Chapter 24: Chapter 24: I Choose You!
Authors Note: Hey guys, Bronz here, and I have come bearing big news.
I am proud to announce that the Beta Testing of Chaos Gacha is officially live on my P*treon! With a word count total of 74k words(32 chapters in length) and 1,843 unique entries almost all written by hand inside of it. It took a lot of blood sweat and tears but the beta is finally alive!
As long as the beta testing goes right I should be able to release v1.0 to the public in around a week. As I have said before, Chaos Gacha will be free to use and you will be able to download it on Git Hub or Mega to use as you want(as long as proper credits are given of course).
I hope you guys look forward to it. Here is a sneak peek into what the Beta looks like for those interested.
~Yuta Yukimura~
Countless thoughts raced across my head as I followed Tiamat deeper into the cave.
How had I ended up like this? How did my familiar capturing trip end up with me dragged into a dragon's lair? As we walked, it didn't take us long to reach the end of the cavern, which was a solid wall. At least the cave wasn't dirty.
"Seems... cosy? It certainly has its charm." Tiamat shook her head at my attempt at consoling her due to her meagre housing situation.
"I hope for your sake that you didn't think I lived in a dirty cave like a poor old dragon young devil. Don't let appearances fool you." And then Tiamat snapped her fingers, causing the visage of a stone wall to fade away to show a very large at least 30-meter tall ornate gate with ornate engravings that opened by itself when Tiamat got closer. She entered and I followed closely behind.
And I couldn't help but widen my eyes when I saw the inside of her lair.
Gold coins piled into heaps and mountains, I could see rare jewels haphazardly scattered around inside too, necklaces, rings, and even chests with more gold inside. Some swords were still inside their scabbards, it all was illuminated by several giant chandeliers that hung down from the ceiling, they were all either gold, silver, platinum or some metal I couldn't recognize. There was even furniture randomly strewn around made from the finest silks.
This... was truly a mythical dragons hoard. There was more gold here than even the wealthiest countries would hold in their vaults. This was almost Scrooge levels of wealth. You could buy the country of Japan with this much money.
Seeing my awed face, Tiamat puffed her chest up in pride.
"I quite like that look on your face. Feel free to be awed at the size of my hoard, you will most likely never find such splendour elsewhere. Spectacular is it not?"
"Yeah, I don't think I can even conceptualize this amount of wealth. I can't even find words to say." Tiamat nodded, obviously enjoying my awestruck expression before adopting a sour face as if remembering something.
"It would have been much more spectacular too, but there aren't as many artifacts as I desired. It used to be much more impressive until that fucking bastard lost most of my treasures." I cautiously took a few steps back from Tiamat who was exuding a very dangerous aura right now. She managed to calm herself down and turned to me.
"Sorry for losing my temper, a Dragon's hoard is very precious to them you see, so they cannot help but hold a grudge, a very painful and seething grudge when someone messes with it. Anyways, let's eat, I had a table somewhere around here."
Tiamat led me to a large dark oak table trimmed with gold, seated with chairs that looked more like they belonged in a king's hall seeing the scarlet cushions and golden frame. I hesitantly sat down on the chair and Tiamat sat across from me, setting down the lunchboxes and pulling out ornate golden chalices and wine from her hoard, that, from what could read on the text belonged in a museum with how old it was. She poured herself a drink while I politely declined.
I was not drinking wine that cost more than everything I owned and getting drunk in front of a dragon that could most likely literally flick me out of existence with how strong she was.
We chatted briefly before Tiamat opened the boxed lunch and tried my food for the first time while I kept my fingers crossed. She picked up a tuna sushi, inspecting it and sniffing it before throwing it into her mouth. After chewing for a bit she sported a satisfied expression I would have called cute if I were not afraid of her being able to break every bone I have ever had with a single glare.
"Your food is quite satisfactory young devil, that is high praise from me, I have had hundreds of chefs from around the world try to impress me. While the build of the food and its cooking is quite rough I can tell it was made wholeheartedly, but the real reason I find myself intrigued is the unique flavour whatever you did to it gives, not to mention the feeling of refreshment I get from whatever spell you applied to it."
This was high praise, massive even considering this was Tiamat in front of me, a dragon who, if mythology is right was basically there from the start of proper human civilization or at least close to it. Safe to say, I felt pretty damn proud.
We kept eating while I made conversation with Tiamat, surprisingly it was mostly her who started the conversations, she seemed a little happy to have a visitor even if my method of coming here was less than pleasant.
Eventually, our topic of conversation drifted towards her treasury while we ate, well it was more like she ate, I didn't touch the food that was in front of me lest Tiamat run out of the lunch boxes I gave her and made her next boxed lunch.
That probably wouldn't happen since Tiamat seemed happy with her food but you should never assume absolutes with Dragons.
Tiamat strongly slammed her cup down while chewing on the rice balls inside the 6th lunchbox I brought, she seemed to be very heated when it came to the topic of her hoard and why it wasn't so 'glorious' anymore.
"Ddraig, that red prick said he wanted to 'borrow' my treasures to face off against his rival Albion because they are both two dumbass newts. But then that brainless gecko got himself sealed and what happened to my treasures? They got stolen and scattered! And by the time I found out, it was already too late to track them down."
"I'd have his possessors pay me back but the so-called 'Red Dragon Emperors' are really great at throwing their lives away as soon as they can. I never got the opportunity to get it back. If he were still alive I would skin that damn skink."
As Tiamat ate I thought, maybe it could work? There was an opportunity for me here, it was a bit reckless but I think I have a good enough understanding of Tiamat's personality, she most likely wouldn't harm me for just asking.
Dragons were eligible familiars, right?
I steadied my breathing and shot my shot. You can't know you'll miss if you never aim.
"I have a proposition for you, Tiamat-san." The woman in front of me raised an eyebrow, throwing one leg over the other in a way that accentuated her charms but I managed to exert the herculean effort needed to keep my eyes locked onto hers.
"Well, since you have fed me so well, I am willing to hear you out. What is it, young devil?"
I laid out my desires plainly. I wasn't going to try to deceive a multiple millennia-old dragon.
"Tiamat-san, would you become my familiar if I restored your treasury to its former glory?" I knew Tiamat was very attached to her hoard, after all, which dragon wasn't?
Tiamat furrowed her brows and propped her chin on her hand while I remained steadfast, I wouldn't show weakness. If you are going to do something, you never do it half-assed.
Why was I trying to get Tiamat? Well, other than the fact that I would get Tiamat with a capital t on my side, it would surely be a tremendous feat, that and I lost nothing by trying. Except my life if Tiamat turned out to be temperamental.
"Hmm, what makes you think you could return my hoard to its former glory young devil? You seem awfully confident for a mere devil. What could you do?" I knew I touched a sore scale but I still confidently returned her stare.
"I have unique abilities, and I keep developing more abilities, I can turn into sand, become a ghost, control iron and cook magical food while not knowing the m in magic. And I wasn't even aware of the supernatural less than a month ago."
I clasped my hands together and leaned forward, looking Tiamat in the eyes with sincerity.
"What I am trying to say is, I will become powerful and I will become incredibly wealthy too. Not to mention my ability also randomly gives me powerful artefacts such as this, take a look." I pulled out the lightning orb from storage to make my point and threw it toward Tiamat who inspected it with curiosity.
"Huh, this orb is certainly something I would take for my vault, perhaps I would fashion it into a sceptre. Your words don't seem to be lies, young devil. But I don't get why. My hoard was vast you know? Are you really willing to give up such treasures with such potential ahead of you? And for what reason?"
Tiamat tossed the orb back to me and I quickly caught it and stuffed it in my bag before shrugging my shoulders.
"I consider myself to be a relatively down-to-earth person, even if I get immense wealth the most I would use it for is a mansion and some minor luxuries, so instead of just getting wealthy and letting it rot in my vaults I'm fine giving it to you. For me, any amount of wealth pales in comparison to you."
Tiamat's serious aura crumbled as she giggled softly, amused by my actions.
"Pick your words carefully devil, I might even think you are trying to charm this old dragon." She smiled at me, almost motherfully with an amused quirk of her lips. I didn't dare, I feel like if I actually tried that, I would be left as a pile of ash on the floor. "Very well, I'll make a contract with you, if you restore my hoard I will agree to become your familiar, Yuta Yukimura. Until then, try your best and keep me company, will you? It can get a little boring down here." She smiled with narrowed eyes.
"Who knows, I might even reward you if you keep me company and impress me. Some more lunch definitely wouldn't hurt either, so try your best Yukimura. I hope you will impress me."
I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, I came here to find a familiar but instead, I grabbed the favour of one of the strongest dragon milfs.
I came looking for copper but found milfs.
Feat achieved! Earn Tiamat's favour +1x Platinum Familiar Gacha Ticket
~Yuta Yukimura~
I left Tiamat's lair with a pep in my step and humming a tune.
That went even better than I imagined. She even left me a metal slab that I could inject mana to reach her hoard whenever I wanted. She told me I should drop by occasionally and bring her food. And I was more than happy to. I was really curious about Tiamat, I wasn't a history nut but it wasn't often you got to hear about the world history from the perspective of the Tiamat.
And I don't think there is a bigger sign of trust from them other than giving you a key for their horde.
Disregarding the fact that I am weak enough to get instantly erased if I so much as tried to sneak a single doubloon outta there.
Anyway, that wasn't the only gift she left me. She had also given me tickets galore, even my first platinum. First off was the Gold Trait Ticket I got from not getting fried by Tiamat.
Hit me.
Rolling Gold Trait Gacha Ticket...
An Elite Trait!
[Elite - Ygdar Orus Li Ox]
|Rarity: Elite|
"You only live once"
At the moment of your death, you are resuscitated and revived with all of your lethal wounds healed and some of your energy restored, once Ygdar Orus Li Ox is triggered this trait is deleted from your status.
That is amazing. It may not give any immediate benefits but I would always pick the second life over the other things that I could get from a gold ticket. The value of getting up after death couldn't be underestimated. This will be a great trump card to keep close to my heart.
Now... the Platinum Ticket, the first one I have ever gotten. I think I will start worshipping Tiamat as my goddess from now on.
With this platinum ticket, I would be leaving this forest with at least a decent familiar.
Now, please give me something good.
Rolling Platinum Trait Gacha Ticket...
An Elite Familiar!
[Elite - Zoroark]
|Rarity: Elite|
A bipedal fox-like dark creature that is capable of manipulating dark energy to attack but its true ability lies in its mastery of illusions. Zoroark is capable of creating incredibly realistic illusions and transforming itself to indistinguishable degrees. It can either make hundreds of people hallucinate or cast illusions with a very large range.
My eyes widened.
"This thing has actual Pokemon?"
But getting over my surprise rather quickly(Actual Pokemon wasn't even in the top ten weirdest things about the gacha) I quickly realized that the abilities of the Zoroark were precisely what I was looking for.
Zoroark, I choose you!
A/N: Note, the Platinum Rarity ticket is equal to the Diamond ones Hakari has pulled due to me changing ticket naming system.
Yuta has successfully managed to start charming the dragon mommy. And Tiamat's rewards are as bountiful as her hoard and her dragons. Do you guys like how I handled the interactions between Tiamat and Yuta? I would love to know.
Also, Yuta managed to luck out with one of the most versatile familiars in the Elite category that perfectly suits his preferences. It also helps that Zoroark is one of my favourite Pokemon. You get extra points if you realize the joke with Ygdar Orus Li Ox. Two Elites in one night, Yuta is really getting bankrolled. All hail Tia-mommy!
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