goal of all Magi. The theory suggests that the Digital World serves as a 'synthetic path' to the Root, functioning as an artificial Akasha that reflects our reality. If a magus manages to reach this place, they would be closer than ever, not only for themselves but also for everyone in their lineage. They would be on the verge of touching the outer membrane of the Root, which many believe the Earth Cell ultimately represents."
Takato frowned. "The Root?"
"The origin of all things. The source of all Magecraft. If Digimon exists beyond the rules of Gaia and Alaya, then their existence could be the greatest breakthrough in history." She paused, then continued. "The second is also what many magus believe that Digimon is the key to saving Magecraft as a whole. That the Digital World and its denizens could restore mystery to a world that has long been decaying. That Digimon are proof that humanity can create new gods, new miracles."
Then Olga's expression darkened.
"And the third and fourth?" Takato asked hesitantly.
Her eyes narrowed. "The Church."
A chill ran down Takato's spine with how much venom Olga said the faction's name, it was obvious from his perspective that Magus and the Church don't get along.
"They see Digimon as blasphemous. A mockery of life itself. They believe Digimon and the D-Reaper invasion were proof that their kind is unnatural, and would bring mankind to ruin." Olga said with an eye roll.
Takato felt his chest tighten. "They blame Digimon for the D-Reaper…?"
"Not just that." Olga's gaze sharpened. "They also consider the Digimon as no better than dead apostles due to their ability to cannibalize each other and feed on their victim's essence for more power, so better to keep your little Digimon buddies away from priests if you want them to stay in one piece."
Takato in confusion asked, "What is a dead apostle?"
"The Dead Apostle faction—their vampires, their monsters— and they actually ranked the D-Reaper as the Seventh Dead Apostle Ancestor. And before you ask think of the Ancestor title as a way to brand a dead apostle as one of the leaders of their misbegotten species, and the lower the numbered title the stronger the Dead Apostle leader is considered, so if you ever meet one of them I would advise you to run as fast as you can and hope they are interested in something that is not you or your familier."
Ritsuka's eyes widened. "Wait… what?"
Olga nodded, her voice grave. "When the D-Reaper attacked, it consumed the Forest of Einnashe—one of the most powerful Dead Apostle territories in the world. And then… the world watched as a single warrior wearing crimson armor, and sprouting ten angelic wings fought the D-Reaper's core and won."
Takato froze. He knew exactly who she was talking about. His fingers subconsciously tightened around his Digivice. 'That knight… was Gallantmon.'
Ritsuka, who had been smiling moments ago, suddenly felt his stomach twist. 'Digimon Again. Again, they were dragging Takato into something he shouldn't be involved in.' Ritsuka clenched his fists, his expression darkening.
Trying to break the tension, Takato continued. "This is Guilmon, my partner."
Guilmon, still wagging his tail, blinked up at the group before happily trotting forward. "Hi!" He then bumped his snout against Takato's arm, looking expectantly. Takato smiled softly, running a hand over Guilmon's head.
The red dinosaur closed his eyes, letting out a deep, happy purr.
Cu Chulainn raised an eyebrow. "A dragon that submits to a human so easily? How strange."
Takato looked up. "Huh?"
Cu tilted his head. "Dragons are proud. Even as hatchlings, they would never lower themselves to be 'tamed' by a human. But he seems perfectly… content."
Guilmon tilted his head. "Takato is my Tamer. That's why I listen."
Cu studied him for a long moment, then grinned. "Hah. Well, ain't that something."
Takato feeling completely lost with all the information that was dropped on him just nodded to Cu before continuing, "And this is Bazett, my Servant. She protected me when I first got here."
Bazett, standing at Takato's side, nodded firmly. "I am Bazett Fraga McRemitz. It is an honor."
"Wait." Olga Marie, who had been listening silently, suddenly paled. "Bazett Fraga McRemitz?!"
Takato blinked in confusion. "Uh… yeah?"
Olga took a step back. "One of the Clock Tower's strongest Sealing Designation Enforcers?! The woman with a spotless track record who has never failed a mission?!"
Ritsuka wasted no time thanking Bazzet and shaking her hand, "Thanks for protecting my little brother Bazzet!"
Bazzet gave a soft smile and said, "I only did as my duty dictated, but I appreciate the sentiment"
Olga turned to Ritsuka, her voice rising. "And you just CASUALLY thanked her for protecting your brother?!" Olga looked like she wanted to strangle him.
But what truly shattered her composure was the fact that Bazett… smiled politely and said. "It is my duty as a Servant."
Olga froze. 'Bazett… a Servant? That was impossible. You can't summon someone who is still alive. and not from this era... Then how...'
As introductions wrapped up on Takato's side, Ritsuka stepped forward. "I'm Ritsuka Schmidt. This is Mash, Olga, and Cu."
Bazett, who had remained calm and professional this entire time, suddenly went stiff. Her eyes widened in shock, her expression faltering. Then, in a weak, almost broken voice, she whispered, "Nice to meet you… Child of Light."
Cu's grin widened. "Milk jugs, huh?"
Bazett's entire face turned red. "I..." She swallowed, composing herself, her voice suddenly forced into professionalism. "I thought it would not be proper to explain biology in public to a toddler." But inside her mind, 'AAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!'
A holographic screen manifested, displaying Romani Archaman's face. The doctor let out a breath of pure relief, his smile bright and warm. "Ritsuka! Mash! Olga! Thank God you're all okay!"
Ritsuka grinned slightly, rubbing the back of his head. "Yeah, yeah, Doctor, we're alive. Good to see you too."
Mash nodded, her expression soft. "Doctor Roman, we were worried about you, too. Are you alright?" Romani laughed weakly. "Me? I'm fine! Just—hah—watching you all throw around city-erasing flames and fighting corrupted Servants has taken a few years off my life, but you know, I'm still breathing!"
He paused, glancing at Takato. "Oh! And Takato, kid, you're incredible! I mean, summoning a divine spirit, evolving your partner, MELTING A QUARTER OF THE CITY—!"
Takato rubbed his neck, looking a little embarrassed. "Uh… sorry?"
"DON'T BE!" Romani leaned forward, practically vibrating with excitement. "Do you have any idea what you just did? No Servant but High-Class Tier would've survived that attack! That was beyond ridiculous!"
Cupidmon, who had been perched on Takato's shoulder, let out a proud chirp. "Told you he was the Knight of Hazard! That was awesome!"
Before Takato could awkwardly brush off more praise, Olga Marie suddenly shook herself out of her stunned daze. Her sharp eyes locked onto Romani's image, and her voice came out tight, demanding. "Doctor."
Romani's rambling stopped immediately. "...Uh-oh."
Olga's hands clenched at her sides. "What is Chaldea's condition after the detonation?"
The atmosphere shifted. Romani's smile faded. His shoulders slumped. His gaze lowered. For the first time since appearing, Romani looked pained. Everyone held their breath. Romani finally spoke, his voice quieter. "We… lost most of A-Team."
Silence. Olga's eyes widened. Romani continued. "The explosion… wiped out all of them except for a few. But the survivors are in critical condition, unconscious. We're doing everything we can, but…"
He swallowed. "Right now, there's no guarantee they'll make it."
Romani blinked. "Huh?"
Olga stepped forward, her fists clenched. "You are going to put them in cryostasis. Immediately. If they die, then Chaldea loses its only remaining Master candidates."
Romani stared at her, stunned. "Oh! Right! Cryostasis! I—I can do that!" He started rapidly typing, his hands moving in a blur. "Why didn't I think of that?! Good idea, Director!"
Takato watched silently, his hands tightening into fists. So many people… gone. Even if he hadn't known them, it still felt wrong. And if what Bazzet thought was true, he would never let this injustice left un answered, this kind of evil will not escape what is coming for it.
Even Guilmon, who usually didn't understand complex emotions, looked up at Takato with sad eyes, sensing his partner's distress. "Takato…?"
Takato took a breath and forced a small smile. "I'm okay, boy."
"Yaaawn." Guilmon let out a long, tired yawn, stretching his arms out.
Cupidmon followed right after, flapping his tiny wings weakly. "I think… I need a nap…"
Mash watched them and immediately turned to the group. "Senpai, Director, Doctor… We should return to base. We all need to rest and recharge our strength."
Ritsuka nodded. "Yeah, good idea. Let's head back."
Bazett, who had been quiet since Romani's announcement, glanced at Takato, watching his expression carefully. She could tell he was still processing everything. But for now, they needed to rest.
As the group gathered themselves and prepared to return to the school, one thought lingered in the back of everyone's mind. The attack on Chaldea had changed everything. And they still didn't know who was responsible.
The chamber was drenched in darkness, the only illumination coming from flickering torches and the ominous glow of a massive scrying mirror. In its reflection, Ritsuka and Takato slept in what seemed like a classroom, with two digimon and a small animal snuggled to Takato. Standing before the mirror, watching with a satisfied grin, was Lev Lainur Flauros. He chuckled, then outright cackled, his laughter echoing through the cold, oppressive room. "Humanity truly are like roaches."
His smirk widened, eyes gleaming with twisted amusement. "Even after an extinction-level event, there are still remnants clinging to life."
His voice lowered, nearly purring. "Though I must admit, I hadn't expected even one Master to remain alive… let alone two."
He turned from the mirror, his smile curved into something cruel. "Not that it matters. Even if one of them is a Tamer, those little creatures of his pale in comparison to my lord's unfathomable depth of power."
Lev's fingers drummed against his chin, the firelight dancing in his glasses. "This is a predetermined outcome. No matter how much they struggle..." His eyes glinted in the dim light. "My lord has already won."
At the far end of the chamber, carved into the stone itself, a throne loomed. Upon it sat a hooded figure, clad in flowing black robes that seemed to swallow the light around them.
Their face remained hidden, but their body was unnaturally still. A steady murmuring filled the room, whispers in a language foreign to human ears—yet perfectly structured, rhythmic. It was binary.
The figure was speaking in code, their words flowing like an infinite algorithm. Resting in their lap was an object that pulsed with a faint glow, a white Digi-Egg with golden stripes. Or rather, it had once been one. Its colors had long since drained, now shifting into a dull, metallic gray.
The hooded figure ran a gloved hand over its surface, their murmuring intensifying. The binary chant quickened, a steady stream of cold, calculated words—a function being executed. And finally, after what felt like an eternity, "...Complete subservience established."
The hooded figure's fingers gently placed the egg upon a pedestal beside the throne. For the first time, they turned their attention to Lev. A deep, powerful voice rumbled from beneath the hood. "You left loose ends."
Lev arched a brow, feigning ignorance. "Oh? Do tell."
The figure's one visible crimson eye burned like a dying sun. "The Tamer you so readily dismiss possesses the Digital Hazard."
Lev scoffed. "And?"
The figure's grip tightened around the armrest of the throne, causing the stone to crack under their sheer strength. "The Digital Hazard is a failsafe."
Their voice was unwavering, absolute. "A virus meant to erase, delete, and reset creation itself if the Digital World has reached a failed future—an existence where stagnation is unavoidable."
They leaned forward slightly, their presence looming. "That boy, Takato Matsuki… he has the potential to overwrite reality itself. To edit, copy, paste, and manipulate data at will. As long as he is alive… he may undo all my Tamer and your king's wo—"
"So what?" Lev's mocking tone cut through the air like a knife.
The hooded figure paused.
Lev rolled his eyes, shaking his head. "The Human Order has already fallen. And with it, so has the Digital World."
He grinned, stepping forward. "Without humanity, the Digital World would have never been born."
His gaze flicked toward the gray Digi-Egg, his smirk deepening. "Now, just as my lord promised you before, it is up to you to recreate it in your image."
"Shape it as its new ruler." The figure remained silent. Lev's voice grew softer, more taunting. "After all, the boy you fear so much is just that… a boy. A human boy."
"And humans..." His smile turned cruel. "they have no value, they were just born to die, to suffer, and to be forgotten as time goes on, truly I pity their existence." His fingers drummed against his coat as he turned back toward the exit. "He is not special. He is not a miracle. He is nothing. He will not be the one to stop us."
Lev paused at the threshold, tilting his head slightly. "Relax. After all, as King Solomon's partner, you shame him by showing this much fear and cowardice."
A silence stretched between them.
Then the cracks in the throne deepened. The hooded figure's hand clenched so tightly around the armrest that the stone began to splinter. The gray Digi-Egg pulsed ominously, the glow in its core flickering faintly. Finally, the figure gave a single, curt nod.
One crimson eye shimmered in the darkness. And the room grew colder.
The morning after their rest, the group had regained their energy, their wounds healed, and their minds refreshed. The night had passed without further attacks, with Cu and Bazett keeping watch, ensuring no enemies approached while the others slept.
Now, with the rising sun barely visible through the blackened sky, the group gathered once more.
With a flicker of light, a holographic screen crackled to life. Romani appeared once again, looking completely exhausted. Dark circles framed his eyes, his usually relaxed posture was replaced by slumped shoulders. "Morning, everyone… or, well, whatever counts as morning in this hellscape."
Mash frowned. "Doctor, have you not slept?"
Romani let out a tired laugh, rubbing his forehead. "Yeah, no. Not exactly an option when the entire staff of Chaldea is working around the clock to re-establish contact with the outside world." He sighed. "But that's not even the worst part."
Olga, who had been quiet, snapped her attention toward the screen. "What do you mean?"
Romani's expression darkened. "The Rayshift coffins… we managed to repair only ten of them."
Everyone paused. Olga's hand went to her mouth, her nails pressing against her lips. "Only ten?" she muttered, her eyes narrowing.
Romani nodded grimly. "Yeah… and the worst part? We've been trying to contact anyone outside of Chaldea… and nothing. No response. No signals. It's like… the world has gone silent."
Olga's stomach dropped. 'Why? Why was no one answering? What had happened to the outside world?'
Mash shifted uncomfortably. "That's… worrying."
Ritsuka clenched his fists, his face tense. "You think this Singularity affected more than just Fuyuki?"
Romani sighed. "That's what we're trying to figure out. But so far? Nothing good."
The group fell into a heavy silence.
Cu, leaning against the wall, finally broke the silence with a long sigh. "Well, guess it's my turn to talk. Since we're all caught up now, might as well tell you lot what happened before I ran into you."
Everyone turned toward him as he cracked his neck. "This Singularity wasn't always like this. It started as a normal Holy Grail War with seven Servants fighting it out."
Takato blinked. "Wait… it started normal?"
Cu nodded. "Yeah, just your usual slaughter-fest, same old, same old. That was… until Saber lost her damn mind and killed her own Master."
Ritsuka's eyes widened. "Wait what?! you guys can turn on your own master?"
Cu grinned humorlessly. "Yeah... good times, that priest asshole got it coming. After that? Everything went straight to hell."
His face darkened. "The other Servants… they died one by one. And when they did?" He gestured around them. "They didn't stay dead."
The realization hit them like a ton of bricks. Mash's eyes widened. "You mean—?"
"Yeah." Cu nodded. "That black mud? Saber commands it. The moment a Servant fall, she revived them with it."
Takato shuddered. "So it's an army of undead Servants?"
Cu grinned darkly. "Pretty much. but seeing as all servants are spirits of the dead, it does not change much if you ask me, I was the only one who managed to get away."
He then turned toward Ritsuka, his grin turning sharp. "By the way, I figured out her identity."
Ritsuka, still reeling from the revelation, slowly looked up. "Who is she?"
Cu let out a low chuckle. "King Arthur."
The atmosphere froze. A heavy, almost suffocating silence filled the air.
Olga paled, her eyes filled with disbelief. "No… no, no, no, no! That's impossible! King Arthur! She's..."
Cu tilted his head. "Oh? Sounds like you've heard of her."
Olga clenched her fists. "My father was part of the Fifth Holy Grail War. If he hadn't summoned the Servant he did, he told me once he would've been completely crushed by her."
She shook her head. "King Arthur isn't just an elite-level Servant… she's a nightmare. She has a five-star danger rating."
Ritsuka and Takato blinked simultaneously. "Five-star danger rating?" they echoed.
Mash straightened up. "Director, may I explain?"
Olga nodded, rubbing her temples. "Go ahead."
Mash turned toward Takato and Ritsuka. "Using Chaldea's SHEBA system, we've been able to observe many Heroic Spirits before they were summoned. By analyzing their deeds, their time period, and their strength while alive, we were able to categorize them."
She raised a hand. "One-star Servants are the weakest, generally obscure or minor historical figures. that are briefly mentioned in poems or in other heroes' adventures. Two-stars have some degree of recognition, but aren't legends. Three-stars are strong, but not overwhelming. Four-stars are Heroic Spirits who could be considered champions of their time. And five-stars… are the highest-tier combatants, usually people who defined the era when they lived.
She looked at them seriously. "If King Arthur is a five-star Servant… then that means we are facing one of the most powerful warriors in history."
Ritsuka gulped.
Takato, however, tightened his fists. Then, he smiled. "It doesn't matter."
Everyone stared at him.
Takato looked at Guilmon, then at his Digivice. "As long as we stay together, there's nothing to worry about." He grinned. "And if push comes to shove, I'm sure Guilmon's strongest form can handle this mad king, five-stars or not!"
"No." Takato's grin faded as Ritsuka stepped forward, his voice firm. Ritsuka crossed his arms. "Takato, you're staying in the safe house with your Servant. I'll deal with the mad king."
Takato bristled. "Are you serious?!"
Ritsuka frowned. "Yes, I'm serious! You're fourteen! You shouldn't be involved in this!"
Takato's face twisted in anger. "News flash, I am already involved, and I already proved I can survive! I can fight!"
"That's not the point!" Ritsuka shot back. "You're my little brother! I'm not going to risk your life!"
They glared at each other, neither willing to back down. Until—
"Enough." Cu's voice cut through the tension like a blade. His grin had vanished. "Splitting up is the worst idea. That Archer Servant will snipe whoever stays behind the moment he realizes someone's alone... no good lovesick fool that he is, would just blow up the school the moment he notices I am not there to feed the wards that protect my territory."
Ritsuka groaned in frustration.
Olga pinched the bridge of her nose. "As Director, I'm ordering everyone to stay together. Our goal is to fix this Singularity."
Ritsuka threw his hands up. "FINE! But stay close to me, Takato!"
Takato smirked. "Got it. And don't worry, Bazzet and Guilmon will kick that mad king's butt!"
Bazzet nodded, a small smirk playing on her lips. "Count on it."
Ritsuka sighed, shaking his head.