Chapter 279: Muscle Mature Fucks Rough Pt. 02 by Honeydew22031
I didn't know what was going on with Jason, but this wasn't exactly hard to figure out. Either he's playing some kind of sick fucking joke on me, or that whore Ms. Jaffey is...Fuck it, I don't even want to think about the details. I knew he was going over too often, there's no goddamn way he's just doing work. Unbelievable, Jason that fucking scumbag.
I was mad, and justifiably so, I just received a fucking phone call from my boyfriend that ended with him screaming and moaning.
"Jesus even I've never heard of pussy that good before...Hell I don't think I've ever heard a guy scream like that before either... No! No, Ms. Jaffey is just some fucking whore who just knows how to grind her hips better, and Jason...Jason is just a scumbag who gets off to older women, that's all! She's not better than you, after you sort this shit out, Jason's gonna get sick of that hag within a week, and then beg to come back to you!"
My thoughts were raging with ego and anger. I wasn't about to have Jason stolen away by some horny milf who thinks she can get away with anything. I certainly wasn't about to have my fucking boyfriend think he can get away with stabbing me in the back either.
I genuinely loved Jason, but this was probably the first time in my life that I hated him this much.
I finally walked up to Ms. Jaffey's house in all of its monolithic pride.
"Rich, cocky, LA, bitch..." I grumbled to myself
I stalked up, and pounded on the doors angrily.
No answer.
I continued to pound on the door for another minute.
Some of the neighbors were looking through their windows in concern. I didn't even notice how loud I was though, I was fuming, I didn't care at all. I continued to punch the door until my hand was hurting. Finally, Ms. Jaffey, who I had assumed to have been a 5'6 cougar, opened the door as if she were expecting guests. I was in awe of her stature. Towering over me with pure muscle, she was wearing a tight black shirt and tight booty shorts. She was like a goddess. I wasn't about to let that get to me though, this bitch needs to know who's the real boss here.
"Well hello honey! You must be Jason's girlfriend, oh you must come in, I swear he doesn't stop talking about you!"
I wasn't buying into that fake veneer of kindness at all.
"Now you listen to me you homewrecker, you get Jason out here right now! Where is that bastard! JASON ARE YOU FUCKING HIDING FROM ME!?"
Despite my tone, Ms. Jaffey retained a calm and friendly demeanor.
"Oh no sweetie you have it all wrong I promise! Jason and I are good friends and nothing more, I'm sure he told you about the work he does for me?"
The way she came off made me think she was telling the truth, but I still didn't buy it.
"Yeah...I know but...I...I heard him over the phone! He was..."
Ms. Jaffey broke out into, almost hysterical, laughter.
"Oh my honey you have it all wrong! I wouldn't even touch Jason in that way, let alone make him scream so loudly!"
"Wait wha..."
"It's probably good you're here actually, he was calling you while doing some work in the kitchen, and then the poor guy cut his hand open with a knife!"
Jason was always squeamish around blood...
"Wait but I thought I heard him scream out, like, other stuff as well. I thought I heard mom or something."
Ms. Jaffey gave a confused look.
"I mean if that's what he screams when he's in pain then that's what you heard, but believe me I was reading in my bedroom, I had nothing to do with whatever you heard."
The sudden humiliation of my predicament dawned on me. I was standing outside this woman's house screaming like a maniac over some shit I thought I heard over the phone. I've been nothing but rude to this woman who clearly hasn't done anything wrong.
"Oh. Oh my god. I'm so sorry! I am so so sorry! I didn't mean to act like such a, god, such a bitch! If I disturbed you in anyway I am genuinely sorry!"
I was humiliated at the realization at what a paranoid idiot I was. Ms. Jaffey raised a hand to try and calm me down.
"Honey. Please it's alright, I know what it's like. Your man is out eighty percent of the day working some random lady's pool. Trust me I know how suspicious that can seem. But I think he'd rather jump off a roof than lose out on all of you! Trust me, I get tired of hearing about you every day, he just doesn't stop!"
Ms. Jaffey smiled, and laughed, cooling off any tension left in the air.
This woman was so nice. Jesus I was being such an idiot. May as well check on Jason while I'm here though, god he must be scared shitless, me throwing a tantrum outside.
"Ms. Jaffey, once again I'm so sorry for disturbing you and the whole neighborhood. Jason's alright? He's not still hurt is he?"
"Heavens no, a bit of blood, but nothing a few stitches couldn't fix."
"Stitches? Oh god how bad was it?"
"Once again, nothing awful, just got a bit lightheaded, he's lying down right now, oh my! Where are my manners? You want to go and see him of course! Come on in sweetey, I'll take you to him."
I followed in Ms. Jaffey, still embarrassed from earlier.
"Get ready bitch, I'm cumming again! I told you your ass would be full of my thick cum today!"
Her cock tensed again, and we both screamed as we climaxed together. Like before, I collapsed, but this time Mommy caught me by the waist and pulled me into her, her cock still unloading hot cum inside me, and her cushion like breasts massaging me. She leaned into my ear, and whispered,
"That was really hot boy, but looks like your girlfriend heard you begging for Mommy's big dick. I think we're going to have visitors..."
My eyes shot open, Mommy smiled,
"What are you going to tell her honey? You think she'd like seeing what a slut you really are?"
I began to panic once again. Oh fuck, what was I gonna say to her?! She gets really fucking scary when she's mad. I scrambled to escape Ms. Jaffey's grasp.
"Hold on there baby, where are you going?"
Ms. Jaffey pulled me in closer, her softening cock still buried deep in my cum-filled ass.
"I-I need to get changed, I need to-I need to..."
"What? Tell her? You're gonna tell your little girlfriend who owns your ass now?"
"No! No, you know what, no!"
My attitude had changed suddenly, I yanked myself away from her grasp, her cock flopping out with thick cum following it. She let me go, and in turn made me fall on the floor. She simply stood up and leaned on the counter like she knew I was going to stay.
I stumbled and stood up, but just barely, with my knees shaking from the recent pounding I just took.
"This is a wake-up call if anything! I need to stop this, maybe I was begging for it earlier, but that doesn't make whatever this is okay! You leave me and my girlfriend alone, you go ahead and tell her what happened! Make sure to tell her everything though, like the part where you fucking blackmailed me!"
"That right? Even the part where you begged me for more as I split your ass apart with my dildo and my cock?"
"It's your word against mine, all I have to do is say that you forced me to say that shit on your phone!"
"Mhm." She smiled with utter smarm on her face.
"What? You don't believe me?"
"Not really, no." She slowly started walking toward me, her wide hips swaying, and her flaccid cock swaying with it.
"Baby, if you really wanted to do that you could have gone to the cops the first time I sent you those sweet memories on my phone. Not that I'd have cared, I mean look around you, you really think I couldn't just pay my bail? After that, I'd just find some other boy that's in need of a good fucking. No honey, I really don't believe you, because as soon as I stick my thick cock up that dirty little ass of yours..."
She pressed right against me, pushing her dick in my stomach, and holding my chin up to look at her evil grin.
"...Your attitude goes completely sideways. What I believe is that you were destined to be my bottom slut forever, and that you just needed a reason to explore those taboo desires of yours."
I tried to push her away, but she just tightened her grip on my chin.
"I never had taboo desires to begin with! I had a happy relationship! I never even considered that in bed once!"
She laughed.
"Of course you didn't sweetey, nobody does, they always need to have a reason to try. If anything I'd say I put you in a win-win relationship though. A relationship that you probably shouldn't pass up, otherwise you'll start to crave that missing feeling in your ass more and more until you do something stupid. Here's how I see it. You stay with me, you get the ultimate pleasure of your life, all day, every day. I get a place dump my cum whenever I want, and get worshipped like a queen. All I needed to do was give you a little push, and now..."
She wrapped her arms around me in a big bear hug, and began squeezing the air out of me. I clawed and fought my way out of her arms, but her grip was too tight, I only managed to slither up to my waist.
", we're gonna go through the final step, getting rid of that nuisance of a fucking girlfriend of yours!"
I kicked and struggled as best I could, she simply slung me on her shoulder and brought me upstairs. She threw me on the bed and locked the door. I got up to try and see if I could make a run for it anywhere, she simply grabbed me by the throat and shoved me back onto the bed. She leaped on top of me, enveloping me in her sweaty body, her pungest musk filling my nostrils. Then she grabbed me by the face, and made me look into her eyes.
"You stay put! If I see you try anymore shit I'll take you outside and fuck you until your girlfriend gets here to see!"
She climbed off of me and went into the bathroom to grab a bottle of a mysterious clear liquid. She came back with it, and began to thoroughly rub her cock with it. Her cock was glossy with whatever she had coated it in, practically dripping with the liquid.
"Now this honey, is a little agent of my own design. All you need to do is lick it off, and when you wake up, everything's gonna get sorted out, and everything will be the way it should be."
"No..." I said nervously, backing myself up against the bed in defense.
She snorted, and began briskly walking toward me. In terror of what she was trying to fill my mouth with, I began to kick and thrash. It was no use, she pinned my arms down with her giant legs, and easily slipped her cock into my mouth.
The flavor was pleasantly sweet like fruit candy. As she shoved her length in and out of my mouth, I realized what she had coated her cock in. It was a sleeping agent, meant to be ingested through the mouth. My consciousness was beginning to fade out. The only thing I saw was Ms. Jaffey's bronzed abs going back and forth, mashing against my face. Her gargantuan ballsack slowly pressing into my chin. Her arms keeping my head in place, while she made me suck her fat cock.
"Shhh, yeah, that's it Jason, sleep now. Let Mommy put you to sleep, shhhhh, shhhhhhh..."
She beckoned me as she slowly forced her length in and out of my stretched throat.
The last shush echoed through my head as I faded out of consciousness. This obviously wasn't the first time that I was drugged by Ms. Jaffey, as relaxed as my body was, my mind was in a panic knowing that when I woke up I was bound to be tied in leather straps, or cuffed to the ceiling with a dildo buried in my ass. It was within minutes that I passed out.
While I slept, Ms. Jaffey pulled her cock out of my mouth. Sweet talking me as I slept underneath her crotch.
"Mmmf, you're just so cute when you sleep baby, I just wanna...No, not yet, we gotta save the show for your girlfriend."
As if on cue, Ms. Jaffey heard angry pounding outside of her door.
"Hmph, perfect timing."
Ms. Jaffey carried my limp body down to the basement, and quickly got dressed.
I followed Ms. Jaffey into her house, blissfully unaware. I was more distracted by Ms. Jaffey herself. Jason had always told me she was certainly different looking than most women. Jesus he wasn't kidding. Her monolithic stature, her boobs the size of fully inflated balloons (That might even be an understatement), and a natural ass any woman would die to have. If I had to cheat on my spouse with anyone, It'd probably be her. I was talking myself back into the jealous state I had achieved earlier. I tried to break out of it for the sake of manners.
"He's right down here honey."
Ms. Jaffey pointed to the basement.
"The basement?"
Ms. Jaffey chuckled innocently at my observation.
"A lot sketchier than it seems I promise. We have a spare bed in the basement, can't have him bleeding on my sheets."
"Makes sense."
I opened the door to the basement and walked down the tiled steps to an ugly looking concrete room. Where I saw Jason. Unconscious. Face-down, cuffed and gagged, on a black metal cube in the middle of the room. Before I could say anything I felt a sharp pain in my neck, and then I was knocked out.
I woke up to a familiar feeling of binding. My hands were cuffed, and I couldn't breathe through my mouth, it was stuffed with a ball gag. I rolled my eyes, knowing the procedure, I was gonna get my ass torn apart all over again. I heard Ms. Jaffey's loud, booming, footsteps as she slowly came downstairs. She was completely naked, in her same hot pink latex panties. The pink barely containing the giant and tan, flaccid member.
She slowly walked over to me, this time I wasn't chained up to anything, my hands were just cuffed. I assume it was because she knew, that I knew, that I wasn't going anywhere. Her tits bounced with every step. Her tan skin wrapped tightly around the mass of muscle that was her. She licked her plump lips as she looked down at me in my humiliating position.
"Awake are we honey? Good. Today's going to be a real special session for us boy. You see I brought in a guest for us to watch."
A guest?
Ms. Jaffey grabbed me by the hair and pulled me up onto my feet. I turned to see my girlfriend tied to a metal chair across from me. She was just starting to wake up too.
"Oh looks like both of us are awake now."
Her eyes shot open and looked around in a panic, her screams muffled by duct tape across her mouth. Her panicked eyes suddenly shot to me, gagged and bound with Ms. Jaffey's hand on my shoulder. Ms. Jaffey pushed me down slightly, signaling me to sit down. I would protest but what could I do in this situation? I sat down, I looked into my girlfriends eyes, as if speaking to her with my expression that just read, "I'm so sorry".
Ms. Jaffey walked towards her.
"See honey, what you heard over the phone was exactly what you thought it was...well, sorry, not exactly"
She grabbed her penis that was crammed into her panties. My girlfriend reared her head away from it in disgust.
"If you didn't put two and two together by now...Jason and I have been getting real intimate together. I didn't know that someone, a boy his age especially, could be so..."
She breathed in with lust, and rubbed her cock through her panties while talking,
"...mmm, submissive. See I've been turning his ass inside out now for at least a few weeks, filling up his tight hole with my cum..."
She pulled her cock out and started lightly stroking it with one hand, getting it harder and harder, my girlfriend began to panic and tear up, looking at me in shame, unable to accept the truth.
"...fucking him raw until his eyes are rolled all the way back, and seeing him beg and scream for more until I bust in him so much it's leaking out of him for days. My big cock was made for his tight little butthole. I want him. I want him really bad honey. You really hit the jackpot with Jason here. That ass of his never wears out, if anything I think it just keeps getting tighter."
Ms. Jaffey continued to stroke herself casually, as she walked around my girlfriend like prey. She leaned in behind her and kept talking.
"I bet he never told you did he? How much he loves getting his filled with Mommy cock. He can't get enough of it, can you Jason?"
I frantically shook my head no, trying to plead my innocence.
"No? Well that's not right. Because I think I have something that would say otherwise."
She walked over to a laptop at one end of the room that was hooked up to a projector. The projector started to play the same dreaded video that she threatened me with before. The point of view shot of her giant cock going in and out of my butthole. Me screaming for more, begging her, calling her my Mommy. Everything she said in one video clip. I looked down in shame, I couldn't stand to look at my girlfriend. The loud thwapping sounds of the video were like torture. Every loud slap of her balls against mine, a cruel reminder of my newfound position. Every time I begged in the video was another moment of regret.
"Oh, I love this video, I jack myself off to it every night when your little boyfriend's sweet ass is away from my dick. See the way he begs me for it? Look how hard I'm pounding away at his ass, those slaps were echoing through the whole house. That was us on an average day though. Why in fact, while you were on the phone with my slut, I was tearing his ass apart with my cock and a dildo, making him scream. Didn't you hear him call me Mommy then? That's right, that's because he knows who owns his ass."
My girlfriend was crying, tears streaming out of her eyes, she was angrily screaming through the cloth in her mouth.
"What? You having something to say honey? Go ahead."
Ms. Jaffey released her gag.
"You bitch! Why?! Why are you doing this?! Let me go! Let both of us go! That isn't my Jason!"
"Why? That's a silly question. So you'll get the message, the only thing stopping me from completely owning my new toy is you. I want you to break up with him, leave us alone, and let me have him all to myself. Also, he isn't YOUR Jason, if you truly want to own him, all you have to do is treat him like the little slut he is. I did, and look at how much he loves me now."
"You fucking sadist! I'm not letting you have him! I know Jason, and you forced him to do that didn't you! Jason would never intentionally stab me in the fucking back!"
"Intentionally? Oh no of course not, but intentional or no, he's never going to feel the same pleasure from you like he has from me. Even if this never came to light, eventually he'd just break up with you and come crawling back to me. They always do honey."
"You're wrong!"
"Am I now? How about this, if I can make your boyfriend cum within five minutes, you break up with him, and you leave him with me. If he stays strong and manages to last a single second above that time limit, I'll let both of you go on living happy lives together, even though that'll just be a farce."
"Fine! Jason! Don't let her control you! I love you! We love each other! We've been together for so long, don't let it go to waste on this sadistic cunt!"
"Quite the mouth on her. Alright baby, stand up, let's show your little girlfriend who you really want fucking you every night."
Ms. Jaffey walked towards me until she was behind me. I looked down the whole time, not even making eye contact with my girlfriend anymore, however Ms. Jaffey was staring at her the whole time. She was staring right into her eyes as she slid her big hands up my chest from behind me, slowly caressing my nipples and chest, and as she bit into my flesh on my neck/shoulder, licking up and down, admitidately making me turned on. She whispered in my ear.
"Stop resisting honey, once she's gone I can make you feel good all the time."
Ms. Jaffey pushed my upper half downwards so I was leaning forward. She grabbed the chain between the cuffs, and kept another hand strapped across my chest for balance.
With ease, Ms. Jaffey shoved her whole length into my ass, making me cringe in pain through my gag. She slid her hands down to my waist, and stayed still as she kept her fully erect cock buried deep in my ass.
"Better start counting sweetey. I give it two minutes max."
My girlfriend glared at her with full intensity.
Ms. Jaffey moaned as she slowly pulled out at first, and pushed back in, loosening me up, rotating her hips around. Making sure to put full stimulation on my prostate gland, keeping me erect, a bad start to this contest.
Ms. Jaffey undid the buckle on my ball gag letting it fall out onto the ground.
"I want to hear you screaming for my cock in front of your girlfriend, can't have that gag keeping you quiet..."
Within mere milliseconds after ending her sentence, Ms. Jaffey unleashed a vicious flurry of intense thrusts into my asshole. My head rocked back and forth rapidly with the force. I tried to hold back the intense pleasure I was feeling but it was so hard. Her cock was massaging my prostate with such ease and pressure, that I could barely contain myself.
Her big hands dug into my hips as my body was jerked around by the force of her member fucking me mercilessly. I gritted my teeth as hard as I could, but it clearly wasn't going to help, with every savage thrust of her cock I felt myself getting pounded closer to a climax. I looked up to see my girlfriend crying, knowing that I was losing this battle. She could tell from the look on my face that I was desperately trying. My erection didn't lie though, Ms. Jaffey had me right where she wanted me. Her thrusts were brutal and barbaric. Her abs flexing with every push of her sturdy hips. Her voluptuous breasts bouncing in circles, her dark nipples bouncing with it.
My eyes shot with panic as I realized I was closing in on climaxing. It felt too good not too, my own body's pleasure betrayed me. The muscles wrapped around her cock spasming from the violent pleasure I was receiving. I began to let out high pitched moans involuntarily. Ms. Jaffey smiled knowing what that meant. My girlfriend looked away from me in shame.
"Don't look away now sweetey! We're just getting to the good part, your soon to be ex-boyfriend here is about to blow the biggest load of his life!"
She wasn't exaggerating honestly, she was doing something different today, she was more focused than making me cum than using me as her cock sleeve. The intense pressure of her cock drilling into me rapidly was causing me to go light headed. Ms. Jaffey grabbed me by the neck, and forced me to look at my girlfriend as she unloaded long powerful strides into my asshole. They weren't as quick, but were twice as powerful, making loud slapping noises, as her wide hips clapped against my tiny ass. Her giant balls punching mine.
My body was going to betray me, mentally I didn't want to cum, but that was soon lost to the immense ecstasy surging through me like electricity. All thoughts of anyone else I do or had ever loved escaped me. My thoughts were blank, my obedient slave mentality had set in. My moans got louder, and soon I was begging for more. Ms. Jaffey sensed this, and grinned. She delivered her lines on cue.
"You want to cum boy? You want to cum for your Mommy? Huh? You want more?"
"Even if that means leaving your pretty little girlfriend?"
"Where do you belong boy? WHO do you belong to?"
Ms. Jaffey started delivering hard smacks to my ass as she ripped me apart.
"Who's cock do you wanna ride?"
"Good boy! Cum for you mommy then!"
Ms. Jaffey's long thrusts and spanking continued to grow in power and speed. I was completely braindead at that point, screaming and moaning louder than ever. The spanking was turning my ass red. I screamed as her cock finally dug it's way down into my depths, and my ass tightened like a vise around it. My dick began spewing out the largest load I'd ever witnessed. Abnormal for any guy, but Ms. Jaffey knew what she was doing, she knew how to make any guy break.
Ropes continued to shoot out of me, Ms. Jaffey resumed her thrusting to keep me in climax for a while, to make sure my balls were completely emptied by the end. Her hands were latched onto my hips as she delivered her final volley of rapid pounding. The slapping echoing through the room, along with my screams as my toes curled and I continuously shot cum everywhere.
When I was finished, I was panting like crazy, my head still clouded in pleasure. She shoved me off of her cock and dropped me to the cold floor, making me drop in my own puddle of cum.
"I'd say that was about two minutes. My, my, you're quite the little slut aren't you?"
Still lost in pleasure I replied, "Yes, Mommy."
She chuckled, and looked over at my girlfriend who was drenched in tears.
"See honey, I take what I want, and I want him. He knows where he belongs, and it's not with you. Just in case you didn't get the memo though." She put her hands of her hips and looked down to me.
"Jason baby, I'm still hard, and I'm still horny, be a good slut and make your Mommy cum."
Without thinking, as if my body moved by itself I immediately brought myself face first to her cock and began licking and sucking on the head. I took one of her balls and played with it in my hand. Ms. Jaffey just watched as I did all the work, a smug look on her face with her hands on her hips as she relished the image of me servicing her.
"Mmmm, so cute..."
I sucked on her balls and licked them as well, taking in the pungent musk of her member. Then I wrapped both of my hands around her member, and gave her an indian burn as I worked her massive balls. Even I was beginning to make her moan a bit, although she wasn't afraid to let me know I was doing a good job.
"Get to sucking honey."
I complied, and enveloped my mouth around her cock. I took the whole thing down my throat, swallowing it. I was deepthroating her cock naturally without any form of resistance in me.
I made loud gagging sounds as I passionately worked up and down on her massive dick. Her length disappearing then reappearing in and out of me. All I wanted to do was to make her cum, no other objective or purpose was in my head. I had truly become her bitch, my only purpose to give her pleasure.
Occasionally sticking only her giant head on my mouth, and circling it with my tongue. Ms. Jaffey was simply smiling the whole time, knowing she had one, relishing her victory. Her precum continued into pour into me, clear that I was doing what she wanted, which, at the time, was all I wanted.
"Good boy. I'm getting close, keep it up." She turned to my girlfriend who was still speechless at my pathetic surrender to Ms. Jaffey, "See how he works my cock honey? Have you ever been able to make him scream like that? From what I see, he knows exactly what he wants, sorry, WHO he wants."
"Jason..." She pleaded, but it went unheard by me, drowned in desire for Ms. Jaffey's cock in my mouth.
"I don't think he's listening sweetheart. He's a little *mmmph* busy at the moment..."
She wanted to cum in front of my girlfriend, she wanted her to see, so that she knew that I was Ms. Jaffey's property. Ms. Jaffey wanted to mark me in front of her so that my girlfriend knew that it was over, and there was no stopping Ms. Jaffey from getting what she wanted.
I grabbed her by her giant ass, my hands clamped on her soft wide cheeks, as I pulled myself in deeper into her cock. My nose mashing against her rock hard abs, buried into her light bush. My eyes rolling back with every stroke down on her member.
Her penis engorged in my mouth, I knew the meant she was close. I put both hands on her cock and worked her shaft as I circled my tongue around her head again. She began to moan and fondle her breasts.
"Oh! Yeah, that's good."
Then she clamped her hands on the back of my head and ravenously fucked my face until she screamed in pleasure, shooting a waterfall of cum down my throat, as she buried the erupting member into me. My eyes were rolled all the way back, basking in the pleasure of drinking from her cock. My moans vibrated into her cock, causing her to cum more. She pulled out of my mouth but kept my mouth open, the seemingly endless waterfall of cum pouring onto my open tongue and down my throat. My mouth was agape, begging for her to dump more of her thick cum into me, a request she was happy to oblige. She stroked her cock as her cum continued pouring into my mouth, making sure my girlfriend got a good look at me begging for her cock sauce. Gasping for it like it was air in my lungs. She would thoroughly push out any remaining cum left, and then dive her cock in my mouth to clean off the rest. I enthusiastically licked and sucked on her, relishing the sweet taste of her cum.
"What do you say to your Mommy for that delicious treat?"
"Thank you Mommy."
I heard whimpering from the other side of the room. Out of nowhere, my senses returned to me, I snapped my head to see my girlfriend broken into tears, her face red with pure anger. She looked at me with disgust, shame, and bitterness. A look that made me ashamed, and made me realize what had just taken place. The dried cum on my chest, and the puddle of my own pleasure on the floor.
"Babe, I'm...I'm so sorry..."
"Oh honey don't get so angry, he just knew where he wanted to be more."
"SHUT UP! BOTH OF YOU! UNTIE ME RIGHT FUCKING NOW, I'M GOING HOME! Jason your shit is going to be out front, take it and fucking go, we're through, and YOU, you made your point keep him, do whatever the fuck you want to him."
Ms. Jaffey smiled.
Ms. Jaffey undid her binds and let her go. My girlfriend slammed the door behind her. I was in a state of utter shame and depression, kneeling down next to a large puddle of my own cum. I had just humiliated myself in front of the woman I thought about marrying, all of it ended in a flash because I couldn't resist a little fucking assplay. I was such an idiot. There was no talking my way out of this, we were through. I began to curl up and cry on the floor.
"Aaaaaw don't cry honey, it's better this way. Now nobody's gonna stop us! You can be my bitch day in, day out."
She reached her hand out and put it on my shoulder, gently massaging me. I viciously threw her hand off, catching Ms. Jaffey off guard.
I was red with anger, still crying.
"Not what I heard earlier baby..."
I grabbed my clothes out of the corner of the room and ran out of the house, surprisingly not to be stopped by Ms. Jaffey. I looked back to her standing in the doorway, leaning on the frame. Her face wasn't angry though, nor sad, it was that same smug and smarm that she had when she was fucking me.
"He'll come back, begging for more." She thought to herself, watching me walk briskly away, "They always do."
After she had thrown me out, I took my things and crashed with a friend of mine. It didn't end well, not at all, but on a lighter note, I was finally single again at least. I was still working my job, I paid my rent, and better yet, nobody knew about me and Ms. Jaffey, except my ex, me, and Ms. Jaffey herself. It was better this way I guess. I could move on, I don't have to worry about supporting two people in one house. I was only at my friend's for the time being, I had enough in my savings for another place to stay, I was only there until I could move in to my new apartment. He was happy to have me around anyway.
My friend, John, who I was staying with me, took me out clubbing one night. We partied harder than ever before, John wanted to get me laid, get my mind off of my ex, not that I really needed it, I moved on pretty quick surprisingly. John was just being a good friend I suppose. The music was loud, and the club was bouncing. The bass from the dj pounding into my ears, the alcohol clouded my mind, and my hormones were kicking in. Girls were grinding all over us, and I was entrapped in the club mindset.
Suddenly my good times ended when I saw a tall figure standing out from the crowd. Who else was it but Ms. Jaffey, wearing a tight black crop top, showing off her toned abs. Her shirt accompanied by jean shorts, doing a weirdly good job at hiding her cock. I was shocked to see her here, and weirdly frustrated to see her as well. I don't know why but it wasn't the fact that she was here, but it was the guys that were talking to her. Was I jealous? No. No it can't be. Knowing her she stalked me here, hoping to get another round on my ass. We made direct eye contact, my glare catching her eye. She simply smiled in return and winked at me. I turned away from her, embarrassed, and moved away from her further into the bouncing crowd. I made my way to the exit, until suddenly I was grabbed from the waist and pulled into Ms. Jaffey's crotch. How did she get over here so fast? Without a word she began grinding her erect bulge into the back of my jeans. Her hips dry humping me to the beat, making me grind on her. My ass involuntarily moved around on her member, causing her to laugh and pull me in tighter, until she pulled me into her. She dove her thick tongue in my ear, and then talked into me over the music.
"Fancy seeing you here baby! Wanna dance with me? I've missed you."
I yanked myself free of her grasp and made for the door. I got outside to get fresh air, and leaned against the alley wall by the club, letting out a deep sigh, hoping Ms. Jaffey got the message. I was afraid of falling into her grasp again. Ms. Jaffey did not get the message however, mistaking my leave of the club as a tease.
She stalked towards me and planted herself in front of me. She held one of her thick arms straight in front of me, supporting her as she leaned in looking down on me. The other hand finding my face and stroking it with her thumb.
"You little tease. Wanted some privacy did you?"
I turned away from her.
"No. I was trying to get away from you."
"Oh baby, are you still mad about that?"
"Of course I am! You ruined my life!"
"Hmph, you say that now, but I think later you'll be giving me a big thank you."
"For what?!"
"For giving you the best time of your life! What else? In fact..."
She leaned in closer that we were face to face.
"...The offer still stands honey. You can still come and stay with me. I'll make your life better than it's ever been." Her face continued to grow closer to mine. Her smell was intoxicating, and my drunk/horniness wasn't helping me. "All you have to do is finally surrender to me."
I began to pant with lust, not sure if I was going to be able to resist her this time.
Ms. Jaffey suddenly dove her long, thick tongue into my mouth ravaging my wet cavern. One o her big hands grabbed the side of my face. We passionately kissed, she sucked on my tongue and bit on my lip, giving me hickeys, and practically raping my mouth with her tongue. Breathing, "Oh yeah." between breaths and kisses. She gave me one more mouth fuck with her tongue, swirling it around my mouth hard, forcing my head into the wall behind me. She pulled her tongue out of my stretched out jaw, a giant trail of saliva following. I became entranced in her spell once again. She leaned in and whispered in my ear.
"Why don't we go use the bathroom honey? Get ourselves acquainted with each other again. I know you've missed me..."
I really did deep down, but I snapped out of my trance and pushed her away.
"N-no! I can't, I'm not falling for you again!"
"Oh baby! You admit it then! You really did love it didn't you! Being my little slut!"
"Yes-NO! NO! You ruined fucking life, I'm not going through it all over again!"
I stormed away from her, regretting my actions deep down. From the bottom of me I wanted her to take me again, I wanted to be her bitch again. I don't even know what was stopping me at that point.
"Alright honey!" She yelled at me as I walked off, "But when you change your mind you know where to find me! Remember that ass is already mine!"
I hated to admit it, but she was right.
Later that night, I continued to dance with John and some girls we met. One thing led to another, and I ended going home with one of the girls. A small petite girl who thought I was cute. We stumbled into her apartment, and things inevitably led to both of us naked in her bed. This would be my first time having straight sex in a while. As we fucked I found myself craving an intense feeling, a feeling missing. I couldn't believe it but I missed getting fucked in the ass, the mix of pain and pleasure really turned me on. The sex was fine, but I found myself not finishing, even going flaccid at one point. It was...boring. I missed being used like a cock sheathe. Ms. Jaffey really had corrupted me. After I went home the next morning I started to go insane.
Whenever I jacked off all I could think of was Ms. Jaffey owning me, plowing me, fucking me until I screamed and came, dumping her cum down my throat. I missed it. I found myself not being able to jack off without something up my ass. None of it was the same though.Nothing could satisfy me like Ms. Jaffey.
I wanted her back again. I couldn't hold it back anymore, I wanted to be owned by Ms. Jaffey, I wanted her to use me like her toy every day. I wanted her back.
I swallowed my pride finally and went to her house. Ashamed, embarrassed, and scared. Would she take me after everything I said to her? Was I this pathetic that I would prove her right? I nearly walked away, but kept walking after remembering the crippling emptiness I felt when I wasn't with her. I couldn't handle it anymore. I needed her.
I walked slowly to the giant front door. My heart was beating out of my chest.
I rang the doorbell and awaited that same smug face that I was accustomed to. That same face is what I was introduced to once again after she opened the door in her bathrobe. She smiled and looked down at me.
"Finally come around did you?"
I nodded shyly, looking at the ground, my legs shaking in nervousness.
"Well, come on then get in here."
Her reaction made me light up a little bit, only a little though. I said some pretty nasty things to her, I definitely was going to have to make up for that.
She led me inside, and we went into the living room by the courtyard. She popped down on the couch across from me and stretched her arms out. She crossed her thick legs over one another. I sat from the couch diagonal from her. I was still looking at the ground, nervous. I clasped my hands together, and jittered my knee up and down. I felt Ms. Jaffey's gaze on me, I felt like I didn't have the right to look her in the eye. Despite what she had done to me, I was the one who felt guilty all of the sudden. I shyly looked up to her cold gaze.
"Something you're here for honey? You wouldn't be here to take me up on my offer would you?"
She raised an eyebrow, pretending that she didn't know that I was putty in her hands.
"Yes? Why I certainly didn't get that idea the other night, although from the way you kissed me missed me didn't you?"
"Couldn't stop thinking about me could you?"
"Really? You sure I didn't ruin your life? Or that you hate me? I mean, they were your words honey."
"I was lying."
"Lying? You sure? Because you certainly made me out to be quite the monster."
I began to studder.
"I-I I'm sorry I was just frustrated and confused. I...I didn't want to make you feel bad. I didn't mean it."
"Sure sounded like you did." Her tone changed.
"I'm sorry."
She chuckled.
"Just what I wanted to hear, say it again."
"I'm sorry."
"About calling you names, about saying I hate you, about lying to myself and to you. I'm sorry for everything, I'm a piece of shit and I know it. I just can't stop thinking about...When I was with you I felt safe, I felt comfortable, I felt like I belonged somewhere."
"I think that'll suffice."
She pulled a recorder from out between her breasts. Then she hit a button and replayed our dialogue from the beginning. She smiled at me.
"Now if you ever 'change your mind' about me, I've got proof about how you really feel. This is how you feel right boy?"
She hit the record button again and pointed the device at me.
"Yes." I responded.
"You're not just using me for a place to stay?"
"No. I came here for you."
She grinned, showing her teeth, and chuckled. Then she stood up and loomed over me.
"Prove it."
"Quit your job. If I'm taking care of you I can't have you distracted by anything else, whenever I'm gone or in another room I don't want you thinking about anything but my cock. Call them now, and tell them you quit."
"But I..."
She shot me a look that said that she wasn't taking any back talk from me.
"Yes who."
"Yes Mommy"
It felt strangely good to say that again.
I pulled out my phone and called my work. Ms. Jaffey had her hands on her hips, looking down at me as I satisfied her request. I told my work that I quit, and they seemed to have no problem letting me go. Ms. Jaffey smiled at my actions. It felt good to get her satisfaction again. That warm feeling of belonging welled up inside me. As I hung up the phone I looked up to her smiling down at me.
"Good boy. Alright baby, I forgive you. Tomorrow, you pack your shit, and you get that tight ass over here. You live here now with me. Don't mistake that for this being your house. The only thing that belongs to you anymore is your bed...actually scratch that, even that's mine. You, your things, everything is mine, and what I say goes, got it?"
"Yes Mommy."
"Mmm, didn't even have to tell you to say it that time, look at you already knowing your place. Alright secondly, if I see you with anyone else, if I see you even check out another woman on the streets, that's it, you're going to be punished severely. Trust me, you won't enjoy it. Third, if I get even the slightest hint of you getting distant from me I throw you ass back out on the street. You got it boy?"
"Yes Mommy."
"You do whatever I say, whatever I want, whenever I want, and I don't hear any shit back from you except, 'Yes Mommy.' You got that too?"
"Yes Mommy."
"Whenever we're out and I say that I need some ass, I'm gonna take you to the nearest bathroom and fuck your brains out. When we're driving, you better suck me off without me telling you. When we work out together, I want you cleaning me with your tongue, and I want you bent over a machine after so I can dump my cum in you. You belong to me now honey, all of you belongs to me. That's the last rule baby, that you understand that all of you is mine. You're my pet, my fucktoy, my cock sleeve, and most importantly, my boy."
"Yes Mommy."
"Good. Glad we got that straight, before you go get your shit from your friend's house..."
She dropped her robe to the floor, revealing her glorious and toned body to me, her flaccid cock dangling between her muscular thighs.
"Get to work."
I immediately dived into servicing my new master. I enthusiastically took her giant cock in my mouth, while my hands cupped her giant balls. Her dick was growing in my mouth as I wrapped my drooling mouth around her shaft, sucking back and forth, while she kept her hands on her hips.
"No second guessing now are we? No you know your place, at the mercy of my fucking cock. Isn't that right?"
I muffled in agreement as I sucked her cock passionately. Bobbing my head fluidly up and down her erect member, thick as a soda can. It felt at home in my mouth, I was relishing the feeling of pleasing my dom. I wanted her to cum, and I wanted her to love me like her own slave, I wanted to be her property.
She put her hand on her ass and slowly nudged her cock forward every time I went down on her cock, making me take her deeper in my throat. My throat relaxed around her shaft, letting her thrust into me with ease.
Just as I thought this would be it before I left, Ms. Jaffey pulled me by the hair off of her cock.
She laughed.
"You're trying too hard sweetey, I can't cum just yet! It's been a whole month, that ass is probably tighter, let me get a good taste first."
"Yes Mommy."
I bent over with my hands on the couch while my posterior was sticking out towards her. She stroked her cock as she nosedived into my asshole, tearing it apart with her oversized tongue.
She kissed and licked her way into my asshole. Moaning passionately as her tongue wriggled inside me causing me to gasp. She stroked herself off as she chewed me out. Her rimming was vicious and savage, like a horny drunk kissing his whore for the night.
She twisted and rolled her tongue around my asshole, as it tickled my prostate, making me dig into her sofa. She spanked my ass hard making me yelp. The combined pleasure of her spanking and her rimming made me moan in ecstasy. She pulled back.
"Mmmm! You HAVE gotten tighter!"
She pulled my asscheeks apart with her hands, and stretched my asshole out with her thumbs to get a better view, then spanked me again.
Then she dove back into me. She continued her rimjob for five more minutes. She stood up and started rubbing the head of her cock on my entrance. She traced the precum on my asshole incircles, coating it in a thin layer.
"What do you want."
"I know me, you bitch." She delivered a series of hard blow to my ass, I was too embarrassed to say it still, despite the ecstasy clouding my mind.
"What." *SMACK* "Do." *SMACK* "You." *SMACK* "Want!"
"Quit teasing me you little slut, just say it!" She pushed her head against my asshole, making me quiver with anticipation. Fuck it.
"Your cock please. Mommy please fuck me!"
She let out a throaty giggle, then pushed her whole length inside me with one long fluid thrust of her hips. I made a yelping noise. Her entire cock felt like it was holding me off the ground, making me stand on my toes.
"Yeah that's it baby, scream for me."
She resumed her usual pace, thrusting into my ass with passion. Long strokes, strong and powerful, rapid, unloading her daily sexual aggression into me. My asshole spazzing with every raging thrust from her giant hips.
"It feels good to be back at the end of my cock doesn't it honey?"
I screamed in passion as she began to pick up the pace. She pulled me into her, and pulled on my nipples and moaned in my ear.
"I haven't jacked off in days, and it's been driving me crazy. Can you feel it? Huh slut? How big my balls have gotten? Wanna know why I didn't jack off? Because I knew your pathetic little ass would come crawling back for more. I nearly lost hope at the club, but I still waited. I waited because I knew during our reunion fuck I would dump as much cum as I could into you. That's exactly what I'm gonna fucking do, I'm gonna pour so much thick cum into this ass that it'll pour out like a fucking waterfall!"
Her words turned me on like crazy. The way she dominated my ass, everything, I came immediately, shooting my load everywhere. She chuckled at my reaction.
"Looks like you've been waiting for this too haven't you, you dirty boy! I was so fucking happy seeing you at the door again. I can finally claim what's mine. All those times before were nothing compared to the cum flood that's coming your way you dirty bitch!"
She shoved me back down and ripped away at my ass faster than before. The loud and rapid slapping increasing it's pitch. Her gigantic length disappearing in and out of me, introducing that familiar THWAP sound that we missed.
Followed by my loud and girlish moans.
"Yeah? You like that you cock bitch?! COME ON! THAT'S IT TAKE IT!"
Ms. Jaffey replied as she smacked my ass rapidly, turning my cheeks bright red.
She roared in triumphant laughter.
"Say my name!"
"Ms. Jaffey! Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooh Ms. Jaffey! Yes!"
She continued her pounding for what seemed like mere minutes until she was finally ready to cum. Her impatience was clear, she didn't last as long as usual.
"I've been waiting a whole fucking month for this! Get ready you little slut!"
She fucked me at blurring speed and then screamed as she unloaded the entire contents of her balls into me. She was not exaggerating. I felt like my ass was going to explode, there was so much cum filling me up. I gasped and screamed at the pressure as she continued to ravage my asshole, spewing cum everywhere as her cock continued penetrating me as she came. She slowed down then held her cock in place, deep in me, shooting all of her cum up my organs. She was cumming for literally five minutes, unloading rope after rope of thick white liquid into me. She gave my ass one final smack and then pulled her flaccid cock out of my ass. Her cum literally spewed out of me like a fire hose, making a loud blorp sound as her cum came pouring out of me, as I collapsed with my ass in the air on the couch.
"Did you like it slut?"
"Yes." I panted as more cum continued to spew out of my asshole, and onto the floor. "Yes Mommy I loved it."
She flipped me over on my back. She took two fingers and scooped some of the copious amounts of cum flowing out of me. She brought her fingers to my mouth.
"Lick it off, come get your reward."
With passion I sucked on her two giant fingers hard. She drove them in and out of my mouth, making sure I tasted every drop.
"Good boy. Go get your things baby, I can't wait for you to move in with me."
I limped my numb legs to the uber I ordered. Rather than come the next day, I couldn't wait that long, I grabbed my things and moved out of John's house that very night. When I came back to Ms. Jaffey's door, and immediately settled in. We fucked more that night. She laid me on her bed as I spread my legs as wide as I could for her. She grabbed the ends of my feet and kept my legs up and spread as she gyrated her hips into me. She plopped me on her lap on a chair downstairs later, making me bounce on her cock up and down, using the armrests for support. She then spun me around and made out with me passionately, ravaging my mouth with her giant tongue as I rode her cock. Grinding my hips into hers. It was an entire night of screaming, moaning, slapping, cum drinking, and fucking.
By the end I was glazed in her cum, it bubbled and gurgled out of my mouth, and leaked out of my ass. It never stopped there though. We would go on hikes sometimes, she would pull me off the trail and fuck my brains out in her sports bra and yoga pants. Making me cum by the trail. Unloading her dose of cum behind a tree. We didn't care who could hear us scream. She would take me to clubs and fuck me in the bathroom, pushing me against a stall with one leg hooked over her arm, ravenously plowing me with my legs apart, one of her hands keeping my face pushed into the stall, as her giant breasts pushed into my back. Sometimes when she had too much to drink, she would shove her cock down my throat and piss down it, using me as her own personal toilet, making sure I drank it all.
Sometimes she would have parties at her house, with other mature shemales like her. I would become involved in a storm of giant cocks and horny women. Giving Ms. Jaffey the most attention obviously. Every hole of mine was filled with a thick t-girl cock. Ripping me apart. They would all take turns on me until daylight. I would help her workout, by licking the sweat off of her, and taking her sweaty cock in my mouth as she benched. Then I would sit on her cock as she lifted free weights, lifting myself up and down on her giant member, making my thighs burn. Other times she would dress me like a girl, accompanied with wig and bra. She would call my ass her pussy as she fucked it like one. Pulling on my hair, messing and smearing my makeup at the end. Every time I was on the phone she would take the opportunity to rip my pants down and pound me, sometimes shoving a dildo inside with her cock. Fucking me with her toys in rhythm to her own fucking. Whenever we would take a trip in her car, I drowned myself in her cock, and precum. Giving her road head every time, I never got tired of it.
I loved guzzling her cum, it excited me. She needed to work at her desk sometimes, without her even asking, I would climb underneath and lick between her toes and worship her feet, then kiss my way up her thick legs until I made it to her giant cock. There I would suck it down and make her cum as many times as she could. When we slept together she would spoon me and cradle me in her big arms, then nestle her dick in my ass. Pulling me into her close as she lightly breathed into me as she slept, making me feel safe. Her cock would twitch in my ass when we woke up. She would order sex machines online, one was a piston with a cock at the end of it. The machine would fuck me in the ass as she shoved her cock in my mouth while I moaned and begged her for more. We tried every position, and everything we could. If you can fuck anywhere, anyplace, and in any way, we tried it. There were times that she pumped me so full of cum my stomach would bulge, or it would shoot out of my ass like a hose. Sometimes fucking me so hard I'd pass out. Making me eat so much of her cum I'd have to skip dinner.
I did everything for my Mommy, I love my life, and I love being her bitch.