Heart of Blood: Heroes of the Demonic War

Chapter 2: Down the Road

Days passed, and the workers are currently rebuilding the destroyed infrastructure that were attacked that day. The wall, for one, was turned to dust, and the guards are ever more present as the homes and houses of many common people are no more.

The sun was high. The streets are busy. The only one uncaring of the whole ordeal was the black-haired Heskan, he walked his way down the road as he just happened to meet Nosra among the busy crowd.

"Hey there, little avenya." Recognizing his voice immediately, Nosra turned his way toward him at an instant.

"Heskan, did you see the demon that broke the town wall that day?" He looked down to meet his glazing red eyes.

"Hmm," a tiny smile appeared in his face, "And what if I do?"

They started walking down the road.

"Did you also see the fight then?"

"The fight? It's dangerous to be near a demon, you know…" The smile only grew more brash, "But of course I do," They kept walking. "Just so you know, that demon was a beast, even your mister can't beat him singlehandedly. It took about 4 or 5 other town guard with him just to repel it away."

"Really? Is it that strong?"

The road was getting quieter.

"Totally, with its red gaze rivaling the old devure and its massive body capable of crushing bodies, it launched an attack decimating the surrounding buildings, not to mention his glossy black fur reflecting the light of dusk. It was a nightmare waiting for the night."

"But, Sir, You haven't told me what kind of demon it is."

The sun still hung high above their head.

"Well it was a massive creature walking in all four with fur everywhere, the piercing red eyes, long tails, and sharp ears… it reminds me of a wolf."

"What's a wolf, Sir?"

The stone beneath them turn into dirt as they turned their way into a quiet alleyway.

"I would show you what it looked like if I had my book with me… but why are you calling me 'sir' all of a sudden?" He placed his left arm on the front of his stomach to support his elbow, while his right middle finger is placed in front of his lips.

"Because I just remember that mister told me that you are not a kind person."

Heskan walked closer to him and said, "And you are still talking to me?"

He stopped and lowered his arms, gazing deep into Nosra's eyes, pressing him into the side of the building.

"Should I not?" He tried to side step away.

"You are free to do whatever you want… but… something unpleasant might happen if he were to see that we are talking like this…" He said as his smile never fade from his face.

"If that so, do you think we should part way?"

"It doesn't matter to me. But, hey, look, how about you goes around with that person instead. He's far more amicable with the old devure than me." He pointed to the other side of the alleyway, someone was standing there and seemed to be buying an apple from the store.

"If you said so… but who is that?"

The both of them were staring at a small devure with green hair in the side of the road. "Let me call him over and introduce you to him." They came out of the alleyway, before Heskan call his name and the devure turned their back to face the both of them.




"The name is Oleva Kresanar." Said the devure with silver eyes, wearing a simple white clothes and a brown pants.

"Hi Kresanar, name is Nosra."

"You can call me Oleva instead, but Nosra? Aren't you the Old Guard's avenya? What an honor, may the Emperor smile at you."

"May the Emperor smile at you." The both of them answered the well-wishes.

Heskan soon departed, wandering the road once more. No one knew what he was looking for or is there is such a thing, but he had been this way since everyone can remember. That was just who he was.

Not long after, as the sun was still illuminating this radiant day, Nosra had arrived to Oleva's humble abode, a simple house with a vast field on the side of the place. A cozy home where one can rest and not worry for the outside world, just a place where he can found solace and all that it is worth.

Oleva take the young devure to the field, where crops are planted and animals ran free. As Nosra remembered from what was said in the book, farm animals are usually boxed in some kind of cage or pent, but these animals are wandering on the open field and seemed like they can't go far from it.

"How are you keeping the animals bound to this place? Oleva?" His eyes lighted up, excited to learn so much more.

"It's a secret." Nosra could see that he is trying to hide a smile.

"If you are to be so secretive, maybe you can tell me why animals reproduce differently from us, then." It's a question he always had ever since learning about the animals from Heskan.

"I did not expect that, what makes you think I know of such knowledge, little avenya?" He was confused as to why Nosra asked a question he himself is not capable of asking.

"So if you and the books don't know, who knows?"

"Who knows? Maybe for one, the dragons? Or if not, the Emperor must know it."

"The Emperor? Will I even get to meet him?"

"You will, little one, when the times come, we all shall meet the Emperor and his Judgment, for all that derive from him must come back to him as is the way the world is."

As that conversation comes to an end, the curious Nosra started to ask a lot of questions about the all kind of crops and animals Oleva had in his farm, and it brought him so much joy hearing Oleva explaining everything with so much passion.

Eventually the sun was downing in the east, the orange sky filled Nosra's heart with warmth and peacefulness, as the day was well spent learning many things. Just like mister told him to do, but today was also different, the old devure said not to come home tonight for some reason he yet to know, and thus Nosra asked Oleva for a place to stay

He agreed because he will have to go tonight, so his house will be empty. And thus Nosra, alone in a quiet house, sleep well as the night was getting cold and dreary.



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