Chapter 271: Creamer’s: A Futa Coffee Shop by myrishswamp
My name is Simon, and this is the story of my first, and last, job at a coffee shop.
I live on an Earth with three sexes; males, females, and futas. Futas have the bodies and minds of women, with the genitalia of men. They're known for having insatiable sexual drives, fueled by their above average manhoods (or womanhoods I guess).
Essentially: futas love to fuck, and they would fuck anything with a hole. Futas don't discriminate, but everyone knows they prefer fucking men over women.
At 18-years old I only weighed 120 pounds, and I didn't have an ounce of muscle on my entire, pasty white body. My life had been a sheltered one, I rarely ever saw futas in the real world, and the few times I did my parents quickly steered me away. I found the concept of futas terrifying (and secretly fascinating), but ultimately assumed I would never meet a real one, much like the other things in life I chose never to do.
I never had a job and never got an education, I never left the house or tried to date girls, there were lots of things I was too scared or too lazy to experience. I was essentially a loser, a loser who could barely lift 100 pounds, and was desperately horny.
That's where I found myself the summer before turning 19, my parents were sick of my not paying rent and generally having no drive, so they forced their weak little boy out into the world to get a job.
I heard from an acquaintance that the coffee shop on Main Street, "Creamer's", had recently fired their only male employee, and the place was now run by hot girls our age. I saw they posted an ad for the position online, applied, and got accepted within 24 hours.
My resume was completely empty, so maybe I should have been suspicious they hired me without even conducting an interview, but I was just excited to get to hang out with a bunch sexy chicks making coffee all day, dangerous futas were far from my mind.
When my first day finally came, I donned my "Creamer's" apron and my "Creamer's" hat, and left for work. Things got pretty interesting upon arrival.
The manager, Jillian, immediately greeted me at the door, and my nerves set in. Her 6 foot tall body filled the entire doorway, from head to toe the woman was covered in bulging muscles that stretched at her tiny polyester uniform. Chestnut curls spilled past her shoulders, and she kept half of it tied back with a red bandana. A massive bust, a massive ass, and a sparkling smile looked down at me from above, god this woman was hot, how was I going to talk to her?
"You must be Simon! I'm Jillian, welcome to Creamer's!" My intimidating new boss practically shouted. She looked like "Rosie the Riveter" on steroids, and I felt minuscule in her shadow.
I started to inch backwards into the parking lot, so the hulking woman reached out a calloused hand to pull me into the shop by my shoulder. Though her hands were rough, her grip was soft, and she quickly pulled me in close to a light side embrace. Her massive bust squished up against my face, and her bulging bicep stayed wrapped around my neck. My heart threatened to beat out of my chest, and I hoped she couldn't feel it, I had literally never been that close to a woman before.
"You're the perfect size for this job Simon, you fit right under my arm!" Jillian laughed, squeezing me tighter and ushering me through the door.
"Thanks?" I decided not to question that any further, and just let my first employer ever show me around however she'd like.
The place was normal enough, a few tables and chairs against one wall, a counter with ovens and espresso machines across from them. I could see a doorway behind the counter which led to the back-of-house, and a unisex bathroom on the far side of the room. A few artsy paintings of cream being poured into cups were hung on the walls, and a Creamer's menu above the ovens listed out their "cream shots of the day".
"So this is it!" Jillian announced proudly, waving her massive hand to show off the empty coffee shop. She kept her other arm wrapped around my neck, and placed that hand on the small of my back. The big woman began to guide me towards the counter, and my feet followed her unspoken direction.
"Everything's pretty self explanatory, maybe we'll take a tour of the place later," she explained nonchalantly. Jillian continued to lead me to the back-of-house, her heavy hand slowly drifting down my back. I could barely hear her over the sound of my heart racing, and she pulled me in tighter against her bust.
"Uhh, shouldn't I get shown around, and like trained at stuff before I start making people coffee?" I cut in. Her hand kept moving down my spine, sending shivers up my neck.
Jillian laughed deeply, "You won't be needing all that silly. You'll be working in the back on a special job. I'll introduce you to the rest of the team before we get to it."
Still just as confused, I let Jillian walk me behind the counter and through the doorway, not that I could have stopped her if I tried. The mammoth of a woman smiled down at me, gave my butt cheek a pat, which made me jump, and pushed me further into the kitchen.
The room opened up in front of me, revealing a few sinks, a few freezers, an office desk, and four uniformed women. Even from behind I could see that all four had muscles and mouth watering assets like Jillian, each one looked like they should be a professional athlete, not a barista.
"Everyone," Jillian called out, "This is Simon!"
Four gorgeous faces turned and looked down on me with hungry grins. Their eyes practically scanned my body head to toe, their dazzling smiles never wavering. I had never had any girl smile at me before, and immediately I got flustered.
"Hi... uh everyone," I answered meekly, my face turning red. The women giggled, and I took in my surroundings, acutely aware that I was the smallest person in the room.
A tall blonde with a huge rack, almost as big as Jillian's, walked up first, "Hi Simon, I'm Dawn!" She reached out a hand and shook mine, completely covering it with her manicured paw. I just tried to keep my eyes off of her bouncing breasts and mumbled a pathetic hello.
A beefy redhead with freckles all over came up next, thankfully a bit shorter than the others, but even more muscular, "Hiya, I'm Meredith," her voice boomed. She gave me a playful pat on the head, tousled my hair, and stepped aside.
Next came Veronica, the tallest of the bunch, with porcelain skin and jet black hair. She just looked me up and down with her eyes, practically devouring me with her glare, and smirked. I had to get her name from her name tag, which barely held on to her massive left tit. I could feel my face get even hotter, and I remember thinking she must have been a super model, no way she should be working at a coffee shop.
Shanice sauntered over last, a gigantic black ass bouncing behind her with every step. She was the thickest of the bunch, her Creamer's uniform barely contained her voluptuous frame. Her pouty lips curled into a smile, and she raised her huge arms to beckon me for a hug.
"Welcome baby," Shanice purred, pulling me into her bosom for a great big bear hug. After what felt like an eternity I thought I would pass out, face smushed between two jugs twice as big as my head, unable to breathe.
The ladies started to giggle, and Shanice finally dropped her burly arms, letting me go. I stumbled backwards, lightheaded, and grabbed onto the edge of a sink so I wouldn't fall.
"Sorry about that sugar, I'm just so excited, we haven't had a new boy in ages," Shanice explained, laughing with the rest of the ladies.
"Here," Jillian interjected, cutting across the room, "Looks like you could use a little pick-me-up before we get to work."
Breathing heavy, I watched Jillian grab a mug from her desk and walk it over to me. Without thinking I reached out to take it from her, immediately feeling the warmth spread from the ceramic through my hands. I held it close and continued to catch my breath, barely thinking about the drink.
"Thanks Jillian, did you make this?" I asked my new boss.
"Oh yeah, I used my body and made it extra special for our new boy," The hulking woman smiled and flexed a bicep bigger than I had ever seen, the sleeves of her uniform obviously straining not to rip. "Go ahead and try it! I bet you're gonna love it."
"Uh... okay," I answered sheepishly.
Jillian and the rest of the women grinned. They all began to inch towards me, eyes hungrily watching me hold the beverage, though I hadn't noticed.
My eyes were focused on the mug in my hands, immediately taken back by what I saw and felt. The mug still emanated heat, and was much heavier than expected, since it seemed Jillian filled it to the very top. Instead of typical brown coffee, the beverage in my hands was milky white, and slowly sloshed around the mug when I shook it. I assumed this was some sort of whipped creamer they used, obviously much more viscous and heavy than regular creamers, practically a syrup just sitting on top.
I smiled at my attentive coworkers and raised the mug to my lips. Unsure about the unknown drink, I gave it a quick sniff, only getting a faint aroma that smelled slightly of body musk. I ignored the unfamiliar scent, closed my eyes, and brought the cup to my lips. The mystery coffee slowly rolled down the side of the mug until it hit my tongue, where the goopy substance continued to pool in my mouth.
The taste was instantly overwhelming, powerful flavors of salt and bitterness danced across my tongue, with a few hints of nut, or maybe it was fruity? I wasn't sure, but I was sure that the creamy concoction was delicious. Suddenly aware of how hungry I was, I gulped down the contents of the mystery mug, slowly letting the heavy juice fill my mouth to the brim before swallowing greedily.
Before long my meal was gone, the only remnant of the cream was stuck to the back of my teeth and the walls of the mug, glistening under the fluorescent lighting. I stifled a little burp, content with the warm weight filling my stomach, and turned back to my coworkers.
The women sat there, grins glued to their faces, eyes focused on my mouth. Each one had their huge thighs crossed, hands in their laps, watching me attentively. Without thinking I raised a hand to my face and felt a milky mustache on my upper lip. I guzzled down the drink so fast it must have formed before I could notice. Embarrassed, I wiped the cream from my mouth with a finger, and quickly stuck it in my mouth to swallow it.
"Oh my..." Meredith breathed out, which embarrassed and confused me further. The big redhead began to slowly rub the area between her crossed legs, and I noticed the other women were doing the same. I remember wondering if they were actually touching themselves in front of me, and decided that would be preposterous, why would women touch themselves from watching me drink coffee?
Face red from the strange attention, I turned to my new boss hoping to spark up a conversation, one that would take their eyes off of me.
"So Jillian," I started nervously, "That was delicious, but definitely different. What was that?"
The women continued to smile, fidgeting in chairs that looked way too small for their muscular builds, and looked to Jillian to answer.
"Oh that's my special cream, want to know how we make it?" Jillian answered, beaming and seemingly still rubbing something in her pants the whole time.
"Of course! I'd love to learn anything at this point," I joked, desperate to do some work that didn't involve being stared at.
"Good, cause that's your job!! I couldn't get you a general barista position, so you'll be our full time 'creamer' for the time being, sound good?"
Blonde Dawn and raven-haired Veronica laughed heartily, and Meredith practically cackled enough to drown them both out. I knew being the "creamer" would sound a little funny, but I didn't think it would be that hilarious to them.
"Don't worry baby, it's easy and you're just gonna love it, I know it," Shanice whispered assuringly. My face grew even redder, and I gave the beautiful black woman an embarrassed smile.
"I just can't wait any longer," Jillian said, also seemingly trying not to laugh. "Let's get you started right now." The huge woman rose from her desk chair, pulling at her skin-tight uniform as she spoke.
"Sounds great!" I responded, desperate to do something other than unsuccessfully talking to hot women.
"Alright ladies, get to work! It's my time with the boy," Jillian announced with a wolfish grin. The beautiful brunette flexed her thighs and arms again, making her mouth watering breasts and ass jiggle for a moment. I wondered if she knew what she was doing.
My four super model coworkers reluctantly walked to the front-of-house, grumbling all the while. Their gorgeous backsides swayed and bounced with every step, and despite being quite socially inept, I was very horny and excited to work behind the counter with them.
I cleared my throat, and within an instant, Jillian pulled me under her arm again, holding me close. She smiled down at me, perfect teeth shining, eyes glaring hungrily, and gave me another little pat on the butt. My little cheeks clenched and I was once again instantly flustered.
"Time for you to make some cream!"
My intimidating new boss used her massive paws to push me to the back of the building, herding me to a room hidden behind the freezers.
"This area is special, only the official creamers use this back room. It's for making the cream obviously," Jillian explained with a giggle.
I stood in the doorway to my new workspace and took it all in. That didn't take long, as the room was almost completely empty. The whole thing was the size of a walk in closet, maybe ten feet by ten feet at the most, it was quaint. The walls, floor, and ceiling were covered in little white tiles like you see in a bathroom, but they covered everything. The only other things in the room were an old raggedy armchair, facing the doorway, and a drain/grate built into the floor beneath it. The room looked like a big white shower, only without a shower head, and with a comfy chair in the middle for some reason.
Jillian finally took her hand off of my back and walked past me to sit on the chair, her muscular thighs threatening to pop out of her little shorts. She breathed deeply, heaving her massive breasts out towards me, and sank into the cushy chair, a smile on her face.
"So uhhh... what is this place..." I started to ask. My voice trailed off as my eyes caught what Jillian was doing. She raised a hand to her right breast, and slowly but surely began tracing a finger around her hardening nipple. Before long I could see the pink diamond stiffening beneath her shirt, threatening to tear through it as she tweaked and pinched it to full firmness. I'd never seen a woman touch herself before, I hadn't even seen a naked boob, so of course I began to pitch a tent in my pants.
"Like I said Simon, this is the creamer room, want to make some cream with me?" Jillian asked playfully. I had never flirted with a woman before, but I was pretty sure this was it, and I had no idea what to say. I uncomfortably shifted my boner as the goddess in front of me began to take her shirt off.
The polyester uniform peeled off of her voluptuous body quickly, causing her bare breasts to bounce and shake from the recoil. Her nipples were dark, and looked painfully hard. I wanted to curl up in the chair with her and suckle on her huge tits, but I could hardly open my mouth to speak.
"Get on your knees," the huge woman commanded with a devious grin.
Eyes glued to her perfect breasts, I got on my knees without even thinking, suddenly aware I was once again staring up at the powerful woman. The position just felt right, she was obviously stronger, sexier, and way more confident than me, why shouldn't she look down at me?
Jillian licked her lips and took her hands away from her perfect breasts, causing them to bounce slightly. I could barely see her face above the massive rack protruding from chest. She started to rub her pants between her muscular thighs like she had before, and I shifted my knees on the cold tile beneath me.
"So, the creamer is the most important person on the job," Jillian began to explain through deep breaths, still rubbing the area I couldn't see between her legs.
"You have to be here from open to close every day, in this room, to make us cream," she continued. "Our specialty is our cream, you can't get it anywhere else, and it has to be made by hand, or mouth."
Mesmerized by the bouncing breasts in front of me, I barely registered what she was saying. My dick strained against the front of my pants, and my mouth literally watered. The drink she had made me earlier turned in my stomach, feeling like butterflies.
"You're gonna be making cream for customer's drinks all day, and the best part of the job is that you get all the cream you want, for free." Jillian stopped rubbing her crotch and looked down at me, her face turning stern.
"Want to make some cream with me?"
I didn't hesitate, I would do literally anything for this goddess. "Yes Jillian, I'm ready."
Jillian's face softened, and that familiar grin returned to her luscious lips. She pushed a chestnut curl out of her face and rose to her feet.
"This is how we make the cream," she explained with a laugh, pointing at her crotch, eye-level with my face.
My eyes drifted down to the front of her pants, and they almost bugged out of my head once I realized what she was pointing at. Jillian had some sort of tube, or pipe, running from the front of her crotch down the leg of her cargo shorts, stopping right before it could poke out the bottom. I began to realize what it was, as soon as I noticed it twitch and swell up even larger beneath the material. The first woman to ever show any interest in me was actually a futa, and she was packing heat.
"My fat girl-cock makes the most 'special cream' in the store, all the customers seem to like it, and you definitely loved it earlier," Jillian giggled, now lightly scratching the length of her growing meat with her painted nails.
"I've never seen a boy guzzle down my sticky cream quite so viciously as you did in the other room. It made me wish you could have tried it straight from the tap." She squeezed her clearly-defined ballsack through the khaki material and massaged the massive nuts.
Suddenly ashamed, embarrassed, and just outright surprised, I began to move backwards on my knees, desperately trying to get away from the throbbing futa in front of my face. I could see the flare of the cock head clearly through her shorts now, and I remember thinking that monster must have been a at least a foot long. I gulped, though my dick was still hard for some reason.
Jillian noticed my slow retreat, and slowly began to step towards me, jutting her bulging crotch out at my face.
"I'm telling you Simon, you're gonna love the act of making my cream just as much as you loved drinking my cream, hell you might even like it more," Jillian laughed.
"I dunno..." I answered pathetically, mouth dry, back to the wall with no room left to move back.
"Most boys like you find that this is their life's calling, it's just so easy and tasty to service our lady cocks all day," Jillian explained as she reached down to hold my face in her huge hands. "And you've got the perfect dick sucking lips for it."
Embarrassed, but also weirdly proud from her compliment, I forced a little smile, and tried to steady my heartbeat. I focused on her stunning face, and tried not to notice the growing beast in her shorts."Wanna see where your favorite snack comes from?" She asked seductively. She bit her lip and squeezed her fat bulge.
I gulped again, and nodded wordlessly. I needed to keep this job, and judging by the aching hard on in my pants, I was morbidly curious to say the least. My heart raced and my hands began to sweat as my beautiful futa boss reached down to discard of her restrictive shorts.
As she peeled off the strained material, her hardening womanhood literally unfurled and flopped out into the air like some rubber snake. A musky scent, the same scent as the cream I guzzled earlier, hit my nostrils. Before long her cock stood at full attention, casting a long shadow across my face. I was right, the thing was at least a foot long, and definitely a monster.
Two huge, smooth balls hung halfway down her thighs, covered in a bit of hair and literally emanating heat. The supple looking ballsack swung side-to-side slowly, and she coughed a bit to make them bounce and tense up in front of my eyes. My stomach did a little flip, seeing where the cum I had so greedily devoured came from.
Brown peach fuzz spread from her heavy sack, around the root of her girl-cock, and up to her waistline. I shamefully marveled at the girth of her shaft, it must have been as thick as my wrist, if not thicker, and I wondered how anyone had ever fit it in their mouth before. The slab of meat looked like a can of soda, just longer and veinier than any can that had ever existed.
My eyes followed the length of her pale shaft, from root to head, barely comprehending what I was seeing. The skin looked soft and velvety, but huge blue veins zig zagged all around it, and I could see them furiously pumping blood through the massive organ, making it throb and quiver in the air. The hot pipe of meat, and quite the pipe it was, looked somehow gnarly and beautiful, horrifying and inviting, monstrous and feminine.
My eyes followed the pulsating veins to the fat purple cock head staring down at me. The angry tip looked almost as big as a baseball, and a clear liquid oozed out of her piss slit and dribbled down her beefy shaft.
I have no idea what came over me, but I raised my little hand to run a finger across the stream of her precum, my entire body shaking as I made contact with her spongy head.
"Oh good boy Simon," Jillian breathed lightly.
I took my wet finger and slowly stuck it inside of my open mouth as Jillian watched, beaming the whole time. I closed my lips and licked the precum off slowly, consciously trying to make a show of it for her. The same salty but sweet taste that I had enjoyed earlier filled my mouth, though it wasn't as overcoming as the full batch had been. It was still oddly delicious, and as my empty stomach gurgled, I knew I wanted more, despite the fear.
Jillian, biting her lip, removed a massive paw from her nipple and gently held my shaking fingers. She slowly pulled me toward her engorged cock and let go as my hand settled on her soft flesh.
A long sigh slipped through my lips as I slowly wrapped my fingers around the middle, feeling the thud of her veins against my skin, and I gave it a little pump. It felt hot and heavy, and the harder I squeezed, the more it felt like a lead pipe wrapped up in doe skin. Weirdly soft and rock hard at the same time, I ran my fingers and palm across every inch of the shaft, horrified and curious at the same time.
All my life I heard tales of monstrous futa cocks seducing and violating the mouths and butts of men. They were used to scare little boys, and to keep them in line, but those horror stories were far from my mind as I lightly stroked and tickled the gargantuan lady cock in front of my face. My dick was painfully hard, and my stomach kept growling for more cream. It felt so warm, so muscular, but also soft, I just wanted to feel it all over, damn the stories and my upbringing.
"Ahem," Jillian coughed, suddenly serious. "Tell me what you want." The muscular futa crossed her arms over her hanging jugs and scowled down at me.
I coughed, "Jillian, mistress, can I have some of your cream?" My eyes never left her swollen shaft while I asked, and my other hand drifted up to gently cradle her swinging balls. My fingers tickled her hanging pubes and my stomach churned, I knew I wanted to eat what was cooking in that fat nutsack.
"You're a natural Simon, you might just be working here for the rest of your life." Jillian smiled approvingly, and even began to stroke the hair on my head.
My heart jumped when her manly hand touched my face, and I pumped the fat cock even faster. I began to squeeze it at the base, marveling at how her veins would bulge, and my other hand grabbed on to her delicious looking purple head. I gently twisted my little hand around her sensitive crown, caressing and softly wringing the juicy skin to make her squirm.
"Oh God Simon... with hands like that I can't even imagine how the rest of you is gonna feel... I might even have to take you home with me... you're a natural," the muscular futa moaned down at me.
My face grew red and I tried to suppress a smile. I pumped quicker and quicker, gripping the hot girl cock tighter and tighter, practically giving my arm a work out as it ran up and down the twelve inches of meat.
Jillian moaned and groaned, her throbbing cock was just begging to erupt into the air, and I squeezed and stoked away at it, desperate to see the finale. I was loving this feeling, in my hands and in my soul.
Suddenly, the sexy beast lurched in my palm, and Jillian gripped the sides of my head with both hands. I closed my eyes, and opened wide.
Her bulbous cock head slid across my lips like a lollipop, and I immediately sucked it in as fast as I could. The hot tube of girl meat filled my mouth instantly, and I purred a bit as the underside of the juicy tip hit my tongue. I sucked my cheeks in around the girthy crown, and took a second to appreciate the musky taste of futa flesh before my treat arrived.
Hot ropes of cream shot out of the jumping cock like bullets from a hand gun, coating the back of my inviting mouth and dripping down my open throat. I could feel the virile cum build up on the back of my tongue, and I flicked it around the twitching tip to coax out more.
Jillian moaned gutturally, pulling my hungry lips down farther until her spurting head nestled against my soft palate. I sucked away gleefully, moaning each time a cum shot hit the top of my mouth. It felt so thick I could choke on it, and I desperately suckled away for more, gurgling and gagging on the spunk like an animal possessed.
I didn't think it was possible, but it tasted even better fresh from her balls than it had in that boring mug. Practically light headed, I swished the mouthful of potent cream around my tongue and the cock resting on top of it for what felt like ages. All fears forgotten, all that existed was this woman's life changing cum.
"Oh drink that cream baby..." the sexy futa moaned as she emptied her nuts in my mouth. "Drink it all for mommy..."
It was fucking delicious, salty but somewhat sweet, piping hot from the warmth of her huge balls, and so viscous I could practically chew on it. I savored every second, never swallowing while still nursing away at the shrinking tip for more. Drops of cum oozed out of the corners of my mouth, and I relished the salty taste one last time before reluctantly gulping it down.
The warmth spread down my chest and into my stomach, and I could feel the sticky nut coat the entirety of my insides. The musky flavor stayed on my tongue and the walls of my mouth, and I greedily licked away to taste whatever nut was left.
The softening girl cock slipped out with a plopping sound, and despite my mouth suddenly feeling empty and sad, my tummy felt full and overjoyed. I tried not to smile as I wiped the cum from the corners of my lips and licked it back into my mouth. I felt amazing, I felt fulfilled for maybe the first time in my life, but shouldn't I have been horrified?
Jillian grinned down at me from her seat and slowly stuffed her meat back into her cargo shorts. It bulged against the thin material, still bigger than any dick I'd ever seen, despite being soft, thanks to me of course.
"Now that training's settled, shall I get the rest of the girls, and you can get to work?" Jillian asked coyly, rubbing her juicy crotch while staring down at me, still on my knees.
My mouth watered and my stomach rumbled. As if by instinct, my lips opened wide, and my tongue reached out as she squeezed and stroked her already growing bulge. It hadn't even been five minutes and I already wanted, or rather needed, more futa cream.
"Yes please..."
It was gonna be a long, hard first day, and I couldn't wait to get my lips wrapped around it.
I was one hour into my first shift at "Creamer's", and I had become a whole new person in that time.
In just sixty minutes I had met my first futa, touched my first futa cock, and drank down my first load of futa cum. Within twenty minutes I went from trying it in a mug to sucking it straight from the source. Years of being taught to fear futas still left me with some reservations, but they paled in comparison to my overwhelming sensation of hunger, a need for futa meat and cream.
Jillian was right, I was born for this job, to coax out and guzzle down as much futa cum as possible.
For starters, their spunk is fucking delicious. Second, it just feels natural. Getting on my knees to service a physically superior futa, making her moan and tremble with my mouth, it made me feel good about myself. It made me feel wanted, just as much as I wanted her.
And as good as Jillian's cum tasted, her lady cock itself was just as good. Playing with it and nursing it in my mouth just made me feel warm inside, it made me feel fulfilled, and I wanted to curl up in a ball with her fat futa cock resting in my mouth for the rest of my life.
These are the thoughts that crossed my mind as Jillian left me on the floor of the Creaming Room. I knew I could run, a voice in my head kept telling me to get out while I could, but the rumbling of my hungry stomach drowned it out.
I shifted my knees on the cold tile beneath me, adjusted my little boner, and licked my lips. The salty essence of Jillian's dried cum was still prevalent around my mouth, and I whimpered a little bit once the taste went away. I wanted more. God what was getting in to me?
The door opened behind me, and Jillian sauntered back in with Meredith behind her. They were laughing about something, and from my view on the floor they looked like two giants, their booming laughter filling the little room.
"So..." Jillian laughed to the chunkier woman, "Simon is a natural, I think he's more than ready to be of service for the rest of the day. Obviously we can keep jerking it straight into the cups while his mouth is busy, but otherwise I think he's ready for non-stop service."
Meredith chuckled and tousled my hair with her beefy hands as she walked past me. My face grew red and I didn't know what to say.
"I am not surprised in the slightest," Meredith laughed back, "Just look at him." The red headed futa flopped her ass down on the recliner in front of me and spread her legs. Instinctively, my eyes settled on the growing bulge in her shorts. Just like the rest of her, it looked girthy to say the least.
Jillian walked back to the doorway and looked down at me. "You're gonna milk out all of Meredith's cream, am I right? You're gonna give her the release she needs?"
My face grew even hotter and I looked back and forth between the two futas. Meredith was literally licking her rosy lips as she stared down at me, and Jillian crossed her beefy arms waiting for an answer.
"Yes... Yes of course Jillian..." I answered quickly, I was so scared, so horny, so hungry, I didn't know what to do but agree.
Meredith knew what to do though, I could her pants unzipping behind me, and Jillian smiled approvingly.
"You give her the same treatment you gave me a minute ago, and we'll see if you're built to do this all day long," Jillian smiled again and began to close the door behind her.
"Oh Jill," Meredith interjected, "I just know that sweet little mouth is gonna get the job done."
Jillian laughed and left me there, alone on the floor with another futa in front of me. I turned back to Meredith, fear and excitement both clouding my mind.
"Now baby boy Simon..." Meredith cooed, "Are you ready for mommy's meat?" The busty woman smirked and squeezed the swelling bulge beneath her panties. She fondled and stroked the doughy tube of meat, it looked so big and soft and inviting, and without thinking my mouth began to water.
A tiny voice in my head still told me to run, that becoming a futa cum dump was something out of a nightmare, but I could barely hear it. Instead of a nightmare, that day felt like a dream, and at that point I was barely hanging on to my perceived reality. I didn't care about myself or my life, I just wanted to see another futacock, I wanted another taste.
"That mouth looks ready for it," Meredith laughed. I blinked and realized my mouth was hanging wide open. I wiped some drool from the corner of my mouth and looked up at her, embarrassed.
"You're practically begging for it," she laughed again, "Well here ya go bitch boy." She peeled back her restrictive panties and let her fat womanhood flop out.
When I say Meredith's cock was fat, it was FAT. Jillian's was about a foot long, and proportionately wide, but Meredith's was half the length, and twice as wide.
The whole thing was double the size of my forearm, and looked legitimately heavy, with two even fatter balls hanging below it. It was also uncut, another first for me, and the excess skin came out past the enveloped head. Instantly I thought about nibbling and sucking on that hanging cock skin, and I just went ahead and did it, no hesitation.
The skin was soft and supple, but the cock itself was rock hard, once I fully grabbed the shaft I could feel the stiffness beneath the layer of warm cock flesh. I slowly pumped the velvety skin up and down the fat shaft, my fingers couldn't even make it all the way around, while my mouth nursed on the skin around the head.
I became adventurous, and slowly dipped my curious tongue into the space between her pale shaft skin and the purple head. It was a world of flavor, musky and tart, the perfect mix of lady sweat and unwashed skin and oils. The feeling was overwhelming, the tastes and smells pungent and intoxicating, I couldn't believe a futa's dick skin could be so appealing. I wanted to lick it and suck on it all day long, an hour ago I would have been disgusted, but now I was in heaven.
I used both hands to stroke her massive lady meat, and pulled her skin all the way back to suckle on the sensitive head hiding inside. The taste was exquisite, hints of piss and pre cum danced across my tongue, and I pushed myself down even further to engulf as much cock as I could.
Meredith's fat dick was simply too fat, and I barely got past the head before my lips were stretched to their max. I sucked my cheeks in around the tip, and tongue fucked every throbbing inch that I could.
Before long, mouth completely stuffed and eyes water, I got the ultimate treat. The fat cock lurched between my lips and coated my insides with mouthwatering lady cream. I moaned and mewed and sucked away on her cock like some back alley whore, desperately pumping out every drop of cum her balls could give me with my hands and tongue.
Her load, much like her cock, was so fat I could barely keep it in me. I had to swallow mouthfuls of her salty cum so I could take more, and still some came spewing around her cock and out the corners of my mouth.
I kept her weighty head firmly placed on my tongue, cheeks clenched around it, literally trying to work out all the juice I could. Meredith moaned with satisfaction from the seat above me, and I savored every second with her cock and her fresh cum before it could be over.
Like all good things, that moment in time came to an end, and I was once again left with a sticky and empty mouth. Deep disappointment washed over me as I watched her cock go back into her panties, even just seeing it gave me joy. My stomach rumbled, somehow wanting more, and I wondered if it would it ever be satisfied again.
Before I could even lick the excess cream from my lips Meredith slipped out the door and another lovely coworker of mine took her place. I wasn't sure which one it was, until I saw the golden curls bouncing past her ass. Dawn tied her mane of hair up in a bandana and pulled out her lady cock before she even sat down.
Her womanhood reminded me of Jillian's, just perfect in terms of length and girth, a beautiful flared head and two smooth love nuts swinging beneath it. Before I knew it the head was in my mouth, and that familiar warmth washed over my face.
Dawn made it clear she needed a good "ball washing", and I obliged without question. Happily, gleefully, I sucked from right nut to left, juggling the hot orbs between my cheeks and across my tongue. I lightly nibbled the smooth sack, and licked the tangy sweat away until all I could taste was her sweet skin.
I wanted to suck until I could savor what was inside those fat nuts, and I greedily engulfed her sack, my face pressed against her throbbing shaft and my cheeks bulged, overcome with hunger. The animal inside of me moaned, and spit leaked down my chin.
"Fuck me Simon you're the best we've ever had," Dawn grunted, eyes clenched and fingers gripping my hair.
Suddenly my mouth was yanked from her succulent nuts, and Dawn's cock twitched against my face. I sputtered as her balls popped out through my lips, and a feeling of emptiness overcame me.
That feeling quickly subsided, as she threw my drooling mouth onto the fat head of her cock, and shoved my face down her shaft. The spongy tip quickly hit my throat, and my natural cock sucking abilities kicked in. It opened to accept her imposing length, the foot long lady meat quickly nestling inside of me, her balls now tickling my chin. I moaned again, this time with satisfaction, and breathed through my nose while I licked the little seam of skin running down the underside of her shaft.
"Oh good boy Simon good boy," Dawn groaned through her perfect clenched lips. Her grip on my hair was so tight I thought it might come out, but I hardly noticed with her delicious meat halfway down my chest.
The lady cock twitched against the sides of my throat and her balls tightened up against my face. I braced myself for the treat, and felt the hot jets of cream coat my insides. I quickly began to pull myself off of her cock, in a desperate attempt to feel the cum shots in my mouth, where I could really appreciate them of course.
Luckily I managed to retreat enough so just the head occupied my mouth, and I happily sucked my cheeks in around the spongy crown and showered it with my tongue, desperate for every inch of my mouth to feel its warmth.
The last cum shots felt like the nectar of the gods on my taste bufs, and I licked away at her piss slit as the last gobs of cream oozed from the tip. I let the viscous nut pool on my tongue long after her head slipped out of my lips, and I even gave it a kiss. The salty tanginess spread from my tongue, through my teeth and into my veins, coating all my insides and even my brain in sticky bliss. Seriously, how does futa cum have the best taste on Earth?
"Seriously Simon, I wish I would have known you in school. You would've been just the boy we needed in the locker room after our volleyball matches," Dawn laughed as she tucked her satisfied lady cock back down her shorts. "I make a lot of cream every day, so I'll be back every 30 minutes or so, and we'll keep each other nice and satisfied."
The radiant futa looked down at me with a look of pure bliss, and for one of the first times in my life, I felt proud to be me. Once the heat of her load left my mouth I finally swallowed it, knowing I'd get more soon.
Dawn left and was quickly replaced by the pale and imposing Veronica, and I wondered if her cock would be as lengthy and bony as the rest of her.
Veronica's cock was, in fact, just as lengthy as her gigantic frame would suggest, but much much fatter than anywhere else on her skinny body. Longer than the previous three cocks, and paler too, her raging hard on curved up towards the ceiling, allowing the precum to trickle all the way down from the head to her balls.
Without instruction I began to lap up the salty stream, bathing her womanhood with my tongue all the way up and down her pulsating shaft. My mouth decided to explore, and before long I was kissing everywhere, her bulging veins and the angry pink tip, sucking in all the skin and sweat I could.
Veronica wasn't patient, and wordlessly shoved the curved cock past my pursed lips and into my mouth. The head poked the top of my throat, and I angled myself to accept the throbbing pipe as it curled upwards towards my brain.
I sputtered, spat, and choked as she bucked her hips and worked her meat in and out of my throat. I desperately ran my tongue across what parts of it I could as it rammed in and out of me. I had no control, and my own dick suddenly burst, spurting my own nut across my pants. I moaned gutturally, and my body went limp as she continued to ram her spear of a cock inside of me.
"That's a good bitch," Veronica barked, her first time talking since entering the room. I continued to kneel there, in a pool of my own orgasm, as she abused my mouth with her womanhood.
I was so lost in pleasure I almost missed the moment her lady cock erupted. I came to my senses and immediately gripped her curved shaft with both hands, feeling the veins pulse and the skin tense against my fingers. It grew rock hard, and jerked, jerked, jerked away in my starving mouth as I furiously sucked away at the sensitive head.
Her sweet tip quickly filled my mouth with potent futa cream, and I massaged and tickled her balls to coax out all that I could get. I smacked my lips and let the delicious cum wash over my insides, the heat and the bitter sweetness instantly overpowering the aching of my throat.
"Good bitch," Veronica grunted without even looking at me, "Are you gonna thank me?"
I instantly swallowed the hot load in my mouth and stammered out a response. "Thank you Veronica, thank you for the cream, I loved it."
"Good bitch," The goddess staring down at me laughed, and my aching dick grew hard again.
The raven haired futa left the room in two short strides with her lengthy legs, and I was once again left alone. I took the time to lick my lips and face clean, and held the leftover cream in my mouth for a minute, relishing the flavor and thick texture, some of it was still warm.
There I stayed, on my knees, sucking away at stale futa cum, happy as can be. My reservations were long gone, I didn't even care about the job or about going home, I just wanted to taste my next cock, to swallow my next load. I never wanted to leave, at least one part of the stories was true, futas are addictive.
After a few minutes of solitude I rose from the floor and stretched my legs. There wasn't much room, but I walked in circles around the cum stained armchair to keep my blood flowing. So much had gone to my dick that morning I could barely feel the circulation anywhere else. I didn't care though, I couldn't care less about anything, I just wondered when my next lady cock was coming to be milked.
I assumed Shanice would be here soon, the last of my coworkers left to sample. After a few more minutes of walking in circles I decided I couldn't wait any longer. I wasn't sure if I was even allowed to leaving the Creaming Room, but I was so hungry I couldn't sit around waiting another second.
Hesitantly, I opened the door, tip toed out past the freezers, and glanced around the kitchen from around the corner. The room was empty so I walked out into the open and took in my surroundings again. The mug that Jillian had given me was still sitting on her desk, and I picked it up, hopeful to find a fresh batch of cream to eat. Sadly, the mug was empty, so I went to put it with the other dirty dishes, my stomach still rumbling.
My wishes were answered when I got to the sink, and saw it filled to the brim with dirty, cream covered, dishes. Plastic pitchers and long stirring spoons were piled high under the unused faucets, and everything was coated in futa cum. Gobs of the white goo oozed and dripped down the pile of kitchenware, and I could practically taste the tanginess in the air as my face got closer and closer to the gallons of wasted cream.
I couldn't help myself, and before I knew what I was doing my head was in the sink, viciously lapping up the mountain of futa cum. Every nut soaked cup in sight ended up in my mouth, I didn't want to do anything but lick and suck every bit of cum clean from these dishes. I moved quickly from plate to bucket, spoon to tray, greedily consuming every drop of cream my tongue could find, I wouldn't be satisfied until every single dish was sparkling clean.
While my tongue thoroughly licked the spunk from a pitcher, my hands ran up and down the length of a ladle, collecting handfuls of the sticky cream. I greedily shoved my fingers in my mouth, and scraped the viscous goo off with my teeth. The stale cream stuck to the inside of my mouth in gooey chunks, and I sucked the salty taste out until there was nothing left.
I licked clean the whole sink, dozens of bowls and cups, and my face and shirt had gotten soaked with the heavenly nut. I couldn't be satisfied, and without a second thought my tongue was running up and down the metal sides of the sink. Every splatter and every pool of futa jizz needed to be in my mouth, or running down the front of my face, I just wanted to drown in the stuff.
"Oh you hungry little slut," A voice teasingly growled from behind me.
I quickly raised my head from the sink and turned around, burning with embarrassment. The lovely Shanice filled the doorway behind me, lightly squeezing and rubbing the growing tube of lady cock in her pants. She bit her lip and gave her bulge a squeeze. I swallowed the mouthful of warm cream I was savoring and began to wipe the excess from my lips.
"Little boy like you, I knew your sweet ass was gonna love it here," Shanice laughed and came towards me, still stroking her fat bulge. "You're already licking the dishes clean for us, so sweet. I'm gonna need your help up front if you can spare those dick sucking lips for a second."
Shanice laughed again and grabbed the collar of my shirt. Without another word she pulled me through the doorway and out into the main room. She was so strong I could barely stay on my feet, and I happily let the beautiful futa drag me wherever she wanted, I just wanted more cream.
The lobby was full of customers, with lines leading from the two registers to the front door. For a second I felt like a deer in the headlights, completely frozen by the eyes of a dozen people who could see my cum covered face. I tried to wipe the sticky goo from the face and my shirt while Shanice kept on dragging me, and some people in line began to snigger. I couldn't imagine what they saw they were seeing, but the laughs died down as Shanice approached the cash register and shoved me onto my knees behind the counter.
"Do some organizing down there while I help these customers, got it?" She asked loud enough for everyone to hear.
I settled on my knees, almost squished between the counter at my back and Shanice's legs in front of me. I kept my head low enough so no one could see me over the counter, and tried to see what exactly I'd be organizing down here.
Thankfully, I didn't have to do any actual organizing, as Shanice quickly used one hand to work the register, and the other to unzip her pants. She started to take a lady's order as she fished out her swelling cock, and I helped pull her jeans down a bit from my spot on the floor.
"So just a normal drip coffee, how much cream would you like?" Shanice asked the customer above me.
"All of it..." I whispered to myself, my treat finally in sight.
Shanice's cock sprang out of her jeans and popped up to smack me on the mouth. The smell was pungent, much muskier than the other girls' cocks. I ran my hand along her protruding veins and used the other to cup and knead her tender balls.As Shanice continued to take orders above me I tasted my first public cock, just out of sight of dozens of people. If I'm being honest I completely forgot they were there, I completely forgot everything once a bead of her pre cum dropped onto my tongue.
I lost myself in Shanice's cock. I started slow, with soft kisses and light suckles on her throbbing tip, mewing with each trickle of pre cream that I could lap up. I sucked and playfully nibbled on her rock hard shaft, and ran my tongue along its length, making sure to flick it and kiss on the sensitive part underneath the bulging head.
Shanice's meaty paws ran through my hair while she took orders, and grabbed on so hard once I sucked her dick down my throat, I thought she'd pull my hair out and blow our cover. Thankfully, none of my hair came out, but she did pull me straight off of her cock and onto my feet, fuck she was strong.
My jaw still hanging open, drool running down my face, Shanice turned my body around to face the register, my cock sucking face now in full view of the customers in line. I burned with embarrassment as looks of confusion and bewilderment played across their faces. I swallowed and stammered and looked down at the counter, half ashamed and half missing the cock that was just taken from my mouth.
A pretty young lady at the front of the line spoke up, "Is everything alright? I forgot he was down there."
I smiled at her sheepishly and Shanice laughed from behind me. She pushed me forward so I was practically bent over the register, and gave me a playful pat on the back for everyone to see.
"Oh yeah he's doing just fine, first day of training and all. I wanted him to get to know where everything is before he starts taking orders. He's definitely got a good handle on things down there." Shanice explained to the lady in a sing-song tone. Her vice of a grip on my shoulder still kept me in place, but I could feel her other hand pawing at the back of my pants, what was she doing back there?
"I'm so sorry but I'm going to have to ask you to go to the other line. It's going to take a few minutes to break him in on the register here," Shanice laughed. In one strong yank she pulled my pants and underwear down to my knees, and cool air danced across my little butt cheeks. I trembled a bit and goose bumps rose across my skin. Shanice gave my right cheek a strong squeeze and began to knead my ass meat I had with her giant hand. I literally clenched up and dug my fingers into the counter, both terrified and titillated by what was about to happen.
The lady in line just smiled at us and walked to the back of the other line, completely unaware of my bare ass and aching boner hiding just behind the counter. She certainly wasn't aware of the massive futa cock lined up behind my bare ass, and I burned with embarrassment at the thought of any of these people seeing me get fucked like a woman. I had a feeling I wasn't going to be quiet as I lost my virginity.
"You ready to learn the ropes?" Shanice asked loudly enough for everyone to hear.
I swallowed, unsure of what to say, and jumped a bit when I felt the fleshy head of her cock poke and settle between my quivering cheeks. Without thinking I stepped backwards and pressed my ass against her throbbing cock. The meat of her shaft ran up the length of my crack and settled between my cheeks, so long the head poked up past my ass and into the air. I took a shuddering breath as as her warmth spread throughout my lower body, and I began to rub my butt up and down her pole. I was nervous, and excited, having a cock in my mouth was one thing, but my ass? I knew I would never be the same, I would completely lose my manhood to a futa, but nothing sounded more natural than that.
"You ready for me to breed this ass?" Shanice whispered over my shoulder. Her hands gripped my narrow hips just below the register, and pressed me into the counter. The first cock that would ever fuck me slid down my cheeks, spreading her pre cum and my slobber against my tight hole. I shuddered and closed my eyes.
The only things in existence were the feeling of her fat head nestling into my opening hole, the sound of her excited breathe in my hear, and the giggles of my futa coworkers watching on from somewhere behind me. I bit my lip, clenched my eyelids, and slowly pushed my virgin butt back to the mercy of her cock.
"Please fuck me."
"I hope your ass is as hungry as the rest of you," Shanice grunted in my ear.
After a pull of my hips, a thrust from her dick, and a moment of white hot pain, my knees buckled and my body went limp as an inch and a half of futa meat broke my seal.
Her cock was inside of me, the entire bulging head pulsated in my widening asshole. It felt sore and stuffed, I was so tight the flared tip was the only thing keeping it lodged in me, and I could feel Shanice slowly working it back and forth against my sphincter. I groaned and moaned through clenched teeth, and pressed the length of my body into the counter and register and she slowly penetrated me further. Centimeter after centimeter of the foot long cock tantalizingly rubbed past my hole and further into my empty ass, causing my whole body to shake like jello in Shanice's arms.
"You're doing so fucking good Simon," She growled from behind me. Muscular black arms wrapped around my body to keep me upright, and one of her hands clasped my moaning mouth shut. Half of her meat was in me now, the tender walls of my asshole being rubbed and teased by inch after inch of lady cock. I could feel her precum coat my insides and allow the fat head to delve further into me, and I clenched and trembled around the invading dick.
"Ohhh gooo... god... ohhh..." I moaned behind her muscular hand once her womanhood finally hit my prostate. My little boner, practically forgotten, spewed nut all over me and the counter, and she tortured me by grinding the massive thing back and forth against my p spot. I cried into her hand and threw my ass back, desperate to envelope the entire thing and cum even more.
"Eat my fat fucking dick bitch," The futa groaned as she released her full weight on me and shoved her cock up my ass to the root. Her fat balls slapped my taint as her tits pressed into my back, my drooling face smushed against the cash register in bliss.
I felt completely stuffed, full to the point of splitting open on her fat mass of cock meat. My ass felt like a balloon about to pop, the warmth and animalistic pleasure so good I thought I could melt. I did melt into her arms, and she began to slowly work the foot long fuck-stick back and forth inside of my limp body. In and out, in and out, my raw hole clamped down on her rigid shaft and I could feel every single detail of her gnarled length sliding through me.
Waves of pleasure washed over my ass and then through my entire body as she quickened the pace of her taking what manhood I had left. My hole continued to relax and accept her impressive girth, and I was proud as I began to meet her thrusts with thrusts of my own. I bounced my ass back to help swallow her cock with every push, and I moaned like a bitch in heat every time her head rubbed against my trembling g spot.
Toes curled, teeth clenched, and ass clapping, I didn't care at all if anyone saw me getting fucked like a whore in public. I was getting fucked like a whore in public, and with every inch of futa cock that rammed in and out of me, I couldn't imagine feeling any other way. I knew I wanted cock in my mouth forever, but now I would need it in my ass too.
I spread my legs further and bent over the counter as much as I could, widening my stance as much as possible, to be fucked as much as possible. It felt completely natural, almost like my body was made to be in this position, opening and submitting my ass to a superior futa. Shanice placed a hand on the small of my back and began to hump and fuck my ass harder and faster than before, exactly what I wanted.
I relished every inch of her life changing cock as it rammed its way through my ass. Her thrusts were so thorough she would work her way out until just the tip was in me, and then she'd stab me so fast and so deep her swinging balls would slap up against me. Essentially the entirety of someone's forearm completely fucking my ass from shoulder to wrist, and I loved every inch of it. From my gaping hole to the deepest recess of my ass, every little nerve was rubbed and fucked by the entirety of her meat.
The waves of pleasure became constant as her trusts quickened to a jackhammer's pace. Her cock was unrelenting, smashing past my hole and deeper inside me than I thought possible, over and over again, so fast the nerves in my ass were practically on fire. Every slap of her skin against mine, and every surge of her meat against my g spot, sent stars through my head and electricity through my body. It was official, I loved getting fucked.
"Ohhh fuck... fucking give.... give me that cock Shanice..." I moaned gutturally,.
"Fuck me... fuck me... fucking give me that cock..." I cried out shamelessly. I clenched around her hot meat and bounced my ass up and down, side to side, trying to smother every inch of lady dick I could. I wanted to feel it in every position, I wanted to be completely and utterly stuffed, and Shanice happily obliged. She hammered away at my ass until I became a sloppy mess, and kept fucking away until her balls were empty.
I couldn't say how many times I came, or how long it took Shanice, but I wasn't ready for it to end. I felt her sack tense up against my taint as her arms held me in close. The entirety of her cock was in me, and it twitched and grew even harder against my g spot. I shivered and clenched as hard as I could, the walls of my ass enveloping the length of her cock completely. I could feel every inch of her womanhood with my insides, and gripped it tightly as the first spurts of cream came jumping out.
Cum shot after cum shot soaked and coated the inside of my ass, and her meat slid and sloshed around with it as her thrusts slowed down. I bucked my hips back and forth to milk out as much as I could from the throbbing cock before it could get too soft, but still clenched down to hold and savor the shrinking meat inside me.
The warmth of her cream was intoxicating, and I literally felt like I could get pregnant, there was so much cum in my boi pussy it leaked out and down my cheeks. Her cock left my asshole with a little plopping sound, and more cum gushed out behind it. I was cold, and empty, and satisfied.
Not wanting to waste what I had worked so hard to milk out, I reached down behind me and ran a finger along my raw cheeks. I mopped up some cream and stuck a finger-full between my lips, giddy to have the familiar warmth and taste in my mouth. The gooey spunk felt great in my ass, but man it was incredible in my mouth. I kept wiping up the excess futa cum from around my ass and sucked it all down. Once that was gone, I reached a finger up my hole to scoop out some more, and lapped it up happily.
I could barely stand anymore, so I fell to my knees behind the counter, drunk on futa cum. My pants were still at my ankles, and cream began to pool on the floor around me. Face covered with and ass leaking nut, I knew I looked like a total cum dump.
Shanice was walking to the back of the store, stuffing her cock back in her pants. The rest of my coworkers, Jillian, Dawn and Meredith stood by the espresso machines, their wolfish grins and hungry eyes watching me sit in a pool of cum. Veronica stood off to the side, her phone out and flash on, clearly recording the entire thing. I turned away quickly, face red from embarrassment, and wondered if she would jerk off to the video later.
I tried so hard to make myself feel bad about being such a whore for futa cock in front of people, but I was quickly beginning to not care. I reached down to the cum soaked floor below me, wiped some up, and popped the cream in my mouth with a content little moan.
The salty nutiness danced across my tongue, and within a few seconds I had already forgotten about the cameras and the people. Shit I would get fucked in front of everyone again if it meant I got more cream. I knew I was addicted, I knew I should be horrified, but fuck I didn't care.
"Are you embarrassed Simon?" Jillian asked sweetly from above me. I looked up and the muscular futa was standing right in front of me, rubbing a familiar bulge at the front of her pants. I was still leaking cream from my last load, but it wasn't enough. My hunger was insatiable, and I gave in to it.
"Well, I was for a second..." I answered honestly. "But now... now I just want more cream, er-, cum." My eyes couldn't leave the growing mass of lady cock in front of my face, and my little hands reached out to pull down the waistband of her shorts without hesitation. I deftly pulled the familiar womanhood out and began to lightly pump it with my hands. Jillian's cock started to swell, and my mouth watered as it lurched to half-hardness, and swung teasingly in front of my eyes. I knew there was still a crowd behind me, but I played with her cock without a care in the world. I bet they would do the same thing.
"Can I please make you cum Jillian?" I asked politely, practically batting my eyes at the giant of a woman. She just smiled down at me, patted my little head, and guided her fat tip through my pursed lips and into my hungry mouth.
"He's a natural cum dump folks!" Jillian jokingly announced to our coworkers, until her cock hit my throat and a moan escaped her lips.
It didn't matter who was watching, it didn't matter where I was, my job was to make the futas cream, and dammit I was going to do that wherever I wanted, whenever I wanted. I would work 24/7, for 365 days out of the year, shit I would even do it for free. I had discovered my purpose, and nothing was going to stop me from sucking and fucking fat futa cocks for the rest of my life.