Chapter 145: going through the motion(chapter 144)
Chapter 144
"How powerful are you?" Raven asked Rachel, who replied by tapping on her red gem. "Let's say that if I fought Trigon now, I wouldn't lose," she declared just as John Constantine arrived and Superman was done with his call. They all heard her declaration as Etrigan scoffed. "What about him?" Raven asked, referring to Gray. "More powerful than Dad and Darkseid," she said, this time earning the surprise of everyone present. Gray spoke. "Oh honey, I've already started gathering the materials for your potion that will allow you to become a god," he said as he kissed her on the cheek. "I know," she smiled as Constantine groaned again. "Who am I finding?" he asked as he held up a globe with a pin in the other hand. "Who am I finding?" he repeated as Superman said, "Damian Wayne," getting the attention of Gray, who said, "Oh, the old boyfriend — this should be interesting," in surprise. Rachel said, "Please behave yourself," to which Gray retorted, "Please, I am not a child," in a deep tone. "Oh, for fuck's sake, what is the baby bat going to do?" asked Constantine, as Raven replied, "Why do you care?" making Constantine sigh as he cast the spell.
"Well, since I don't have a magical pantry anymore, it means I need to conjure up a portal from scratch — unless the two godlike tourists are willing to intervene?" he asked, but all he got was Gray criticizing his magic. "Such a primitive way of casting — no wonder it would take you two hours. Plus, the magic in you seems to despise you. I am impressed," Gray said as Raven finally had enough of John's antics. "For fuck's sake — Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos," she chanted. In a second, Gray could see that she used the chant to gain access to her power and help her focus. The sentence alone was an incantation of a particular spell. She teleported all of them. Rachel and Gray allowed her powers to take them, while Superman yelled, "Raven, no — you're too weak!" But it was too late as they were all enveloped by dark energy, teleporting them away.
They were teleported in the middle of a courtyard where Raven immediately slumped to the floor. Grey wanted to help, but Raven shook her head, and then they got surrounded by assassins as a woman appeared. "Infidels have breached our sanctuary—kill them," she ordered as the assassins attacked. "Assassins, really?" Constantine yelled as they attacked him, and he popped into golden smoke before reappearing and using a stone talisman to cast a golden beam that took down an assassin. Another assassin attacked Superman, who was too weak to even put up a fight—John had to save him by freezing the assassin—while another attacked Etrigan, who was not only too durable for their weapons to pierce but also superhumanly strong as he lazily dispatched them with ease while spouting nonsense.
Some of the assassins who wanted to attack Grey and Rachel were frozen in fear as Grey and Rachel just stood there and watched. One of the free assassins tried to attack Raven, who was still recovering from using some of her powers, until someone shouted, "Enough!" Damian appeared along with a dog, and everyone looked at him as Grey specifically analyzed him. "Hmm," he said as he waved his hand, and suddenly an older version of himself appeared next to him, spooking the kid as Grey analyzed the older version. "I still don't see the appeal," Grey said to Rachel, who sighed. "Of course you don't—you're not into men, Grey. Plus, it's unfair to judge people's appearances based on yourself," she said as Grey just sighed.
"Whatever," he said as Damian watched them specifically, noticing that there were two Ravens present, before turning his attention to Superman. "You," he said angrily as he unsheathed his sword, only for Raven to get between them. "Damian, listen—" she started, but before she could continue, she fell forward, and Damian caught her. "What's wrong with her?" he asked, and John Constantine replied, "How long have you got, mate?" Superman then stepped forward. "I know you hate me, but I wouldn't be here if it wasn't necessary," he said, making Damian sigh. "I'll let you live… for now," he said before picking up Raven in a princess carry. "Aww, how romantic," Grey teased, making Rachel sigh. "Are you going to be like this the entire time?" she asked as Grey smiled.
Eventually, they were led into a chamber where Raven was recovering, groaning in pain as she continued to contain her father. "Is there a way to cure her?" Damian asked John. "You release Trigon, and she'll recover, but if he's released—" "He destroys the world," Damian finished his sentence as Constantine smoked. "Or you could ask them for help—not only are they from the future, but they've fought Trigon again and sealed him away. Not to mention they're both godlike," he explained as Damian looked at Grey and Rachel. They were currently watching the sunrise in the courtyard, sitting on chairs and drinking what seemed like tea. "But they haven't helped her yet—why?" Damian asked, and John replied, "Some bullshit about not disturbing the timeline. It's mainly her idea, as he seems to want to fight Trigon again." Damian then woke up Raven and Superman to talk to them.
Apparently, their plan was for Damian to get through to his father, who was brainwashed by Darkseid, and to do that, they were going to use a Boom Tube—a worm tunnel to Darkseid's home. "I can't believe this works for you guys," Grey whispered to Rachel as they, along with Damian, Superman, Raven, John, and Etrigan, arrived at some sort of factory where Clark's wife was fighting Harley Quinn. It was safe to say they weren't expecting that, but nonetheless, they cheered on for Lois—one of those cheering was Grey as John yelled, "Break her face!" in their English accents. Another person watching the fight cursed, "Fucking Brits," causing both Grey and John to turn to him and say, "Aussies!" at the same time. "Poms," the man retorted. "Convicts," Grey and John replied in sync again, before they all said, "Wankers!" Superman then cheered his wife aloud, giving her the conviction to knock Harley Quinn out.
The fight was to decide whether the Suicide Squad — yes, the entire warehouse full of crowds where all the supervillains, some superpowered, others not — had agreed to help raid Lex Luthor's fortress. When Lois and Harley noticed something about the two Ravens, Lois asked, "Is it me, or are there two Ravens?" Harley replied, "Yeah, for a second, I thought I might be going crazy." King Shark added in a low tone, "You are... crazy." As one of the supervillains in a stupid costume approached Rachel and said, "Oh beauty, yo—" Rachel sighed and interrupted him, "Graaaay," trying to calm Gray, who was already seven feet tall, with lush white hair flowing like a mane, two black horns, a tail, silvery wings, icy limbs, and a molten chest. "Come on, just a little love tap," he pleaded. Rachel said softly, "You are in my world, Gray, no killing, remember?" Gray reluctantly returned to normal.
"I still don't get that rule. Why spare your enemies just for them to come back with better experience and dedication to try again? Just nip the problem in the bud," Gray said, making a killing motion. "I like him," Etrigan said, and most of the villains agreed, though Superman, Lois, and the two Rachels didn't seem to like the idea. "You know something's wrong when villains are agreeing with you," Rachel remarked. Gray just smiled. "Well, it doesn't matter," he said. Suddenly, Raven clutched her head and started spouting nonsense while Damian tried to tend to her. "Move aside, boy," Gray said, much to Damian's displeasure. Rachel warned, "Gray, what did I say about the timeline?" Gray replied calmly, "Relax, I'm not going to touch him. Yet." He tapped into Raven's gem, where Trigon was imprisoned, yelling in a coliseum. Everyone except Rachel watched in shock as Gray began speaking.
What Gray said was inaudible to the others, but from his expression, contorted in anger, it was clear he wasn't saying anything pleasant. Trigon, who had been flying and moving menacingly, stopped momentarily as Gray continued speaking before finally letting go of Raven's head. "That should stop his annoying complaints until you—" Gray cut himself off and returned to Rachel's side. Those who knew Trigon's power stared at him in disbelief. "What did you say to him?" Raven asked. "Don't worry about that now; you guys focus on the raid," Gray replied. Rachel gave him a suspicious look. "What? He was talking shit, and he was so loud I couldn't even think with all his yelling," Gray said. Rachel raised an eyebrow. "So getting into a shouting contest was the better idea?" she asked nonchalantly.