Chapter 263: Last of The Futa Romantics Ch. 06 by J_Patish
From what I've read on-line - and there are several subreddits dedicated to this very subject - attraction to Futas begins at home. If you have any in your family, there's a good chance you'll catch it. With me, it took some time to admit this to myself. I had girlfriends in high school, and I was quite popular with the girls at university, but I finally had to face the truth: I missed my sis. More than this: I wanted to be fucked by her. Wanted it real bad.
My sister is actually my step-sister; I've learned, not very long ago, that she was actually impregnated by a Futa - a rather famous TV psychologist, who was doing a book signing at a store our mother worked at. I've always known my sister was different that way, but over the last few years I started to obsess over it. She's a lesbian, she doesn't do men, but after a lot of cajoling and crying and whining and guilt-tripping she agreed to fuck me one time, as my 20th birthday present.
She made a lot of distasteful faces, tried to guilt me for making her put her beautiful cock in my dirty asshole, but I suspect she overall had fun. Me - I was smitten. That was IT! This was what has been missing from my life - girl cock!! I wanted more of it, a lot more, ALL of the girlcock!!
Problem: there didn't seem to be a lot of it to be found in St. Louis. None, really. Nada. Zilch. And I've looked. Oh boy did I look!
Sis, on the other hand, went to Chapel Hill, which apparently has a small sorority of Futas, and they had parties there all the time, with people coming in to be fucked. More than that: she said there were several guys living there with them, who - in return for having their tuition and all expenses paid - served as fuckboys, getting railed by the girls pretty much round the clock...
This drove me crazy! Fuck tuition - I'd do it for free! I tried to transfer, but that wasn't so easy; the engineering school there wasn't all that great, but transferring in the middle of third year was still a major hassle. Sis, however, had a suggestion. Turns out her Futa grandma - the mother of the Futa who bred our mom - was the Dean of students, and she could swing it, no problem. But she would only do this for "a male of the Eberhard clan" - and this is where things get really nuts. I mean, like REALLY nuts...
So, the story is: most of the Futa in the states are descended from this one crazy German Futa, who came here over a century ago, and started fucking anything that wasn't nailed down. Sometime in the 1930's someone had the great idea of bringing all the Futas, old and new, together - not sure why, maybe to sell them better-fitting underwear? - but, anyway, they got organized in what they called The Eberhard Clan, named after that crazy old Eberhard dame. And they've been getting around; sis says there's almost 400 Futa active in the clan, all of them fathered (if that's the term) by Oma Eberhard' descendants. And since the 50's they've been coming, once a year, to this hotel in Myrtle Beach, to have a summer retreat - like Woodstock for chicks with dicks, only with less music and mud and much more sun-bathing and fucking... My sis has been attending for years, ever since she reconnected with her seed mother (that's what they call the Futa whose sperm got your mom pregnant); she says they tell her it's not as sex-filled as it used to be, years ago, but it's still pretty wild. Sis never had any real hangs-up about having a dick - she was always very popular (I know for a fact she was fucking a lot of MILFs on a regular basis), but she says that being able to walk around for a week with her package swinging free, surrounded by many others like her, was really liberating, and she loved it.
So... The idea was that I would join her this summer, and pledge as a member of the clan. Turns out, males could join, too; you pledge loyalty, swear to take their cock whenever they wanted to give it to you or whatever, and you're in. And, once you're in, there are privileges - like, my sister's grandma (who was also head of the clan) will use her position at Chapel to help me transfer. And once I do - the sky's the limit. Sis says there are over 60 Futas there, and even if almost a third of them are into girls, that's still a very large number of girlcocks to try my luck with...!
Which brings us to this day, on the third week of July, on a sweltering hot day in South Carolina. The hotel is pretty big, with over 600 people staying there - Futas with their husbands\wifes\boyfriends\girlfriends and children. When we arrived, earlier today, I was really flabbergasted, walking into the lobby. It was fucking TEEMING with very hot women, all of them in very short dresses, and all of them with very obvious bulges - and also, strangely enough, quite a lot of them appeared to be pregnant... Walking up to the reception table proved to be quite a hassle, as my own Johnson immediately sprang up to its full, 5" glory! And the fact that I felt all eyes on me - and even a couple of hands coping a feel on my butt as I walked by! - did not help. This was NOT a "safe space" for a young, pretty good-looking (even if I do say so myself!), big-butted guy!
But now we're in a much smaller, more private location. It's a mid-sized room, located near the dining room, with one large window overlooking the ocean. There's a row of chairs to one side, and a sort of two-level bench-like contraption on the other. There are four of us on the bench, all guys. 3 of us seem to be 18-20 years old, the fourth maybe in his late 30's. I'm fairly large - 5'11", and I've been hitting the weights pretty regularly for the last 4 years (compensating for my un-manly attraction to girl-dick?) - but the others are shorter; the older guy is a bit overweight, but the young guys are thin, almost reedy - though their butts are quite large...
I could see all that because we were all told to strip down when we got into the room. There was this older Futa, a bit on the short side but very buxom and not bad-looking; haven't seen a bad-looking Futa since we got here, really. She was dressed in a hotel staff uniform - a v-neck shirt and knee-length shorts; not very sexy, but she had a huge pair of tits and a very nice bulge to compensate for the unsexy garb. She herded us in, and - after we all stripped - instructed us to get settled on the 2-tier bench. It was rather awkward, but not too uncomfortable; you rest your knees on the lower bench, and your belly on the upper one, with your butt sticking in the air. Your cock is hanging in the air, directly over a large plastic bucket. The upper bench had a pair of handles in the front, and it was very clear what was about to go down... Sis told me we'll be "initiated", and I was a little worried that it was going to be Sargent Slaughter here that was going to do the "initiating"; I mean, a cock is a cock and all, but I was expecting someone more, well... OK - hot.
Yeah, I'm shallow. Sue me.
Anyway, she soon put my mind at ease. The clan mother herself will be "conducting the ceremony"! That was exciting. I've only seen her in the lobby, when we arrived a couple of hours ago. She was surrounded by people, and I didn't get a good look, but I could tell she was HAWT!! Tall, very beautiful in a headmistressy way, but with very wide shoulders and huge tits. I couldn't see her bulge, but sis said she was probably the biggest here. I wasn't really sure how I would handle someone REALLY big; sis is 8", and when she fucked me I had to stuff my mouth full of pillow just so I won't wake the whole house up! Sis says Futas' cocks keep growing well into middle age - hell, that clan mother could be 10, 11 inches - maybe even a full foot!!! Fuck, I hope they have medics on standby! Because, like, there was no way I wasn't going through with this, no matter HOW big that bitch was - I wanted girlcock, and I was going to do - or TAKE - whatever it takes to get it!
We were settling in on our bench when the Sergeant major gal announced:
"The sponsors will now join the ceremony!"
She opened a door, and a group of people filed in and sat in the chairs opposite us. My sis was there, looking ridiculously hot & slutty in short-shorts and a belly shirt. There was an amazingly hot Futa who seemed to be the mother of the guy on my left (I know that because he waved and called out "hey, mom!". Gotta say, he seemed to be very chill about this whole thing...). Guy on my right had his whole family there - Futa mom, two Futa sisters and his dad, all looking very excited. There was another Futa - she seemed to be in her 30's, very tall, sort of goth-looking, very cool; she nodded at middle-aged guy, not smiling or anything, sort of imperious, and he seemed to melt - I dunno, I was picking up serious dom/sub vibes from them...
I was busy ogling the first guy's mom, when I suddenly had a sort of double-take moment. She was stunning, with a really muscular/curvy body, but the thing that suddenly sprang at me, so to speak, was the size of her bulge. I didn't think she was erect - she wasn't tenting or anything - and yet it looked like she was packing a football under her flimsy summer dress. We haven't spoken till that moment, and I wasn't really sure about the etiquette of the thing, but I had to know! I turned to her son.
"Eh, dude, your mom... She's really big, right? I mean, her, you know..."
He smiled at me like that was the most natural question.
"Her cock, yeah, for sure. She's one of the largest here."
"Oh. It's... it looks really impressive... Do you know, eh..."
His smile grew wider.
"How BIG she is? Oh, I have an idea..."
I waited patiently. The little twerp was practically smirking...
"She's 15.5", erect. And she still has a few years of growth ahead...!"
I stared at him, not blinking, trying to digest that information.15.5"...What. The actual...
"She's Ursula's daughter. She's 22 years younger than her, and she already..."
"SILENCE, please!" The sergeant-major was giving us an especially severe look. "We're about to begin, the clan mother will be here any minute." She gave us a distasteful look, as if she was a drill sergeant inspecting a group of particularly un-promising new recruits. "Remember: you will only use the clan mother's official title when addressing her. And don't ever speak or touch the clan mother's womanhood without being prompted!"
My sister, seated 10 feet away, gave me a mock frown. Don't get handsy with the clan mother, junior! Fuck her, she was probably dying to get this over with, so that she could go pussy hunting. Well, I could understand the sentiment - I was dying to go out there, myself, find a nice, juicy girlcock to impale myself on...!
Hot mom smiled at her son and gave him a small wave. She raised a titanic thigh, crossing her unbelievable legs, and I thought I could see the shape of a dark, gigantic mushroom between them. Good lord - if that's the size of her glans, just how big would...
"Please welcome the clan mother, Ms. Ursula Evans!"
The woman who walks into the room is out of this world. Her dress was definitely out of place: a red, black and white affair, straight out of Oktoberfest - I'm guessing, to honor the German roots of crazy OG Futa mother Eberhard? I would have laughed if she wasn't such a breathtaking, sexy goddess. You could tell she wasn't a kid - I mean, she had the face of a woman who had seen some stuff! - but she was also incredibly beautiful, with almost-white blonde hair and a haughty look that was only enhanced by those black-rimmed glasses she wore. She had wide, powerful shoulders, and although she wasn't overly muscular her biceps put mine to shame. Her legs, below her short skirt, seemed to just go on and on, very thicc and shapely - the kind that could wrap around your head as you were servicing her, and slowly, slowly - ooooh...
But, yeah - the cock. It was there, the head just peeking from below the frilly hem of that ridiculous dress - and it was a monster. Like, it was the size of a small orange, and, a quick calculation - based on how far it was hanging below her crotch - told the scary truth: she was at least 7" - SOFT! Holy FUCK - what would it be once she gets erect?! I shot a quick look at my sister, who was smiling smugly. The bitch never told me!! Geez, how the fuck am I supposed to take THIS? I've trained with dildos the best I could - and it wasn't a lot; shoving stuff up your butt cold is not as easy as you might think! - but nothing close to this. I shot glances at the guys crouching on both my sides. Hot-mom guy was watching that crotch, his look intense, but it looked like he was doing calculations in his head, like he was trying to figure out if she was larger than his mom. Guy on the other side was more animated, looking like he was having the same thoughts as me. His eyes were bugging out, his lips moving slowly. Yeah, what the fuck, indeed! Middle-aged guy, though - oh, yeah, he was totally into it... His eyes were bugging out, as well, but he was literally drooling, looking at it like he'd just found his holy grail, or whatever...
"Welcome, sisters. We thank you for your tributes."
Clan mother Bigus Dickus was talking to the spectators, and I was momentarily distracted from the thought of that monster dick by the sight of her butt. The bottom part of her skirt was puffed out, but you could still see the outline of her ass, and it was BIG, two huge, perfectly round mounds that I would just love to bury my face between...
"...ever-growing sisterhood..."
Or just mount her, sit on that fine ass, my dick nuzzling up to that wide back, holding on to those DD beauties in front...
"...males in their natural rank, serving the superior..."
Or, better still, ride her cock - man, I bet she could carry me, sitting on it, till it was time to...
"...learn the pleasures of the Eberhard cock."
OK, she's turning to us - show time?
"You four have chosen to come under the wing of our sisterhood. You will serve the Eberhard Futa, and in return will be gifted with our love and protection."
She paused, looking at each one of us in turn, as if making sure that the gravity of her words had sunk in. But, actually, it was very hard to concentrate, as the front of her skirt was slowly rising up, the giant dark mushroom moving, like a huge dragon preparing for attack. The hem of her skirt folded back, revealing a gigantic, vein-covered Anaconda. It was like nothing I've ever seen before; like I mentioned, my sister was 8", fully erect, with a large vein running at the bottom, but it was nothing like this monstrosity... And the balls that were coming into view - huge, as large as oranges, hairless and wrinkled... I'm scared stiff - literally - but I can feel my mouth opening, my drool starting to run...
"Who sponsors this male?"
She's standing in front of hot mom-guy, looking down at him. She's not smiling, but there is something in her eyes...
"I do, clan mother."
Super-thicc, Hot MILF is standing up. Wow. Even next to the clan mother, she's something special. She's not as tan - I'm guessing they have a tanning booth at the dean's office in Chapel Hill? - but her body is more massive, like she's doing lots of weight-lifting, yet it's also very curvy. She's wearing a very flimsy summer dress, with lots of cleavage out in the open, and obviously no need for a bra, as those two beauties are just bouncing on their own, the dark nipples almost ripping the material apart. And she's just fucking beautiful - it's easy to see the similarities to the clan mother in her face, but her expression is much softer, not as scary. I'm completely smitten, and I decide on the spot that, no matter what, I'm going to have this heavenly creature fuck me before the week is out...
"Has this male had a taste of the Eberhard cock?"
"Yes, clan mother."
"And has he found it to be good?"
"Yes, clan mother, he has."
Wow, this is first-rate stuff. Who's writing the dialogue for those ceremonies - King Tut? Shit, this is like something out of a scooby-Doo cartoon! But there's something else going on, behind the scenes. Hot mom never looks scary grandma in the eyes, staring at the wall behind us, looking kinda tense. Her bulge, like I said, is huge, but you can tell she's not even half-erect; she's not excited for whatever is coming next...
The clan mother, on the other hand, seems to be enjoying the moment. Hot-mom guy said she was his grandma - but there was something off in the vibe those two were giving. I expected the clan mother to turn around and get down to business, but she just kept staring at her daughter, who - after a few seconds of staring at the wall - turned her gaze and stared back at her mother. There was an awkward silence that lasted a little bit too long... Thankfully, the Sergeant-major decided that enough was enough.
"Clan mother, may I remind you that we have another batch today, right after this one..."
The clan mother dragged her staring match with her daughter a second longer, then turned to the impatient Futa, who was all but tapping her foot on the sideline.
"Of course, Petra, thank you."
She turned around to face hot-mom guy, smiling. Her cock swung and almost hit him in the face, but the guy didn't even flinch. Like I said, he seemed to be taking it all in his stride; of course, if he's already been fucked by his mom and her mega-sized junk, this might feel like kid's play to him... Me, on the other hand: no, not as cool, not by a long shot.
The front of the dress was all the way up, folded on top of her monster cock, exposing its full glory. Fuck, that thing wad majestic, at least 3" over a full foot, jutting up at almost 30 degrees, actually casting a shadow on the guy's face. I'm going to kill my sister, later, for not telling me just how big she was! I have no doubt she wanted to see my reaction - and she got a doozy, as I just couldn't close my mouth...
The guy to my right sounded like he was about to have a stroke. He was groaning softly, whispering "no fucking way!" over and over again. Yes way, dude... You're not in Kansas, anymore and this is not your sisters' pencil-dick... We're in the big leagues, now!
"So, Jake - you've decided to become a male of the Eberhard clan."
She got a little closer, her glans now resting on his forehead. Man, it looked GNARLY - my sister's cock has this one huge vein at its underside, with lots of thin strands, but hers looked like an old tree trunk, with branches and stuff all over it... how the fuck is a normal human supposed to take it?!
"Yes, clan mother."
"Mmm... You have tasted your mother's womanhood, and found it to your liking."
"Yes, clan mother."
I could swear she was smirking. For an "initiation ceremony", this didn't feel very ceremonial... It felt like there was some undercurrent here that I couldn't quite put my finger on; even the sergeant-major looked uncomfortable. She raised her hand, holding up a plastic tube.
"Clan mother, shall I...?"
Hot granny goodness didn't look at her as she answered.
"By all means, Petra - let us proceed. Time to see how well young mister Stein takes a REAL cock."
Woah. She and her cock stepped back. Petra hurried over, poured some clear liquid on it and started rubbing it all over, doing it with well-practiced expertise. I watched with eyes bugging out, my cock almost bursting open. Lube! She's really going to fuck us! Though... Do we have to wait each time until she refills? How does it work? And the way she pronounced his surname - "Steeen" - it sounded kinda mocking. Or that last thing she said - was she really throwing shade at super-hot mom, and is this, like, regular Futa locker room talk? Ribbing each other and stuff? And how do they make up afterwards?
"Dude, I don't think I can take it..."
Guy to my right was whispering at me. I sneaked a look - wow, he did NOT seem OK... I whispered back:
"Relax, man, they wouldn't be doing it if they didn't think it was safe..."
He shook his head emphatically. "Fuck safe, man, she's just too fucking BIG...!"
He was not wrong... But you've got to look forwards, right? Take the monster cock, take a little punishment - and a whole world of girl cock opens up to you... I leaned a little towards him.
"Hey, look at the guy - he's smaller than the both of us, and he sounds like he's going out for a walk in the park. If he can take it..."
He sneered.
"Sure - did you see his mom?! She's bigger than Ursula! My mom is a little over 10", and I couldn't walk right for a week after she fucked me! How the fuck do I take 15 fucking inches?!"
How indeed...?
"Well, you're third, so you'lAAWWWW!"
I yelped in pain as a heavy palm smashed into my butt.
I couldn't see the clan mother, who was now standing behind us, but she sounded especially cold when she spoke:
"Thank you, Petra. Perhaps this young male needs something to help him keep quiet...?"
The sergeant-major's voice sounded like she was smirking as she answered:
"Excellent idea, clan-mother. I'll see to it immediately."
"I'll wait."
I looked up at my sister, wincing. That slap was painful! But I found no sympathy there. She frowned at me, angrily, and I could tell what she was thinking: you're embarrassing me, moron! Well, things were about to get a lot worse for her...
"Hailey! Pacify your brother!"
She looked up at the sergeant-major, surprised and a little worried.
"Oh, he's OK now, aunt Petra, he was just..."
That woman had - on top of the killer slap - a really commanding personality. I almost laughed as my sister jumped up, visibly stopping herself from saluting. Boy, I'm going to tease her about this for years! But now I need to consider just how she's supposed to pacify me - and I get an inkling that I might like it! As she's walking, giving me a really nasty look, her hand goes down into her hot pants, and it comes out bearing gifts!
My sister's cock - man, it's just so beautiful... Not too long, not too thick, not too veiny - it was perfection! That one time she fucked me in the ass she let me lick it clean, afterwards, but other than that I never got up and close with it; my sister likes girls, and she just wouldn't fuck us the way I understood Futas usually do with their family. And now, here it was: dark-pink, spongy mushroom at the top, almost all the way out of her foreskin, as her fat pole was at near its full size. Ooooh, someone had been sneaking looks at the hot mom sitting next to her...
She didn't say a word - aunt Petra was standing nearby, watching her critically. She hitched her eyebrows up, once, and I didn't need to be told twice: I opened my mouth wide, and she just walked up to me and slipped her cock right in.
How cool was that?
"Can we begin?"
Clan mother sounded like she was starting to lose patience. Aunt sergeant-major leaned in and spoke to my sister, quietly but forcefully (I don't think she has a different mode):
"No pumping, no gagging! Just keep him quiet!"
Out loud she said:
"Yes, clan mother."
A minute before I was dying to see what a giant, gnarly, 15"-girlcock penetrating a guy's ass looks like (also being deathly afraid of that cock going into MY tiny hole). But now there was only one thought in my mind: my sister's cock is in my mouth! I've been lusting after it for a long time, and now I get to hold it in my mouth and suck on it - and this was part of a disciplinary act?! Man oh man, did I ever come to the RIGHT place! Sis held my head with both hands, and she won't let me move it. She had her glans all the way in, and a few inches of her pole, pressing down on my tongue, the tip hovering over the opening to my throat. She was experienced enough to know how much to push without inducing gagging, and she just held me, not moving.
I savored the sensations; there was the spongy glans, and then the smooth, silky-steel pole, with the large vein throbbing steadily, creating a small buzzing effect on my tongue. There was some wetness - sort of tangy-sweet; her pre-cum!
Well, I wasn't about to let this opportunity go to waste - though I was also very much aware of drill-sergeant aunt, standing close by; I'll need this to be quiet...
At that moment the noises started on my left, as the clan mother had apparently popped her mammoth cock inside hot-mom guy - Jake - and started grunting, real loud, as she pushed herself in. Strangely enough, all I could hear from him were soft moaning sounds...; I moved my eyes and I could see his face - and the lucky bastard was actually SMILING, his eyes half-closed, mouth slightly open, moaning delightedly, like he was eating ice-cream and not, I dunno, HAVING THE BIGGEST FUCKING COCK I've seen in my life SHOVED UP HIS ASS
Well, that actually made me feel a little better. I mean, I know he must have had some experience, taking his mom's giant cock, but still - this told me that that was something that could actually be done. Like, if this little twerp could do it - shit, I could take twice as big!
But, first - to the matter at hand. Or, rather - in my mouth.
Sis was getting restless. Her pelvis started moving, ever so slightly, her cock sliding back and forth on my tongue, millimeters in each direction. I tightened my lips around her pole and gave it a tentative suck. Her motion stopped. I waited a few seconds, and when I didn't get the slap to the side of the head that my older sister was so fond of giving me, I started to put my tongue to use. It was trapped under the weight of her cock, at first, and I could barely move it, just sort of squiggling under it, but after a moment she pulled back a little, setting me free.
She pushed herself right back in, but now my tongue was free and I could really go to town on her. Over the last couple of years I've had several blowjobs, so I had an idea of what I was doing. I worked my tongue around the glans, doing the occasional, very spit-heavy foray down her shaft, lathering it up like nobody's business. Simultaneously I was working with my lips, going back and forth on her length (just the bare minimum - aunt Petra was still standing nearby!). It felt unbelievable - it must have felt even better for her... She tried to keep herself under control, but I could tell how hard it was for her. She started moving again, and she was giving low, very lusty moans, which I was sure were going to give us away. Luckily for us, the clan mother was getting louder by the minute...
It wasn't just her grunting, which WAS getting ridiculous; she was pounding the guy at what sounded like full-force - complete with loud sound effects, her pelvis making a SPLATT sound as it met his ass, with a softer splatt of her giant nutsack hitting his. I sneaked looks to the side as I was sucking on my sis, and it was almost surreal. The guy was holding on for dear life, clutching the handles in front of him, his body almost flying forward every time she connected. But looking at his face, it was the face of a man in rupture, or of a man having his cock sucked by angles... his eyes were open, staring ahead, focused on something - or someone! - and I could see him forming words with his lips. Was he signaling to his mom? Was he telling her that he loved her?! WTF?!
I've lost any sense of time, but it must have been at least 15, 20 minutes. Sis was releasing insane amounts of pre-cum into my mouth - which I swallowed greedily - but she must have been close to orgasming, because at some point she pulled her cock almost all the way out of my mouth and tapped me on the side of the head, then slapped me - very un-sexily, I might add - signaling me to stop sucking. And just in time, too, because I was about to make a very large mess in the nice plastic bucket that was prepared for us...
So, this was awkward. I crouched there, the tip of my sister's delicious cock in my mouth, struggling to hold myself from sucking it... To my side there was Jake, super slut-stud, smiling dreamily as our clan mother was ramming her monster cock in and out of his asshole, sounding like a gorilla in heat. A really LARGE, really HORNY gorilla...
Well, luckily for us, there was aunt Petra. I saw her tapping her wrist, like she was reminding the clan mother that it was time to wrap it up. At that point I was almost delirious from the whole experience, and I guffawed out loud, which earned me another slap to the side of the head from sis,,, The clan mother apparently was also out of line, as aunt Petra tapped her wrist again, this time more forcefully. The animal grunts slowly died down, dying down to what sounded like a disappointed sigh. There were a few seconds of silence...
I watched Jake's face as well as I could. My sister's cock wasn't embedded too deep - though her hands were still holding my head - and I could turn my head at a better angle than before. I watch his eyes narrow, as the pounding ceased, and his body stopped its jerks forward - and then they flew open, and he bared his teeth in a wild grimace, as the clan mother growled like a gorilla that was dumping a load of baby batter into one of its bitches...
It didn't last long - 10, 15 seconds, max. That was a surprise. That day she finally fucked me, my sister kept pumping her seed into my ass for almost two minutes, and I figured the clan mother's sack was twice as big.... Did she have small loads, or was she able to control her ejeculations? Wow, that would be really insane...
"Well, Helen - you have indeed trained your son well."
You think? Petra tapped my sister's shoulder, and she slipped right out of my mouth. She bent down to whisper in my ears, giving me a nice view of her cleavage (which I will probably never get my head in):
"You know I'm going to kill you, right?"
And - Bam! - there it was: another slap to the side of my head. She's SO predictable...!
"Who sponsors this male?"
Sis, who had stepped back and was tucking her gorgeous cock back into her hot pants, actually raised her hand.
"I do, clan mother."
"He's a spirited one. Can he be domesticated?"
What the...
"Yes, clan mother. He's a good male, would be no problem..."
"Petra tells me he has not had much training..."
"Oh, he's very eager, clan mother!"
Sis moved a step forward, put a possessive hand on my head. Her cock was almost fully erect, and she couldn't tuck it in, so it peeked down from the side of her pants, about 6 inches of perfection visible, hanging on her tan thigh, a sight that made my mouth water...
"Mmm... we shall see."
Somebody dumped a sack of potatoes on the small of my back. Or, at least, that was what it felt like - a very long, very thick, very heavy, very slimy sack of potatoes ... Suddenly a thought flashed through my mind that this would NOT be as easy as I was trying to convince myself it would be...
'Please stand by. I suspect he will need to be pacified, again."
Oh, god, what the hell... I glanced to my right, looking for moral support. I was met by a pair of almost saucer-sized eyes, looking at me with horror. My neighbor was NOT taking this very well. As I felt the giant weight lift off my back, I smiled at him and gave him a 'thumb up'. Hell, I was the biggest, the largest and apparently the most butch male on that bench, I should be leading by example, right? Speaking in a low voice, I told him:
"We can do this, dude, think abuuuAAAAGH?!"
A huge, spongy battering ram hit my back door, an exploratory bump announcing a presence unlike anything I'd ever experienced before. I instinctively clenched my butthole, but I had no illusions; there was a monster knocking at my back door, and nothing was going to keep it out... I grasped the two sturdy-looking handles in front of me, and braced myself for the inevitable onslaught.
It followed immediately; I gasped in shock as the slimy head crashed once again into me, making a dent in my defenses as this time the tip came through - and then was gone. A pair of strong hands took hold of my buttocks, spreading them forcefully - and back came that mammoth beast, slamming against my puckered entrance with more force. I could barely stop myself from crying out; the gigantic glans was opening me up, more than an inch, all the way to the wide brim, forcing itself inside, threatening to tear my ring. I closed my eyes, my mouth stretched in a determined grimace; go ahead, I can take it! If that mama's boy, Jake, could take it smiling, I...
There was no pulling back, this time, no swinging those lascivious hips to get momentum. The clan mother just pushed forward with incredible strength, her inhuman cock just powering its way into my rectum with casual ease as I screamed in pain.
I'm not big on religion, but this was insane - the pain was like nothing I've ever experienced, I now knew what it was like to be torn in two - why would anyone want to have that happen to them?! I was screaming, cursing, begging her to stop, as tears were streaming down my cheeks. Seriously: that was not one of my proud moments... I was acting like a little pussy, and I knew it, and I was sure they were going to kick me out and I didn't know what would be the worse option: having Ginorma back there tear my ass in half, or get thrown out before I had the chance to enjoy some more human-like Futa cock...
And perhaps the worst thing: the sissy boy, Jake, was trying to comfort me! I felt his hand on my arm, and he was talking quietly, with lots of 'dude's... You should have given me that pep talk BEFORE your crazy grandma started to go medieval on my ass! I ignored him, and just carried on with my tantrum.
The clan mother didn't seem to be disturbed by my histrionics. As her pole entered my asshole and started pushing up, I heard her grunting in satisfaction. "Ah, finally - a virgin ass! Very nice!" She made more of her satisfied noises, and then, as I continued to howlI in pain: "Hailey, if you would, please..."
My eyes were closed, my mouth open wide, like I was some scream queen, when a pair of hands grabbed my head. And then, through the haze of pain - a new invader! I opened my eyes as a familiar, sponge-headed shaft slid into my mouth. I looked up, bleary-eyed, to see my sister's beautiful face smiling down at me from above her perky breasts.
"There you go, you little butt slut. Suck on this, it'll make you feel better..."
I would have pulled back, slid my mouth right off of her - I'm not a baby, I'm not a slut, and I don't need no fucking pacifier! - only of course I was a slut, and though not a baby this particular pacifier worked wonders. She was a bit aggressive, shoving it in all the way to the top of my throat, and this brought on a coughing fit, as I was in the middle of my sobbing and screaming rant, but it got better and I grew more quiet. The massive behemoth inside my rectum had stopped its forward motion and lay motionless, letting me get used to the feeling. It felt like I was completely filled up, but I knew she was less than half the way in - if that. I was still sobbing, but trying to keep it more quiet. Sis stroked my hair as I began to slowly suck on her. I let go of one of the handles and took hold of her sack, fondling it lovingly. I felt real distress, but not TOO much distress not to take advantage of this golden opportunity... and it DID help me calm down, a bit...
"Fuck this, I'm out!"
I couldn't turn my head to look, but I felt the bench shift slightly as the guy to my right pushed himself off of it, then heard the sound of two bare feet landing on the tiled floor. I tried to pull my head back, try and stop him, but sis held my head firmly in place,
"Shhh, never mind him. You're almost done, don't spoil it!"
'Almost done'... Ah, I wish! The clan mother renewed her forward movement, not even bothering to pull back to gain momentum - just shoving more and more of her meat into my ass, powered by those huge buttocks I had admired so much, ages ago, back before she got started.
There was a commotion, coming from the direction of the door. I couldn't see anything, as my sister's body blocked my view, but I took it that the family weren't too happy about my ex-neighbor leaving, and were trying to talk him into staying. Apparently they were a bit too loud - or too disrespectful to the fine traditions of the clan? - as Aunty Mayhem called out:
"Please take it outside, Melinda. We're trying to hold a ceremony here..."
I didn't hear any more, as the clan mother chose that moment to set off a bomb in my anus. She pulled her cock back, changing her angle of attack, and her giant glans pressed on one point which I had remembered very well from the one fuck I've had. Like I said, my sis is into girls, and isn't very experienced with boys, so she did it in passing, as if by chance; there was no chance when it came to being fucked by the clan mother. Sis mentioned that she'd fucked thousands of men, and it was obvious that she knew exactly what she was doing. She pressed down on my prostate, and suddenly the immense pain of her presence inside me was suffused with waves of pleasure, and I started to moan and thrash about in earnestness - well, as far as being impaled on two girl-cocks and having my hips held motionless by the world's strongest grandma would allow.
I heard her laughing behind me, as her monster went back and forth a few more times, her giant helmet pressing down on what was quite possibly the most sensitive point in my body.
"Here, little male, feel what a real cock can do for you!"
I gurgled something around the cock in my mouth, writhing helplessly, mouth drooling and eyes watering, trying not to scream. Maybe... Maybe...
The piledriver resumed its journey up my rectum, pushing in with short, powerful jabs, going into places that no cock had any business being. 15 fucking inches - just how far was she going? And WHERE? I sucked hard on my sister's tiny, 8"-cock, and tried not to think about it. Think about Jesse Evans - the very hot golfer babe from Chapel Hill, who I saw earlier in the lobby; I've jerked off a lot to her pictures, over the last year, ever since Hailey told me she was Futa, always having to imagine her with a cock. Now there she was, standing in the lobby, feet apart, a short skirt displaying those killer thighs - and a very prominent bulge that made me drool as I stood there, waiting to get my door card... So - maybe I'll get lucky? All I have to do is survive this horror show - which, actually, is maybe turning out to be not so horrible after all? - shit, there're a whole lot of very hot Futas with normal sized (well, normal-ish) cocks out there, and I'm gonna have a whole week of trying to get some of them to try out my bubbly, tight ass...
I'm thrown out of my reverie. The clan mother has bottomed out - all 15 inches of that
Baby monster were fully embedded in my ass - my rectum? My colon? My stomach? Oh, god, I'm never having a normal shit, again, ever! Her pelvis came crashing into my ass, hard, those giant balls banging against my tiny sack... Well, my scream of pain is completely lost around my sister's cock, which by the by, is now moving back and forth; like, slowly, but moving... I'm guessing she figures that, what with all the going-ons, aunt Petra is going to ignore this little transgression...!
Clan mother is now going into pumping mode - pulling back rather slowly, each and every corded vein on that baby probably leaving a notch like the Mariana trench... Hell, now that I'm a little bit less hysterical, I start to notice other stuff - like the out-of-this-world throbbing that is making my whole body vibrate...Believe it or not, I actually feel a bit of a panic as she's vacating me.. I mean, just as I started to get used to it, and my sister is finally letting her cock get going...
I needn't have worried. Once her glans goes over my p-spot - the helmet giving it a good rubbing - she's going back in, much faster this time, I guess my internal organs are very malleable... And now she ramming into me at a regular pace, going like a fucking fucking machine (yeah), her helmet going deep inside me with every SPLAATT, her ridiculous dress flying all over the place, those frilly hems brushing my buttocks every time she makes contact, and I find that I'm actually giddy with anticipation every time she goes back, waiting for her to slam back in... Wait a minute - am I actually enjoying this?! Because I sure as hell am moaning a lot as I suck my sister off, vacuuming her gorgeous cock, which is now moving in sync with the clan mother's cock... I'll be damned if this is not turning into the greatest thing that has ever happened to me...!
"Clan mother..."
Of course. Aunt Petra must ruin the moment, doing that tapping-the-non-existent-watch thing, again. What the fuck? Little Jakie-boy had at least 25 minutes, I couldn't have had more than 10...! And clan-mother is giving her a grunted "huh-huh", not even trying to play for time... She gives me another couple of extra-strength schtuppings, which nearly plant my torso in the upper bench, and then - I kid you not! - with her gargantuan cock deeply embedded inside me, she starts to slowly lift me up in the air!!
I mean, her hands are on my hips, but they're just holding me, preventing me from toppling sideways. She's LIFTING me. With her COCK. I'm floating 2-3 inches above the fucking bench, held aloft by a fucking GIRL-COCK.
Roll this around in your head for a minute...
My sis has to stand on her toes to keep her cock in my mouth. That's how high up I am. I'm not completely in control of my senses; it's gotta be painful, right? But I'm thinking now the adrenaline rush is blocking that or something. I feel the throbbing all throughout my body, that mutant cock feeling like it's inflating, growing larger inside of me. There's someone actually fucking CLAPPING to my right - middle-aged guy is really enjoying the show! Someone else to my right is going OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOD - hey, my neighbor is back! Just in time for the grand finale! And my sister: she's now shoving herself further into me, going into my throat, holding my head tight, ignoring my gagging...
And they both cum. Hard. I'm exploding, myself, shooting my load into the space below the upper bench, but the two Futas open hydrants of cum inside my body, hosing my insides at both ends with hot, delicious, girly baby batter. I'm gagging and gurgling cum, overwhelmed, drowning in Futa cum, barely registering anything beyond that double-barreled attack. Can't even say that I wasn't this to go on forever, because my brain was at this point incapable of grasping the concept of time.
Well, looking back at it, I'd guess the clan mother only went off for less than a minute, her whale of a cock just suddenly stopping. She lowered me back down to the bench, her cock apparently still at full mast, still throbbing like crazy, gallons of blood rushing through those cable-like veins. My sister - yeah, she just kept going, her cock never leaving my mouth, shooting round after round of her spunk directly into my stomach. I was still gagging, it was getting harder to breathe, and my stomach felt like it was about to explode. I could hear aunt Mayhem talking to my sister rather severely, but that was the last thing I remember, as at that point I must have lost consciousness.
My sister later told me I was out for a few minutes, nbg. Well, losing consciousness for a few minutes sounds like a big fucking deal to me, but I was not in a condition to talk, certainly not raise my voice. I tried to get my bearings; my sister was back in her seat, looking both embarrassed and very pleased with herself at the same time. Hot mom was sitting, one muscular thigh crossed over the other, a purple-headed Anaconda fully-extended underneath it. She was fully-erect - and I do mean FULLY, it must have been at least as huge as the clan mother's; one hand was stroking it lightly as she smiled at her son - there's something strange going on at that family... Well - stranger than is usual where Futas are involved...
Sergeant Killjoy was standing almost in front of me, looking at the going-ons to my right. I immediately noticed that she was now sporting a raging hard-on; unlike every other Futa I've seen today she was obviously wearing underwear, which must have been made from heavy-duty tarpaulin, because her bulge was large as a football... She suddenly looked down at me, and gave an unexpected smile. She dug into a pocket of her cargo shorts, and came out with a paper towel which she handed to me.
"Here, you better wipe your face."
I looked at her dumbly, then took the proffered item. I gave a small swipe over my face, and was surprised at how sticky it was. Oh, yeah, sis was fucking me like forever, a lot of it came back up...
Big-cocked auntie Petra gave me a mock severe look (well, I was hoping it was fake).
"Your sister and you were very naughty. VERY naughty."
My dumb look stayed on, but I did manage to close my mouth shut. Leaving your mouth open around those people can be hazardous... I wanted to turn my head, see what the commotion was about to my right (well, I had a pretty good idea, but, still - now I could enjoy it without worrying about the integrity of my own ass... But aunt Petra fixed me in her steely gaze, frowning at me theatrically. Oh, man, the football in her pants seemed to be moving...
"Oh, yes. Fellating your sister while the clan mother is initiating your anus... she was NOT pleased, of that you can be sure." She suddenly, unexpectedly smiled, looking actually pretty beautiful without that impatient frown she usually wore. "It's not usual for my sister to go the length she went with you. That rump must be as delicious as it looks!"
She brushed my hair from my eyes, and became more business-like. "You will come to my office tomorrow morning at ten. There will be some corporal punishment, and then I will use my cock to punish you some more. It's not quite as large as my sister's, but I expect it will be just as painful."
Despite my caution, my jaw dropped open. I stammered:
"But... but my ass, it's so... so painful, I need to rest, I won't be be ready for..."
She took the paper towel from me and gave my face a thorough wipe. "That was not a request, dear. You are now a male of the clan, you live to serve us."
She finished wiping, looked at the results critically, and then her face softened a little, and she ruffled my hair, smiling.
"You are indeed a very fuckable boy. The only reason I'm not punishing your sister is because she brought you to us. Also: who can resist such a face? Or ass?"
She gave my chin a little pinch, and turned away to watch the proceedings. I gulped, watching her giant bulge bouncing as she turned. Oh, boy - just WHAT have I gotten myself into?
Also: WOOF!
But, seriously, my ass felt like... I dunno, like I shot a baby elephant and its family took turns trunk-fucking me for hours... [HA! How's that for a kickass metaphor? Looks like getting fucked in the ass unleashes my creative juices!] How the hell was I supposed to take Aunt Mayhem's mega-cock without at least a night's rest?
Well, guess I'll have to cross that bridge - or, rather, have it repeatedly rammed into my ass - once I reach it... But right now I'm missing the entertainment!
Clan mother was up to her usual shenanigans, pounding her monster into my poor neighbor, who I'm sure was regretting agreeing to come back. His mother was "pacifying" him - a middle aged woman, very plump, with very inviting tits held in a Toto t-shirt, and a very thick cock that had its head stuck in her poor son's mouth (she had much better self-control than my sis - her pole never moved an inch). He was sucking and whimpering as she stroked his hair and cooed at him, telling him what a good boy he was and how well he was taking the clan mother's cock, and just how much she and dad and his sisters were proud of him.
I strained my head to look at clan mom, and she was... I dunno, like utterly ridiculous in that Bavarian dress, but also just fucking magnificent... Her tan body was coated with sweat, tiny droplets flying all around her as her pelvis kept hammering that poor bastard's butt. Her majestic breasts were swinging all over the place, threatening to burst out at any minute out of that super-tight bodice, and her face was contorted into a wild grin, her eyes burning with glee behind those black-framed, very proper glasses. This was very obviously a woman who knew how to enjoy herself... She was terrifying, but I felt my cock hardening as I looked on. Yes, my ass was hurting like hell - I wouldn't have been surprised to learn that it was bleeding! - but I wanted that monster cock back in me...
"You took it really well, man. That was pretty impressive."
I tore my eyes slowly from the splendor of clan mother Ursula Evans doing what she loves and turned around. Jake - hot mom guy - had his torso propped up on his folded elbows, looking at me. I made a face.
"Well, it's not like I had much of a choice, was it? Once she was in, it was mostly about not passing out..."
He smiled, nodding. "Yeah, I know. She wasn't holding back, and, I'm guessing, to go from your sister's cock to something like that... must be pretty hard."
"Oh, it was hard, all right!"
He smiled politely. Not a big fan of double entendres, I guess. But I figured it was an opportunity to get an in with him, on my coming quest for his mom's cock, and I'd better take it.
"Your mom, she's pretty big, bigger than the clan mother, you said?"
His smile broadened, becoming more genuine. I got the impression that he liked thinking about his mom...
"Oh, yeah, she's huge, pretty much the biggest someone our size could take!"
'OUR size'? I had at least 2 inches on that twerp! But I let it go.
"So, how was your first time? Must have been terrifying...!"
He shook his head emphatically. "Oh, no, no, it hurt like hell, but she was very gentle, it was amazing! She's... well, she's amazing, really..."
The guy looked practically starry-eyed. Oh, wow, he really WAS in love with his mom! Weird... though, could you blame him, really? I nodded.
"Well, you certainly took clan mother's cock like a champ. Did your mom prepare you for this?"
His smile returned. "Oh, I guess you could say that..." He was practically glowing, now. "We've been fucking like rabbits for the last half year, I even learned to deep throat her, no problem. I guess I could take any cock in this hotel...!"
Wow. The guy really liked talking about fucking his mom. Well, to each his own, I guess. I, too, would very much like to fuck his mom...!
"So, you guys are here, like, only for the sun? Like, you're exclusive?" Yeah, that was the big question. Because, if they were boyfriend/girlfriend, I was fuck out of luck.
His smile faltered a little. "Well, no... not as such, no. We're..."
His face turned almost glum.
"Yeah, my mother thinks... Well, she thinks I should move on. Like, find someone my own age and all. She... Well, she wants grandchildren, and... Yeah."
OK, that turned awkward real fast. Still, I had to look at the bright side - that means the coast was free, and the early bird had a real shot at the cock! But I'd better drop it, for now, as I got the distinct feeling he might not be on board for this...
"Yeah, that sucks, man. But the place is packed with hotties, I'm sure you'll find someone nice!"
He shrugged, not looking very enthusiastic about that prospect. "Yeah, I guess. Though my asshole is probably too stretched by now to be really exciting for most of the girls here..." He nodded with his head towards my own butt. "You should really take care of it, you know. It's bleeding pretty bad, but my cousin says they have fantastic medics here; they're actually taking us there once this is over. He says this and a good night's sleep and you'll be good as new in the morning."
I smiled mirthlessly. "Well, I'd better, aunt Petra is going to punish my ass in the morning, so..."
He nodded sagely. "Oh, yeah, my cousin Erik says she's pretty bad, she likes to make it really painful. He says he goes barefoot into the dining room at least twice every retreat, just to get punished by her... He's been taking Futa cock for ages, he needs it bigger and harder all the time..."
Oooh boy. Weirder and weirder. "Yeah, well, maybe he could take my place?"
He shook his head, no. "You're too tight, she'd never pass this up. Most guys who come here are already pretty well stretched, a virgin butt is pretty rare..."
I bristled at that. "Virgin?! I've just been plowed by King Kong's cousin, I'm guessing you could right now drive a fucking truck through there!"
He guffawed. "Ha! King Kong's HOT cousin! Yeah, but, no, the rectum muscles are quite resilient, it takes A LOT of fucking to get it really loose..."
Yay, I guess? Behind us things were reaching a crescendo, and I turned to watch as the clan mother shot her load into my neighbor - her THIRD in about less than twenty minutes! Wow. The mom was smiling happily, her cock still stuck in her son's mouth, not moving. So, it CAN be done! And yet, I managed to make my lesbian sister cum in my mouth - and love it! Yeah, I just might have a future here... I looked across the writhing body of my neighbor, over to middle-aged guy, who seemed to be actually shaking with anticipation, a crazed, giddy smile on his face. I gave him a thumbs up. There was another guy who was looking ahead at a very rosy future! I turned around, and looked at the spectators' row.
Hot MILF was looking directly at me, smiling. Her huge arm was down between those meaty thighs, and she was holding her bad girl, her large hand barely sufficient to cover half its circumference, stroking it gently. The big dark slit was looking directly at me, seeming to say: see you soon, butt-boy! I tore my eyes away from it, and looked up at her beautiful face. She nodded slightly, smiling. Her gray-blue eyes sparkled, their message very obvious: Your ass is mine, boi!
Yeah, I think I'm gonna like it here.