I Stream DC on Marvel

Chapter 490: 490 Invincible: A Fake Victory, An Unimaginable Power, A Worthy Opponent and A Glorious End...

(Dragon Ball Universe)

Beerus reclined in a beach chair, relaxing with a drink beside him, which Whis, the angel responsible for supporting, assisting, and advising him, had just placed there.

Whis glanced up to look at the floating screen beside Beerus, though it didn't seem like the God of Destruction was paying much attention.

In Whis's eyes, the current situation with Battle Beast and his clear intent to fight Allen to the death are reflected on the screen.

"Beerus-sama, what do you think?"

Beerus took his time to respond. First, he glanced at the screen for a moment before losing interest.

"There's nothing to say..."

Whis smiled faintly. "I'm not talking about the outcome of the battle..."

Beerus squinted lazily. "That brat has never been hot-headed..."

"That's true. For Allen-kun, the relentless search for a glorious fight and death, the need to face powerful warriors, isn't something that defines him." Whis softened his gaze. "Most of the fights were out of necessity because someone is always trying to kill him or is a danger to his life, his friends, or the world in general..."

Beerus yawned while his eyes drifted to the sky. "You think so?"

Whis turned to Beerus, surprised that the God of Destruction had a different opinion, as he didn't believe he'd made a mistake in his analysis of Allen.

"Have you seen something, Beerus-sama?"

Beerus smiled faintly. "Don't you think Allen's gaze has become a little... bored lately?"

"Well, maybe a little lazy... ohoho, I see~" Whis covered his mouth. "In that case, this might be more interesting than I thought~"


(Invincible Universe)

Battle Beast could have been the one to finish off Invincible once and for all, but he didn't, not out of compassion or because of the power of the plot, but simply due to his own weakness. If Mark Grayson had been strong enough, he would have been killed facing Battle Beast, and his head would've been taken as a trophy by the Leonine. Speaking of the species to which Battle Beast belongs, the Leonine, even among them, Thokk—now known as Battle Beast—is an anomaly. A mutant, much like Broly is to the Saiyans, his resistance seems limitless, and his will even more so. It is said that if Battle Beast were to die in the future, another Leonine would appear out of nowhere, inheriting his eternal battle rage and his endless search for a worthy opponent.

There was a reason Allen had taken so long to intervene, only doing so when Amanda was in danger. He... didn't want to face the Lion, regardless of the outcome everyone could predict. Thokk would not fall quietly. If Allen were to face him, he would need far more strength and power than he had shown so far, something that would be detrimental to his mysterious, relatively low-profile image. Allen is strong, everyone knows that, but no one thinks he's stronger than Omni-Man. No one, not even Cecil, believes he could win against a Viltrumite.

— Allen Walker is strong, but he is still within the limits of a human. —

That's right, the strongest human is no match for even the weakest Viltrumite. It's that simple, it's common sense, and that's the image Allen chooses to present to others. But against Battle Beast, a much greater strength is required, one beyond that of even an elite Viltrumite. Against Battle Beast, the strength equivalent to the strongest Viltrumite is needed.

That's why Allen didn't show much eagerness to face Thokk. Of course, Allen is also quite selfish, so no matter what logic tells him, his actions can change depending on what he wants to do at the moment.


At Battle Beast's clear declaration, Allen remained silent. The two of them stared at each other. But their emotions were different.

An immeasurable calm versus an infinite desire to fight.

Eve's face was pale. At that moment, she understood—along with the barely conscious Mark, the reckless Amanda, the calculating Robot, the cautious Shrink-Ray, the sensible Black Samson, the outgoing Kate, and even the man pretending to be unconscious, Titan. Battle Beast had only been playing with them and could have killed them all instantly from the start.

Everyone fell silent and held their breath at the terrifying bloody aura emanating from Battle Beast. The Leonine didn't hunt for prey, didn't enjoy killing the weak, and didn't even bother with those who didn't possess a minimum level of power. They could all be relieved, for if they were stronger, they would already be torn to pieces. They should thank their own weakness and the great sense of honor of the humanoid lion.

Rex spat blood, his mind too tired to think, but at that moment, Rebecca approached, pulled out a gun, and sprayed an instant sealing solution for severe wounds on him. She then moved on to Black Samson, doing the same. Lastly, she approached Mark, who was dangerously close to Battle Beast. She showed no fear at all, nor was it necessary because the lion didn't pay her the slightest attention.

Rebecca looked at the beast and then at Allen, who merely returned Thokk's gaze without acknowledging anyone else.

'Viltrumites have absurd bodies... how can he still be alive in this state?' Rebecca knew Invincible wouldn't die, so she signaled Robot, who moved in and carried Mark away to get him out of there. 'Allen... what are you planning to do?'

Allen was standing behind Machine Head's desk, beside the body of the greatest criminal, whose head had disappeared due to his attack.

Allen smiled faintly and spoke. "I'm Allen Walker. I'm just a human, it's said that I don't have the wood to be a fighter. Still, you want to fight?..."

Battle Beast was surprised by Allen's declaration and smiled. "I'm Battle Beast, formerly called Thokk, just a vulgar beast looking for a satisfying fight and a glorious death."

2B appeared behind Allen and helped him remove his trench coat. That done, the Maid took a step back. Allen rolled up the sleeves of his shirt, showing off his already-developed muscles.

"Thokk... fine, I accept your challenge..."

The next second, Allen appeared in front of Battle Beast and struck him in the stomach. A small wave of air shifted slightly, and then there was silence.

In just an instant the combat began...

Fighting someone like Thokk in the way Allen usually would would destroy the planet. But Allen had been through a lot, and now he had the means to defeat this lion in silence. If Allen had hit Thokk with enough force to actually hurt him, he would have thrown him across the entire continent. Instead, using the skills he acquired from training with Oogway, he concentrated and transmitted all that force inward into Thokk so that it wouldn't be visually impressive, but it would be devastating for the Leonine.

For the Guardians who had faced an immobile Allen, to see his true speed was astonishing and terrifying; it reminded them that Allen had also played when he fought them.

The fight was over... it wasn't Thokk's fault, Allen was simply too strong...


"That was a good punch..."

"…!" Allen opened his eyes in surprise and looked up. Thokk's gaze was fixed on him, a tremendous thirst for battle in his eyes, but beneath that, there was also satisfaction, relief, respect, and even appreciation.

Allen's eyes returned to calm, and he smiled in understanding. He already knew that Thokk was a monster. The lion had been trapped in a planet explosion and only became unconscious for a short time. The guy fought against the strongest being in the universe for over a week without rest, a beast with infinite endurance and terrifying durability. But none of that compared to his mental fortitude...

Battle Beast made his move, grabbing Allen's arm that was on his stomach and using his other fist to strike Allen.


The ground collapsed, and both fell through the entire building to the bottom.

Allen grabbed Battle Beast by the neck, his eyes flashing, and pushed him through several walls in a single thrust.

They both appeared on the street. Battle Beast roared and used his sword, which was capable of nearly cutting a Viltrumite in half, to strike Allen. He dodged and punched Thokk in the chest, transferring enough force to destroy the planet. The lion's black-and-red armor shattered, revealing his muscular, furry body, with his chest caved in from the punch.

Thokk spat blood, but instead of dying as one would expect, he used his claws to slash at Allen, surprising him once again. Allen blocked the attack with his hand and threw him through ten buildings. He immediately followed, his mind still struggling to process what was happening.

'How is this possible?' Allen couldn't understand. How could he? He knew that Thokk was the second strongest being in this world, but that only applied to this world's standards. 'I'm not holding back... I'm not showing mercy... I don't have any physical strength restrictions in this world... so how is it possible that this lion can withstand more than just a single blow?!'


The lion roared, clearing the rubble and dust. His eyes were bloodshot, and he saw Allen coming towards him. He raised his sword and swung at Allen with all his might.

Allen grabbed the strike and crushed it effortlessly. He clenched his fist and struck Thokk on the chin, sending him flying through the air. Then he teleported above him and kicked him down. However, Thokk didn't fall; he grabbed Allen's leg with reflexes that no being in this world should possess.



Both fell, but Thokk took advantage of the fall to strike Allen with all his strength, repeatedly. Allen silently observed the lion while symbolically defending himself because Battle Beast didn't have the strength to hurt him.

'Why?' Allen extended his hand and grabbed the face of Battle Beast, interrupting his attack and changing their positions. Battle Beast fell backward to the ground, creating a large impact. Allen backed away, leaving the dust behind. However, Battle Beast emerged right after, not pausing for a single moment in the fight.


The great jaw of the Leonine opened as if it wanted to swallow Allen or at least rip off his arm. Allen extended his hand and forced Battle Beast's mouth shut.

"Do you think you can eat me?"

Allen kicked him in the stomach again, creating a small wave of wind—an indication of the devastating attack that Battle Beast had received. This time, the Leonine stopped, visibly affected, spitting blood that stained Allen's shirt. But he immediately smiled and attacked once again.


Allen sharpened his gaze and struck Battle Beast once more, sending him flying down a street filled with abandoned cars from people who had fled. Allen appeared above Thokk and slammed him to the ground creating a crater larger than the previous one.


(Kun-fu Panda Universe)

Oogway sat in the middle of a spiritual ocean. He had decided to cross into the spiritual world, leaving his disciple to handle the future. His aged eyes gazed at Allen.

"You're letting your opponent disturb your mind, young Allen," Oogway smiled faintly, "But perhaps that's not such a bad thing in this case..."


Allen was concentrating his strength, all of it being transmitted to Battle Beast's body causing damage that should be lethal. To the common observer, it might have seemed like Allen was increasing his strength to face Battle Beast, but that was a mistake. The more flamboyant the fight became, the less effective Allen's technique was. But why was that?

*Allen's POV*

Why does this guy seem to resist everything I throw at him?

It's not like my attacks aren't working; I'm definitely hurting him a lot.

But then why does he refuse to show even a hint of weakness? Pride? Anger? Or is it just the adrenaline and euphoria of battle?

It's strange... I know who Battle Beast is, I know what he's capable of, I know his signature way of being and thinking. But why does it feel like I can't understand him? Why does he keep surprising me? Why am I unable to see the limit of his power?... Why is he able to smile while facing me?!

I'm not a hot-blooded warrior, I don't get excited about facing strong opponents. I'm not out there looking to fight everyone to prove my "manhood" is bigger than anyone else's. I'm not like that...

So it doesn't bother me, but there's something that has caught my attention, something I can't stop noticing, and it's happening more and more often. Every time I show my power, every time people realize what I'm capable of, they stop fighting... they wear faces of fear, disbelief, despair, they give up or simply choose not to face me... it's becoming more and more common, but it's fine. I know... I am terrifying... I am a monster...

At some point, I went from being the guy who faces monsters like Doomsday to becoming the monster myself... I'm not stupid, I know how frustrating it is for someone to face me... I know the kind of fear I can instill just by standing in front of someone and showing a little hostility. I don't care, it saves me a lot of trouble and makes it easier to deal with conflicts... it's fine...

But that's precisely why Battle Beast is so strange...

*End of POV*

Artoria's eyes became kind as she looked from above. Esdeath smiled while adjusting her cap. Makima sighed. Rebecca grinned broadly. Harley chuckled softly, covering her mouth. Albedo had heart-shaped eyes while hugging herself. Nokotan had a calm gaze with an aura of serenity and Wednesday calmly closed her eyes.

Bocchi blinked, slightly confused, "He..."

2B stayed silent while watching, "Master is smiling..."


Allen struck Thokk, creating a shockwave that shattered the windows of nearby buildings. His technique had deteriorated so much that he would be embarrassed to face Oogway and show him this. However, at this moment, he didn't care. His attention was entirely on the obsessive and deranged Leonine, who wouldn't stop taking his blows and fighting back.

The power difference was clear... Allen's attacks were draining Thokk's life... Thokk's attacks couldn't hurt him... Still, it didn't matter, none of it mattered.

The lion was enjoying a fight with an opponent so strong that it was impossible to believe such a thing could exist. Allen enjoyed it too, because at some point, without even realizing it, he was doing the same. He was enjoying a fight where his opponent didn't back down, didn't get scared, didn't get intimidated, didn't get desperate, and kept coming.

The lion roared once more, using his claws to slash at Allen's shirt. It didn't cause any wounds, but who cares?!

Allen clenched his fist and struck Thokk's jaw, shattering his teeth, while smiling. Had Allen ever been happy in a fight?

Maybe he never had... or maybe he had never found someone worthy enough to make him enjoy fighting...

In the middle of a city, two monsters faced each other in a fight devoid of class, elegance, or technique. It was simply a fight between a human and a beast. Allen didn't even bother to use any powers, as if it were an insult to reduce this fight to something like that. Thokk, being a master at using any kind of weapon, had forgotten about that and limited himself to using his claws and teeth.

But it wasn't enough...

It wasn't enough for either of them...

This fight, which left everyone who observed it breathless, both in different worlds and in the present, hadn't ended. It hadn't reached its limit.

With each swipe that moved the wind, Thokk's strength and speed increased, as if the lion was frustrated for not being able to match Allen. Not because of himself, but because of his opponent. Thokk was enjoying the fight of his life, but he felt terrible. He wasn't able to give his opponent a proper challenge, and that's why he got angry.

How can I be so rude? How can I leave my opponent unsatisfied, the human who had fulfilled my wish, the warrior to whom I owed so much? How can I be so weak? I am a battle beast!


His strength increased... there was no sense in it, but he did it... every fiber of muscle, every drop of blood, every damaged organ, every ounce of life was burned, stimulating the development of Thokk's power. He wanted to be stronger... he had to be stronger... he was going to be stronger... no matter if this world didn't allow it...


In a change that Allen couldn't foresee, he was struck. His head spun, his stance broke, and for a moment, it almost seemed like he was going to be knocked down.

"What?!" Allen felt it. For the first time, he felt that blow. It was so strong that it reached Allen Walker. Not only Allen, but the entire chat, who knew how strong he was, was stunned.

"Ha..." Allen's smile widened, and he pressed his foot into the ground, creating another shockwave. Thokk had done it, Thokk had reached him, and that was beyond what Allen could have imagined. This wild lion had earned his respect.

"You're strong, Thokk!"

Allen raised his voice while tightening his fists, ready to continue. It didn't matter if the world realized that he was so strong, it didn't matter if the whole plot went to hell. Today, no reason was enough to show such disrespect to his opponent. However... the reality was different...

"...!?" Allen stopped and stood, watching Thokk standing before him... The strength in Allen's fists loosened...

"You've fought well... Lion..."


A/N: A minute of silence for such a noble warrior... o7

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