I am imu

Chapter 5: devil

Imu nodded slightly pleased with BlackBeard answer.

He looked at Blackbeard alright then let's start imu said mei mei go and inform Obito and tell rocks not to kill monkey D luffy also not to kill whitebeard his devil is still great so make sure whitebeard don't die for a time being.

Don't get me wrong. It's not that I don't want to kill luffy but I can't not for now. I not just want to kill luffy but his crew sabo his father all revolutionary army Rayleigh and everyone who supports him.

So luffy can't die but after two years when luffy finally completes his training and meet all of his crew members.

He will catch all of them in one swoop and then execution.

Hahaha dragon will not just watch his son die same goes for sabo who finally remembers memories of his childhood.

Same goes for Rayleigh,shanks,kuja pirates hahaha it would definitely be fun even though luffy is still just an ant but behind ant there is whole colony hahaha imu thought it would definitely be fun two years are enough.

to subdue elbaf take over wano country take over fish man island and all those messy things since it can't be subdued then destroy it.

and the energy of mother flame this time i will not let vegapunk mess it once i summon a genius scientist or copy of vegapunk I will kill all of them vegapunk clone and him.

Imu thought haa there's so much to do.

Alright you can go imu said to mei mei .

Then i will go imu sama please don't miss me much mei mei said giving wink before going to inform Obito.

Imu nodded he already told her not to be so formal he didn't like it.

Imu looked at Blackbeard and said let's start then your transformation hahaha.

Imu figure disappeared when he came back he had a devil fruit in his hands.

Mythical zoan Model-Chimera.

Chimera was a three-headed beast: she had a lion's body and head, a tail that ended up in a snake's head, and in the middle of her back came a goat's neck and head also had wings of eagle.

Chimera can breath fire also has immense strength. With this devil fruit Blackbeard can use claws,fangs and horns he can also use venom to paralyze enemy he can also fly. Other best thing is that he can recover any injury just by eating meat of any animal . He can also heal injurious of others by giving them his meat. he can also gain physical traits of beasts he had eaten.

Powers / SkillsFire breath

Immense strength







So imu decided to give this fruit to Blackbeard anyway if he dare to rebel one day one thought is enough to kill him.

Marine Ford

Rocks figure disappeared as he rushed towards luffy however before he could take down luffy iva protected luffy. Ivanoko said hell wink and winked towards rocks. rocks figure was engulfed by a explosion.

Rocks figure still standing without any injury on his body. He shifted his attention towards Ivanoko. Since you want to die so much then i will gladly kill you.

Rocks said ivanoko before he could think anything his eyes bulged his figure disappeared crashing down.

He coughed mouthful of blood he felt his body has been damaged from inside and outside.

Rocks shifted his attention towards luffy again.

Who are you luffy suddenly asked then Said it doesn't matter those who hurt my friends cannot forgiven.

Gum gum jet pistol luffy yelled instantly however to his surprise rocks didn't move he directly grabbed luffy fist pulling luffy towards him . Don't talk so much nonsense kid rocks said he directly punched luffy at his guts pfft luffy spat mouthful of blood.

Rocks still holding luffy punched again luffy at his stomach boom

Luffy's figure crashed in a ground his both eyes turned white his face bleeding his mouth wide open.

Garp who was sitting and watching all of this cleanched his fists tightly his eyes red seeing luffy bleeding his eyes bulged his fist cleanched so tightly that it made cracking sound.

sengoku who was beside garp guarding execution platform said with deep voice garp he is a pirate.

Garp sighed hearing what sengoku Said he knew he couldn't do anything at all . He looked as if he had really become old and powerless.

Straw hat boy iva yelled at luffy grabbing luffy who was unconscious he started retreating.

Seeing this rocks just laughed with disdain on his face.

How could he let him escape however just when he was about to take action.

Space beside him twisted as Obito figure came in view Obito said to rocks master said not kill him for now you can kill anyone except him.

Understood rocks nodded before his figure disappeared from sight of others.

In pangue castle imu stood in his garden after giving Blackbeard a immortality and taking away his soul.

Haa imu sighed feeling boring i have to wait for the summit war to end.

After that I can officially start taking fully control of one piece world.

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