Chapter 264: Owned By My Futa Step-Mom part 1 by weirdfantasies89
My name is Lyle. I live in upstate New York.
When I was 13 my parents split from each other. The divorce was rough to say the least. My parents hated each other by the end of it. They got split custody of me but it didn't make my life any less easy. Two birthdays, two holidays, two grad parties to highschool, the works.
My mother was a working lawyer, she was busy a lot, I loved her, but I didn't ever really spend too much time with her. With so much free time on her days I started to get away with a lot. She made enough to support herself and me somewhat, but she always brought me good presents, and took me out to eat. She was more caring of me, despite her horrible work schedule.
My dad was a fucking bum however. He also let me get away with a lot, but that was more out of neglect than anything. I gave him plenty of chances and he had always let me down. He didn't work nearly as much as my Mom, and was a gambling addict, mild alcoholic, and overall not a good fit to be a parent. Somehow he got half custody of me in the end.
With a lot of problems in my upbringing, it's no wonder by the time I was just turning 18, that I was a total brat.
My brown hair dyed black, punk attitude, and lot's of rebellion. It was better with my mom, but I was misbehaving a lot at that time. Skipping class, going to parties, getting in fights, the works.
It never really stopped, desperate cries of attention for my parents that were rarely heeded, much to my anger.
Towards the end of my senior year, my Dad started seeing a new woman, only adding to the pyre of hatred I was burning towards him.
Her name was Cindy.
"She's an incredible woman, Lyle." He'd say to me, "She's responsible, she acts like an adult, she knows how to communicate, and she's the boss of her own company. You know, you could learn a lot from a woman like her."
"Uh huh..." I'd grumble.
When I met Cindy, to say my attitude was bad towards her was an understatement.
Cindy walked in, laughing with my Dad as he brought her inside. My dad saw me watching TV, my shoes up on the couch.
"Oh! Cindy! Cindy! Come here, this is my son, Lyle!" He ushered her over.
I looked over and almost had to double take. Looming over my father was a woman at least six feet tall, taller, maybe 6'5 at the bare minimum. She had a professional black pixie cut, it was short, perfectly even and hung over her forehead. She had circular glasses, dark mascara, and red lipstick over her thick wide lips. Her nose was prominent too, slightly broad, but stuck out perfectly between her large frame glasses, light freckles across her bridge.
Her face denoted her age, clearly somewhere in her 40s. The deep laugh lines on her cheeks showed it the most.
Her cheeks were full, her face was a little more round, but her neck had almost no fat on it at all. However as you went down you could see she had some weight on her, but it all seemed to be going to the most eye-catching places. By that, I meant that her breasts and her ass were barely contained in the tight black dress she was wearing. It clung to her wide torso and belly, showing everything off. Excess fat went to her sides and some on her arms, but underneath was clearly a firm layer of muscle, especially in her arms and legs. Her forearms were thick, same as her biceps, but the musculature was hidden under her vast flesh. Her thighs were sculpted and massive, absolute zeppelins connected to muscular calves that fit into big red heels. Her butt was big and round, bigger than my entire head.
Her hands were long and muscular, painted with red nail polish. She had a working woman's hands, but one palm could fit over my entire face. She held them together politely, waving at me with a delightful warm smile.
"Hi there Lyle! Nice to meet you!" She chimed.
Caught off guard, I instantly put up my wall and turned away from her, rolling my eyes.
"Wow. How much did he pay you." I scoffed.
My dad let out a nervous chuckle, Cindy also letting out her own awkward laugh at that.
"Do you-uh normally let your son put his shoes on the couch?"
"Ah well. He really won't listen if I tell him not to. Little stinker." He grabbed at my ear playfully.
I swatted his hand away and shot him a death glare. Filling the room with a profound awkward silence.
"He's uh... ah man... what a kidder... a real... yeah, well anyway! Let me show you around!" My Dad stammered, recovering.
"Sure." She said warmly.
Her heels clacked through the house, MY house, as she let out half-hearted stupid compliments. I heard her comment on my room, my dad saying something that was clearly meant to be a jab at me.
She let out a mirthful chuckle as she gave her own snide comment.
She left that night, giving a loving little smooch on my dad's cheek. I could see on his face that he was smitten with her. I knew what was going to happen next... and I didn't like it...
She continued to come over, for dinner, for date night, all to see my fuck up of a Dad. She didn't know how much of a scumbag he was. She didn't know at all, was this some sad attempt at getting a family in her late life? I wasn't going to be subject to her stupid fantasy while she settled for a piece of shit like him.
I gave as much attitude as I could to her, brushing her off, ignoring her, passive aggressively commenting, the works.
Despite that... she still continued to see my father.
I'd talk shit about her to my mom all the time, but she didn't even seem to really care, much to my annoyance.
"What do I care what your father does, Lyle?" My mom would sigh, making a rushed dinner for me.
"She's some fucking random sad old lady he found to replace you! You don't even care?!"
"Not especially. She'll find out who your father is in time. Give her a break, kid. I'm not gonna pointlessly hate a woman I don't even know."
"She's a stranger, and I don't need a new mom! This is stupid! I have to deal with their dumb little act almost every night!"
"Well. Your father knows how to turn on the charm for the first year before he starts slipping back to himself. So I'm sure she'll be out of your hair soon buddy."
"Not likely. He's probably gonna propose to her."
"Well. From what I've heard so far, your complaints about her feel a little unwarranted. Don't be so mean to her, eventually your Dad is gonna dump her on the street and she'll need the support. You don't need to make an enemy out of her..."
"Yeah whatever..." I grumbled.
Not even six months later did he propose.
Then suddenly, Cindy was my stepmom.
Then suddenly we were moved into her boring house.
Then suddenly I was away from all my friends as I was about to graduate high school.
Then suddenly, the trip to my mom's was now a pain in the ass.
Literally months left in high school, so no room to make new friends, and making my graduation one of the loneliest experiences of my life.
My attitude only got worse and worse, my resentment grew. Only growing further when Cindy tried to play the role of mom.
"Lyle, dear, please pick up after yourself"
"Lyle, shoes off, good lord."
"Lyle, would it kill you to clean your room?"
"Lyle! Please come help me set the table!"
"Lyle, did nobody teach you how to do laundry???"
I remember snapping at her one day as I was listening to music in my room.
"Lyle!" I heard muffled behind the metal I was blasting.
I ripped my earbud out.
"Lyle, did you do your homework yet! I see papers sitting on the desk and they're completely empty!"
"Cindy, who the fuck cares?! I have two months left 'til I graduate!"
"Don't swear at me Lyle! I'm just trying to make sure you don't flunk before you graduate! I know you've got your college picked already but that can change!"
"Yeah! My homework is finished Cindy! Happy? Go and be somebody else's Mom! My Dad needs it more than me!"
I put the earbud back in my ear, and continued to listen to thrash.
I couldn't hear her sad sigh as she walked off.
After all, she really was just trying to look out for me. Who could blame her? She could tell I wasn't raised right. I took poor care of myself, I was sneaking out to go drink, I was still fighting, I was playing hooky. She didn't want to see me squander myself, and she could tell Mom and Dad weren't going to help. I was angry though, probably not even at her.
She was the only one giving me the attention I sought, and I didn't want it to be from her, and that made me even angrier.
Her and my dad would get in fights about it all the time. I could hear them bickering about it. Her telling him I needed to do more, that I needed someone to raise him like a parent. He simply shrugged, saying I was my own man, that I had my friends, and that she didn't need to worry about me.
I remember one time my Dad was on business and her and I were alone in the house for a few days. She cooked me a meal and I sat eating at the table with my headphones in.
I continued to bob my head.
"Lyle!" She snapped, waving, "Hello!"
I yanked a bud out.
"No headphones at the table, come on you know better."
"Dad's rule. He's not here is he?"
"Not his rule, it's MY rule, and take off the headphones."
I scoffed, rolling my eyes and tossed off the headphones.
"Yes. Was that so hard Lyle?"
I shrugged, continuing to eat silently.
"So... do you know what you want to major in?"
I shrugged.
"...If you get a business major, I could help you once you graduate."
"I'll probably drop out."
"Oh... really? Have you told your father?"
"Fuck no. He doesn't give a shit."
"My band is probably gonna take off, so... probably won't need a degree... waste of money anyway."
"You should really have a backup plan dear."
"Don't call me that."
"Yeah. I really hate it when you try to act like my mom."
"Right..." She trailed off, not wanting to breach that.
"I'll be fine. Stop worrying about me."
"You know... Lyle, I could pay for your tuition if you stay all four years..."
"Ah... that's why he's marrying you, is it?"
"Excuse me?"
"You're rich, right? You ever think that's why Dad's with you?"
"That's not very nice, Lyle."
"Just saying."
"Well, you've been 'just saying' for a while now and I've been extremely patient with you. So do you want to tell me where this attitude is coming from?"
"Not really."
"That attitude won't fly in college. You definitely aren't going to find a girl like that either."
"What the fuck do you care? I'm literally never coming back home when I go to college."
"Lyle, for god's sake, language."
"Fuck off Cindy! I'll say whatever the fuck I want!"
"Lyle! So help me!"
"What?! What are you gonna do?!"
"If you weren't my son-"
I tossed my plate across the table and stormed out of the room.
The words stung me. I'd shake them off eventually.
It was exactly what I'd deserved, but I didn't really want to admit that at the time.
Time passed and things cooled off, but Cindy and I's relationship was never more tense. One small thing would set us off into a screaming match at each other. My dad needed to intervene a few times, Cindy or I leaving the room to cool off.
It was such a saturated and intense anger we had for each other. By the end of the school year, it was safe to say that we truly hated each other.
My dad begged me to try and get along, but since it was my dad asking, it only made me want to hate her more...
I didn't get to spend graduation with my friends.
However, right before all of us were going off to college, my friend from back home decided to throw a rager. It would be the last time I'd be able to spend time with my friends from high school.
It was a little less than an hour away from where we lived though. I begged my mom to take me but she was too busy. I begrudgingly asked my dad to take me instead.
"Why don't you ask Cindy?" He said nonchalantly, "I'm sure she'd love to take you."
I swore under my breath and sauntered into the kitchen to see her washing dishes.
"Cindy..." I grumbled.
She turned slightly, raising an eyebrow at me silently.
"My friends back home are throwing a rager... can you take me..." I was red in the face, each word choked out of me.
She sighed.
"I thought that's why I said you should get your license this year."
"Yeah. I know. I never got to it... Can you take me or not..."
"Say please."
I shot her a look, a look that screamed 'are you fucking serious'.
Her arms were crossed, eyes lidded but brows raised, waiting.
"Please..." I rolled my eyes.
She turned back to the dishes slowly.
"Get your shoes on. I'll meet you in the garage."
The car hummed down the road, both of us quietly zipping through the dense forest roads to the town I used to live in. I stared out the window, tapping my finger.
About ten minutes into the tense ride, she spoke up.
"I'm sorry." She said bluntly.
I turned to her, confused.
"I said I'm sorry."
"For what?"
"For all the times I yelled at you. The nasty things I said. I was upset."
"Oh." Taken off guard, I turned away from her, "It's whatever."
"It's not. If I'm... well... Lyle I know divorce isn't easy... neither is having a woman you barely know enter your life this quickly. Your Dad and I fell for each other fast, and I bet nobody considered you in the decision, myself included."
"Well... you weren't really getting married to my dad at that point... so it's not your fault..."
"I'm happy to hear you say that. I just wish... we could have had a better relationship to each other."
"It's fine." I said bluntly, "It's whatever, like I said."
She grimaced, she wanted me to admit my fault too but I wasn't budging on that. I should have though. Not a day goes by where I didn't regret that, and what I did after...
As we entered the town in silence, minutes away from my friend's house, she spoke up again.
"Do you think you could... accept me in your life Lyle? I really do love your father, despite his... well... many faults. I've always wanted a son in my life. I'm not able to naturally give birth so... maybe a part of me wanted us to get along because of that... I don't mean right now... but in the future... maybe if I try a little harder...? I'd.... I'd really like to be there for you Lyle, and I hate to say it, but I don't think you've had a figure like that in your life..."
What she said was, admittedly, a lot to drop on me out of nowhere. She was also absolutely correct. However, that didn't make my reaction to it any less worse.
"What? Like you're trying to replace my mom or something?"
"What! No! Lyle that's not what I mean at all!"
"I don't know what else you could mean. Sure seems like it. My mom doesn't work hard enough? You could do a better job? Is that it?"
"Lyle, dear, no I-"
"-Don't fucking call me that!"
"Sorry! I'm sorry Lyle! Please just listen!"
"Drop me here. I can walk the rest of the way."
"Please just wait! I didn't mean to-"
She sighed and pulled over.
Fuming, I got out of the car. Before I slammed the door shut I looked at her, dead in her eyes.
"You. Will never be my mom. You aren't family. You're a fucking stranger. Don't talk to me. Don't try to take care of me. Don't try and insert yourself into my fucking life. Don't pay my fucking tuition. Don't EVER try and reach out while I'm away. I'll be glad to be away from this stupid fucking family, and be even happier to be away from YOU! You miserable, middle-aged... H... HAG!... So goodnight, and fuck off Cindy."
I made the car shake with how hard I shut the door.
I didn't look back, even as I heard a loud muffled sob escape from the car.
I went to that party and got blackout drunk.
My friend had to drive me back the next day. I had a good time with them, but the night was ruined considering I basically drank myself to death that night. It was still good to see them before I left.
I came home to a hollow house. My Dad hadn't woken up yet and Cindy was not there to greet me.
We didn't say a word to each other before I left. She did exactly as I asked. She insisted on not showing up to see me off to college. He drove me himself and gave me a half-hearted goodbye as I went into my dorm.
I wouldn't know it until later in life but I was eaten with regret for what I told Cindy. In my head at the time I thought she deserved it. I never took apart why I was angry at her. I know now that she really really really didn't deserve it.
I found out pretty quickly into college that the 'I don't give a fuck' artificial punk attitude wouldn't get you friends. My drinking and eating also got worse and worse. Not super worrying, about on par with your average male college student, but still.
When I received the invite to my Dad and Cindy's wedding, I tore it up and threw it out. It was from her. Maybe one last olive branch that I could swat away and burn.
I didn't get a real solid group of friends until sophomore year. Up until that point people in my dorm were avoiding me, my dorm-mate talked shit about me all the time, the punks/queers/goths/activists on campus, all the people I wanted to fit in with so desperately, all hated my guts. Who could blame them? I was a poser all the way. I was (maybe) bisexual at most and had done almost no activism or any actual praxis to back up any beliefs I claimed to support. I never went to rallies, I never did any kind of mutual aid or donation, I didn't really even enjoy a lot of the music I said that I liked.
I was a loser... just like my Dad...
As I really found myself amidst all of it, I quickly began to find that all that anger and rebellion was to get back at my Dad, and maybe my Mom too. Because for once in my life, I didn't have anybody to get mad at.When it dawned on me, especially after my band quickly fell apart, that I had no direction, I panicked.
Trying to push it away with parties, or girls, experimenting with guys, drinking, weed, or whatever I could, it was never enough. So many mental breakdowns, so many lost friends and new ones gained. So many girlfriends, even a boyfriend briefly before I ended things in a fit of confusion after only a week.
In my junior year I had to go and see a psych for depression and anxiety. I was prescribed meds but it didn't help. It wasn't until I went to therapy on campus that all of my problems were laid out in front of me. It really helped. I really realized what a bratty little piece of shit I'd been up to that point. How wrong I was. How to actively do the work and actually hold up the charitable and giving parts of me.
Life only went up. I had a solid group of friends, I fixed my outlook on life, I was actually helping at soup kitchens and going to shows for music that I enjoyed. I didn't feel a need to fabricate or fake it.
It was that year that I really had to confront how terrible I'd been to others. As my therapist took it apart from me too... how horrible I was to Cindy. How awful I was to her, maybe the one who deserved it the least. What I did to her, and said, it went beyond simply pushing her away, it may as well have been bullying.
She was the one person, as riddled with guilt as I was, that I was too scared to apologize to for some reason.
Even after I'd graduated I still didn't reach out.
I had to come to grips with my mistakes and how much time I'd wasted. I had to pick a real major. I had to commit to it and do something with my life. Then I would apologize.
There was still a part of me that wanted to stick it to my Dad and prove to my Mom that I was alright. She checked in on me still from time to time, but I never really told her the truth about any of my situations.
That being said, that part rooted for me all the way and had me pursue Agriculture. I wanted to help build urban farms in poor areas some day, and also grow produce for farmer's markets and live a humble life and really enjoy things. I wanted to be free and independent, and someone who does more than sit back and complain all the time.
I studied and worked my ass off and ended with a great GPA.
I didn't, or at least tried not to, think about Cindy for a while. After my Dad had informed me that he'd divorced her in my early senior year though I was forced to relive my terrible treatment of her.
I tried to fight back my regret to get through the year.
I graduated in the summer of 2018, freshly 22. I got my degree, and celebrated with my new real friends.
At this point in my life I looked a lot cleaner. I had a lovely shag of brown hair that hung down to my eyes, only if I didn't part my bangs out of the way. It went down to the middle of my neck and swooped upwards a bit. I didn't have any hair on my body still, it made me really popular with those I was attracted to.
I still had my mother's tired green eyes, always slightly lidded and angled downward a bit. Still had my straight nose and my pouty plush lips that always made me look a bit more cute than handsome. I was still pretty skinny, but had some definition and farmer tan from all the agricultural practice and times spent learning on farms. Unfortunately I never really seemed to grow past 5'8 but whatever.
I had really cleaned myself up. My skin was nice and smooth, my body was built pretty good. I was a little annoyed with how big my butt was honestly. Normally that'd be a compliment for anyone, even guys, but I always pictured myself looking a bit more masculine.
I was looking good and felt fully prepared for my true adult life...
...It occurred to me very quickly though... I was kind of fucked.
I didn't have any living situation set with my friends. I didn't have a job either. So... I'd have to move back in with my parents right?
I called my Mom.
"Oh shit, sorry sweetheart, I don't know if I can support you like that right now."
"It would only be for a few months Mom, I don't mind taking the couch."
"Right but honey, aren't you doing farming? Is that going to be convenient for work if you're staying in the city?"
"Ugh... no you're right Mom... sorry for asking..."
"Don't be sorry dear. I'll help you however I can if you need some grocery money. Maybe I can drop some your way, okay?"
"Okay Mom... thanks... love you..."
"Love you sweetie, bye!"
That means. God damnit.
My phone scrolled to my Dad's number.
I hesitantly hit the call button.
It rang for a few.
"Hello? L-lyle" My Dad answered, his words were slurred.
"Uh. Dad?"
"Mm. Hey! Hey! Hey man! Hey, how... mh... howrr you doin' bud..."
"Dad, are you drunk?"
"Fuck no... Im just... meeting sm cliensss..."
"Some clients? Didn't you get fired?"
"Oh... yeah... yeah... y-you heard about that? Your... uhm... your fuckin mom prolly told you..." He chortled, "Yeahhh, no things are uhm, down for me, but I'll uh turn em up!"
"Right... Dad I need a place to stay for a couple months, can I crash with you for a little bit?"
"Uhm. Myeah. Bud... you gotta... you gotta promis not to get mad at me, mkay?"
"Im um... imalittle broke at the moment..."
"Broke... Dad didn't you get half of Cindy's money in the settlement? I thought Mom literally helped you with that..."
"I... I-uhm-I g-gambled it... most of it..."
"Dad." I clutched my forehead, "Dad you gambled all your money?!"
"You can't get m-mad at me. You said."
"Dad. Holy shit. What the fuck is your problem?!"
"Fuck off. D-don't you fucking judge me Lyle. You know! That was always your problem... y-you, you, you, you never can be fucking positive 'bout nything! That's why y-"
"-Yep. Alright bye Dad."
"Lyle w-"
I knew that would be bad but holy shit.
There was only one person left I could call.
My thumb navigated to the blocked number section, where I saw her name.
I took a deep breath.
Then quickly dialed.
The phone rang.
"Uh... H-hi... is this Cindy?"
"Yes. Speaking. Who's this?"
"Uhm... it's... it's Lyle... I-"
"Hello? Cindy?"
She hung up on me.
I gulped, swallowing some pride and dialed her again.
As soon as the phone started ringing she hung up again.
Oh man.
After the remaining weeks had gone by, I'd exhausted all options. My friends couldn't help me and I couldn't afford a place to stay.
I was at my wit's end. I had no other options, I was really about to be homeless.
I felt it creeping on me like a curse.
I deserved this. All the emotional turmoil I probably caused her.
I needed to apologize.
I needed to beg her. I needed to grovel. Praying. Praying that she'd take some ounce of pity on me. Even if she said no I needed to do this. To try my best to make this right.
I hopped in my car and went for a drive.
About three hours later I arrived at her place. I remembered the address. I just had to hope she was still staying there.
I nervously walked up the steps, all the way to the ominous front door.
My finger shook as I rang the bell.
I waited.
I waited and waited.
My heart sank as I saw a figure move behind the glass and saw two spectacled eyes peer through the glass. Her gaze locked with mine, terrifying me. I forgot how big she was. I forgot how scary she was. How the hell did I ever have the balls to yell at this lady?
The door opened up, creaking open. Her hair was the same, the laugh lines on her face were a little deeper. Her skin looked a little worse than what I remember. She was wearing a white tee and clean pajama pants. She'd gained a little weight too. Still just as tall and muscular though, just a little more flab on her triceps and her love handles. Still not obese, or even fat for that matter, curvy to its utmost definition as the weight distributed across her colossal frame.
It had been years. The scowl she wore on her face was new though.
She closed the front door behind her, crossing her arms, pushing her cleavage as she loomed over me like a bouncer that could snap my neck with one hand. Her wide thick lips forming into a doom-ridden sneer. Her eyes were lidded down to me, her brows looking more than just irritated.
She didn't say a word.
She let me stand in front of her, stammering.
There was nothing to say. She knew why I was here.
"I... I... I just... I wanted to..."
I made the mistake of looking into her eyes for a brief second, her glare piercing me like two swords.
I quivered my lower lip as I slammed to my knees, and literally threw myself at her feet.
"Please." I said, "Please Cindy I'm begging. My Dad gambled all his money. My Mom can't have me. My friends can't have me. I can't afford an apartment. I'll literally be homeless if I don't get a place to stay. It'll be a couple of weeks. Please Cindy I promise. Please. I'm begging. I'll do anything. I'll literally do anything."
I shut my eyes, bracing for an insult or a screaming insult. Anything.
The door creaked open.
I looked up to see the front door open. Cindy standing perpendicular to me, looking away from me, holding it open for me.
"Go on." She said bluntly, "Dinner's at 7. You can sleep in your old room, it's a guest bedroom now."
I welled up with emotion. I had no right to receive so much from her.
I sprang to my feet.
"Th-thank you! Thank you Cindy! Thank you so much! I-"
"Shut up." She still wasn't looking at me, her harsh words like a knife in my stomach, "Get inside. Don't talk to me unless I speak to you first."
I opened my mouth to speak, choked my words down, and nodded.
I grabbed my bag and sprinted inside, took my shoes off, and went upstairs.
I heard the front door close behind me, she didn't even follow me, she went back to the business on her laptop silently.
I went into my old room. My instruments were gone. My posters were replaced with modern chic paintings. The walls were plain white and the carpet beige. The bed was a white full bed with some basic furniture and a clean bathroom.
My room had been completely stripped down. I'll admit there was a hint of disappointment, knowing that all my stuff had been either thrown in storage or was with my Dad, probably to be pawned off. Yet I really had no right to complain.
I sat there, stewing in my feelings, regret washing over me, singing my shoulder and nauseating me. I couldn't stand it.
I felt the tension even while she was downstairs.
I laid back on the bed and stared at the ceiling, practicing what I'd say to her tonight.
I was overthinking, panicking, doing whatever I could.
It wasn't until I heard her from downstairs that I jumped and realized it had been hours.
"Dinner's ready!"
"Uh! C-coming! Sorry!"
I came downstairs to a silent kitchen. She was there, a full plate of pasta in front of her, another full plate across from her with an empty seat.
My head hung down. I sauntered in and took my spot across from her.
My heart was pounding. I was terrified. I was nauseous and I could barely eat.
I sat, staring at my plate while I saw her, leg crossed, arms crossed, looking right at me. Waiting for me. To eat? To speak? I didn't know!
My eyes darted up at her, seeing that same terrible scowl on her face again.
I opened my mouth to speak, then closed it.
I reached for my fork.
"Did I say you could eat?" She said, disturbingly calm.
Her voice as always, husky, deep, feminine, it would vibrate the ears. Every word from her made the outside of my ears turn bright red, and a chill creep up my neck.
My shoulders went high and tight.
"N-no. I'm sorry."
I kept my hands at my side, looking left and right.
The silence was deafening.
"The worst part is... you were right..." She said.
I looked up, to see her gaze soften only slightly as she spoke.
"Your father. He was certainly a deadbeat... I think you even warned me at one point, in your own way of course... I found out he was marrying me just for the money... all the business trips he was on weren't for interviews or selling to clients... he was cheating on me, for years, all because he refused to have sex with me, even as much as I accommodated for him, after all I did to support him... he gambled my money and slept around on me... while I was stuck taking care of an ungrateful little shit at home."
I swallowed in guilt, about to puke in terror.
"Less than a year after this man divorces me... takes my money... gambles all THAT away too... leaves me with not so much as a thank you or goodbye... JUST as I'm BEGINNING to get over that chapter of my life... who shows up at my doorstep... here again... at my dinner table... eating my food that I prepared for him... without a single apology for his actions, JUST like his father..."
I was about to break down. The guilt was too much. I didn't even begin to realize how close to the divorce this had been. I didn't even realize that I hadn't even said 'sorry' yet!
I stammered, just as words were about to leave my mouth she cut me off.
"Well it's all in the past, isn't it. Go on. You're here to freeload off of me aren't you? Take advantage of me like every other man in my life? Go on then. Eat. Eat!"
I quivered. I was terrified, confused, in shock.
"I said EAT!" She snapped at me.
I grabbed my fork with shaky hands and stabbed a piece of penne. I brought it to my mouth, my lips barely open as I choked it down. I felt like I was about to throw up.
I chewed slowly...
The sauce, the seasoning, all of it, just as incredible as she used to make it. It brought tears to my eyes.
"How is it." She said bluntly.
I looked up at her, on the verge of crying.
"R-really, *sniff* really, good."
She looked at me, unmoving.
I couldn't take it anymore, as I met her eyes. The pit in my chest exploded and tears poured out of me as I began to bawl in front of her. I put the plate aside and leaned over the table, clutching my head as I weeped.
"I'm so sorry! I'm so so sorry Cindy! I'm sorry for what I said! I'm sorry for how horribly I treated you! I'm sorry that I walked all over you! I acted like such an asshole! I was so terrible to you Cindy! You didn't deserve it at all! I wanted to call! You were right about everything! My attitude! All of it! You were such a good step-mom to me and I treated you like absolute shit! I was angry at my dad and I took it out entirely on you! I!-I!-I'm sorry! Please forgive me Cindy! I can't take it anymore! I thought about what I said to you every day and I'll never forgive myself for it! I!-"
A finger was brought to my lips. I looked to my left to see her kneeling next to me at eye level, on her knees.
She wore a look, it was hard to describe, not sadness, not even forgiveness really, but not anger either. Nonchalance almost?
Her head went past mine and her massive arms wrapped around my entire body. My frame sank into hers as she pulled me into a deep hug. One hand stroking the back of my head, the other keeping me pinned to her. She let out a deep breath, almost inhaling me. I felt her shoulders relax. I almost jumped when I felt a kiss plant on the side of my head. It was foreign. It was new. Something I hadn't felt in a long time. It felt good, but I felt guilty for feeling it. All I could do was keep my arms up, crushed in her oppressive hug.
"I'm sorry." I whispered repeatedly.
"Shhhhh... it's alright now... relax... it's okay..."
As soon as she said the words, my arms came around her body and I buried my head into her shoulder, still crying.
"You wanna stay with me for a little while, don't you." It almost felt like an order, like a hypnotic suggestion.
"Y-yes..." I trembled, "Please... I'm sorry for bothering you with this..."
"It's fine... I'm so glad you're here" She whispered, "I've been so... so lonely..."
She held the hug for another minute before letting go, letting the disappointing chill of the room hit my body again.
She took her seat again, I saw her wipe away a single tear from her eye. She instantly composed herself.
"Go ahead and eat, Lyle." She said calmly.
As sweet relief came to me, so too did my appetite. I began to scarf the plate down as she watched me, amused.
There was something different about her. Something was off. Her entire being seemed completely new. She'd gone through some kind of major change, I could tell.
I didn't care at the time. I had a place to stay and a delicious meal in front of me.
"That good?" She smirked.
"Don't talk with your mouth full."
I swallowed.
"It's fine. I should hope the pasta's good... I'm Italian after all..." She muttered.
The room went quiet for another moment before she hit me with a question out of the blue.
"You're not your father's son, are you?"
I looked at her for a second.
"B-by blood I suppose..."
"You know what I mean." She went back to her cold gaze.
"Uhm... no... no I'm not... I really tried cleaning myself up in college..."
"I can see that. You grew up to be... a fine young man..." She looked me up and down.
"I, uh, like to think so."
"You did... I can tell just looking at you... so that means you'll do what you're told, won't you Lyle?"
"Y-yes. Yes absolutely. It's the least I can do. Whatever you want."
"Whatever I want? Don't challenge that."
I let out a slight chuckle, thinking she was joking, but her face was stone.
"I'm going to be putting some rules on you. Since you're here. You owe me a debt."
"It's a debt of forgiveness. For all the food I cooked you. For all the awful things you said to me. For all the favors I've done and am about to do for you. And for everything your father put me through. You're going to make up for all of it."
"I thought all was good between us..."
"Just like that? I never said I forgave you Lyle. No, that's something that needs to be earned." She said coldly.
I gulped. Guilt building in my stomach again.
"Maybe you are your father's son. Strolling in here and assuming that I'll just cook and clean for you with nothing in return..."
"N-no! No, I'm sorry! I understand! You're absolutely right!"
"Good. I'd hate to toss you on the street. A pretty thing like you wouldn't last long in that world. So, starting tomorrow, you're going to do whatever I ask, whenever I want. That means cleaning the house, doing the laundry, sweeping, mopping, dishes, trash, recycling, mowing the yard, and making my bed. I have a lot of work to do to support you and myself, so I need a little errand boy around the place. You'll leave the cooking to me. I don't trust you within an inch of that kitchen with your college boy diet."
"O...okay... yes... yes I'll do it..."
"I wasn't asking. You ARE going to do it, because if you don't... if I hear a single 'no'... you're out on the street... got it?"
"Y-yes! Yes Cindy!"
"'Ma'am' from this point forward. You'll earn the right to say my name."
"Y-yes Ma'am." I stammered, frightened.
"One more thing."
"Yes M-Ma'am."
"This will sound odd. However, I want you to understand something. As long as you're under this house. I am your mother. You're my son. That's how I'm going to treat you. I don't care if you're 22, I don't care if you're 32. Until you move out, and are able to support yourself without me, you're my precious son. So we're going to be practicing how you speak to me going forward."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean. When I tell you to do something. You do it. No back talk. No complaining. You follow my rules. You take your punishments. When I'm trying to make your life better, when I'm trying to protect you, I don't want a shred of that attitude, you'll take it because I'm your mother, and I know best, don't I?""Y...yes... Ma'am..."
"Good. That means no girls either, or guys."
"W-why, Ma'am? Like, at all? Outside of the house?"
"At all. You're my dutiful boy. You had plenty of that in college. The only things I want you thinking about in this house are me and your chores. Understand?"
I nodded, a little hesitantly.
"I can't have you distracted, we're trying to get your life on track. So finish your meal, and clean your plate. I'll let you go to bed early."
"Oh... uhm... th-thank you... M-Ma'am..."
She let out a soft smile, the first tonight. It sent a buzz of affirmation and wholeness in my chest, curing the guilt slightly.
I took a shower that night, basking in the heat of a working shower-head that wasn't being shared across multiple guys in a shitty dorm situation.
I suppose this wasn't all bad but... the more I thought about it, the weirder I remembered the situation was. What did she mean by that really? That I had to treat her like my mom?
Maybe it's an exaggerated metaphor. Cindy never acted like this when I knew her, so maybe this is just an excuse for her to be tough on me.
I wouldn't complain. I didn't have the right. Until she really forgave me I'd be in her debt and I was... fine with that...
It was a peaceful sleep that night. Happy to be in a nice warm bed, a big one at that. Maybe this wouldn't be too bad.
I curled into bed, grateful for my situation.
My eyes opened at the loud SNAP of Cindy's fingers.
I jolted awake, startled, to see the sun barely up.
I looked over, groggy and confused over to Cindy who stood in the doorway, arms crossed.
"You awake?"
"I... mmg... am now..." I rubbed my eyes.
"Good. Get up and take a shower."
"I already took one last night though..."
"I see. Did you ask me if that was okay?"
"Oh... I... no I... I figured... the bathroom was in my room... so I assumed..."
"You EARN privacy Lyle, and this isn't YOUR room anymore. Did you think you owned the place?" She raised an eyebrow.
"N-n-no. No. I assumed."
"Exactly. You assumed. There's going to be punishment for that later. Take another shower. From here on you take a shower every morning. Not before you go to bed."
"O-oh. Okay. I'm-I'm sorry."
"Don't be sorry. Be better." She said coldly, before turning away from me.
This was going to be harder than I thought. My chest panged with that guilt again.
I shot out of bed and rushed to the shower.
I dazed out, letting hot water rinse me.
Just as I was in the middle of daydreaming a life of my own, suddenly the shower curtain RIPPED open.
Cindy stood there, unamused, dressed in her robe still.
I quickly covered myself, in shock.
"That's another punishment. Showers that go past 15 minutes are also going to be dealt a punishment. That's three so far."
"Lower your tone."
"I... can you please wait outside? This is embarrassing."
"Good. That way you'll learn. That's one more punishment for talking back to me."
"W-wait come on, are you s-"
"Five now." She cut me off.
I opened my mouth to speak, closing it as I saw her expectant grim face.
"Y-yes Ma'am." I said obediently.
"Mhm. Now dry off. Shower's over."
She yanked my arm, stumbling me out of the shower, I nearly fell on top of her as I felt her raw strength pull me with shocking power.
I balanced myself on her. Before I knew what was happening a towel was flung on top of my head and I felt her violently dry my hair off.
"Come on. You need your mom to do everything, don't you?" She grunted.
I didn't know how to respond except with silence. If I fought back she'd punish me more later. I stood still until she let go and flung the towel into my arms.
She stormed out after.
I shamefully dried the rest of myself off and got dressed.
I met her downstairs, whereupon she didn't say a word to me and handed me a checklist with a long list of chores.
Mostly cleaning, but a lot of manual labor as well, with very specific instructions. If the grass grows above a certain height I must mow it or I get punished. If the laundry isn't done exactly as instructed I get punished. If there's a single dish in the sink when she starts dinner I get punished. I must ask permission for lunch, for snacks, for water, and I must tell her when I'm going to the bathroom.
I'll admit, this was getting ridiculous, but I didn't dare speak up. At least not about that...
"Uhm... Ma'am..."
She looked up from her laptop, already typing away at work, mildly annoyed that I would dare bother her with a question.
"Go on."
"Uh... w-what should I do if I finish early..."
"Then you'll tell me and I'll evaluate. When I'm satisfied, you'll stay close to me so I can keep an eye on you. I'm not letting you go be by yourself to soil my sheets with porn, or rot your brain out with that phone. My son's a good boy. So he's always going to stay in sight of his mother."
"B-but Ma'am-"
She shot me a look that pierced my very soul.
"N-nothing. Sorry."
"That's what I thought. If you want entertainment you'll sit with me when we watch TV."
"Nothing else then? Good. Go to work. I'll be here."
"Yes Ma'am." I squeaked.
By the end of the day I was exhausted. My arms drooped as I carried in the massive amount of groceries, careful to take it in multiple trips to avoid spilling. My mouth watered as I stocked the fridge and pantry, realizing I hadn't eaten all day.
I'd done the laundry, wiped the stove, cleaned the kitchen, mopped the floors, vacuumed upstairs and downstairs, mowed the lawn, did the dishes twice, and cleaned the gutters out. The only break I got was the trip to the grocery store.
As I finished with the groceries, I hunched my way over to the table Cindy was working at.
She didn't even look at me.
"What is it?"
"C-could I take lunch please."
"On any normal day I'd say yes. However, you have five punishments to get through. No lunch today. Now you're down to four."
I stammered, having to bite back a hiss of angry rebellion.
"W-well I've finished the checklist today, Ma'am... c-could I at least get a snack?"
"Then you'll sit next to me while I work and you won't complain."
"I... yes Ma'am..." I hung my head, my stomach growling.
We sat there in quiet silence, I spaced out, looking down at the floor.
I briefly glanced at her, I stared at her face for a minute. I looked to see how much different she looked, but was relatively pleased to find that age had barely touched her all that much. She still looked as though she was in her 40s, and she was, but either way it wasn't for me to judge. I had forgotten how good she looked in her own mature way.
I sauntered my eyes down lower, a sick curiosity gliding them across her body. When I looked at her cleavage my eyes widened. She... she wasn't wearing anything under her robe. I saw the pale milky valley squished together between her massive breasts. A deep deep crevice.
My eyes went back up to look away, disgusted by the thought that followed after. I went back to her face to see her cold gaze staring deep into mine.
I audibly gasped and looked away. My face bright red.
The room was silent. Her typing stopped, I could see her looking at me in my periphery.
"Were you looking at something?"
"N-no Ma'am."
"Really... because I saw you looking at me..."
"I-I wasn't..." I squeaked out.
"You wouldn't be lying to me, would you?"
"No Ma'am."
I heard the scooch of her chair and saw her figure rise, looming like a shadow as her amazonian frame started to slowly approach me.
I saw an arm suddenly come into view, and felt the soft muscular hand grip my chin tight and turn me towards her. She was inches from my face, leaning down at a 90 degree angle to meet me at eye level.
"I'm going to ask again." She said coldly.
I was terrified. My eyes locked to hers in fright. Her fingers were like vice grips into my jawbone. My hands curling into shaking fists, my heart beating out of my chest. Her hot breath hitting me, reeking of coffee and lunch. I could feel the heat of her massive body radiating off of her like an oven. It made sweat form on my neck.
Her spectacled eyes were gazing into my soul.
"Were you looking at something."
She heaved, not turning away, and keeping me locked to her gaze. I felt like she could snap my neck with two fingers.
"Y-y-y-yes." I squeaked.
"What were you looking at."
"I... I was seeing that... you didn't look so different than when I last saw you..."
"How did I look then?"
"How good."
"Great... I was... I was just thinking that you didn't... age very much..."
"That's all you were thinking?"
"Y-yes." I said bluntly, turning my eyes from her a bit.
She snapped my jaw back to her, forcing me to look her in the eyes once more as she got closer. Her nose just barely touching mine.
Her voice was deep, but low, quiet, but not a whisper. The most terrifying tone she'd ever taken with me as her eyes refused to blink.
"Lie to me again, and I'll rip your balls off. Last chance."
I gasped, my face blue with fright.
"I... I j-just noticed you weren't anything under your robe... it-it-it caught me off guard..." I whispered, almost sobbing the words out.
"So you decided to look at my breasts?"
She raised a brow.
I almost choked on my tongue as I was forced to admit it.
"Y-yes... m-my eyes wandered... I'm-I'm sorry..."
She remained silent. Terrifyingly silent.
Her head stayed still, but her shoulders moved, she was doing something.
I heard the zip and slide of fabric, the string on her robe was being pulled.
As she leaned back, I saw her slowly and silently slide the top of her robe to her shoulders, letting two massive breasts spill out.
I gasped audibly, quickly averting my gaze.
"Don't look away." She ordered.
I shuddered as I turned back to her, now eye level with two colossal bags of flesh. Mouthwatering to behold. Sagging only slightly with their weight and age, but still incredibly round. Massive pink areolas staring me in the face with diamond hard nipples at the end, the rubbery tips almost as big as my mouth. Each breast was three times as big as my head. They were a marvel to look at. If they weren't attached to Cindy I'd have been in heaven.... Alas...
"Do they look good to you, Lyle?"
I kept my mouth shut. I had to hold back my nausea. Why was she doing this?
"I asked you a question, Lyle. Do you like how my breasts look? Since you felt the need to stare at them."
She leaned on my armrest, leaning forward to let them dangle a bit, letting me see the massive crevice between them, radiating with her mature musk and sweat. I could almost taste it from there. It was a horrible taste. It made the guilt rise in me, shamefully.
Humiliation was spilling into all parts of my brain, tightening my body into a painful knot.
She was staring down at me. Her expression was terrifyingly neutral, unable to be read. Was she proving a point to me? Or was she... was she really asking?
"Th-they look g-good... I can see them, thank you M-Ma'am."
"Next time you want to look at me like that, you ask, understand?" She said, suddenly very warmly, a motherly lilt in her voice.
"Y-yes Ma'am."
"Good. Now touch them."
"Touch them. They're a distraction, so you need to be used to them. Your father doesn't live here anymore, and you don't have any right to dictate how I stay comfortable. I'll be dressed how I please, which in my case means not wearing a top or bra unless I feel it's appropriate. So I don't want you ogling each time you see them."
"M-Ma'am that doesn't... that doesn't feel entirely necessary- oh..."
She grabbed me by the hand, softly guiding it up to one of her massive tits. She turned my palm, cupping my fingers right underneath one of them.
I went silent. Terrified, confused, and yet also... mesmerized.
The heat and the warmth of her skin. It's thickness and weight. It's softness and feel. It was admittedly heavenly.
She pushed my hand deeper.
"Don't be shy. Grab it."
I froze, still mortified.
"Grab it or I punish you more, Lyle." She threatened.
I squeaked and grasped my fingers, sinking my flesh in the doughy bag of her mature breast. It was incredible, it felt amazing on my skin. I wanted to keep touching it. It felt incredible in my hand. It was so heavy, like I was holding a pulsing mound of warmth and love.
I hypnotically grabbed and squeezed.
Her hand came up and grabbed mine, moving it to her nipple and slowly made me move it in slow circles.
"Like this. This is how I like it."
She pushed my hand into her breast, the thick skin swallowing my tiny hand, letting the massive hard nipple rub against my palm.
She was treating me like I'd never touched a woman before, perhaps to let the humiliation of all of this sink in.
To admit that I liked this forced session on fondling, it's surely what she wanted. I needed to be better, to not be as depraved and disgusting as she clearly is trying to convey to me...
"Hm?" She chimed, almost smiling, as she fondled herself with my hand.
"This... this is really inappropriate I think... c-can we stop please?"
The exact opposite of what I expected. Her face returned to that cold glare, letting out a deep and frustrated sigh.
She closed her robe and returned to her seat silently.
I stammered, confused. Surely she didn't want me to really do that?
"Did... did I do something wrong?"
"No." She said bluntly, "Nothing at all."
... I was horrified... I clearly did something wrong...
"W-will I be punished more?"
"I said you didn't do anything wrong didn't I?"
"Then nothing's wrong. Go get a snack."
I stammered again, still confused.
"Do I need to repeat myself?"
"N-no! Th-thank you M-Ma'am!"
I scurried to the kitchen and stared longingly at the fridge for an actual meal. Fearing that she'd find out I grabbed more than a snack, I did as she asked and grabbed a bar instead.
I sauntered back to the long dining table she was working at, taking my seat beside her.
I scarfed it down quietly, being as polite as I could while I satiated my angering hunger.
As I ate, I looked up to see her observing me seemingly out of nowhere.
Her hand was playfully on her chin, leaning forward as she unabashedly scanned me up and down.
"Did you work out while you were in college?"
"Y-yes Ma'am... I majored in agriculture so I worked on some local farms..."
"I see that..." She breathed out.
My face went red as she continued to blanket my body in her intimidating gaze.
I didn't look in her eyes, just accepting this body burning scan, quietly observing me as I shifted uncomfortably.
"Lyle..." She chimed.
"Stand up and turn around for me..."
"...Uhm... okay..."
I got out of my chair and slowly turned. I wouldn't see the drop in her gaze as she witnessed my perky butt, an insecurity of mine as a man.
What I did hear was the heavy sigh that escaped her breathing lips.
"Wow..." I heard her whisper.
I heard the chair scoot again.
With two light pats of her bare feet on the hard wood, I felt the heat of her body behind me. I felt the heave of her heavy breaths.
Her towering form, looming over me as I stood, my back turned to her.
It wasn't long before her firm hands traveled to my body, I jumped at her warm touch as she slid them along my waist, and up my torso. Her hands sliding across my chest, the hot pads soothing my body, making me quiver as my body involuntarily relaxed. Her hands went to my shoulders, kneading them slightly.
"O-oh..." I gasped.
Her strength was so vast, that even this light massage was loosening the knots in my upper body. She continued to squeeze and rub.
"Lyle..." She lilted, low and soft, heavenly, calm.
"Yes..." I whispered, my mouth open with profound relaxation hitting me.
"Are you single?"
"Do you have a girlfriend?"
"N-no Ma'am..."
"Did you explore yourself in college?"
"Y-yes Ma'am."
"How much."
"I don't know what you mean Ma'am..."
"Yes you do. Don't be coy."
"A... a lot..."
"I thought so... it's only natural... did you try things with men?"
"Why... Ma'am?"
"I'm curious. Can I not make conversation with you?" She said calmly, still kneading my shoulders.
Her hands were loosening everything in my upper body, I almost wanted to collapse into her embrace. The massage was making me melt before her. Opening me up. Like this was a known tactic of interrogation.
It was working.
"I... I did..."
"Did you like it?"
"It was confusing... I broke up with him after a week..."
"Did you bottom?"
"I don't know if I'm really attracted to men... and I figured that out quickly I think..."
"That doesn't mean anything. Women can have dicks too. Did you ever try bottoming for a woman?"
"I didn't... know that there were any women into that..."
Suddenly her hands started to slide down my back...
"Would you bottom for a woman?"
"I... I don't really know Ma'am..."
Her hands got closer and closer to my butt.
"Uhm... Ma'am..."
"Oh!" I jumped.
Her hands went down to my ass, cupping each cheek, and squeezing. Her grip was tight, possessive, aggressive, and controlling. It went against her demeanor, it was the tight hold on my ass that an overly-drunk frat boy gives to a girl in a club. Yet she was breathing, calmly, and quietly.
"What's wrong."
"W-why are you touching me there Ma'am?"
"I'm inspecting you..."
"Oh... okay... uhm... may I ask why?"
"It's a problem..."
"W-what is?" I stuttered, her hand still kneading my butt.
"You got attractive. You slutted yourself out in college too. I was certain a brat like you would grow into some disgusting slob like your father... yet here you are... inheriting your mom's genes from the looks of it."
The emasculation of that statement, especially while she felt up my rear, hit deep. I couldn't help but let out a meek little whisper of uncomfort.
"This is a problem."
"Oh... I'm... sorry then Ma'am..."
"I pictured you like your Dad while you called me that one time... then when you showed up at my door, I was disappointed to see that you'd grown into something lovely..."
"W-why is that bad?"
Her hands finally let go of my butt, slapping them loudly on my shoulders and squeezing threateningly, keeping me locked to the floor as I felt her breathing get heavier. Sighing and almost breathing me in through her nose over and over as my eyes went wide with fear.
What the fuck was going on?!
"Because it means once you take a step outside that door, it means you're going to want to continue to be a slut for every man and woman in this town... and I can't have that... you're mine... as long as you're under this roof you're mine... do you understand what I'm saying Lyle?"
"I... I think so..." I said meekly.
"Tell me what I mean Lyle."
"Y-you... don't want me distracted by men and women right now... so that I can get my life on track...?"
"Almost. Why else."
"...Because you're mine."
"Oh... okay..."
"I want you to say it back to me so that you understand. Say it back to me."
"I'm... I'm yours..." I cringed the words out.
Her grip tightened on me, as she let out a deep heaving sigh, hitting my neck with a wave of uncomfortable moist heat. Her head was feet above me, meaning she breathed hard enough for that to travel all the way down.
"I'm glad you understand. So when you're getting me groceries, and someone starts to hit on you, I want you to tell them that you're taken. Do you understand?""...Yes..." I said, mildly disappointed.
"Good. The last thing you need right now is a girlfriend. Your focus needs to be on me... now... I'm hungry, and it's five thirty, I'm going to start dinner."
"O-okay... do you need my help?"
"No. Go watch TV. I'll allow it tonight, since you were obedient."
She released her hands from my shoulders, and stomped into the kitchen. Every heavy footfall vibrated the wooden boards.
I swallowed my confusion and walked over to the couch.
Dinner was ready a couple of hours later, some chicken breast with greens and rice.
We sat quietly across from each other in the kitchen dining table, which was smaller and more intimate than the one that she worked at normally.
I tried my best not to inhale the food in front of me. Tasting amazing as always.
Maybe this was an opportunity to converse a little bit... but... god she was terrifying. Even sat she loomed above me. Making brief eye contact with me as I tried to find an opening or a moment of courage to start talking.
Finally speaking up after minutes of intense silence.
"M-may I... strike some conversation?"
"Go on." Eyes not leaving her plate.
"Um... well... what have you been doing this entire time? I... well I suppose it's obvious... but I haven't talked to you in years..."
"I've been working. Dealing with the aftermath of my divorce, since your mother so lovingly found a loophole to get half of my money taken from me." She said, eyeing me.
Shit. Great fucking job Lyle.
"I wasn't... I wasn't really aware of all that until a few months after it happened... I don't keep up with my Dad a lot..."
"You still could have called me then." She fired back bluntly, calling me out.
"I... I could have... yes..."
"I wonder what you were doing during that time that stopped you."
"I... uhm... I was scared to talk to you... because-"
"-Because of the last thing you said to me?"
"It's fine."
"It's... it's really not Ma'am. I really do regret what I said to you, and how I treated you..."
"I don't know if that's true or not until you officially are able to make it up to me."
"What could I do to prove that Ma'am... I'd really like to try..."
"You're on a good track so far. When I punish you tonight... we'll see how far you're willing to go..."
I gulped. I forgot all about that.
"R-right. I'll... I'll go as far as I need to Ma'am."
"We'll see about that, won't we?"
He poured herself another glass of wine.
Something I was noticing about her, and maybe the reason her skin wasn't looking as great, was that she was consuming wine... a lot...
She was on her third glass already. However I think this was her second bottle tonight. Her face was a little pink, and her eyes a little lidded already.
As she brought it to her lips, swallowing it bitterly, she looked at me, pausing for a second with a brief flash of anger across her face.
"So which part do you regret the most, about what you said, Lyle."
"All of it."
"Be specific."
"I... I don't know if I'd like to relive it right now..."
"Too bad. I asked you a question, now answer." She said, impatience bubbling.
"When I... when I called you a hag... I was... I was trying to think of the most hurtful thing I could say."
"Say the whole thing."
"Ma'am I-"
"SAY IT!" She snapped.
I startled.
"I... I called you a miserable, middle-aged, hag..."
"That's what I am, aren't I? I'm certainly miserable, and I'm certainly middle aged. So were you wrong?"
"Liar." She took another swig from her glass
"No! No I really don't! I promise!"
"Do you think I'm beautiful then?" She asked suddenly.
"Uhm... I... well... I can't say that..."
"Why not. Because it isn't true?"
"No! I-I-I can't say things like that because you're my step-mom! It's... it would be weird!"
She froze. Her expression was one of shock.
"You... you still think I'm your step-mom?" She almost melted a little.
"Why wouldn't you be, Ma'am?"
"You said to me that I was a stranger, that I would never be a part of your family, and that I wasn't your Mom. You said that, Lyle."
"Yes... I did... and I regret it... because it wasn't true... you were... probably the only parent at the time that was putting in the most effort and I wanted attention from my parents... but I was only getting it from you... and it made me angry... so I lashed out..."
Her expression that read sadness and true happiness for just a brief moment went back to her cold gaze, shutting herself from those feelings.
"Well. Maybe I don't see you the same way anymore, Lyle. Maybe I look at you differently, especially now that you're grown up."
"I'd understand that. I wouldn't blame you."
She looked away, going quiet again.
We ate in silence for the rest of the meal.
As we cleared our plates, I took hers and brought it to the sink, cleaning up after her and getting the dishes in the washer.
As I did so, she didn't leave the room, just continued sipping wine. She was on her fifth glass now maybe.
"After your Dad divorced me..."
Oh no. Not again. We just got through this, I can't handle anymore tonight.
"... I took a really long look at myself... I realized you were right about almost everything... your father was using me for my money... I was sad... and I was settling for him... because that's what I'd done my whole life. I'd settled. I was unhappy. I had a near breakdown after realizing that I was in my 40s now and I'd never once just done something for me. My life was spent servicing others, and letting piece of shit men tell me what to do with my life. That I should marry, have a husband, have a couple of kids. My care for you, my parenting, it was out of necessity. I didn't feel an ounce of love for you. I thought I had to, so I tried my best. I realized after dealing with you I didn't want a son. Hell I didn't want a kid at all..."
That stung harder than anything. I had to physically fight the urge to leave the room after that comment.
"...After I had that... shockwave... of independence hit me. I started doing things for me. I went to bars and clubs, hung out with my girls, hit on men... young men... hot young men... even though it never ended up going anywhere... they'd always run out on me last minute. I even did drugs that I'd never tried before. I took up hobbies. I told myself, swore to myself that I'd never do anything for men ever again in my life. That the next time someone came begging and scraping for my help that I'd kick them to the curb... and then you show up. After I heard your call I was ready to beat you half to death if you showed up on my step... and then I saw you... and I... something came over me... I didn't know what it was..."
She put her wine glass to the side, standing now, across from me in the kitchen.
"...But now I think I know... Lyle... Do you think I'm beautiful?"
I turned, meekly looking up at her from across the room. She was breathing heavily. Her expression was terrifying. Like she was about to leap on top of me. Her scowl screaming with some kind of visceral intent that I couldn't place.
"I... I don't understand the question... you're-you're scaring me a little Ma'am..."
"It's a yes or no question. Answer me. Be honest. If I weren't your step-mom. Would you say I'm beautiful?"
"I... I suppose..."
"Yes. Or. No." She growled.
"Do you still think I'm some miserable hag?"
"N-no Ma'am."
"What part of me do you think is beautiful. Be specific."
"Your... face... it's nice to look at... and... your..."
She started to walk slowly towards me, sauntering, hovering above me as she began to close on me.
"My what."
"Your... your body..." I trailed off.
"What about it."
"It's... big... and... uhm..."
"Do you like big women, Lyle."
"Y-yes." It slipped out, why the fuck did I just say that to my step-mom?!
Suddenly, her entire body language shifted. More terrifying than I'd ever seen her before. Her entire look changed into some sort of heaving predatory beast.
She let out a frantic and desperate breath, startling me as she began to thud quickly over to me. Within seconds she was on me. Her body pressed tightly to mine. I raised my hands to cower in fear but she grabbed my wrists and practically pinned them to the kitchen counter. She was now inches from my face. Her look was wild and crazy, her eyes were wide, looking my face up and down repeatedly. Her mouth was opening and closing, inching forward and backward like she was about to try something.
"You..." She breathed, "When I see you now... I just... it makes me go fucking crazy... with that hot fucking body... and that perfect little ass!" She growled through her grit teeth.
"M-ma'am! I-"
"-For some reason... when I see you... I just wanna take care of you... I just wanna love you up, you little shit, and you make me so fucking angry when I look at you... but then... then I see those hot lips... and that fucking face with those eyes... and I wanna rip you apart... fuck... fuck baby..."
She began grinding her crotch on me. All of her body pressing into me. Her massive breasts mashing against my chest. Her lips were curling into a terrifying snarl, baring her teeth as she was like a beast on top of me. I was wrapped in all of her flesh, unable to move or escape.
"I know... I know what it is now..." She panted, "I changed my mind about you... I wanna take care of you baby... I wanna be your momma... I wanna make you mine... I'm done playing fucking games with you, you little fucking tease! I just!-"
She cut herself off, breathing harshly, heavy, loudly. Her mouth opened in a biting gesture for a second. Her look was furious. I didn't even know what the fuck was happening.
Her hands SMACKED onto either side of my face! Crushing my skull as she applied max pressure on me! I felt her nails dig into my scalp! Her face got bigger and bigger, cocking itself at an angle as she got closer and closer to me! She was yanking my face up, closer to hers!
"C-cindy! Please, you're scaring m-GLLMMGH!?!?!"
My eyes bulged from my skull.
Her mouth shot forward, latching onto my lips.
"MMMMMMMMMMGHHHHHHHHHHHH!~~" She groaned orgasmically into me. Her eyes rolling to the back of her head, lidding them like she was tasting the finest food she'd ever eaten.
Her tongue punched into my mouth as she instantly began making out with me. Holding me captive as she smacked loudly against my mouth, grunting like a beast into my throat as she raped my mouth with her massive tongue. I felt the wet appendage slosh and spin inside me, feeding me her spit as she smacked and slurped on my lips loudly.
"MMGH! *Smack!* *Schlorp!* *Smack*" MGHFF! MMGHHGHH! *Slap!* *Smack!*" She snorted into me, as she loudly plunged her tongue in and out of me.
The room was all quiet except for the orgasmic groaning, and the echoing exchange of fluid, as her mouth devoured my face. Her hands still locked onto either side of my head, and her massive body kept me pinned to the counter.
Her massive lips were enveloping mine, forcing them open with each exchange into my mouth. My head moved with the motion of her muscle shooting in and out of me. Her tongue was so big in fact that it would poke through my cheeks every time, you could see her exploring my mouth slowly but harshly, savoring me like a meal.
I frantically tried pushing her off of me, grunting in panic, high pitched and uncomfortable. Still in shock as to what was happening.
Why was Cindy kissing me?!
Her face was desperately rotating left and right, plunging into me. Her nose mashing into my face as she got as deep into me as possible. Her jaw pried open on my mouth as she stretched my lips apart. Loudly spinning her slimy saliva into me as she held my jaw apart with her hands, pulling her face back a few centimeters as if to show an invisible camera that she was making out with me.
"Augh... ah... auh..." She moaned audibly
Practically showing the audience her tongue spinning around mine like a strand of DNA, before shoving herself back in and suffocating my mouth with her massive lips as if to show us what was happening inside me.
All my screams were muffled by her. Her lips crushing themselves onto mine, her face contorting and her cheeks hollowing as she destroyed my mouth.
Looking like she was gnawing and chewing on me if you were to see if from behind. The skinny lad completely swallowed by this woman's body, only able to see me from the side, and see her pixie cut rotating in circles as she loudly and sloppily clicked her lips and ate me. My panicked expression for all to see as my worried eyes darted around the room for any means of escape.
She pulled back a little bit, breathing frantically and desperate, with a loud clap of her lips. She tossed her glasses onto the counter. Her mouth agape, sucking in breath orgasmically, as she viciously ripped the string of her robe off and let it fall to the floor. Her entire naked form in front of me now.
I had seconds to take it all in before she flung herself on top of me again. In those brief moments, I saw her eyes wide and horrifying, her breasts as massive as they were before, bouncing with every violent motion. I saw her belly, wide, mature, but curvaceous, and then her vast hips. Her ass, wide and girthy, making the outline of her body almost 8-shaped. Then down to her massive nest of dark pubes with her massive cock sticking o-...
I gasped as I saw it, briefly. Shaped like the biggest veiny sausage I'd ever seen, with tennis balls for a pair of nuts. It had to have been almost 10 inches long. So big and thick that the foreskin couldn't even get over the top of her cockhead, wrapped tightly around it instead. Her pink circular head was the same width as her shaft.
"C-cindy what is th-"
She cut me off by pressing herself against me again. This time wrapping her arms around me in a tight hug, instantly making out with me again as her hands went down to my ass and YANKED my waist against hers.
"MMH!" I squealed into her mouth as she gripped my cheeks tightly and brought me close to her.
Awkwardly and quietly humping herself against me and my clothes. I could feel it. I wasn't seeing things. Her rigid cock, soft and hard, uncomfortably hot, and throbbing with blood, was sliding up and down my shirt. I could feel the hot precum seep through my tee, it felt like she was spreading hot jelly all over my stomach as she grinded her entire body against me.
My arms were trapped at my sides, wrapped in a boa constrictor hold as she squeezed all the air out of me.
Briefly pulling away from me, holding her gasping face cm's from my own as she looked me up and down again. She was still humping my torso at the same time...
"Ugh... fuck... fuck baby... see how much you turn me on? Huh?... It took everything for me not to just bend you over in that shower... ever taken a woman's cock before?... Huh?..."
"C-cindy! This is really weird! Pl-"
"Don't call me that. Call me Momma... do it... come on..."
"M... Momma..." I cringed, "Please let me go... I won't tell anyone-"
"MMMHHH! God I fucking love hearing you say it!! I could just- MGH!"
She rocketed her head forward and started planting firm wet kisses all over my grimacing face.
"Mh! MMH! MH! MH! YOU'RE JUST SO FUCKING CUTE! MH! MH! MHM! MH!" She grunted between each loud smooch, peppering me all over.
The kisses started to turn into loooong drags of her tongue across my face, coating me in a thick layer of her spit as she tasted me.
"Mgh... Cindy... please..." I said quietly as she licked me.
With one final drag of her tongue across my cheek, she buried her nose into my hair and took a deep whiff, heaving out a degenerate sigh like she'd smelled the finest perfume.
"Auh... Fuck... Lyle baby... you're delicious... I could eat you boy takes such good care of himself... but he still needs his Momma... doesn't he."
She brought herself back in front of my face, holding me by the head.
"Doesn't he..." She said louder, for emphasis.
I was so uncomfortable. I couldn't answer, my lips quivering in fear as I shut my eyes and looked away from her.
Her orgasmic expression morphed into anger, her lips curling into a deep scowl.
She took me by the head and threw me to the floor lightly, letting me tumble onto the tile. Unharmed, but enough to surprise me.
I looked up at her in fear, seeing her stand over me. Her cock looming over my face as she jerked herself off wildly, in an ugly way. The loud slick of her cock rubbing back and forth was polluting my ears as she stared down at me, grunting softly.
"I just remembered. We still need to punish you."
"Cindy please... w-wait..."
"Are you repulsed by me Lyle?"
"I... no..."
"Were you lying when you said I was beautiful? Because you know what happens to liars in this house... they get more severe punishments Lyle..."
"N-no! No I wasn't... I wasn't lying! I just d-didn't mean it in that way! You're my step parent! It's weird!"
"I don't fucking care. This feels so fucking right baby. I don't wanna stop. I know you want me too. I saw the way you were ogling my tits earlier today... don't pretend you weren't thinking about it..."
"I-I wasn't! Cindy! Please listen!-"
"It doesn't matter either way... you still need to learn your fucking lesson for disrespecting me. See this cock? This was the reason your father didn't even fucking TOUCH me in bed! I was accommodating, I bottomed, I did anything I could to make him happy and he still fucking cheated on me with some young slut from some college! So I'm gonna do the same... and plus, you're in debt from your father's actions, not just your own..."
She was still wildly jacking her cock in front of me, her hand gliding up and down, her wrist slack as she easily shifted the skin back and forth, leaking copious musky precum onto the tiles.
"This is gonna be your first punishment. Kiss it. Kiss the tip of my cock. In fact, from now on, when you're living here. You're going to give my cock a goodnight kiss every fucking night! Uh huh. So bring those hot lips over here and smooch my girl." She breathed out every order in a husky orgasmic rasp.
I sat there on the floor, stammering
"NOW!" She barked.
I jolted and my legs moved on their own, crawling towards her powerful thick thighs.
I crawled up to her, staring up at her. Her eyes looming over her breasts, down at me.
"Go on..." She whispered
I just needed to do it quickly and it would be over.
I swallowed.
My hands grabbed onto her massive legs as I brought up my head. My eyes face-to-face with the angry pink tip, throbbing at me. It smelled musky, it smelled salty and sweaty. It smelled like perversion and lust. The veins running down the pepsi-can thickness coursing with pent up sexual frustration. It had probably been years since anybody had touched her down here.
My nose inhaled the wet moist precum that was leaking from her tip.
My lips twitched as they softly pursed themselves together. I had to shut my eyes as I saw the rubbery end of her dick grow larger and larger. It was bigger than my entire mouth.
I stuck my lips out and daintily kissed the end. I nearly pulled my head back in disgust. My lips touched the overwhelmingly hot and fleshy end. I felt all the blood inside and the muscle. It was terrifyingly foreign on my mouth.
Suddenly, she let out a horrifying grunt, and her cock splorted a rope of pre right across my lips. I gasped in shock as I recoiled.
"Lick that up." She breathed.
I grimaced, my tongue slowly leaving my mouth and circling my lips.
"Slower. Eye contact. Look at me." She snapped her fingers.
I looked up at her with my adorable face, to her scowling, half horny, half furious, look. Her chest heaving with sadistic glee.