Chapter 329: Chapter 175 New Developments
— And what are these? — Lizzie looked skeptically at the thirty-liter thick cylindrical glass jars standing in a row, all marked with runes. The contents of the vials were always incomprehensible in appearance: obviously thick, heavy, ground to a uniform consistency.
— Material. — I had neither the time nor the inclination to give a lecture, and if the girl had been more attentive, she would have noticed that Kiriko had been absent lately, and even Miss Travers' lessons had been shortened.
At the moment, I was looking at the recovery charts for the Lestranges and the three other Eaters. The Master Healer was working on the first three, but the rest were just lying around in rune mazes. I found these things, or rather a reference to them, in one of the German reference books. So the "labyrinth" was invented during another outbreak of magical warfare.
What and why is not clear, but I understood one thing: at that time the Germans had an acute shortage of healers, so all of them were sent to save the most valuable victims. Those who needed either time or a course of potions to heal, or if the wounded person was of ordinary "flesh", were placed in the latest development — the "runic labyrinth".
This structure creates a cocoon that filters both magic from the outside and the mage's own magic from the inside, transforming it into the most suitable for the quickest recovery. In this way, a mage in a magical coma gradually recovers — the mage's own magic, purified and amplified, saves the day.
The developers dreamed of using the Labyrinth to purify curses, including generic curses, but never got beyond the level of "initial average". I don't see the point in transferring money and expensive materials to cure scum, and I've already examined their minds and seen a lot of things I didn't want to see. The Lestrangeys are scum too, but scum, it should be noted, of great influence and wealth. So what if they were thrown into prison?
Their seats in the Wizengamot can't be taken away, nor can their thriving industries in South Africa, two large trading companies in Europe, and a cow farm in the Alps, on the border of Italy and Switzerland. Behind the scenes, without much effort, this family reaps the rewards of what their ancestors have done for them.
— And what? — The blonde didn't understand.
— Are you stupid? — Afiri spoke calmly and looked at the prepared materials with real interest. — The Lord had already answered that it was "material", which meant that something would be made of it. Something will be made of it. — The soft tone of the dark-haired girl's voice infuriated Lizzie, but she held back.
— I'm not stupid, I know that. — The blonde replied slowly and deliberately. — I'm interested in what Sora plans to do with the stuff he has. We will be involved, won't we?
— Sir, — the swarthy girl caught my attention, looking at me with her most open and loyal gaze. — Your mistress doesn't trust you. How can you keep someone who can't even do something as simple as trust her husband?
— Girls, — I close my eyes and sigh heavily, putting aside the papers I've been looking at. — Just don't get into any fights in the house or you'll both get your asses kicked. — I give them both a hard look and then I add firmly so that they don't doubt it. — And I'm not kidding. — I turn my eyes back to my desk and gather my papers.
As it turned out, Miyazaki was also an excellent healer and even an experimental scientist, and Momo had been defending the clan lands for a long time, so it's not surprising that the smart and caring girl had time to learn a lot, even if from afar.
In this case, she did not have to do much: injecting nourishing potions into unconscious mages, keeping an eye on the readings of the diagnostic circuits, entering the data into the journal, and in her free time summarizing the data in a table and graphs. That's it. In fact, it all takes about twenty or thirty minutes a day. How lucky I am to have her!
And finally, the house and the fakes began to fly, though not everywhere, only where they were allowed to fly me and Momo. But even so, these cheerful and good-natured creatures managed to paint three glass doors: their magic dust in the hands of these giggles can change colors and shades, so that the glass has acquired a stunning beauty of patterns, even and slightly changing depending on the time of day.
And some furniture has a golden/pink/scarlet flower, a lettuce grass, a green leaf or a whip of a vine. And they love to ambush our huge kitchen: they hide somewhere and then ambush us with pollen, laughing merrily. They don't do any harm, but they do lift your spirits. I even grew another strawberry tree just for them, only bigger and in the sunniest spot.
This tree became a permanent nest of these merrymakers, and Momo even secretly whispered that the queen of this flock, Mirabel, had organized her fairies to make berry wine, which only fairies and dryads, sometimes nymphs, can make. The queen decided to give me a present and asked Momo not to tell me, but a housefly cannot betray its master if it recognizes one.
But the girl asked very much not to disappoint the little queen, and I myself am pleased with how pure and kind fairies are, unlike the British pixies and other filth who are always evil and aggressive. So where do fairies come from here, I mean in cold Britain?
Newt Salamander found Mirabel on one of his journeys, healed her, gave her a name, and sent her to live in the Forbidden Forest as a place with a strong natural background. Fairies only need a magical background, flowers, berries, fruit, and sunshine to reproduce. Fairies are part of nature.
— Sora-san, did I do everything right? — Kiriko asked cautiously, hoping for praise in her heart, which I immediately gave, stroking her silky hair.
— You did well, Kiriko. — A smile appeared on my face. — I'm very pleased with you. And you don't fight with anyone. — This time, we smiled together, and the blonde and the dark-haired girl pretended not to understand my "subtle" hint.
This couple somehow naturally disliked each other, which resulted in constant jokes, hints, and subtle insults. In front of me they do not cross the boundaries of what is allowed, but Momo told me that these two witches have already fought twice (Afiri currently has a crystal wand: the girl used to use a wand that remained somewhere in Egypt, and to make a full replacement I cannot yet, because the wand is suitable for more difficult and rough work with energies, so there are very significant differences between the wands and wands).
The feud somehow escalated when I arrived home for dinner and Lizzie had just spent the night at Megan's house after working at the brothel (Maggie had bought a house nearby) and decided to spend the night at her friend's house to avoid getting up at the crack of dawn.
Afiri was waiting for my invitation to spend the night, but she never came. Somehow her logic led her to believe that Lizzie was shirking her duties and she began to lash out at the blonde. They've been at it for almost two weeks now. I try to stay out of it, let them build their own bridges.
— You haven't checked... — the girl looked away from the bottles, still hesitating.
— I can see that everything is as it should be, so don't worry. — Kiriko looked up at me. — I don't always need a wand or seals to know the result. I just see it. — A reassuring smile helped the girl to finally believe. — Now, let's go see the Mandrakes! Didn't you say they were ready?
— That's right. — Kiriko nodded and was the first to enter the underground hall adjacent to this room, which was lined with strong stone that Kin had melted into a complete monolith. — As you said and showed me, I've grown the mandrake to the right size... ....
— ... — Afiri froze at the sight.
— What the fuck! — The blonde exclaimed emotionally. — Ouch! Why? — Covering her "strategic assets", the girl jumped a few steps away. Really hard! She's used to swearing, damn it, and she doesn't care that Kiriko is still a child and might start repeating after her.
— Don't swear. — I answer calmly. No, how else can I punish you? I and all my acquaintances were brought up in a time when words weren't enough.
What was it that affected the girls so much? A mandrake. A big, even huge mandrake, as big as a wooden barrel and half as high. And here was this monstrosity, floating in a transparent glass jar of nutrient solution. Of course, the sight of it had that effect. But you have to tell ....