Chapter 280: Taken Advantage and Owned by Honeydew22031
"Fuck it's cold out!" Erin exclaimed, "This commute is fucking awful, at least it won't be a problem anymore..."
Erin had just got out of her last day at her work. She was a therapist, a good one at that, but she felt as though she had earned enough money to call an early retirement. Her only concern is if she gets bored. Her final walk to her apartment, joyous as it was, was awful to her. She hated the long walk to her home, but finally she was free from early wake-ups, long walks, sad patients talking to her about shit she barely even cared about, regular perverts who couldn't help ogle at her every time they came in for their "therapy".
Erin was tired of it all, but she was finally free. To celebrate she was gonna sit at home, eat a pint of ice cream and pass out, then sleep until 2 in the afternoon. Cold and dark as it was, she could finally let out a warm sigh of relief. She felt something missing though, even if she wouldn't have to work a day in her life again. At the age of 40 she should have already been married. Only problem is her monolithic size intimidated most men, and her "special condition" as she called it, was a deal breaker in bed most of the time. That didn't stop her though, while during the day she was your average 6'4 therapist, at night she was a 6'4 seducer.
Erin had a hobby of finding guys, way younger than her, and turning them into her toys. You see Erin's "special condition" was hermaphroditism. She was born a woman, but had the genitals of a man. Big genitals at that, she was a very special case, maybe the only one in the world. As a woman she was as attractive as ever, which helped her hobby immensely. She would wait until the last second to reveal her secret and go in for the kill. Fucking them senseless, and corrupting them. She loved sex, worshipped it, and craved it, every second of every day.
The only problem for Erin nowadays, is that she was dangerously low on boy toys. Most of the guys she met she despised, the others actually wanted her cock to begin with, which was a massive turn off for her, she loved the fight, and the struggle, and breaking them mentally. She relished the sensation of breaking a sweet innocent boy, and claiming them like a wild horse. She was unlucky and desperate these days. Her last toy had moved and forgotten about her. She was hoping that someday she would strike the gold mine. Lucky for her today was that day. As if almost on cue, she heard crying coming from a bench in the park.
Mike had always had it rough in his life. From birth his parents were strict and forceful. At the age of eight Mike witnessed his parents fight constantly in front of him until the inevitable divorce split his family apart. From second grade until his senior year of high school, he was looked down on, picked on, teased, and bullied. Because of all this, Mike was always shy, always believing that it was his fault. He was a small kid, now attending college at the age of nineteen. Mike was scrawny, standing at 5'8, and weighing roughly 120 lbs. He had a grown out mop of dirty blonde hair on the top of his head, messy but neat. His eyes were bright blue, and had an effeminate body for a man.
Mike is currently sitting in a park at eight at night crying. Mike's first and only girlfriend had just broken up with him, after revealing that she had been cheating on him for almost five months. She was always cruel to him, manipulative, and was an awful girlfriend. Mike didn't care though, she was his first kiss, first everything, even his first (And only) fuck. Nobody had ever shown attachment to him, the way she had, even though she would treat him like crap, he still loved her. After this devastating breakup though, Mike was practically broken.
He sat on the park bench, his hands clasped over his face, he tried to stop crying, but the tears kept on pouring out.
"Why?" He asked himself, "Why me? Why is it always me? Everything shitty always has to come my way, but who am I kidding? The first good thing comes my way and I fuck it up as usual..."
His parents, the bullying, and now this. All the bad thoughts resonated in his mind, and for the life of him he couldn't stop bawling his eyes out. He called himself names, kicked himself, and made himself into the lowlife he thought he was. Mike tried to think of anything that could get his mind off of her, and try and see a brighter tomorrow. It didn't work though. He sat there alone, cold and in the dark of night, wallowing in his own depression, self-hatred, and sadness. A sad feeling as if he were floating in an inky black void. If he lied in his house he would have just felt worse, he had assumed a walk would have made him better, clearly he was wrong.
Talking to nobody but himself, Mike monologued, still crying,
"What's the point! Why do I even exist, my life has just been one big shit show! I don't belong anywhere, and I don't belong to anyone! That's always how it's going to be!" Mike looked to the sky, talking to anybody that was listening, "Is this some kind of sick joke to you?! Why me?! Why did you decide that I had to be the guy you put all your shit on?! Fuck off and leave me alone!"
Mike continued to cry, and screamed into his hands. Enveloped in his despair, he didn't notice the woman standing ten feet away from him.
"Are you okay?" Said the woman.
Mike snapped his neck to the right to see a pure goddess standing only ten feet away from him. His face was flushed red with pure embarrassment, and immediately wiped away his tears. Mike panicked, had she been here this whole time? Dear god did she hear all of that? Did she SEE all of that?
"Uh...uh...I...uh...yeah sorry, I'm f...fine, I'm just..." Mike stuttered.
"Who were you talking to?" The woman asked.
"" Mike didn't even know who he was talking to either.
"Whoever was listening?" The woman interjected.
Mike looked at her, "Yeah I guess."
As Mike's panic subsided he realized how jaw dropping this woman was. Mike was an average height for a guy, but this woman was practically a behemoth. She stood at 6'5, looked in her late thirties/early forties, and was wrapped in a well toned, statuesque, mass of muscle, putting her weight at roughly 240 lbs. Her body was long, just like her massive arms and hands. She could kill somebody with one hand though. Her head was completely shaved. She looked like Amber Rose after an intense workout. She had wide, and slightly slanted green eyes with winged makeup on, easily seen through her glasses. Her nose was straight, and slightly broad. Her lips were full and plump, coated in a nice black lipstick. She was wearing a black turtleneck with skin tight jeans. Despite her mass and size, there was still plenty of femininity to her. Especially where her breasts and butt were concerned. She certainly had the ass of Amber Rose as well, and the biggest and perkiest natural boobs of a woman her age.
Mike's panic had reestablished itself after realizing he had just made an utter idiot out of himself in front of one of the sexiest women he had ever seen in his life.
"Uh..I'm really sorry you witnessed all that..." Mike said nervously.
"It's okay honey, it sounds like you were having a tough time, and I'm a therapist so I feel obliged to help." She responded.
"Oh well... thanks, but I don't wanna bother you with all my luggage, there's a lot."
"It's alright sweety, I don't mind at all!" She sat down next to him, still towering over him even sitting, "My name's Erin Banks, I work at the offices next to here, or rather I did."
"I'm Mike..." He said meekly in reply.
"You want to tell me what's wrong honey?"
"Oh my god this boy is perfect..." She thought to herself, "That ass of his...that face...those eyes...mmmmmmmf...I wanna break him now!"
"It's just girlfriend issues..."
"Ah, I come here when I'm lonely too. That's not everything though is it Mike."
"I mean...uh, no that's it..."
Erin put her hand on Mike's shoulder, and put the other on the side of his face to turn him towards her. Mike stared in panic as Erin's expression had completely changed from sympathy to almost anger. She was staring him down with deep intensity.
"Don't you ever lie to me Mike. Understand? I hate liars." Erin said in a strict tone.
"S-sorry, I'm sorry."
"Good, now tell me what's wrong honey."
Mike explained everything to Ms. Banks, but withheld the information about his past. He told her every detail, now struggling to hold back his tears again, the bad thoughts began to invade his head all over again. Ms. Banks looked down at him with full attention the whole time, and noticed that his eyes were beginning to get glassy.
Mike looked down, embarrassed to show her his tears again.
"S...sorry, this all just brings back some bad thoughts..."
"You apologize too much." Erin stated.
Right after speaking, Erin grabbed Mike, lifting his butt in the air and pulling him towards her. Mike was stunned, he realized this was a whole new feeling, affection. The warmness of her hug, and how tightly she held him towards her, made his emotions well up inside of him.
"You don't need to be sorry, just let it all out boy." She whispered warmly in his ear.
Mike buried his face in her shoulder, wrapped his arms around her, and cried his eyes out. She stroked his hair and cooed in his ear while he let out all of the pain and sadness built up over the years.
She whispered again, "Shhhh, that's it baby, let it aaaaaall out, let Mommy take care of you."
"Mommy?" He thought, a little strange, but maybe it's part of her therapy method, whatever she's been doing has been working so far. Mike's crying calmed down.
"Sorry Erin," He said, his face still smothered in her shoulder, and chuckled, "Nobody has ever really actually hugged me before haha"
"Stop apologizing. You don't say sorry until I say so, got it?" She grabbed him by the sides of the head, pulling him away from her shoulders, and resumed that stern tone from earlier, "You don't need to apologize right now, you just keep being my good boy, and Mommy will take good care of you..."
Mike looked into her eyes confused, her face wasn't stern like it was before, while there were certainly hints of it, her expression was more filled with what looked to be a violent lust. What was happening? This doesn't feel like therapy anymore.
"Erin wha..."
Ms. Bank's face came centimeters away from his, "Don't call me that, you call me Ms. Banks, Ma'am, or Mommy, understand boy?"
"O-okay, I...sure, B-but-"
"Good boy." Erin cut him off. Any seriousness from her face had completely disappeared, it was now replaced with a look of pure violent lust. This look worried Mike, especially considering that she had been completely silent for the past five seconds, still uncomfortably close to him. The silence had become awkward, as it looked as if Erin had been longingly breathing, and soaking him in. He noticed he had been biting her lower lip as well. Mike was dumbfounded. He attempted to fill the silence with and awkward laugh.
"Hah uh Erin, you-"
Mike was cut off by Ms. Bank's long, thick, tongue filling his entire mouth.
Mike's words were muffled by Ms. Bank's mouth completely locked into his like a puzzle piece. Her tongue was exploring every void of his mouth, writhing around, and slithering. Her tongue was big and rough, he had barely any room in his mouth. She would break away, click her lips with his, but would then resume her french kissing, prying open his closed mouth with her giant tongue. Between kisses she would whispering what a good boy he was. Mike tried to break the kiss by pulling away, but it was futile. Ms. Bank's arms were completely locked around his back, with her hands latched on to his head, making any attempt of escaping pointless. Every time he would struggle, she would pull his head closer to hers, deepening the force of her kiss. He was yelling, but it was unheard, completely silenced by her tongue writhing around his mouth. He could hardly breathe, only catching air between her breakaways and whispers. She grinded her monolithic body into his tiny frame.
It was clear what her intention was at this point. Erin's plan was to continue her forced kissing, until he would tire and calm into her big arms. It was working too. Mike's wide eyed expression, had become weary. His eyes became hazed and softened. His arms and body went limp in her iron like grip. He became lost and entranced in her seduction. Erin relished this sense of surrender, and moaned into his mouth. She finally broke the kiss, but her hands remained locked onto the sides of Mike's head. Mike was panting and speechless, he had no idea what to do. This feeling of surrender that washed over him felt too good.
"Such a good boy, " She cooed while covering his face in kisses, his mouth already covered in smudged black lipstick, now his face was being coated in black kiss marks.
"Do you want Mommy to take care of you tonight?" She throatily whispered in his ear, almost breathing the words out.
Mike, lost in pleasure, nodded his head slightly.
"I want to hear you say it..." She smiled, completely turned on by his confusion and surrender, "I'll make you feel so good tonight, all you have to do is say what you want..."
"Please what baby." She asked strictly.
"Please...take care of me, I want you to take care of me."
"Sorry, you want who to take care of you? My hearing is going." She asked playfully, "Say who and I'll give you a night you'll always remember."
"Please...M...Mommy, take care of me tonight."
Erin laughed, and shoved her tongue in his ear, making him moan, rather loudly, with pleasure. She put her tongue away and whispered in his ear again.
"That's all you had to say boy. Ms. Banks will be taking good care of you tonight..."
Without hesitation, Erin stuck two of her long, big, muscular fingers into Mike's mouth. Pulling them in and out, forcing Mike to suck on them. Her fingers were sawing back and forth, exploring every region of his throat, making him cough a little.
Ms. Banks buried her face into Mike's neck, biting down and sucking on a piece of his exposed flesh. Mike had never received a hickey before, causing him to moan again with pure ecstasy, whilst still sucking on Erin's fingers. Erin was sucking and biting on his flesh so hard, Mike was reacting accordingly, the deeper she would go, the more intensely he would moan, and increase the pressure in his mouth. She looked to see that Mike's eyes had completely rolled back.
She let his flesh out of her mouth with a loud pop, that made Mike jump slightly. She giggled and proceeded to cover his neck in light kisses, occasionally licking and frenching parts of his neck/shoulder. Her hand also popped out of Mike's mouth and reached down for his bubbly ass. Grabbing, kneading, and squeezing it. Mike moaned under his breath, experiencing new pleasures he had never felt before.
Ms. Banks turned her body, so that she was sitting completely forward. She then lifted up Mike and plopped him on her lap, between her thick muscular thighs. She was warm, and Mike felt total comfort and safety currently in her grasp.
"Before we do anything though, let's have you relieve some tension. A boy who's been through as much as you must have some pent up aggression he needs to let out."
Ms. Banks pulled him closer to her, so that her breasts were pushed into his back. She reached one hand up his shirt, it felt good to have her big warm hand rub up and down his chest. Suddenly she grabbed one of his nipples and began to tweak it. She had also been rubbing Mike's dick through his jeans. This combined caused Mike to begin to slightly pant. She smiled and whispered into his ear once again,
"How many times do you jack off?"
Mike was silent.
"It's okay baby, I'm a therapist remember? You can tell me anything..."
Ms. Banks stopped what she was doing.
"I...never, did... that."
"You've never masturbated?" She asked in disbelief.
"No." Mike face was bright red with embarrassment.
"This is too perfect, I'm gonna corrupt this boy!" Erin thought to herself menacingly.
"Your girlfriend never did anything with you?" She asked curiously.
"We kissed a few times, and we had sex once, but she said my dick was too small to waste her time on. My parents would have castrated me if they ever even witnessed me doing that either."
Erin grinned at this information with pure evil. She was going to turn this pure inexperienced boy, into her toy. The best part was, it would be easy too! There's nothing Erin loved more than corrupting a boy.
"Well then," She whispered in his ear, "I'll just have to show you the ropes then won't I?"
With little effort, she undid Mike's pants and pulled his small cock out. Mike's penis was two inches soft, and four erect, she could tell since he was already standing at full mast. Still whispering she softly guided her words into his right ear.
"Baby, I'm gonna make you cum for the first time in your life, and it's gonna feel so good, so don't struggle just let me handle everything..."
With the hand that was originally playing with his nipple, she held him in place on her lap. As her other hand made its way back to Mike's mouth. She stuck her index finger in his mouth and began drilling in and out, getting it nice and wet. Then she stuck her thumb in his mouth making him suck again as she pulled it in and out. When her thumb and index finger were slick with his saliva, she formed a ring out of them, and began jacking him off. Mike immediately began moaning with pleasure, louder than he ever had before, now experiencing a level of pleasure entirely new to him. The loudness of his moan even surprised Erin who slapped her hand over his mouth. Her hand had an iron lock over his mouth, making any sound impossible to escape, aside from a few muffled moans.
"Shhhhhhhh! Quiet baby, we don't want people to hear us now! I am glad that you're enjoying this though. You're enjoying it aren't you?"
Mike nodded slightly in response.
"You dirty boy. I've barely even tried, and I think I've already turned you into my little slut." Erin laughed in retort.
With her hand still clasped over Mike's mouth, Erin resumed jacking him off, but this time she squeezed tighter, and jacked him off with more pressure and speed. Had her hand not been on his mouth, Mike would have woken the whole neighborhood, he was ready to shriek with pleasure. His body writhed and contorted, as he arched his back. Erin simply grinned at the sheer pleasure she was giving to this boy. Mike desperately gripped her arm for support.
"Now I'm gonna take my hand away honey, because I'm gonna try something different now, but if you scream again, we're gonna have a major problem, okay boy?"
Mike nodded hastily, to see what new pleasure she had in store.
Erin held her fingers firmly at the base of his cock. She then drilled her middle finger into his mouth. Her finger popped out of his mouth, while he gasped, still lost in pleasure. With the now wet finger, Erin resumed jacking Mike off, but stuck her wet middle finger down the back of Mike's pants and to the entrance of his shaven asshole.
She pushed against his entrance, and the tip of her finger popped inside. Mike, now fully realizing his position went wide eyed, at the now weird feeling he felt inside him.
"Wait! I-"
Erin smacked her hand on Mike's face grabbing him by his cheeks, and forced his head to look back at her. Her face was terrifying, it was a face of pure anger and fury, and it made him shiver with fear.
"Don't you DARE TALK BACK TO ME!" She exclaimed threateningly, "You don't ever get to stop me, or tell me what I can and can't do to my new slut! Understand boy?!"
Mike nodded rapidly, scared shitless of what might happen if he said no. Erin's face immediately softened.
"Good boy, that's what I thought." She said as she took her hand away from Mike's face and back down to his dick.
Erin then resumed jacking him off, but this time she forced her finger inside Mike's asshole with full force. Mike squeaked in pain, which only turned on Ms. Banks more. While still rapidly, and some what violently, jerking him off, she was now pulling her middle finger in and out of Mike from behind, slowly at first, but rapidly picking up speed.
Within minutes, Mike was barely hanging on to his sanity, as the ecstasy and pleasure had nearly taken over his whole mind. His tongue was out and his mouth agape. His eyes had rolled back, and he was panting like a dog. His hands were locked on Ms. Banks thick arms, while she was viciously jerking off his small dick from the front, and rapidly opening up his butt hole with two fingers from the back. Her ring and middle fingers squelched around his leaking butt hole, putting immense pressure on his prostate gland, then quickly pulling out making him crave more. It was then that Mike realized that she had clearly done this before. She was capable of pure mind control with her current tactics. Both of her hands were simultaneously working away on both ends of his body, while he writhed and contorted in pleasure. She was taking in the high she was getting from this, like a bump of cocaine, it made her feel like a goddess. At this point she was, at least to Mike. Nobody had ever made him feel this good in his life, and he never believed anybody would be capable.
"I'm...*gasp* Oh god something's coming! *gasp*" Mike could barely make out the words.
Out of nowhere Erin stopped her fingering, and created a vice grip on the bottom of his cock to stop him from cumming.
"Now now, we can't have you cum too early can we?"
Mike was now in pain, struggling to find release.
"Don't struggle boy, I'll let you cum, but first you need to do something for me..."
"Oh god, yes *gasp* please, anything you want, just please let me cum!"
"I want you to make me a promise that after I make you feel good, you're gonna make me feel good...for the rest of the night, and whenever I want from here on."
"Yes! Of course! I'll do anything!"
"Anything?" She tightened her grip, causing Mike to lose his mind.
"Sorry who are you talking to, I can't hear a name in that sentence, who do you want to let you cum again?"
"Yeah that's it baby, go ahead and cum for Momma."
Erin then released her grip and rapidly jacked him off, at the same time she took both of her fingers and pressed against his prostate harder than ever before, and rubbed it like a clit. All of the pleasure welled up inside of Mike.
"OOOOOOOOOOOOOH! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH MY GOD! FUCK!" Mike screamed as his body let out probably the biggest climax in his entire life.
Erin continued to jack him off, as the largest load she had ever witnessed, had shot out like an explosion of thick white projectiles all over the concrete in front of them. She kept pulling on his dick, getting everything out of him, while his whole body twitched and vibrated.
"That's it boy, let's get it aaaaaaaaall out of you! Yeah. That's it boy keep cumming for Mommy"
Her words had an effect on him, as his cum continued to spew out. His balls had been completely drained. He collapsed into her arms, his mouth still agape and panting. Erin looked down at him and smiled, reveling in her glory after corrupting this sweet innocent boy. She took a scoop of cum that remained off the tip of his cock, and fed it to hi with her index finger. Making sure he tasted every bit of it, once again sawing her index finger in and out of his mouth. Mike eagerly sucked her finger.
As he lied there for another minute, Erin soon pushed him off of her lap and onto the ground. She stood up as she looked down upon the weak body that had collapsed onto the concrete, recovering from the copious amounts of pleasure he had received.
"Now don't forget your promise baby..." She reached down to start rubbing the large bulge in her jeans, "You still need to give your Momma some love too remember?"
Mike weakly looked upwards to see Ms. Banks unzipping her fly. Mike squinted to try and make out what that bulge was in her pants. Only to realize how obvious it was when one of the biggest cocks he had ever seen spilled out of her pants. It was about six inches flaccid, and eight inches hard. It was as thick as a soda can, and the head was rounded and puffy, slightly darker than the light brown tone of the rest of her skin. Her balls were the size of large kiwis. The whole thing was clean shaven aside from the slight patch of brown above the base. Her monster began to rise into an erection at the sight of her prey on the ground.
"It's all for you boy. You're gonna start getting used to Mommy's thick tool here." She said huskily, while biting her lip, slowly jerking herself off getting her fully erect, "Look at my balls honey, see how full they are? They're full of a delicious treat just for you. Why don't you start working on it here, go ahead put it in your mouth." She looked down at Mike with full intent
Any pleasure that had remained in Mike's body had dissipated entirely. What was now filling his body and mind was dread and fear. He wasn't prepared for this in the slightest. The adrenaline clouded all manner of thinking and reasoning, and made him rely purely on instinct. That instinct was to run as fast as he could. Erin however, was prepared for this, as I stated earlier, Ms. Banks loves the fight and struggle, as if she were taming a wild horse.
Mike jumped to his feet and began sprinting away from her towards the park exit. As if he were hit by a train though, Erin had smashed into his side, knocking the wind out of him. He was flung into the grass onto his back. Before he could even gather the will to get up, Erin was on top of him, her knees pinning down his arms, and her muscular ass stopping his torso from moving.
She made a tsk tsk sound and waved her finger at him, "No no boy, you made me a PROMISE! You said you were gonna make me feel good, and now you're gonna own up to that responsibility." She began rubbing her erect dick on the side of his cheek, making him whimper with embarrassment. "We're gonna have to punish you for trying to break that promise, now you're really gonna make me feel good." Mike attempted to wriggle and struggle to get out of his position, but it was no use, she had him locked onto the ground.
"Struggle all you want boy, I always get my way in the end, and you're not going anywhere until you make your Momma cum!" She exclaimed.
"No please! I'm sorry, I just want to go home, you can take anything you want, take my money, take anything, I don't care just let me be!" Tears came pouring out of his eyes.
"Aw honey don't cry again, that won't do any good. You said I can take anything? I think I'll take that sweet ass home with me, and fill it good all night until you're begging me for more!" She started hitting his face with her full erect dick, "Now open up sweety! Make me feel good!"
Erin began prodding the head of her dick against Mike's clamped mouth. Mike refused to let her have her way willingly. This however, just made Erin more irritated, as if she huffed like a bull, smoke coming out of her nose, she stood up giving Mike a chance to run. Mike got up with incredible speed, fueled by fear and adrenaline, and tried to run again. Just as he thought he had made progress, Erin grabbed him the base of his neck, and rammed the point of her curled up fist into the base of Mike's spine. This caused mike to go completely numb from the waist down. As he tripped and fell, he still tried to escape by crawling with his arms and upper body. Erin merely looked down upon her helpless prey. She took him by the ankles and dragged him back towards her, pure evil in her voice.
"Oooooooooh no you don't, come back to Momma!"
She exclaimed, easily pulling him back towards her by his feet, as he teared at the grass trying to escape,
"You aren't going anywhere you naughty boy!"
With ease she wrapped her arms around his chest, and picked him up, crushing him against her, while her still exposed dick humped against his ass. He could feel it as feeling was beginning to return to his lower half. He tried to escape her death lock, but he couldn't even move his arms. She held him in place with one arm, and used the other to pull his ear to her mouth.
"Now you listen to me, the more you struggle the more turned on I get. I think you've figured out by now that escape is impossible, it was your dirty little desires that got you into this mess don't you forget it. So I'm gonna give you a choice, you either suck me off to completion, or I tear your little pussy up now, and fuck you so hard your legs won't work right for days. Choice is yours honey, either way you're getting a lot of cum inside that cute little body of yours."
Mike remained silent, trying to think of any other possibility he may have, but he was definitely running out of options fast.
At his hesitation though, Ms. Banks grew impatient, and wrapped both arms around his chest, constricting him and beginning to squeeze the air out of his lungs.
"Or better yet, I squeeze the life out of you now, and fuck you unconscious! Whichever way this goes down boy you're gonna be mine by the end of the night! Well? What do you want boy?"
Mike was unable to answer, his rib were being crushed by her sheer strength. Clearly aware that he wasn't able to answer she decided for him.
"Fine, since you were a good boy earlier I'll let you off easy for right now."
With little effort she flung him across the grass towards a tree. While he lay on the ground catching his breath, she grabbed a chunk of his hair and pulled him towards the tree, dragging him from behind her. She flung his back to hit the tree. When he made impact any little air that was left had been completely knocked out. As he caught his breath and gasped, Erin stepped in front of him and shoved her entire length down his throat.
"Don't forget you little slut, this is me going easy!"
The force of her shoving her entire hard eight inches down his throat, had caught his head orally impaled against the bark behind his head. He was terrified, not being able to breath, his nose fully pressed against her hard abs, and her nuts coating his whole chin. She proceeded to pull out, giving Mike a chance to breathe.
"How'd that taste boy? Was it good? I haven't showered all day and I get awful sweaty after my mid-day gym session. Why don't you go ahead and savor the flavor of Mommy's big dick, because she's gonna be pumping cum in your mouth all the time from here on."
She shoved her whole length back down Mike's throat and grabbed either side of the small tree in front of them for leverage. She then began fucking his mouth viciously, her massive cock disappearing in and out of Mike's mouth. Her thick member causing him to gag and cough as she rapidly guided it into his mouth, adding commentary as he choked on her.
"Yeah that's it baby. Mmmmf yeah! Come on! That feel good baby? Does it TASTE good?"
Tears continued to stream out of Mike's eyes as her powerful member jack hammered his mouth. The quiet park was now filled with powerful moans, dirty talking, and gagging.
What was happening? Ten minutes ago this woman was comforting him, hugging him, letting him cry into her shoulder. Now she's pounding his mouth away with one of the biggest dicks in porn history.
Completely trapped between her rock hard eight inches, and the tree behind him, Mike had no room to even move his neck as the sheer force of her shoving her cock into his throat continuously, was pushing his head back against the bark.
"Oh that's a good boy! YES! Oh yes! Your throat is so tight baby! You're gonna make Mommy cum so hard!"
Just then, he felt her balls begin to get bigger against his chin. He had a feeling he knew what was on his way.
"Can you feel it you little slut? Can you feel my giant balls get bigger? That means they're ready to unload in that little mouth of yours!"
Mike panicked. He had never swallowed cum before, his mouth was already full of her thick cock, and he could barely breath as is. If she came in his mouth now, she would completely suffocate him. Her movements began picking up immense speed, and her grunts became animal-like. Her head was arched all the way back as she roared with pleasure, "OOOOOOOH YEEEEEEES!" Mike was beginning to worry someone would see them. Unannounced to him, that's exactly what was turning Erin on.
"Get ready you little bitch! You're about to take Mommy's first load, you make sure you swallow it all, or I'll shove my dick back down your throat until you make me cum all over again!"
Mike began to panic, and flail his arms. Clawing and trying to push away frantically, but Ms. Banks dick was holding his head firmly impaled against the tree. His screams were entirely cut off by the giant cock stuffing his mouth rapidly.
Suddenly Ms. Banks pulled her entire length back until only the gargantuan head was left in my mouth, letting me breathe through my nose. Guessing what she would do next, Mike took in a huge breath, only to be cut off by Erin's hard cock shoving its entire length back down his throat. her giant hands held him by the chin and the back of Mike's head, as they pulled him all the way over Erin's cock. Erin lurched forward and exploded thick ropes of cum down Mike's gullet. Mike began to gulp rapidly, as the copious amounts of cum were cutting off his air.
Erin would pull out slightly, the shove it back in when more cum would erupt from her tip. It was like a flood of sticky thick cum was continuously pouring down into his stomach. Her groan was like a roar, as she unloaded the entirety of her balls into his mouth. She finally pulled back out until the head was the only thing remaining. She jerked herself off making her shoot out more cum to fill up Mike's mouth. Tears streamed down as her thick cock spewed cum like a hose in his mouth. Mike was eating so much cum that his stomach even started to get full.
With a wet pop, Erin slowly lifted the head out of Mike's mouth, and began to stroke her enormous cock again, causing another orgasm. Her body vibrated as she squeezed out the last bit of her cum, painting my face with it. I was a mess, my face was covered with sweat, drool, and cum. My mouth hung open, panting, as more jizz slowly dropped off my tongue.
"Oh man I haven't had a boy this good since...jesus, ever!" Erin thought to herself, "There' no way I'm passing up this opportunity."
Mike could barely stand, the whole experience had left him light-headed and dull-minded. With a hazy look, he looked to see Ms. Banks staring down at him from above, biting her thick lower lip.
"You made me feel real good today boy, I haven't cum that hard in a very long time! Why don't you come stay with Mommy a while? I'll make you mine, and I'll make you cum like you did today, if not better."
Mike could barely understand the question, the only thing he could make out was Erin talking about him being hers, which was enough for him to say no. As much as he would have wanted to tell her to fuck off, or simply run, he was too weak. Rather what came out was a meek and quiet stutter.
"P...p..please, I...I do...don't wa...want to do th..that anymore."
"Oh honey don't worry, by tomorrow morning you're gonna WANT to do THAT all the time whenever I want."
Mike simply repeated himself, "P...pleas-"
"No begging honey, you got yourself into this mess with that sweet face of yours. I think you're gonna enjoy living with Mommy, don't worry sweetie I'll try to be gentle, but let's get you home first."
With that, Erin reached into her purse and took out a mystery pill, a sedative of her design, a non-harmful, and more effective form of chloroform. She gently bit down on one end of the pill, letting it hang from her lips. She grabbed, a still kneeling, Mike by his face. She wrapped her arms around him tightly once again, lifting him off the ground with a bear hug. She took advantage of his still gasping mouth, and kissed the pill into his mouth. Like before, her hard thick tongue wormed its way inside, making sure there was no way for him to spit it out. She ravaged his mouth until he heard him gulp. Mike was too weak to resist, and this was the perfect time for her to take him home. Mike felt his entire body drop numb, along with his brain. He was slowly fading out of consciousness, his only image as his mind departed, was a smiling Erin with a devious look that said, "I'm going to fuck your brains out tonight." As he faded out all he could hear was her soothing him, "Shhhhhhh, that's it baby go to sleep. Mhm that's right honey just let Mommy take care of you." Mike's mind finally slipped out of a conscious state, and he was completely knocked out.
With ease, Ms. Banks swung him on her right shoulder, carrying him home. With his ass next to her face, her horniness quickly returned. She smacked and grabbed his ass violently, barely containing the beast-like libido she had. She grabbed her things, and briskly walked back to her apartment, excited and ecstatic after finally getting herself a new toy.
When Mike came to, he was completely immobilized. His legs were weak, and his ass hurt. His wrists were handcuffed to both posts of the glamorous king sized bed. The sheets were white and silk, and the pillows were soft. His speech was smothered by the red ball gag in his mouth, and his jaw ached from the size of it. Still hazy, he was trying to grasp his current predicament and regain control of his mind.
He looked around the room, elegant was an understatement for it. The walls were a nice light beige color, and there was a giant wall-sized window, overlooking the lit up city. The ceiling was pure white, and the carpet was a darker beige than the walls. There was a door leading to a big bathroom next to the bed. The lights were on, but were dimmed like mood lighting.
Mike's analysis of the bedroom suddenly stopped, when the pain in his ass began to register in his mind. He snapped his head down to see the hilt a black dildo buried into his ass. He tried moving his hands but realized they were cuffed. Panic ensued as he had remembered how he wound up in this situation to begin with. This was Erin's apartment, it had to be. He didn't want to scream, as to alert his kidnapper. He simply, but with futility, tried to escape his bounds, and push out the gag in his mouth to no avail.
Mike, still worn down from the drugs gave up, and lied in the bed for a while. Mike wasn't dumb, he knew that if he couldn't escape his binds, he was in for a night of pain, he may as well enjoy the comfort of this bed while he can. As soon as he started to relax though, the clicking and clacking of heels echoed throughout the apartment.
"Shit." Mike thought.
Like the banging footsteps in a horror movie, Mike's anxiety rose as he heard the heels get louder. The sliding door to the right of the bed slid open slowly. Standing in the doorway was Erin, completely naked except for her feet, covered by knee-high (Ankle-high in her case) black leather heels. Her shaved head was covered by a long black wig with bangs that covered her thick eyebrows. She smiled at her boy, bound and ready for her pleasure.
"Well look at you," She breathed, "Mmmf, aren't you just so cute in that position!" She grabbed her enormous cock and began stroking herself to the bound boy in front of her. Mike looked back at her with fear, but didn't bother to struggle anymore, he knew there would be no point. Mike had only just realized this, but Erin knew that from the start. Sensing his realization, just from the look he gave, she stalked over towards him. Her thick girthy ass, swaying side to side, and her gigantic and supple bust, slightly bouncing with every step. She climbed on top of the bed, her gigantic frame shadowing him, and her piercing eyes looking dead into his soul. She removed the ball gag, and went down to Mike for another kiss. Mike turned away, and was immediately given one of the hardest slaps he'd ever received. After a life of being bullied nothing compared to the pain of that slap. She yelled at Mike to never turn away from her, and grabbed him forcefully by the cheeks and wriggled her tongue inside again. His mind still recovering from that slap across his face, Mike put up no fight and let her have her way. After she drew her tongue out, a thick trail of saliva coming with, she looked down and smiled. Mike looked up at her with doe eyes.
"Please." Mike begged, "I won't tell anyone, I won't do anything, just let me go, I wanna go home." Tears began to well up again.
"Oh but baby you ARE home! No tears now..." Her giant thumb wiped away a tear gently, "You'll stay with Mommy from now on..."
"I just want to go home, I really won't say anything!" He repeated.
"Tsk Tsk, that's no good, my boy doesn't recognize home anymore, I'm gonna have to show you where home really is." She growled as her hand reached down and cupped her cock/balls, "You may not know it now Mike, but this is exactly what you want, deep down, you want to stay here, and you want to be my bitch. I'm a therapist honey, I know exactly what you need."
With that, Erin reached behind her, grabbing the hilt of the black dildo, shoved in his ass, and slowly pulled it out, but in an upwards position so the head would brush harshly against his prostate. She looked to see Mike's gritted teeth, and groaning as the dildo traveled outside of him slowly. When the head of the dildo hit the prostate, she stopped and started toying with his ass, staring into his eyes as she tormented him. He was barely hanging on to this new feeling, an erection appeared and she knew she had him now. She continued prodding the dildo against his g-spot, circling it, pushing it, and toying with him, making him groan. His attempts to stifle his pleasure amused her, and made her want to break him right there. Finally she pulled it out with a pop, causing Mike to gasp. Erin played with his erect five inches, pulling on his balls, rubbing his head, and teasing his cock.
"Look at that cute little thing! See baby? You're already loving it! Unfortunately that toy isn't as nearly as big as what I have planned for you..." She cooed, still playing with his cock head. "I think it's about time we get you accustomed to me."
Mike's eyes shot wide with panic, "No! Please! That thing won't fit! It's too big! It's gonna hurt too mu-"
Mike was cut off with a giant hand covering his mouth.
"Hush now sweety, it'll hurt at first, but I promise you within minutes I'll have you cumming even harder than you did before..." Erin's face got close to his, and she lowered her tone, "I'll make you scream so loud the entire apartment will hear you begging for more."
Mike began thrashing in the bed, screaming through her hand, and flailing his legs, terrified. Erin was beginning to get irritant. With little effort she took both of her hands and kept him still, one hand tightly wrapped around his throat, slowly constricting him, the other found his balls and put them in a vise grip. Her face got close to his again, and with an angered tone, Erin exclaimed, "Listen here slut! I'm getting what I want tonight weather you want it or not! Unless..." She tightened her grip on his balls and throat, making him cringe and gurgle in pain, "...You want one of two things to happen, I crush your throat, or I crush your balls! Nod if you want the alternative..."
Mike violently nodded his head with the little energy he still had, the pain was too great, at this point anything would be better than this. He began to get light headed as her other hand let his balls free, but moved to his throat. Applying more pressure than before.
"You sure bitch?! I'm not gonna hear anymore back talk am I?!" Erin shouted at him, with a look of pure rage that would make a lion run. Now entrapped in pure fear Mike barely let out a raspy, "No...please..."
Erin released her iron grip on his throat. Mike coughed and gasped for air, rapidly breathing and panting.
"See honey? That's what happens when you make me mad. I get angry, and when I get angry I do things that I don't want to do." Erin lectured him, in a disturbingly sweet tone.
Erin shifted herself lower down Mike's body, lining up her thick ten inches at his loosened hole. She softly plopped her head on his opened up asshole, blocking air from coming in or out of Mike. She then slowly started to push her way in, causing Mike to groan again, and cringe, as he desperately attempted to handle her full length. He grabbed on to the posts for leverage. Erin stopped and looked at Mike in the eyes again with a calm and peaceful look.
"Mike baby...there's a reason all this is happening to you right now. Sometimes you need to go through a little pain to experience the good things..." She bucked her hips forward, shoving another two inches inside of him, causing Mike to yelp.
"...And in your case..."
She slowly started pushing the rest of her length in, talking to him all the while. "...You've dealt with a lot of pain aside from this. Your girlfriend cheated on you Mike, and left you out in the cold. Guessing from what I've seen so far that isn't all you've been through. I'm gonna take a wild swing here, and you say nothing if I'm right. Your parents divorced at an early age. They've also neglected you your whole life..."
Mike said nothing,
"...You've been beaten and bullied until college. Your entire life you haven't felt love, you haven't had anyone to care for you, to love you, to hold you, and to make you happy..." Mike remained silent, and his only responses were moans, as Erin was pushing the rest of her length into him, until her giant balls rested outside his asshole, her entire cock buried inside him. Mike began to cry again, not just because of the pain, but because she was right about everything, and she sensed this, as he looked down from her in shame.
Her cock was still firmly planted inside of him, she slowly took his face and pushed his gaze back to her. She continued to speak, "Poor, poor Mike, nobody should have to go through what you did, and all your life you've been secretly wanting someone to love and care for you. Erin's here though baby, your Mommy is right here." Erin began to circle her hips around, opening him up more, and slowly began to pump herself in and out of him, causing Mike to moan slightly. Erin kept talking, "You can sleep with every night, I'll love you up, and I'll make you mine, and you can finally be happy. Don't you want that baby? Don't you want your Mommy to make you feel this good?!" With that last line, Erin pulled her entire length out of him until only the head was inside, and she ripped his virginal anus in half with one savage thrust, causing him to arch his back and scream silently.
She didn't intend to stop there though, she began doing the same thing, lifting his entire lower body in the air, while she pushed and pulled her whole ten inches in and out of him with rapid pace. The slaps of her balls, spanking against his torn ass, echoed throughout the penthouse. She was like a barbarian, her thrusts did not lose any energy, she was fucking Mike with perfect rhythm. This caused Mike to lose his mind, his torso writhing in pain and pleasure, no dialogue made it out of him, as he began to scream with high pitched moans. Erin smiled with dominance, and continued to savagely pound away at his tight little hole, his legs bouncing with the impact of every thrust.
"Yeah? That's what you like isn't it? You dirty little bitch! You love it when Mommy rips your asshole apart like this! Why else would you be moaning like a slut!?"
Mike said nothing in return, he couldn't, he was entirely lost in the sea pleasure he was receiving. The pain made him cry, but every time her enormous , girthy cock, entered and pulled out of his body, it continued to crush his prostate, sending him into frenzy.
"Slower?! I don't think you want it slower baby! I think that means you want Mommy to give you her fat cock harder and faster!"
He was cut off by Erin, who had before been ripping apart his asshole, was now "wrecking" it. Somehow Erin had even more power and speed to give Mike, and she was using all of it on him. She had created an orchestra of screams and slapping, illuminating her entire studio apartment with the sounds of a boy who had just been broken by her enormous cock. There were pauses between her previous thrusts, but there were none now, it sounded more like...
This continued for one long hour, Erin never receded in energy and furiosity of her powerful pounds against his savagely torn apart asshole. Her thrusts were stirring and pulling out the inside of him, making his asshole literally seem like it was sucking on her thick cock.
"OOOOOOH YEEEEEES! Oh my god boy, I haven't fucked an ass this good in a while!" Erin announced, "MMMMMM! If only you could see this from where I'm sitting, your ass is completely destroyed!"
Mike was never losing any sense of pleasure through the long hour. He was in so much ecstasy, his entire body became tingly. His screams weren't there anymore, because his voice had run out, he was merely rasping in silent pleasure. His eyes had rolled back and his tongue was all the way out. The room was only filled with the sound of her powerful slapping. Erin would then stand up over Mike, and would lift his lower body, so his legs and cock were pointed towards him. She would then hold him in that position and resumed fucking him full force, driving her weight downwards on him.
"Yeah? You like that?" Erin panted, "Huh? Anybody else make you feel this good boy?"
Mike couldn't reply, not just out of embarrassment, but because his voice had run out entirely. All he could do was gasp desperately for air, as Ms. Banks drove her dick down inside him, making his legs bounce with the impact.
Suddenly Erin pulled out of Mike, causing him to gasp with the new feeling of cold air rushing up his opened up hole. Erin removed the cuffs from each side of the bedpost, and instead cuffed Mike's hands together, behind his back. She then popped the ball gag back into his mouth. With ease, Erin slid underneath Mike, so that she was sitting up against the head of the bed. She proceeded to lift up Mike's tiny frame, and pulled him onto her still erect cock.
"Let's see you ride Momma's thick cock!"
Mike was sitting upright, in a reverse cowboy position facing away from Erin. His body had gone limp, but that didn't stop Erin. Like her own pocket pussy, she moved Mike up and down her thick shaft with impressive speed. Mike's eyes were still rolled back in pleasure. She was bucking her wide hips upward, as she pulled him down, making a wet clapping sound, as their flesh smacked against each other.
"You see? You love it don't you!?"
Erin reached around and started tweaking his nipples, as his body was bouncing up and down from the sheer force of her driving her hips upward. She drove up into him with rapid pace and full power. Mike had never felt such pain and pleasure all at once. Despite his reluctance, he was enjoying this entirely.
Erin stopped and let Mike hunch forward, only for her to pull him back into her embrace. Her giant bust kneading and pushing into his back like pillows. Erin looked down to see Mike's fully erect cock sticking forward.
"Aw look at that baby, you really are enjoying this! You're gonna cum soon aren't you. Huh? Aren't you? Fuck yeah you are, I don't even need to touch you do I? You dirty little slut, you just need Momma to keep fucking your pussy right don't you."
Erin grabbed Mike's ankles and spread his legs apart, making him fall into her torso. With no hesitation, Erin slid off the bed with Mike's ankles still in hand, and began to pace around the room, fucking Mike the whole time. Erin was standing up right while she hooked her arms under Mike's legs, using her arms to shift and guide Mike onto her girth. She used her hips to slowly drive her dick into him full force, while he was bounced up and down on her cock, like her own personal sheath.
This was one of Erin's favorite positions, a boy limp in her arms as she fucked him slowly but powerfully, lifting him around the room. The full power she had over him, only made her cock harder. She called it the "Carry and Fuck", the name is self explanatory.
Mike was losing his mind, his voice was still gone, but had it returned, he would have been moaning as high as he could. With the additions of the force of her cock punching his prostate over and over, the position itself was turning him on as well. Erin sensed this, and loved it.
"Don't worry baby," She whispered, "I know you fuckin' love it, you don't have to say a thing. All you have to do is sit there and let Mommy take care of you."
Erin continued with her fucking. She was in complete content, knowing that she had finally broken Mike, he was now a butt-loving slut. She made him fall in love with her cock, and she knew that Mike would be depending on it every minute of everyday, he was gonna get her thick cum in every hole she can fill.
"Mmmf! Mmmf! Mmmf!" Mike moaned in rhythm, with Erin's savage grunting, through his ball gag.
Erin marched around the room in perfect coordination with her fucking. Between every two steps, driving her thick, and girthy member upwards, grinding against Mike's prostate gland, shooting pleasure into his dick with every savage thrust.
Erin then stopped in front of the window looking over the city. She looked at herself in the reflection, bolstering her ego with the sight of her mind-breaking her new boy. Mike looked in embarrassment and shame at his current position, bouncing up and down on Erin's cock, her kiwi sized nuts, slapping against his ass. His face red, he looked away. Erin grabbed him by the back of the head, pushing his legs together as she held him in place with one arm. She forced his head back to the reflection of himself.
"No! You watch! You see what a slut you are! Forget everything else! This is where you belong, being MY bottom! Getting fucked like this every minute of every day! It's time you recognized that, so watch as I make you cum with just my dick!"
Mike's eyes got watery from shame as he watched himself get fucked. Suddenly Erin took her arm, and wrapped it around him with her other muscled up arm. She put pressure on him, causing his knees to meet his chin, caught in an extremely uncomfortable position. Erin held him still as, like before, she ripped his ass apart by driving her hips up with rapid speed and power.
"MMMMMMMFPHTH!" Mike groaned.
"Yeah? That's it, stay still while I break you!"
Erin continued this pace for another ten minutes. Knowing she was getting closer to making Mike climax. Mike knew it too, and tried his best to push away the sensation. His efforts were futile though, Erin knew he would try to resist, so she put even more pressure on his prostate.
"If I keep fucking your boy pussy like this, you're bound to cum eventually. I've been playing too long, I'm making you mine now!"
With those words of dominance, Mike completely lost it. His resistance had faded and he practically said, "Fuck it." Erin sensed this, as she felt his ass tighten on her cock. She roared with laughter, "Yes! That's it baby cum for me! Cum for Momma! CUM! CUM! CUM! CUM! CUM! CUM! CUM!..." She chanted loudly. She quickly drove her dick in and out of him with enough speed to take her out of breath, as her dick jackhammered into his prostate. She roared as loud as she could as Mike began to shoot out thick white jets against the window.
She didn't let up her pacing as she made sure to get every last drop out of him. He exploded, and shot his full load on the window in front of them.
"Yeah! That's it, come on! I want every last drop boy!"
Mike's muffle screams could be heard through his gag, as copious amounts of his cum were painting the window in ropes.
"Mmmm that's it honey. See how good Mommy can you make you feel?" She teased him, "Let's take that gag out, I wanna hear you scream."
She drove her fingers into his mouth and yanked it out, dropping it on his neck.
"You may be finished baby, but I'm not done yet. I want you addicted NOW!"
With that she lunged forward, smacking Mike against the glass. His entire upper torso pushed against his still wet cum, pressed against the glass, mushing his face. She held his head against the glass, and held him by his hip, while her dick literally lifted him up off the ground. Mike was caught in a position fully pressed against the glass for the city to see, while his legs dangled off the ground, caught between the window and Erin's rock hard cock.
"We're not stopping until you're begging to stay with me! No matter how many holes I need to fill! By the time we're done I'm gonna destroy you!"
With that, she resumed her furious pounding of his ass, pushing him against the glass with every hard thrust. This position actually put more tension on his prostate, making Mike lose his mind. Mike began to, not moan, but scream, louder than ever.
"Oh my god! OH MY GOD! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES" He chanted with every clap against his ass.
"Yeah? You like that don't you? You like having the whole city see what a slut you've become?!"
The empty apartment echoed with the loud smacking of flesh between them. Mike's screams removed any quiet that remained between the loud claps with perfect rhythm. Ms. Banks dirty talk echoed over everything though. She was grunting louder than ever, practically yelling at what a little bitch he is. She would spank him full force, making his ass bright red. She was close to her goal, and it was time she asked the question that would seal the deal. Quietly now, she began to slow down, but never lost power in her thrusting. Erin leaned into Mike's ear,"You're having such a good time baby, look at you, I don't want to stop now, and I don't think you want me to either, right?"
Mike panting in ecstasy whimpered, "No..." Any remorse he had was gone, his mind had been completely broken by her vicious raping of his asshole.
"You've had it bad all your life Michael, stay with Mommy. I'll love you 24/7, I'll never treat you wrong. All you have to do is ask..."
Mike paused. Impatiently Erin, shifted her cock insertion so that she could give one big powerful thrust right into his prostate...
"Please what?"
Erin put more pressure on his prostate, slowly rubbing it with the tip of her dick.
"Please...let me stay...
Erin continued putting pressure on him.
"Stay with who boy. Ask correctly."
"Mommy...please let me stay with you..."
Erin roared with laughter at the final step of breaking her new prey. He was now fully addicted to her cock.
"That's it boy, that's what you always wanted isn't it?" Another savage thrust.
"Someone like me to take care of you? To love you like this every day?" Another thrust.
"YES!" Mike began to tear up.
"Someone to make you feel this good?!" She barbarically began a full rush into his hole. Violently pistoning in and out of his abused asshole.
"YES!" Mike burst into tears, overwhelmed with emotion, and entirely brainwashed by Erin.
"You sure you want to stay with me boy?! That means you're mine, now and forever!"
"You'll do whatever I say?! You'll do whatever I want?! You want me to make you mine?!"
Erin was getting turned on by this dialogue, her dick had grown two times the size inside Mike's asshole. Her giant balls were beginning to swell. Erin was ripping away at his asshole, continuing her questioning the whole time.
"Who else can make you cum like that huh?!"
"Only who boy?!"
"Yeaaaaah. Yeah! That's it hun, take Momma's cock like a good boy!"
"Yeah boy! I'll give you everything I've got stored for you! Get ready you little bitch!"
Erin shuddered and vibrated inside of Mike's wet, destroyed, and abused asshole. She let loose the equivalent of a week's worth of stored cum into Mike. His insides getting painted by her thick cock juice. It began to leak out of the sides, dripping on the floor. Mike screamed as the warm pressure built up in his intestines. He felt like his stomach was expanding from all the cum she was shooting up inside him. She would pull her cock back, and then shove it up further, just to drive up as much cum as she could inside him.
With a loud POP, She pulled out her cock and let Mike collapse on the floor. She began pulling on her shaft, working out the last ropes out of her cock, spraying them all over Mike's limp body. Mike couldn't move, he laid on the floor with his eyes rolled back, and his mouth agape, being covered in his new Mommy's thick ropes. Cum began to leak out of his asshole. He continued to lie there until Erin put him back in bed.
Mike had become a brainwashed slave to Erin, a cock loving slut. Erin had achieved the best pet she had ever been given, and she used him every minute of everyday just like she said. She made him call up his college, and cancel his classes over the phone, while Erin fucked him from behind. He tried as hard as he could to not break under the pressure and pleasure being pounded into him. Every morning she would stick her dick right down his throat and make him drink her cum for breakfast every morning. Mike had been broken, and turned into a new toy. He didn't care though, he knew Erin cared for him, and that's all he ever wanted.