I will become the ice jellyfish queen with the Chat Group

Chapter 38: Talking between members

[A month after Grey dispersed]

[At the chat group]

[Goose Boss]: Can someone tell me where John is? He hasn't been in the group for a week.

[The Tasty Doctor]: He's busy tracking down the murderer of his wife and son. Also, the guy who almost killed him and General Hogun.

[Slimes are Cute]: Feels like we skipped a whole season of anime. What the hell?

[Blood Priest]: You guys seriously missed a lot. Turns out John's family was actually dead for over a year. All the money he sent home? Stolen by the city lord, who faked letters making it seem like they were alive. And now... John himself has gone missing. We've been searching for him for a week.

[Goose Boss]: ...Wait, wait, wait. Back up. Who the hell let this turn into a tragic revenge arc?

[Slimes are Cute]: I swear, every time I blink, someone in this group is going through a villain origin story.

[Moon General]: We checked his last known location, the burned-out remains of the city lord's manor. That place was a slaughterhouse.

[Goose Boss]: Define 'slaughterhouse.'

[Blood Priest]: Exactly what it sounds like. Bodies. Everywhere. Not just the city lord and his guards—every corrupt official, noble, and knight involved in the cover-up. Gone.

[Moon General]: It wasn't just killing. It was systematic extermination.

[The Tasty Doctor]: The way the wounds were made… Some were clean and precise—others? Savage. Like two different people did it.

[Freedom Fighters from the Future]: …You think he had help?

[Moon General]: Maybe. Or maybe… John's not the same person anymore.

[Goose Boss]: So let me get this straight—

✅ John's family was dead for a year, and he just found out.

✅ The city lord stole his money and faked their survival.

✅ John went John Wick on an entire city.

✅ Now he's missing.

[Blood Priest]: That about sums it up.

[Slime are Cute]: I take back what I said before—this isn't an anime season we missed, This is an entire franchise reboot.

[[War Healer]has joined the chat.]

The entire group froze.

No response.

[Blood Priest]: John, are you okay? Where are you?

Still, nothing.


A single message.

[War Healer]: I'm not done yet.

And just like that—

[[War Healer]left the chat.]


[Slime are Cute]: This was scary even for me and I'm a demon lord.

[Blood Priest]: Looks like I need to go back to my world for some mental rest.

[Moon General]: Doctor, I need some time in your world.

[The Tasty Doctor]: Yeah, sure. Come over. I'm already preparing the strongest tea I have.

[Freedom Fighters from the Future]: We need a full tactical breakdown. If John's still out there, we need to know what he's after next.

[Goose Boss]: And how do we even find him? He's been off the grid for a week, and if he doesn't want to be found…

[Blood Priest]: Then we may not find him until it's too late.

[Slime are Cute]: Too late for what?

[Moon General]: For whatever vengeance he still has left to take.

[The Bone Samurai]: Hello, guys, are you talking about John? We just finished a mission, and are looking for someone calling immortal demon, apparently he did something that angered John.

[Goose Boss]: Oh great, now there's an immortal demon involved. Because things weren't bad enough already.

[The Tasty Doctor]: Wait, define 'immortal.' Like, 'hard to kill,' or actual immortality?

[The Bone Samurai]: Actual immortality. At least, that's what the reports say. No one's been able to kill them—ever.

[Blood Priest]: And yet John's after them.

[Freedom Fighters from the Future]: Which means he thinks he can kill them.

[Slime are Cute]: …I'm both terrified and morbidly curious.

[Moon General]: If John believes he can kill something that's never died, either he's found a way… or he's planning to die trying.

[The Bone Samurai]: Guys, we just nuked him and then John punched the hell out of him before he ripped his heart out and beat him with it and then he ripped his spine and choked him with it.

[Blood Priest]: I have seen many things in my time… but this is a level of violence that even I must take a moment to process.

[Freedom Fighters from the Future]: I thought he was just going to kill the guy, not perform a Mortal Kombat finisher in real life.

[Moon General]: Wait. Is the immortal guy actually dead?

[The Bone Samurai]: Uhhh… kind of? His body is completely destroyed, but his soul is still lingering. It's like he's trying to regenerate, but John just keeps—

A pause.

[The Bone Samurai]: Oh gods, John just ATE his soul and the body.

[Goose Boss]: John, buddy, pal… ARE YOU OKAY?!

[[War Healer] has joined the chat.]

[War Healer]: I'm fine.

[Slime are Cute]: NO YOU ARE NOT.

[The Tasty Doctor]: You just devoured the soul of an immortal being, my guy. That is not 'fine.' That is 'cosmic horror protagonist' behavior.

[Blood Priest]: …Did it taste good?

[Everyone]: BLOOD PRIEST NO.

[[Iron Man] has joined the chat.]

[Iron Man]: Sorry, but Goose, can you bring me all of your lawyers, I'm about to lose Peter guardianship to that man named Bruce and his company.

[Goose Boss]: Wait, WHAT?!


[The Bone Samurai]: First John goes full horror movie villain, and now Tony is in a custody battle with Batman???

[Freedom Fighters from the Future]: This chat group is a disaster waiting to happen.

[Iron Man]: I KNOW, RIGHT?! Look, I was just minding my own business, doing my usual genius-billionaire-playboy-philanthropist thing, and suddenly, Bruce Wayne slaps a custody claim on Peter. SOMETHING about "better long-term stability" and "legal guardianship loopholes."

[The Tasty Doctor]: …You mean Batman is trying to legally adopt Spider-Man.

[Blood Priest]: …Okay, but counterpoint: Spider-Man with a Bat-family training arc.

[Iron Man]: COUNTERPOINT: That is MY kid, and I am NOT letting some rich guy in a bat costume steal him.

[Moon General]: Soooo… does that mean Peter gets to live in a mansion now?

[Iron Man]: Over my dead body.

[Slime are Cute]: Knowing Bruce, that might be part of the plan.

[Goose Boss]: I'll grab the lawyers, but you owe me a drink, Stark.

[Iron Man]: Fine. Just get here fast before Alfred somehow convinces Peter that he actually wants to move in.

[Chapter end]

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