Hunter’s love for Futa

Chapter 270: One Night of Pizza Deliveries by Jack_King_Goff

The First Delivery

Benny had been working for Big Louie's Pizzeria for awhile now. It had been a little over a year, he mainly worked as a busboy or waiter. Every now and then, Benny would occasionally step in as a host as well. He enjoyed this job a lot. However, a lot of the delivery drivers were quitting recently. It didn't make any sense to Benny, Big Louie (Benny and other employees usually just called him Lou) was extremely kind to everyone. Sure, he was loud and a bit rude, but he cared for all of his employees. Lou's main concern when it came to his employees, they were to be punctual and kept themselves and their uniform clean. He always talked about showing yourself and your belongings a certain level of respect.

Benny was 22 and never went to college. He wasn't very attractive and could never get a girlfriend in high school. With his social anxiety, he had trouble meeting any women after high school as well. The thought of never finding love was prevalent in his mind. He wasn't even sure if he was completely straight anymore either. His search history was full of futanari porn lately. He wonder what it was like for the guys in the videos. The thought of the feeling and taste of cock was constantly circling around in his head. But for some reason he could never admit to himself that he might not be into regular women. Maybe he liked fat, veiny, juicy, heavy cocks. But deep down, he really just wanted to taste of a futa-cock. If he got the taste, then maybe he could admit to himself that he loved futanari and he loved cock.

Benny walked into work and was ready to help set up the dining area before Big Louie's opened for dinner. Lou stepped out of his office and yelled for Benny. Benny ran over and the two of them stepped into his office. He sat down across the desk from his boss, and he was confused as to why he was there. He hadn't done anything wrong, yet Lou seemed stressed for some reason.

"Thanks for comin' in kid." Big Lou said with a thick Brooklyn accent. "Ya can stop ya stressin', ya ain't in any kinda trouble."

"Oh, thank god." Benny let out a sigh of relief, it was comforting to know he didn't do anything wrong.

"Nah, I'm sure you are aware of the fuckin' situation with all of our delivery drivers, correct?" Benny silently nodded to his boss's question. "Good, well, I need someone to make our deliveries tonight. We already fuckin' short staffed as is, but I need ya to deliver for tonight."

"Ok, I guess I can make the deliveries tonight."

"Great news kid! We already have one order ready to be delivered. So I won't be wastin' anymore of ya time." Lou gestured to the door and went back to his paperwork.

Benny got up and walked over to the counter. He saw a single pizza sitting there with a receipt on top. He picked up the pizza and headed out to his car. He put the address, 11837 N. Calvert, into his phone. The house was in a suburb outside of his town, called Futradon. He listened to some music on the quick 15 minute drive. It was pretty peaceful and easy. He kind of enjoyed it a little more than working in the dining area of the restaurant.

He entered the neighborhood, "11833... 11835... aaaand he we are." Benny parked his car on the street in front of the house.

He stepped out of his car and grabbed the pizza. He briskly walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. He stood there tapping his foot to the beat of the song he was just listening to. After standing there for a few seconds, the door opened and he was greeted by a tall woman. She was in her late twenties and was much taller than Benny. He was only 5'3, but she was at least 6'6. And she was fit, but she wasn't that muscular. She was fairly skinny and had pale skin. The woman also had long blonde hair and blue eyes. She was very pretty and seemed super kind.

"Hel-hello, I have your pizza. You're Valerie, correct?" This was Benny's first time having to deliver, he didn't really know exactly what to say.

"Yep, that's me" Valerie said with a little smirk. She took the pizza and stepped back a little. "I have a tip, but I left it in my room. You can come in and wait while I grab it, if you want?"

"Oh, oh... uh... sure, that's fine." Benny stepped inside, a little unsure of the situation that was going on. But, maybe this type of thing happens a lot.

As Benny walked into the door, Valerie closed the door behind him and locked it without him noticing. She walked into her room and pulled her pants off. She walked back out and saw Benny's face get all red. He watched as this woman walked towards him and pulled her shirt off, revealing her perky tits. However, the thing that caught his attention was be large swinging dong. In between her lanky legs was a long thin cock. At least 12" long, and it was getting harder as she walked closer to him. Benny backed up right against the door. It was an uncomfortable feeling seeing her walk closer with with long dick. He had no where to go, so he just stood there watched her get close.

"Just calm down." She grabbed onto his shoulder and gently pushed him to his knees. "I just need you to suck me off really quick. I've been really backed up and I could really use your help. Now listen, if you really don't want to do this I can unlock the door and we can forget this ever happened. But by the look in your eyes, I can tell you really want a taste." She swung her cock up and down enticingly.

"I'm sorry, but I'm actually working right now, s-so..." Benny squeaked out looking at the floor.

"Hey babe." Valerie squatted down and placed her finger under his chin and made him look at her. "I think your super cute, and I think you would really love this cock. How about you take a few minutes for yourself and enjoy the moment." She placed a quick kiss on his forehead and stood back up.

"She's right" Benny thought to himself. "I'm might not get another chance like this. I need to do what's best for me sometimes."

Benny grabbed her shaft and pulled the foreskin back to reveal her bulbous head. The was leaking a good amount of pre-cum onto the floor.

"Lick it up." Valerie was looking down at Benny and demanded him to clean up the pre-cum. "I don't want a mess on my floor."

At first he was hesitant to do so, this was his first time with a futa and would be his first time tasting semen. But, Benny did as we was told and licked up the strand of pre-seed. It was salty and had a weird, yet intoxicating tanginess to it. For some reason, Benny wanted more of it and latched on to her cock. It was odd, it was as if his body took over and started suckling her cock's head. Now he was slurping up her dick like a hungry slut. A hand rested on his head and encouraged him to go deeper on her cock.

"Use your hands baby, jerk it at the base." Valerie moaned and threw her head back with pleasure.

Benny did as he was told and wrapped both of his hands around the base of her dick. He took his head off for a second, and spit a glob of saliva onto her shaft. With his hands, he lubed up the rest of her cock. He choked and gagged on her meat-pole while trying to get more of that addictive cum out. He was moving his head and hands faster and faster, self-impaling her cock into his throat.

"Keep going baby!" She gripped on to his hair tight and pulled him all the way onto her cock. "I'm so close!"

While he was at her base, he used his tongue to lick her balls. He would swirl his tongue around and he could feel her getting ready to explode. She was swelling up and pulsing in his throat. Pre-cum was profusely leaking out into his stomach.

"Oh Fuck!!" Valerie threw her head back and started to unload directly into his throat.

A gallon of hot, sticky goo poured down his throat and into his stomach. There was so much and the musk was overwhelming. Benny thought he was going to pass out from the lack of oxygen. Whenever he thought she had finished, another shot of cum would jet out into his swollen stomach. What felt like an eternity of getting drowned in futa-seed, was really just three minutes. Valerie was finally empty and she pulled her now-flaccid cock out of his open mouth. It was like a magic trick, the shaft just seemed to keep coming out and never ending. Her cock had a slimy sheen to it. The monster cock was totally covered from base to tip in saliva and semen. She just stood there and let the slime drip onto her hardwood floor.

"You've been such a good little stress reliever for me." She patted his head and stroked his hair while he was sitting on his knees. "Now, wait right here and I'll get you an actual tip."

She ran back to her room, her flaccid, spit-soaked cock flapping and spraying the whole house as she moved. Benny just sat there, a little stunned from what had just happened to him. His mind was still so fuzzy from the whole situation. All he could think about was that delicious taste left in his mouth. He knew that futanari cum was highly addictive, but he never knew that it worked this fast. His mind was racing thinking about futa-seed and how he could get more. He looked down and saw the small pool that she had left. Part of his brain was saying how disgusting it would be. The other part of his mind however, was so loud that Benny couldn't even hear his voice of reason. He indulged in his desires and got on all fours and started licking up the semen. It was so good and savory as he lapped up every single drop. The cum was still warm and delicious. It melted on his tongue and oozed down his throat. Valerie walked out to see him finish up cleaning the jizz.

"Oh my..." She covered her mouth with her hands, but he could see large smile forming. "I've never met someone who got so addicted so fast. I wish I could keep you around and have you clean up all of my messes. I was going to give you $10 as a tip but, here's $15"

He took the money and got up to his feet. "Thanks you ma'am, I really appreciate it."

"No, thank you cutie." She bent over and gave him a kiss on his wet cheek. "I'm gonna start having a lot more pizza delivered." She opened the door and let him out.

Benny's head still wasn't firing on all cylinders when he said, "I'll be seeing you around then, love ya!"

Valerie giggled a little and waved to the cum-drunk delivery boy. "Love you too, cutie."

The Second Delivery

Benny drove back to the restaurant and parked his car. He sat in the parking lot be fixed himself up a little. The other employees were all a bit nosey and would ask too many questions about his appearance. He had to make sure he looked exactly the same as he did when he left. Looking in the mirror, he looked good enough and walked out of the car and towards the building.

"Hey kid!" Big Lou was walking towards him at a slow pace. "Finally, took ya long enough!"

"S-sorry sir, the traffic on the way back was a bit slow." Benny looked at his boss, hoping he would buy his blatant lie.

"Eh, no big deal." He placed his massive hands on Benny's shoulder. "Ya weren't gone for too long anyhow. Next time though, try an' be a bit more, uh... punctual. Aight kid?"

"Yes sir, it won't happen again." Benny let out a sigh of relief.

"Don't get too comfortable there yet kid. Ya already got another delivery to make." Lou pointed at another pizza box on the counter.

The address to the next delivery was located in the same suburb of Futradon. It was a slightly worse neighborhood. As he got back into his car, Benny took a deep breath. If a similar situation happened again, he wouldn't be able to lie to his boss again. He started towards the route and hoped to get there soon.

The second he hit the highway, the traffic came to a complete standstill. There was an accident a few miles up ahead. Cop cars and ambulance rushed past as everyone else sat still. It felt like karma to Benny for lying about the traffic earlier. He just had to sit there and wait. It was incredibly boring just listening to music in traffic. It then dawned of Benny, Big Louie's has a 30 minute delivery guarantee. It had already been thirty minutes just from the traffic alone. He knew he was going to have to deal with an angry customer when he arrived. Unfortunately there was nothing he could do about it. Tapping his fingers on the steering wheel to the rhythm of the song, he watched as the traffic started to clear up.

As soon as Benny was out of the jam, he sped up and was determined to get there in a few minutes. The whole time he was thinking about the customer. He was playing the situation in his head and how he could handle it.

The car stopped at the address and Benny jumped out and grabbed the pizza. As he ran to the front door, he realized a woman sitting on the porch. She had her arms crossed and looked very unhappy. She was in her mid-twenties and covered in tattoos and piercings. Her hair was shaved on the sides and the top was dyed blood red.

Benny ran over as fast as he could and immediately started to apologize. "I'm so, so-"

"Do you have any idea how long I've been waiting." She barked, interrupting him and causing him to stop dead in his tracks. "Your website said '30 minute delivery guarantee', yet you're here almost an hour after I ordered. I might just call your supervisor and demand a refund and tell him how long it took you."

"No, no, no! No need to do that." Benny knew he would be in big trouble if he was late again, and he also how much Lou hated losing money. "I'm sure we could sort something out. Just please don't call my boss."

"Maybe there is something you could help me with." She placed her hand on a growing bulge in her yoga pants.

Benny practically started drooling at the sight of her bulge. There was an outline of a thick shaft in her pants. His mind went blank and all he could think about was futa cock and cum. His legs were getting wobbly as the bulge in her pants continued to grow.

"Let's go inside." Benny walked past her to the door. "We could use some privacy."

Benny's sex-crazed look got the woman very excited. She hurried up and followed him inside. She took the pizza out of his hands and placed it on a table next to the door. Without her saying anything, Benny got on his knees and reached for her waistband.

He started to pull her pants down. "Wow, you sure are an eager one aren't you. I still haven't even learned your name." She looked down at him in excitement.

Benny pulled her pants down to her knees and watched her thick cock flop out. It was thicker than the last cock, but slightly shorter. It looked so enticing to Benny. The only question on his mind was, "How does it taste?"

Without looking away from her dangling meat, Benny replied in a monotone voice, "Hi, I'm Benny." He was basically in a trance, a futa-cock trance.

"Nice to meet you Benny, I'm Indigo. Now that we've formally met, you may now taste my princess." Indigo wagged her meat in front of a hypnotized Benny.

He quickly grabbed onto her girthy shaft with both hands. While slowly jerking on her cock, Benny moved his mouth to her balls and began to lick. Her testicles were massive. They were about the size of his fist. He buried his face in the ballsack and took a big whiff. The smell was so intense and musky. A bunch of synapses fired off in his brain, telling him to get more of that smell. He could have stayed under there for years and never complained. He licked the sweat off of her sack and continued to indulge in the intoxicating smell. Indigo was in heaven with a man under her. His hands were stoking her and getting her erect. After a while, her balls were completely wet and clean.

"Enough work down there." She pulled his hair and placed him in front of her fully erect cock. "Now it's time for you to wet my princess."

Benny didn't know why but, he found it very sexy whenever she referred to her cock as her "princess". He could feel his penis also getting hard. The smell of her cock oozing pre-cum was inviting him in. He followed the odor until his lips touched her cock. Benny could feel the pre-cum on his mouth. Then without thinking, he used the tip of her cock like lipstick and smeared her jizz all over his lips. It felt so slutty, yet so amazing.

"Holly shit, you are one hungry cock whore." Indigo was in awe with how slutty he was.

After fully opening his mouth, he dove onto her cock. He got about halfway down before it hit his throat. Benny adjusted his throat and started to take more cock. After about 3/4 down her shaft, he took it back out and spit on the cock's head. With his hands, he worked the saliva into her dick. She was moaning the whole time as he put his mouth back into her cock. Spit and pre-cum were flying everywhere as he bobbed his head back and forth with increasing speed. The act was so enjoyable, Benny didn't even realize that he was leaking pre-cum. Her massive balls were swung low and slapping his drool-covered chin. This was probably the sloppiest blowjob that Indigo had ever received, and she was loving it. She looked down and saw the pure bliss that her little cock-sucker was in. This deepthroat blowjob lasted a few minutes.

For a split second, Benny remembered something. He was still wearing his uniform. He pulled the cock out of his throat and shot up to his feet. He looked down at his shirts and pants and saw a giant, wet mess. The whole front of his uniform was completely covered in spit on cum.

"FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!" Benny started to take his shirt off. After that he took his shoes and pants off. Before long, he was standing there in his underwear observing his dirty clothes. "Fuck, Lou's gonna kill me for this. Plus I'm late, shit."

"Hey if you want you and throw your clothes in the wash quick and they probably be done in like, 10 minutes." Indigo looked at him and was trying to help anyway she could. "While you do that I'll call your boss and tell him your helping me with something and you'll have to stay a little longer."

Benny could feel tears forming in his eyes. She was so kind and was helping him out, without him asking. He ran over and gave her a big hug. However, she was much taller than him, so it looked more like a motorboat. "Thank you so much." Benny's words were muffled by her breasts. "You have no idea how much this means to me."

"Hey man, it's not really that big of a deal." Indigo seemed stunned by what he was doing. "I mean... you did give me a really great blowjob. So... it's only right that I let you use my washer. But if I'm gonna call your boss..." She turned Benny around and caressed his ass. "You'll have to give me a little more."

Benny blushed as he walked into her laundry room. With her help he put his clothes into the washing machine and started it. He then went into the kitchen and got a drink. At the same time, Indigo was on the phone with Lou and was explaining why Benny would late getting back to the restaurant. Something about his car breaking down and her helping him out. It made sense, he knew nothing about cars, and if his car were to break down then someone would have to help. After saying bye in the phone there was a second of silence.

"Get over here boy, my princess is ready for you."

Benny gulped his water grew the cup into the sink. He ran as fast as he could into the living room. As he got out to the living room, he saw her just standing there. Her arms were crossed and her cock was just dangling between her legs. He walked slower towards her.

"I'm so sorry for how I talked to you when you first got here." Indigo uncrossed her arms and slumped her shoulders down as she apologized. "I was having a really bad day, and then, of course, the pizza was running late. I snapped at you when you were just doing your job."Benny walked up to her and looked her in her eyes. "It's not a big deal, really. I mean, I don't mind sucking your cock at all."

"I know but, I shouldn't have put you in the situation where you felt like you had to. I could tell that you really enjoyed it, and you were very good at it too. But still, I'm truly sorry for treating you like that. If you don't want to do anything else, that's fine. After your clothes are clean, you can go."

"Go?" Benny stepped closer and grabbed her cock and began to slowly stroke it. "But you haven't cum yet? Plus, you said that you would put it in my ass. So, I'm not going anywhere yet." Benny felt so confident and loved it. He had know idea where this new-found sluttiness came from, but he was starting to get used to it.

"Hey, if you want this cock..." She put her hand under his chin and caressed his cheek. "I'm more than willing to give it to you."

Indigo walked over to the side of the couch and gestured for Benny to join her. She turned him away from her and bent him over the arm of the couch. It was so exhilarating for Benny. He always wondered what being fucked by a futa would feel like, and he couldn't wait to find out. His face got all red as he laid down on the couch cushion. The excitement was almost too much to bear. He was shaking his ass in anticipation.

Indigo squatted down behind him and pulled his underwear off. Benny could feel her warm breath against his exposed body. It felt so comforting as she fondled his bare ass. Her mouth got closer, and she gave his asshole a wet kiss. It surprised Benny, and he let out a feminine gasp. It wasn't a bad feeling, he just didn't know how it would feel exactly. After a few seconds of kissing his hole, she slipped her tongue inside. The tentacle-like tongue was swirling and twisting inside Benny's hole. He began to breath extra hard and could feel his whole body getting hot. His body withered and squirmed in pleasure. Her tongue was attacking his hole and turning him into to total bitch in heat. She felt so good, he could feel his cock on the brink of exploding. She threw her head back and withdrew her tongue from his sissy-hole. A small string of saliva was still connected to her tongue and his hole. She licked it all up and stood up.

She slapped her cock down onto his back and grabbed some lube from the drawer next to the couch. "You ready for my princess, boy?" She began to lather her entire shaft in lubricant.

"Uh...uhhh..." Benny was still in a place of bliss and couldn't really think straight. "Uhhh... ye-yeah I'm ready." He shook his head and realized the fun hadn't even begun yet. "Fuck yes! I'm so ready to feel your massive cock deep inside me! Please turn me into a cock-hungry slut!"

"I think someone already beat me to that." Indigo lined her cock up with his wet hole. "But, I'll make sure you never forget my thick princess."

Pressure started to be applied to his asshole. He was squirming with anticipation. Benny was ready for his anal virginity to be taken. Some aroused sounds were escaping his mouth as she punched harder.

"I know you're excited," Indigo placed her hands gently on his back. "But try and relax your hole for me, ok?"

Benny listened to her instructions and loosened his hole up a bit. With a final thrust, she penetrated his hole. Her pile was so slick, that she almost went balls-deep in one motion.

"OHHH, FUUUUUCK!" Benny was in nirvana at the moment.

"Oh, shit your ass feels so fucking good, baby! Sorry 'bout going in so fast. I think I might have used a bit too much lube."

His eyes went wide and his mouth was completely agape. The feeling of her opening up his ass was euphoric. The second she hit his prostate, he unloaded everything he had. The side of the couch was dripping with his semen. Drool flooded out of his open mouth, as his tongue flopped out of his mouth and onto the couch. Indigo slowly pulled her shaft out of his hole. It was tight and hugged her cock tight and refused to let go. All that was left inside was her tip. Benny felt cold without her princess stuffing his insides. She slowly pushed it back in with more control this time. His hungry hole happily swallowed her cock again.

"You really love futa-cock don't ya?" Indigo asked him, knowing full well that we was enjoying it too much to respond.

She began to rhythmically rock her hips back and forth. Her cock his his pleasure button again and released another load from his limp dick. He was being overloaded with pleasure, and all his body could do was shutter. His mouth continued to drool profusely as he was making guttural moans and groans. She reached over and stuck her fingers in his mouth. She pulled on his cheek and pulled his head up. Her thrusts became harder and more intense. Indigo was moaning and breathing heavily. Benny's wet mouth was leaking all over her fingers. He turned his head towards her hands and started to suck her fingers. His tongue swirled around and went between her index and middle fingers. The feeling of his mouth around her fingers really excited her. Her cock began to pulse and her ball tightened. She buried her whole pole inside of his sissy-hole.

"OOOOOHHHH MY FUCCCKKING GGGGOOOD!" Indigo began to unload gallons of cum into his stomach.

His stomach began to swell like a water balloon. There was so much jizz, that it spilled out his ass. She removed her cock from his hole and opened up the flood gates. A jet of semen exploded out of his hole and onto her legs and the floor. Indigo jumped out of the way and let go of Benny. He flipped onto the couch and laid in pure bliss.

"Holy fuck." Indigo said, trying to catch her breath. She was looking at the mess they made. It was as if someone spilled an entire can of white paint. "I was really pent up, sorry about that."

After a few minutes of the two just sitting in the moment, something awakened Benny. It must of been the smell of futa-cum. He slithered off of the couch and got on his hands and knees. Diving face first into the pool of jizz, he was licking up the whole thing. Indigo watched in amazement as he used his tongue to clean up the mess.

"Wow, you really are addicted." She propped herself up against the wall and watched in awe. After the floor was completely clean, she pointed to her legs, "You missed a spot."

Benny crawled over like an obedient puppy and went to her feet. The cum had dribbled down to her toes, so he started there. His tongue went into every crevice and bump on both of her feet. After her feet were completely cum-free, he moved up her legs with his tongue. Licking up every drop and cum and bead of sweat from her tattooed calves and thighs. He got up to her cock and made sure to clean this extra well. Benny licked and sucked off all of her cum. Eventually, her lower half was cleaned and she was very impressed.

"I think your clothes are done. I'll go grab them if you want to go to the bathroom and clean yourself up." She walked to the laundry room and Benny staggered to his feet and shuffled to the bathroom.

He squatted down, over the toilet, and allowed all of her jizz to ooze out of him. His stomach started shrinking as the cum exited his body. He used the sink to wash his face and make himself seem more presentable. After drying himself off with a towel, he walked and and was greeted by Indigo.

"Here you go." She handed him a ball of his clothes. "Any time you want to have fun with me and princess here, feel free to drop on by."

"That would be great." Benny said as he dressed himself. He walked out the door and towards his car. He looked by and waved, "Be seeing you around, I guess."

She stood on her porch waving back and laughing at how cute and happy he looked.

The Third Delivery

On the drive back to the restaurant, Benny had trouble sitting with his sore ass. Luckily, the roads were all clear and the drive was quick. He parked his car and ran inside, hoping to avoid getting yelled at anymore than he was already going to. As he opened the door, he saw Lou running around the dining area. He was busy helping some customers. As soon as they found their seats, Lou saw Benny standing there.

He walked over briskly. "Kid, oh fuck. Ya've gotta get quicker wit these deliveries. I know ya were helping her out, but please hurry up a bit. There's already another order on the counter for ya." Lou walked away to deal with another table of customers.

Benny looked over and saw five pizza boxes stacked on the counter. He looked at the order, and yet again, he was headed back to Futradon. This time it was on the opposite side of the town. He grabbed the pizzas and ran to his car.

On the drive all he could think about was cock. He wondered who was going to answer the door this time. How beautiful she would be, how big her cock would be and so many other questions circled in his mind. All he wanted was another dose of dick.

A twenty minute drive went smoothly and Benny parked in front of a nice three-story house. It looked very homey and not too modern. He grabbed the pizzas and ran up to the house. He climbed the white wooden stairs that lead to the porch. After knocking on the door, he stepped back and started to tap his foot impatiently. All he wanted was for a gorgeous futanari to walk and take control of him.

The door opened and a woman walked out and immediately shut the door behind her. She was a complete milf, in her early to mid thirties with an impressive pair of tits. Her top barely kept them from popping out. She was much taller than Benny and incredibly attractive. She was so beautiful and you could tell that she knew it. She carried herself with a certain confidence that you only get if you are as beautiful as her. She gave Benny a warm smile.

"Hey there, honey." She reached for the pizza boxes. "We're so hungry, we were all wondering when you would show up."

"Sorry about that." Benny apologized, even though he felt like he got there pretty quickly. "Is your name Sarah?"

"Sure is, sweetie." She said warmly. "I have a tip for you, but you need to get in your knees for it."

Benny knew exactly what was about to happen. He acted all naive and got on his knees. Sarah pulled out her cock and pointed it at Benny's mouth. A fake shocked expression was painted across his face. He feigned disgust as she grabbed the back of his head. She pulled him close and rubbed his face against her shaft. She was at least a foot long and had a good amount of girth as well. Benny opened his mouth and got a taste of her cock.

"Yeah baby, suck it for me" Sarah was fairly warm and loving, all be it extremely horny.

Benny was happily taking her cock in his mouth. She was leaking pre-cum, and he made sure to not waste a drop. He made sure to spit-shine her entire shaft. After it was all lubed up from his spit, she pulled him off.

Benny's mouth tried so desperately to stay around her cock. "Wait, wait, I wasn't done yet."

"Calm down honey," she bent down and kissed his forehead, "let's finish this inside."

Benny stood up and grabbed the pizzas. He followed the alluring futanari inside her house. As soon as he stepped foot inside the door, he knew what was about to happen. He saw about 15 gorgeous women in their thirties to forties. Each of the women were adjusting their crotches as they saw Benny. This was exactly what Benny expected heaven to look like.

"Isn't he a real cutie?"

"I can't wait to stick my dick in that boy-pussy!"

"He looks so adorable, I just want him to suck me off."

Benny heard all of the murmurs and comments about him. "What is this place?" He asked Sarah, who still had her cock out and was pointing it at him.

"A few of us ladies from the neighborhood like to get together once a week and hang out. We drink some wine and maybe watch a movie." Benny noticed all of the women taking there cocks out and began to stroke them. "We all got together and realized we all wanted to fuck some good holes. We went to escort services and other people who fucked a lot of cocks. Unfortunately, none of the people we reached out to wanted to deal with 14 futanari. So we had the idea to buy a pizza and fuck the delivery driver."

He felt like a gazelle that just walked into a lion's den. And he loved it. All of their predatory stares were turning him on so quickly. A tent was pitched in his pants, and all of the ladies noticed immediately. Everyone knew what was coming, and they were all excited about it.

"So, how do all you ladies want to get started?" Benny asked, trying to hide the smile forming across his face.

"Well, put the pizzas in the kitchen." An African American woman said. She then patted on her lap, "Then come over here and take a seat on mommy's lap."

Benny practically ran to the kitchen and sat the pizza boxes down on the counter. He got back to the woman on the couch and stood in front of her open legs. Just then, a bunch of hands grabbed onto him and began to undress him. Before long he was completely nude and surrounded by naked futanari. The black woman patted her lap again and Benny noticed her fourteen inch cock standing straight up. He straddle her on turned away from her gaze. He was slowly lowering himself down on her shaft. However, she became impatient and grabbed his hips and slammed him down.

"MMMOORRRRE CCCCCOOOOCCCKKKKK!!" Benny didn't even know what he was saying, but those were the only words that came out of his mouth.

The black woman was ravaging his hole and she announced to the other woman, "Well, you heard him ladies! Give him more cocks!"

Sarah moved the ottoman close to them and stood atop of it. Her cock was at mouth-level. Benny's mouth started to suck instinctively. He was bouncing up and down on a massive shaft, while slurping up a delicious dick. Meanwhile, two women flanked his left and right on the couch. They grabbed his arms and placed his hands on their poles. He was stoking their futa-cocks while pleasing the other two with his holes. The pleasure was immense and was overstimulating to Benny. Everything was heavenly, from the taste of cock to the sound of his ass being slammed down on a cock. The feeling of all the cocks hardening and pulsing was magical.

The woman in his ass started to pound his hole faster. "Oh fucking shit! I'm gonna cum in his sissy pussy!"

She plunged her shaft deep inside of his stomach and began unleashing a torrent of semen. His stomach ballooned with spunk. The feeling made his little limp penis lose control and release as well.

Sarah grabbed the back of his head and buried her entire cock in his throat. "God damnit! I'm cumming too!"

She started to uncontrollably cum into his stomach. He gagged and gargled as he struggled to breathe and swallow her semen. The taste was so good however, that Benny would gladly stop breathing in order to swallow more.

"Fuck!" The woman on the couch was breathing heavily. "This ass is immaculate! I just want more!"

"Don't get any ideas about a round 2 right away." The woman on Benny's right said. "I need to get in that ass, this handjob isn't doing anything to me."

"Wait one second." The woman on the left chirped up. "I feel like I deserve to be in his ass."

"We could share him if you want? I think a total cock-slut like home won't mind. Will you?"

Sarah took her cock out of his mouth and river of cum and saliva spilled out of his opening. His brain was fried from pleasure and all he cared about was getting more. "M-m-more cocks." Was all he was able to express.

"In that case, get over here." The ladies pulled him over to the ottoman and put him on his hands and knees.

The left woman was laying underneath him while the right was standing directly behind. The two began to push against his asshole, and without much resistance, his already gaping hole was filled with both massive poles of meat. Benny was seeing stars as the two cylinders in his as were firing at alternating intervals. Neither cock ever left his ass, making sure he was constantly stretched open. He looked up and saw a crowd of women frantically jerking their cocks to the sight of him getting fucked.

Just then, two new women stepped up to face. Their cocks were hard and ready to enter his mouth. Benny gladly spit and licked on both dicks. They were so big and thick, both were veiny and had little bumps that made licking them fun. Running his tongue across the veins and over the bumps was exhilarating for Benny and the two futanari. One of the cocks was pushed into his mouth and hit the back of his throat. The sounds that came out of him was clearly a turn on for all the women.

The two women in the back synchronized and were thrusting together. Both cocks were pounding into his stomach simultaneously. The feeling made Benny open his mouth wide in order to scream. However, his screams were muffled a cock hitting his throat. He gagged and gasped and made the famous "GLUK, GLUK, GLUK!" sounds as both women took turns pounding his mouth.

The black woman from earlier went up to Sarah who was enjoying some pizza. "How are we going to keep him without us all night?"

"Well, I was gonna call the pizza place again and tell them some lie." Sarah picked up her phone and dialed Big Louie's. "Thanks for reminding me, Angel."

"What are you going to say to them?" Angel asked. It was clear that these women cared more for his job than me did. Benny didn't care what happened outside of this moment.

"I don't know yet. I'll just think of something." Sarah put the phone up to her ear and waited for it to stop ringing. "Hello?... Hi, I just ordered some pizzas from you guys... No, there's no problem, it's just that the delivery driver is my nephew... You see I need him to help me out with a bit of a family emergency... I'm so sorry about this, but I hope you understand... He won't be coming back in tonight unfortunately... But he will be come back tomorrow, he might be extremely tired and sore however... Ok... Alright... Bye." She hung up the phone and put it down on the counter. "Well girls, we have this fucktoy for the whole night!"

A giant wave of cheers washed over Benny, he wasn't able to really hear anything else though. He was far too busy at the moment. The four women inside of Benny didn't cheer either. All they could do was grunt and groan with pleasure. The cocks in his ass began to shutter and pulse. The two futa behind him were beginning to thrust more sporadically.

"OOOOOOHHHHH FFFFFFUUCCKKKKK!!!" Both cocks were plunged deep in his sissy-hole. Almost simultaneously, they both exploded with gallons of cum. Benny's already bulging stomach began to engorge even further.

"GGGGOOOOOODDDD, FFFFFFFUUUCCCCCKKKK MMMMEEEEE!" The woman currently pounding his throat stuck her cock as deep as it would go. Benny tried his hardest to suck down all of her spunk. Unfortunately, a lot of it leaked out of his mouth.

The sight of him dribbling cum out of his mouth, mixed with the sounds he was making was too much for the fourth and final woman to handle. She unleashed her load directly onto Benny's face.

All four women practically fell over after they came. Benny, who was also exhausted, collapsed in a puddle of jizz. Without lifting his head, he lazily licked up as much of the cum as he could. A lot dropped off of his face and onto his tongue.

"Don't think it over yet, slut!" A woman said as she and two others walked up to him. "All of us still need to fuck you." The three new women stood around him and picked him up. One held each leg and the other stood behind and stabilized him. All three of their cocks were pointed straight up at his boy-pussy. "We saw you take two easily. Now let's see you take on a real challenge."

He was being lowered onto three thick poles. "IT'S TOO MUCH! YOU'RE GONNA FUCKING BREAK ME!"

"Maybe." The woman behind him said straight into his ear. "Only one way to find out."

After a few seconds of pushing and stretching, there was a "POP!" sound that echoed across the room. Benny's vision went blurry and his screams were muted. The feeling was far too intense. The three cocks took a minute to adjust to the cramped conditions they found themselves in. After awhile, they decided to move his limp body up and down. He went cross-eyed and stuck his tongue out, allowing drool to leak onto his chest. They lifted and lowered him again and again. His asshole was as wide as a barn door and they continued to fuck him silly. They raised him to the highest point and held him for a second. Unluckily, with all of the cum on his thighs and ass, he was quite slick. The woman in the back's grip slipped, and Benny went plummeting down. He hit the base of each of the shaft and he his vision went completely black.The Next Day

Benny woke up in a soft bed and he was completely naked. He tried to get up, but his whole body was sore. With a bit of a struggle, he managed to get out of the bed. After walking out of the room, he realized that he was still in the house from earlier.

"So it wasn't a dream! It actually happened!" He thought to himself with glee.

He walked down the stairs to the living room and heard someone in the kitchen. After looking in, he saw Sarah standing over the oven. She was making something for breakfast.

She turned around to grab something off the counter when she saw Benny. "Oh honey, you're awake!" She ran over and gave him a great big hug. "I didn't know if you would ever wake up from last night's party."

"What happened? Why am I so sore everywhere?" Benny was squinting his eyes and scratching his head.

"Well, after Linda, Kendra, and Kate used your ass together," Sarah went back to cooking while she explained what happened. "You kinda...Well, blacked out. You weren't unconscious or anything. You were still moving, all be it slowly, and managed to clean everyone up after they had their way with you."

"Wait! What do you mean I cleaned everyone? Surely you stopped after I passed out."

"You didn't pass out. In the medical field they call it "Futanari Induced Comatose". But most people call it being cum drunk." She started to plate the eggs onto two separate plates along with toast and bacon. "All it means is that, you might not remember anything after that point. However, your body was still fully functional. Everyone had multiple rounds with you and left wanting even more."

She set the plates down on the dining table and gestured for Benny to take a seat across from her. "Wait! What about my job!" Benny just remembered that he was a pizza delivery driver and this all started when he was on the clock. "Fuck! My boss is gonna kill me!"

"Calm down honey." Sarah continued to eat her breakfast. "I called Big Louie and told him that you were going to be staying here for the night. He was completely fine with it."

It didn't sound like Lou, but Sarah didn't look like she was lying. "Ok, thank you." He sat down and ate his breakfast.

After the two were done, she took the plates and placed them in the sink. "Your clothes are in the dryer now and the shower is right over there." She pointed to the bathroom. "But, uh... before you clean yourself off, could you help me out." She pointed down to her growing bulge.

"With pleasure" Benny got down on his knees and took the cock out of her pants.

He very passionately licked and sucked every inch of her shaft. Taking it entirely into his throat was pretty easy now. This was something that Benny would never get tired of. Sucking big futa-cock was his new favorite hobby. Eventually, she grabbed the back of his head and sheathed her cock down his throat. Sarah unloaded a healthy amount of semen into his stomach. He happily swallowed it all and thanked her. He got up and walked to the bathroom to shower before work. After he was clean, Benny walked out and put on his clothes and went to the front door.

Standing by the fort was Sarah with a great big smile on her face. "Me and the other ladies of the neighborhood agreed, we'll be doing this every Friday night."

"Well, I can't wait until next week then." Benny blushed with excitement at the thought of doing this again.

After receiving a goodbye kiss from Sarah, he got into his car and drove off. The whole drive was a blur. All he could think about was more futanari and their cocks. He pulled into the parking lot and jumped out of his car. He ran into the building and looked for Lou.

He went into his office and opened the door without knocking. "I'm going to be doing more deliveries from know on."

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