Chapter 25: Chapter 25: Confusing World
~Yuta Yukumira~
I started retracing my steps back to Rias' group with a pep in my step thanks to the goodies the gacha dropped on my feet.
A second life and an Elite Familiar? I am a happy devil.
Speaking of familiar, I should probably summon Zoroark and get acquainted with... her... him... them... it? Whatever, I'll find out when they get here. I snapped my fingers and the Zoroark appeared in front of me in a flash of light and I took a good look at them with excitement in my heart.
I grew up with Pokemon, I had the right to be excited about seeing a Pokemon in real life.
It was just like how I remembered, I used to have a Zoroark on my Gameman before I got mugged and got beaten up and had everything on me stolen and had to walk back home 9 kilometres at night.
The Zoroark stood at around 160cm, shorter than I expected, it looked very fox-like but bipedal with black fur with a crimson mane that ended with a black tip, its hair was also tied somehow with a blue bead. Its limbs were tipped with sharp-looking crimson claws and its eyes glowed an intimidating cyan. Definitely a Zoroark, for now, it just stood still, tilting its head at me with eyes filled with curiosity.
"Hello, I'm gonna call you Oro for now. Can you give me a little demonstration of your abilities Oro?" It nodded and suddenly the landscape around was replaced by a much nicer forest filled to the brim with green.
I nodded, definitely worth it, I couldn't even detect being put in an illusion. I ruffled Oro's head approvingly and it seemed to like it as it seemed to read my intentions and dispelled the illusion.
"Good... boy?" Shake shake. "Good... girl?" Nod nod.
I smiled and petted her mane, it was softer than it looked.
"Well then, good girl Oro. I'm sure we will make the best of partners. Now, let's get you to Rias so that I can register you as my official familiar." Oro nodded again and started following me, I don't know if it was because my familiars could naturally understand my intention or because Zoroark's had human-level intellect in the games from what I can remember but she was good at reading me.
Well, being genetically pre-disposed to become a trickster would do that I suppose.
We walked in silence with me occasionally giving Oro a little scratch, she seemed to enjoy it, so I just decided to treat her like a bigger cat. I loved cats back on earth so I used to search up methods on how to treat cats better. So I knew where to pet and how to pet effectively.
Sure, I got scratched a few times and got an infection, but it was worth it.
As we neared I narrowed my eyes at the sight of... the Pokemaster lying on the ground clutching his groin while the rest of the peerage looked on in concern. Asia was also clutching a lizard that I assumed to be her familiar.
I was only gone for like 2 hours max. What the hell happened?
I approached Koneko who was looking down at the man like he was trash and cracking her knuckles.
"So... why is the old man on the ground?" Koneko looked up at me.
"...He tried to hit on Asia and rubbed her shoulder."
I closed my eyes and nodded.
"Hold my blazer, let me get a shot in."
Cracking my neck I took off my blazer and handed it over to Koneko, just as I was about to punt that man's balls with enough force to make Koneko look like the pawn and me the rook, Rias placed a hand on my shoulder to stop me.
"Now now, I'm sure a kick from a Koneko made sure he won't be walking straight for a week, let's just leave him be, no matter how he looks he is still a respected professional." I could hear the italics on the respected in that sentence.
I shrugged my shoulders, Koneko did her job well enough, if I were in her place I would have given him the ol' reverse iron maiden up the ass.
We left the man lying on the ground and started walking back in a group toward where the teleportation circle was placed, we made chatter and I learned that Asia had contracted a Red Newt, a rare type of baby dragon. Taking the opportunity Rias addressed Oro who was silently following me.
"So, Yuta-kun, how did your trip go? I'm assuming that's your familiar? What are they? I've never seen one around before."
"It went pretty well, I stumbled into some random cave, met Tiamat, made a deal with her and after I left I found this gal." I rubbed Zoroarks head. "I think she is some kind of fox, she was just around and decided to stick with me, she is really good at illusions and transformation."
Rias gave me a blank stare.
"Yuta-kun, you were only gone for 2 hours."
"I know right?" I could only nod in sympathy, my life was an uncontrollable roller coaster without seatbelts or any safety precautions.
Rias opened her mouth and closed it a few times before just rubbing her head and sighing.
"I don't even know what to say to that. Well... I'm just glad you are okay Yuta-kun and that you got a good familiar with you. I can't say I've heard of a black fox that can make illusions other than yokai." I saw Koneko flinch in the corner of my eye, making me raise an eyebrow. "But Yokai generally doesn't go in the underworld, and those that do are usually in the Yomi part of the underworld, not Hell."
Now that got me interested.
"There is a difference?" Rias nodded matter-of-factly.
"Of course, did you think every religion shared one hell or only the biblical hell was real?" Uh, the thought just never really crossed my mind, I tend not to overthink about matters that don't involve me. "The underworld has several layers that serve as the netherworlds for other pantheons. Like Yomi for the Shinto, Naraka for the Hindu, Hel for the Asgard, Hades for the Olympus, Duat for Egypt. Those are the main ones anyway."
This world really was larger than I thought, I didn't think much about it but there must be a fuckton of gods around.
Rias seemed to notice my plight and tried patting me on the head subtly which I dextrously weaved around her hand to her displeasure but she explained regardless.
"Don't worry about other pantheons Yuta-kun, we rarely get involved with each other and stick to their own parts. And even if you somehow get involved, the Gremory name still carries weight so they shouldn't mess with you for no reason."
That was true, especially considering that her brother was one of the Satans ruling the entirety of the underworld and from what I read about on the forums he was one of the strongest beings, ever. Scary guy.
But now the territory talk got me curious about something.
"Rias can I ask you something?"
"What is it Yuta-kun?"
"Isn't Japan ruled by Shinto? How come you have territory here? Wouldn't it be easier to go somewhere like, I don't know, England?" Rias looked away from me and mumbled something as an answer that I couldn't hear properly.
"What was that Rias?" I furrowed my brows seeing her sweat.
"Well..." She trailed off. "I thought the Japanese lifestyle was very charming and wanted to spend my school life there instead of being stuck and pampered every day in the underworld. Shinto and Hell have a decent relationship so it wasn't much problem for me to settle here."
I don't think it gets more rich heiress than saying you like a country and your family getting you a city there where you can do whatever you want.
"Alright! We are here!" Rias seemed really enthusiastic about changing the topic. "You should rest well at home Yuta-kun, you seem to have had a really rough day."
Yeah, after such a wild day I could really use some R&R
~Yuta Yukimura~
I felt my tired muscles loosen up as I entered the hot bath prepared by cloud. Today was tiresome, first that old bastard, then Tiamat, then getting a Pokemon. I think I definitely deserved a break. I am not even going to do a contract today, being in front of Tiamat drained my life expectancy.
After such a crazy day it's good to be at home where I don't have to deal with any more wacky and wild antics.
As I submerged my head underwater and blew bubbles the door to my bathroom opened, making me instinctively get out of the tub to shoe Bobby away.
"Oh come on Bobby, again?" You would expect a cat to dislike water but she was apparently a fan of the water with how much she sneaked into my bathroom while I showered or bathed.
"H-h-hello Yuta-san may I come in?" But instead of the expected sight of the spoiled feline, it was Asia standing in the doorway, completely naked without a scrap of cloth covering her and holding a small towel.
"...Yes? Why are you here Asia?" My brain short-circuited at the sight of a naked Asia, I was already extremely backed up because of Tiamat and Asia seemed intent on wearing my sanity down to its last dregs.
"I-I heard going in the bath together was a very good bonding experience. I am sorry if I am bothering you. C-could I wash your back?"
What the hell in hell?
"Uhh, Asia... who told you such a thing?" I said, while trying to subtly cover my phallus by leaning over, Asia glanced over at my lower body, flushed, averted her eyes and then glanced again in a loop.
"W-well, Akeno-senpai did! She is wonderful she helps me adapt to Japanese culture. She said that sharing a bath is a very good way to bond with friends."
Dammit Akeno.
I'll have to buy a gift for her later.
"Sure, I cannot contractually refuse a cute girl asking to take a bath with me." Asia looked overjoyed as I tried to look anywhere but her body. Yeah, bonding experience. Akeno was just... something.
The only people I interacted with throughout in a day were literally the most beautiful women in the world and sometimes Kiba. I didn't have infinite patience but my body apparently had infinite hormones to pump me with.
Still, I got myself under control as I got behind Asia as she sat on the wash stool, she sat expectantly as I soaped up my hands, I froze for a moment as I admired Asia's back. It was so soft and her butt was unexpectedly large and plu-
"Yuta-san!?" Asia shouted in panic as I slapped my own cheek with my superhuman strength.
"It's nothing Asia-chan." I had self-control, I was the captain of this ship, and the upper head was in control, not the lower one. I better get at least a Bronze Ticket for this level of self-control I am exerting.
I spread the soap around Asia's back while chanting internally, trying to ignore the feeling of Asia's soft flesh in my hands. As I was washing her, Asia turned around with a resolute expression on her face, she was still blushing but she looked determined for something.
"Heyi Yuta-san... you like seeing my naked body right?" Asia faced without covering her body even a little.
"Where-" the fuck "-did this come from?"
"You mentioned it yourself when you rescued me from Freed." Damn, my honesty! And when was Asia this assertive?
"Yuta-san, I would like to bond with you better! Even though it's my first time seeing man's t-thing I want to do my best!" She got even closer to me, closing the distance between us with fire in her eyes.
Before my scattered mind could try and conjure a coherent sentence Asia put her hands on my chest and looked more confident in herself than I had ever seen her.
"I-I know you have needs Yuta-san! Akeno-senpai told me since I have started living with you that I should be the one to help you with your n-needs! So please let me help!" I could tell that if I tried to refuse now, Asia's feelings would be hurt, she was dead set on this.
...Dammit Akeno.
I should get her a bigger gift.
A/N: I wanted the familiar master's balls to get kicked at least once in the show, he is not going to be walking for a week after a kick from Koneko. Also, the cosmology of DxD is rather confusing with all the religions existing all at once but I tried to make some sense of it, hope I succeeded somewhat in making it understandable.
Asia has started to go on offence, it is easy to forget but Asia was the most forward girl in DxD, the girl has no preconceived notion of modesty and now she has been corrupted by Akeno, this oughta be fun and a strain on Yuta's already faltering self control. What did you guys think about this chapter? I would love to know.
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