Chapter 23: Chapter 23: Familiar x Forest
A/N: Hey guys, news about the Gacha, I am mostly finished with the v0.1 and only have less than 400 things left to give descriptions to. The interface is also mostly done so I will be releasing it on my p*treon for Beta testing in a few days. After I find out the problems and do some editing I will most likely release the v0.1 of Chaos Gacha in around a week.
Next Up - My Hero Academia: Restless Gambler
~Yuta Yukimura~
"Alright, we are here. Welcome to the Familiar Forest, Yuta-kun, Asia-chan." I rubbed my eyes once the red flash of the teleportation spell subsided to see...
...The most evil-looking forest I have ever seen.
The sky was a dark blood red with clouds of similar colour covering it. The trees all around were dead and looked coal black, I could see some bats flying around too. The only thing missing was a creepy BGM and the cackling of a witch in the background.
"...Rias-san, are you sure you didn't accidentally cast us into hell?" This place really put me on edge, hearing my words Rias giggled a little.
"Accidentally? Don't be silly, we are in hell. Where else do you think we would get familiars for Devils?" Rias stated quite matter of factly.
...I admit, that's on me.
I sometimes the fact that we are devils kinda slips my mind.
"Get your game on!" I was startled by a loud shout making me instinctively form several Shadow Hands around me protectively as I jumped back a little to see... an old man dressed like a 12-year-old with a backwards cap like he is desparately clinging to whatever remained of his youth.
Seeing my posture he tsked and shook his head with a smile.
"Tsk tsk, kids these days, so jumpy that they don't even recognize me! The familiar master Zatoshi!" Oh satan, is this what happened to Ash after he became homeless? Wait, that's not even the right catchphrase. Is he a fake?
Akeno, seemingly sensing my doubts addressed them without me even saying a word.
"Don't worry Yuta-kun, despite how he looks he is a legitimate professional."
Could've fooled me.
"Indeed! The moon is nice and full tonight, a perfect day for familiars to come out and for masters to find their destined partners. Stick with me and any familiar you desire is yours for the catching" I... I just can't take him seriously. He seemed like an actual walking-talking gag, especially with his exaggerated motions.
The man jumped down from his branch and puffed his chest out.
"Well then! Young man, young girl, what kinds of familiars do you desire? A strong one? A fast one? A mystical one? One that can spew fire or with skin so thick blades can't pierce it?"
I only had to think for a second before answering.
"One that is very good for performing manual labour and menial tasks without complaining."
"Bah! How boring, where has the romanticism of youth gone? You should be looking for a familiar to supplement your abilities not searching for an office worker." The man's face scrunched up and he shrugged his shoulders dismissively.
Buddy, it was gone when that backwards cap went out of fashion. Yeah, professional or not this guy got on my nerves. Then Asia made her own request.
"Oh! I'd like a cute one please." Completely contrary to how he treated he did a 180 and addressed Asia with the same perverted expression Saji had.
"Of course! I'll get whatever you want for you! We will find the cutest one around!" At this point, I have to wonder if becoming a devil as a man lowers your integrity. I nudged Koneko on the shoulder.
"Koneko-chan, I can't stand this clown anymore, so I am just going to go ahead and try to see what I can find here myself. If he tries to do anything Asia kick his balls as hard as you possibly can alright?" Koneko nodded curtly, this was why she was my favourite.
"Alright, good luck. If you can't find anything then come back." She briefly waved at me before sticking closer to Asia while I flipped on ghost form and drifted into the forest, after I was sufficiently away for my footsteps to not be heard I toggled it off and replaced it with Sand Veil.
[Uncomon - Natural Weapons]
[Rare - Shadow Hands]
[Uncommon - Sand Veil]
A perfect mix of range and close combat ability. At range, I can combine Dessert Weaponry and at close range, I can combine Spectral Claw. So I should be safe.
Now, what were my plans?
My plans were winging it and leaving it to fate.
If there is one thing I know about the world, it's that it loves to fuck with me. If I wander aimlessly I am bound to encounter some bullshittery that tries to kill me, and bullshittery that tries to kill me means a ticket for my troubles. Doubly better if the bullshittery in question is a familiar I can snatch up.
On the off chance I don't stumble into a deathtrap or some hydra, I have my backpack with me, I spent the entirety of the morning from 5 am making a metric ton packed lunches as bait and bribes for familiars, and I even had help from Akeno to put a preservation spell on them so they were still as fresh as ever.
I was fairly confident there wouldn't be anything here that could truly kill me, Rias would have warned otherwise.
Unfortunately, as I kept walking deeper and deeper into the forest all I encountered were some wolves and weird-looking birds, and I do not like birds at all, one ate my cat and others kept shitting on me.
Thankfully I found something interesting after walking for about an hour straight. A large, and I mean large cave entrance, the roof was at least 50 meters tall. If I were a unique encounter this is where I would hide, this looks precisely like somewhere where a hydra or something would hide.
Before going in I decided to play it safe and replaced Shadow Hands with Ghost form, the moment I encountered great danger I would shift into a giant cloud of sand and hotfoot it out of there.
As I walked in I couldn't help but note that the cave was usually clean, no puddles or droppings. Just as I was thinking that there might really just be nothing here I felt a giant rumble. And in the span of a single moment, I felt a tremendous presence appear behind me as if it suddenly teleported, I quickly spun on my heel, my finger on Sandstorm Form's trigger ready to use it anytime before I was greeted with the sight of what was before me.
A giant dragon was before me, pink eyes glowing with a scary light and azure light reflected off its gemstone-like scales. Its long curved horns and razor-sharp teeth sent shivers down my spine. Its building-sized wings spread out and blocked out most of the sunlight coming from the entrance of the cave, casting an intimidating shadow.
Maybe coming here was a mistake. Why the fuck didn't anyone tell me there was a goddamn dragon living here!?
"Young Devil, why have you come here?" A distorted female voice thundered out from the building-sized dragon in front of me, just the voice alone carried power that I could feel in my bones. The sheer aura and power she emitted made my head spin.
...Yeah forget about sand shifting away she just moved faster than I could see and dragons usually have breath attacks. Especially one that's making me almost shit myself from just her presence.
At least she doesn't seem too hostile. Maybe I can still diffuse the situation.
"...I got lost. I am a part of Rias Gremory's peerage, pawn Yuta Yukimura. We came here today to find familiars, I am very sorry if I intruded on your domain." The dragon tilted its head while I raised my arms placatingly. I did not want to turn into reptile chow today.
The dragon released a sigh that bellowed very threatening azure flames.
"...You are simply unaware then, young devils these days really are reckless. So you just found a very large cavern and decided to walk inside without any regard for what or who might be inside is that right?"
At her words, I couldn't do anything but nod my head. She was very much right. But then again I didn't expect to meet an Azure Dragon in a place called Familiar Forest, often visited by teen devils.
"I admit I may have made a massive leap in judgement. Could I please ask you to not eat me? I would really appreciate it. I probably taste very foul, it would mess up your appetite."
The dragon sighed loudly, once again, I hoped that its sigh was of resignation and not frustration. Because becoming food was something I would like to avoid if I could.
"Sigh... I am not just going to kill you because I am displeased child, especially when you are one of the Gremory, I am not an evil dragon. Wait, sniff, what is that smell?" The dragon craned its neck down and I flinched slightly, thinking my smell had helped make the dragon make up its mind to eat me before remembering my boxed lunches. I pulled them out of my bag and presented them to the dragon who craned her neck closer and took a sniff, her eyes widening.
"That smells rather good, is that made out of the meat of magical beasts perhaps? No, even if it were, unless it wouldn't smell like that. Just what is that food?" I held up the myriad of lunchboxes I had brought with me towards her.
"Do you want them? Here, take them, I made them myself with my... unique ability. Consider it my apology for just barging into your home like that and eat them instead of me. I don't taste very good. Sorry if the portions are a little small, they were designed with a more humanoid consumer in mind"
The gigantic dragon snorted, hopefully amused.
"Very well, it seems like you at least have some courtesy and tact. And do not worry about the portion. I can simply assume my humanoid form. I do hope your food is worth the effort." After those words, the dragon's body was bathed in a soft blue light before it got smaller and smaller until it was just taller than me, squinting I was able to finally see what her form looked like after the light faded and-
Suddenly in front of me was a woman whose long blue hair like silk reached down to her calves, she had a very mature and curvy body that captured my gaze like a bear trap. Her eyes were a beautiful pink that glowed softly, the sign that there was still a dragon in front of me was the large horns that curled around her head.
she was quite possibly one of the most attractive women I had ever seen. And her having her very large breasts on par with Akeno or even beyond did not help my slackened jaw, it was incredibly hard to keep my composure in front of someone who looked and had the aura of a goddess.
Doubly so because she was completely naked without a shred of clothing on her body covering her flawless skin. Her large breasts jiggled as she moved, I tried desparately to tear my gaze away from her uncovered pink nipples barely concealed by her hair, occasionally peeking out between the strands.
I managed to keep my sight off of the breasts of the undoubtedly dangerous dragon by stabbing my fingers into my palm with Natural Weapons to keep myself distracted and my hormones in check. The woman in front of me smiled at my struggle.
"Hmm? Your gaze seems quite distracted young devil. Let me take those from you." She approached me, her hips swaying, doing severe damage to my psyche and volition before she reached out and grabbed the boxes from my hands that still held them out, she smelled like a fresh lake from this close. Even the threat of potential death was meagre before my raging hormones, rebelling for me daring to not look, I squeezed my eyes shut as she got closer.
"It's fine to look, no need to be so shy, if I was ashamed of my body I wouldn't have taken on this form in front of you. At least the attempt was appreciated." I released a relieved breath but still tried to stare as little as possible. I didn't know who she was but she was dangerous, incomparably more dangerous than anything I faced, my instincts honed from countless brushes with death told me at least that.
She walked away from me, her hips swaying sensually her large ass juicier than any meat I ever saw peeking out from behind her hair occasionally. I let out a relieved breath as she was going but then suddenly she craned her head to look at me.
"What are you standing around for? Follow me, we aren't going to eat on the dirty cavern floor are we?" Ah, she was expecting me to eat with her, hopefully, without eating me as an appetizer, I absentmindedly nodded and followed her while trying to keep my nervous sweat at bay.
Wait, who am I even following into these deep and scary caverns?
"Uh, not to sound rude or anything miss. But... could I ask who you are?" She suddenly stopped dead and turned to me with a bewildered face.
"Wait, you seriously came all the way here and didn't know?" She looked at me as if I were a fool and, yeah, I kinda deserved that. I nodded as she let out a humoured snort.
"You so foolish, it's almost endearing." I blushed a little at the compliment. At least I thought it was. "I am Tiamat, the Chaos Karma Dragon I thought the fact that I lived here was common knowledge by now."
Seeing my expression she laughed again.
"That foolish expression of yours really is endearing. Well then, don't stand around trying to catch flies with your mouth and follow me, I am starting to get quite hungry." She turned around again and started walking while I followed without much thought.
I... don't know how I ended up here.
I was just trying to find a cool familiar to tame and now a naked Tiamat was inviting me to dinner.
How did we end up here?
Feat Achieved! Earn Tiamat's Favor +1x Gold Trait Gacha Ticket
A/N: We have arrived at the Familiar Forest and the living joke known as Bass Ketchup, otherwise known as that very annoying old guy from the anime. And with Yuta's luck, everyone knew something was going to happen in the familiar forest. On that note...
The Dragon Milf! Dragon Milf is real!
Yuta is damn lucky he got blessed by Kakyoin just a few chapters ago for this encounter to go well. He has finally encountered the Dragon milf and I don't think anyone will blame me for making her appearance the Fate Tiamat. Anyways, Yuta has managed to capture the attention of a very dangerous dragon. I wonder how he will fare against the Mother of Dragons next chapter.
What did you guys think about the Tiamat encounter? I would love to hear your thoughts about her.
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