Chapter 19: The Advantage Is Mine!
The Digimon had exceptionally sharp senses. When Nanami began her evolution, the Digimon in the food street immediately sensed the surge of Digisoul from that direction.
Looking up, they saw a "meteor" hurtling toward them.
Angewomon squinted at the incoming figure and muttered, "That's the one. It was the one that captured me."
Moss corrected her, "That's Biomerge Quetzalmon."
The original Quetzalmon was an Armor-level Digimon.
Armor Digivolution was a phenomenon from ancient times in the Digital World when Digivolution was much harder. Ancient Digimon developed Digi-Armor, allowing them to Digivolve into Armor-level Digimon.
Most Armor-level Digimon had strength comparable to Champion-level Digimon, with some exceptions.
By normal standards, Quetzalmon should have only been that strong.
However, now that Quetzalmon had transformed into Biomerge Quetzalmon, its power and speed had drastically increased. It had long surpassed standard Champion-level Digimon and was even among the elite of Ultimate-level Digimon.
"Heaven's Charge!"
This technique, a pure release of holy energy, was similar to a Kamehameha, except that it could be fired in the shape of a cross, a single blast, or even a continuous beam.
A towering purple energy beam shot into the sky, colliding with the Biomerge Quetzalmon's incoming descent.
BOOM!A deafening explosion erupted, sending debris flying as the shockwave spread in all directions, disrupting every electronic device nearby like an electromagnetic pulse.
The broadcast was abruptly cut off.
Biomerge Quetzalmon hovered in midair, completely unscathed.
Heaven's Charge was composed of holy energy, which had a natural advantage against Darkness and Evil.
However, Biomerge Quetzalmon was neither Dark nor Evil—its power was also holy energy.
Because of that, Moss' attack had only stopped Biomerge Quetzalmon's advance, but it didn't deal any real damage.
"What the hell is that?!"
"A…A monster!"
The shopkeepers, vendors, and pedestrians in the food street panicked in terror as they got a clear look at Biomerge Quetzalmon. Their faces turned pale.
After all, it was huge—just its head was larger than a full-grown adult, and its slender, serpentine body stretched at least 50 meters long.
Anyone would be terrified at such a sight.
"Stop panicking! We have Boss on our side!"
Goblimon shouted at the crowd, full of confidence.
Being a tribal Digimon, Goblimon revered strength. It had already been thoroughly subjugated by Moss' power, and after being treated to a free meal, its loyalty was absolute.
It had completely accepted its role as Moss' little lackey.
"C-Can she really win?"
The people were skeptical.
At first glance, Moss looked like a tall human woman. If not for her wings, she wouldn't seem any different from an ordinary person. Compared to the colossal Biomerge Quetzalmon, she looked far too small.
The bystanders couldn't see how she could possibly be their protector.
"How dare you doubt Boss?!"
Goblimon glared at them angrily.
The crowd exchanged hesitant glances. They really didn't understand how powerful these strange creatures were.
"Can she win?"
The female reporter turned to the one Digimon who looked the smartest—Astamon.
After all, Astamon had an enormous brain, so it must be smart, right?
"She will win."
Astamon answered with confidence.
Up in the sky, Biomerge Quetzalmon hovered as it ignored the screams and murmurs of the humans below. Instead, it simply smirked down at Moss.
"You've certainly grown."
The voice of Biomerge Quetzalmon was almost identical to Mirajane Strauss.
Maybe they had the same voice actress?
Angewomon worried that Moss might let her feelings for Mirajane interfere with the battle and quickly reminded her:
"That's not Mirajane. It just sounds like her."
"I know that."
Moss bent her legs, flapped her eight wings, and took off toward the sky.
"Oh? A defeated prey who doesn't flee but instead approaches me?"
A playful glint flashed through Biomerge Quetzalmon's eyes.
To her, it was like a mouse charging at a cat—ridiculous, but also amusing.
"Very well. Keep me entertained!"
"Give me more fun!"
With a gleeful smile, she swung her long tail, the flaming lance at its tip slashing toward Moss at blinding speed!
Moss easily dodged the attack.
She moved gracefully, slipping past the flaming tail with an elegant twist, then flapped her wings to close the distance toward Biomerge Quetzalmon's head.
Biomerge Quetzalmon's eyes widened in shock.
If Moss' Heaven's Charge had been expected, her reaction speed and agility were not.
She was far too fast!
Far too flexible!
Before Biomerge Quetzalmon could process what was happening, Moss had already reached her forehead, lifting her mask to reveal fierce blue eyes.
"Partial Assimilation: Gatomon's Eyes!"
Cat's Eye Hypnosis!
A mental shockwave pierced into Biomerge Quetzalmon's eyes like a needle, striking directly into her mind.
A sharp pain exploded in her brain, sending paralysis through her entire body.
She let out a miserable shriek.
Now's my chance!
Moss swiftly lowered her mask, gathered holy energy around her legs, and—
With her high-heeled boots, she stomped down hard on Biomerge Quetzalmon's forehead!
Still reeling from the pain, Biomerge Quetzalmon could not evade in time.
She had been warned that this Angewomon could turn into a demon, so she was on guard for that ability.
But a mental attack?
She never saw it coming.
"You think you can match my strength?! Naïve!"
Enraged, Biomerge Quetzalmon flexed her muscles and forced Moss away.
When it came to strength, beasts naturally surpassed humanoids.
And her size was twenty times that of Moss.
"No matter how you look at it, the advantage is mine!"
She coiled her serpentine body and snared Moss in a constricting grip.
Angewomon shouted in Moss' mind:
"Escape! That's how she knocked me out last time!"
Moss smirked.
"Full Assimilation: Gatomon's Soul!"
In an instant, her wings vanished—replaced by a long, feline tail.