Chapter 117: Beginnings of the New War
Three days. Three days since the Lord's resurrection. Three days since Borik's banishment into Hell. Three days since the rise of the Guardian of Souls deity among the Path of Peace. Three days since the true figure of that god was laid to rest in the temple. Three days Ichigo Kurosaki slept a deep sleep. Three days since the hybrid killed the Rakshasha Demons and gave them the choice to join him or be sent to their afterlife.
"So... he's been gone for three days... and we're still here." Ibara pointed out as he and the other demons waited on their graves, doing nothing. "Shouldn't we... do something?"
"You want to risk falling to Hell?" Mez asked, leaning against the pile of dirt and pole serving as her grave marker. "If those stories are accurate, that Soul Reaper made the gates of Hell appear and ripped Boric's soul out of his body. Hell is real, we've committed plenty of sins, and were given a choice."
"Serve the Shinigami, or chance our damnation." Suzuka continued, remembering their only two options. "As much as I like feeling pain, I doubt my eternal suffering would be so generous."
"Chances are that he'd want us to turn against the Prime Minister." Sten chimed in, doing push-ups of all things. "Not that anyone can really blame him, Honest did try to have him killed. Still, can you blame Honest for wanting him dead?"
"I just followed orders." Mez answered, taking the moment to stretch out. "Never really cared about the Prime Minister or his schemes. Besides, Ichigo looks like he might be some fun."
"And it's not like the Empire is flourishing under Honest's reign," Suzuka chimed in, "you could say Ichigo is divine punishment for the depravity of Honest and his supporters. Especially since he clearly shows god like powers."
"And he is capable of sharing that power with those willing to join him." They heard someone else say as they became aware of the new presence at their grave site, general Esdeath. "So, the Rakshasha Demons were tasked by the Prime Minister to kill Ichigo. That makes sense, but it was a futile effort."
"You can see us?" Sten asked, shocked that someone else was capable of seeing them. "Then you can-"
"I can only see you because I joined the Soul Reaper." The general interrupted, surprising the martial artists. "He gave me the power of a Shinigami in exchange for my loyalty. Honest could ensure I had wars to fight but Ichigo gives me actual challenges, the choice was clear." She said dismissively. "Now, what did he say to you?"
"Either join him or pass on." Suzuka answered for the group. "We're still deciding." Esdeath smiled, one that hid her sadist nature.
"Then let's see if I can't help you with that decision." She said, grabbing onto Suzuka's soul chain. "I'll interview you one at a time and help you make a final decision. But first, I think I'll punish you for attacking my mate." She suddenly yanked on Suzuka's chain and making the masochist scream and moan out in pain. 'Torturing her might be a challenge.' She thought, noticing the indecent look on Suzuka's face.
(With Ichigo)
The hybrid gazed up at the massive jailer of perdition and tormentor of the damned, wondering what happened to him from his brief fusion with the Kushanada. Apparently the spirit being never left him and he can only question why. The landscape was lava, fire, and tall pillars of barren rock decorated with trees of bones and constant flashes of lightning all around him, reminding Ichigo of the lowest level of the Hell he went to. The Hell that the Shinigami sentence the sinners they find and where he fought Kokuto before ensuring the man's eternal imprisonment. Now he's back and about to be told what new powers he has?
"I thought I returned that power!" Ichigo shouted up to the unchanging gaze of the Kushanada. "What do you mean 'my power over Hell'? And isn't Hell's energy toxic?"
"To anyone else, the power of Hell slowly converts any soul here into that of a Togabito and become trapped here forever when consumed by a Kushanada." The towering behemoth started. "However, you have the unique ability to channel the power of Hell as evidenced by your fusion with me and domination of Hell in that brief window of time. As for returning it, the Kushanada decided to change the rules of this Hell."
"This Hell?" The hybrid asked, surprised by the information. "You mean there are others?"
"Those realms are not our concern." The Kushanada answered as it continued. "The purpose of this Hell is to purge any black soul of its sins or to crush it into nothingness as a new soul takes its place. And as with any system, when there is a problem or change to it then the system must adapt. In this case, a being that could properly control and withstand the power of Hell and survive."
"Then why was I puking up blood and... whatever that black stuff was?"
"You can harness it, but Hell's power is still toxic to other souls. Especially living souls. The plan was to have you slowly adapt over years with only the most basic ability of the Kushanada. Being able to sense sinners." Ichigo nodded, guessing that's where the rancid scent and disgusting feel of some people he's encountered came from. "It will take a full decade before you can harness this power without suffering the toxic effects and that was the plan. However, this world is so mired in sin and wickedness that some of it has seeped to the surface and has responded to your will, dragging that last sinner into this realm."
'Well that explains what happened to Boric.' Ichigo thought as the talk continued. "What else happened? What changes occurred?"
"This Hell is now part of you." That surprised Ichigo. "As we Kushanada are integral to the system of Hell, now you are as well. The Kushanada have separated this realm from any other and linked it to you, making you this realm's god. So long as you are within Hell, you are all powerful and also benefit from the changes you made."
'Changes I made?' Ichigo tried to think back to what he did, what he sentenced Kokuto to. 'You will be trapped like this, given the Reishi of every Sinner that was fully crushed and broken so that you can fuel the Kushanada.' He turned Kokuto into a living battery, strengthening the Kushanada with every crushed soul.
"Since then, we've become more aggressive and vicious in our duty." The jailor continued. "Allowing sinners to gather as much power as they could before feasting on them and crushing their spirits until they become dust. Empowering both ourselves and you."
"And the Kushanada truly chose me to be the master of Hell?" He asked, thinking something was very wrong with that. He wouldn't deny any edge he could get in his coming fight with Yhwach, but he still had to draw a line somewhere on how he got that edge.
"If you so desire, you can close your connection to Hell, but doing so in your current state is ill advised. You're currently too weak from forcibly summoning the gates, an ability you shouldn't have until the decade passed. Closing your connection may result in a prolonged comatose state, whereas now your soul is devoting much of its power to your regeneration." The Kushanada warned, advice Ichigo was definitely going to take since he couldn't afford lapsing into any more comas. "Would you like to hear what new abilities you will have now?"
"No, go into the conditions and costs first." Ichigo said, knowing that this kind of power came with a cost and special conditions.
"Very well." The Kushanada nodded to Ichigo. "First, these abilities are most effective against Sinners. They can be used against foes that aren't Sinners, but you would have to supply your own Reishi to use them effectively. Second, until you are fully acclimated to the power of Hell the strain will be severe. It is estimated that you are at sixty percent of your true power." That was not a minor inconvenience and he'd need to be careful if Quincy do appear, which he was already suspecting was the case in this world. "Now for your powers. As stated, you can sense the sin of others and whether they deserve damnation. You can also summon the armor you used when you were granted power over Hell, that will be for a defense increase instead of much else. Finally, using your body as the conduit, you can summon and control the chains of Hell as you see fit. Both these and the armor will require you to supply the Reishi unless you're fighting Sinner."
"And when I'm in Hell, I'm basically the god of the realm?" He asked, getting the Kushanada to nod again. "Understood. I'm a little on the fence on using these powers, but... there are some people I should be sending to Hell. Now wake me up! I've been sleeping for too long as it is."
(Back in Kyoroch)
People moved in procession to an altar where Ichigo continued to sleep, some offering flowers or charms or small idols, and prayed for the spirits of their loved ones and for the mercy of the Guardian of Souls. A new tradition in the religion of the Path of Peace as started by a few random people that wanted to pay tribute to their savior and their lord's savior, which was eventually adopted by everyone in that congregation and beyond. The Lord was watching over his flock during this time, hoping that he could ensure the Borick Tragedy wouldn't repeat itself. Another new addition was Esdeath and her Jaegers standing guard over the Lord and his people, though this caused a split among the people with some being thankful for the protection but most being very untrusting after Borik. The fact that Esdeath claimed that this was of her own volition did little to calm the populace, but she didn't care. Both she and the prophet knew the real reason she was there was still sleeping on the altar, and that someone was now waking up.
"Ugh, my head." Ichigo groaned out as he reached for his throbbing skull. 'Worse than last time, but Urahara was probably why that one went so smoothly.' It was at that moment he noticed his surroundings. "What the... what happened?" He asked, gaining Esdeath's attention and getting her to signal the Lord with a sudden chill around him. "Is that my Hollow form? Am I being worshiped!?"
"Lord Shinigami!" He turned to notice a multitude of Plus souls. "You have finally risen! We can pass on now!"
"Good people, let's end our worship here for now." The Lord announced, surprising the congregation of people and souls. "It is well past lunch time, and I feel we could all use a bite."
"I believe those volunteers are back with some more food." Esdeath joined in, Ichigo noticing chains around her wrist. "Bols! Get to the kitchen." She ordered as she escorted the Lord to his new, and more secure, office while gesturing Ichigo to follow them. Taking a look around and deciding he needed answers, he followed. He was led to a very spartan room with no furnishings beyond a desk, a chair, and a bed. On the desk were papers, pens, and a small box which the Lord grabbed.
"After you took this off, you disappeared from mortal eyes." He said, revealing Ichigo's Gigai Ring. "I thought it was important and the general confirmed it was. Even told me it was vital to your physical form.." Ichigo took the ring and slipped it on, returning to the physical plane. "I also apologize for all the statues and their deification of you, but they were insistent."
"Not like I can stop them anymore." Ichigo said with a sigh, taking his ring back off because he had many souls to send later. "What did I miss that can be considered important?"
"The followers of the Path of Peace were planning an uprising in response to Boric and the Empire's corruption, but that was pacified by my presence." Esdeath explained to the awakened hybrid. "On the more peaceful side, worship of... you, exploded as the 'Guardian of Souls' protecting the just and punishing the wicked. Apparently reached the ears of the spirits who managed a pilgrimage all the way to Kyoroch in order to receive your mercy. Also, found these guys." She whistled loudly and the Rakshasha Demons appeared, the men looking like prisoners while the women were free.
"I think it's obvious, but Suzuka and I want to join you." Mez said with a casual wave. "Sten's too loyal to the Prime Minister and Ibara creeps us out." Everyone was in agreement on that." Ichigo sighed in annoyance.
"Fine. Esdeath, time to get you started on performing Konso. We've got a lot of souls to send."
Before they got started, Ichigo donned his Hollow mask and released a loud reverberating howl that even the living heard, calling on the Arrancar Marik to come to his side. From there, Ichigo separated Esdeath from her body and they got to work on sending the hundreds of souls that appeared in Kyoroch. During that time, Ichigo figured out that Night Raid were among the volunteers helping around Kyoroch with various odd jobs. They remained on edge but kept to their roles while disguised. Probably because the situation was sensitive enough as it is, one misstep would make or break the Revolution in this case, or she wanted to see the Jaegers for herself.
The hours passed as Ichigo and Esdeath set about the task of performing the Konso and it became late evening before Marik managed to arrive and almost three forths of all the wandering to the afterlife. Sten and Ibara were the only ones sent to Hell while Suzuka and Mez were told what their first task was in recovering their Asuachi from Marik... in the morning. It was late and everyone was tired, tired from waiting in line to pass on, tired from the monotony of the Konso, tired from rushing all the way from the Capital to Kyoroch, and tired from the long hours. Everyone needed their rest.
"You've gotten weaker." Esdeath suddenly said as she and Ichigo began walking to where the Jaegers were resting, where her body was located. Ichigo himself was in physical form to reduce the strain on himself and focus more energy on his rejuvenation. "Did it have something to do with what made you sleep for three days?" Ichigo had to remind himself of just how perceptive Esdeath was. She may be a novice in sensing Reishi, but that didn't mean she was completely blind to the difference in his power.
"I've merged with Hell." He said, surprising Esdeath for a moment before she just nodded in acceptance. She's learned to stop applying logic to him. "Problem with that is that Hell is toxic to other souls, especially unprotected and weak souls, because it's meant to cause ultimate pain and suffering until the condemned soul either repents or is crushed into nothingness. A very dangerous sinner tried to escape Hell and I forced him back down, eventually taking Hell's power into myself to seal that Sinner into the deepest pits of Hell. I tried to let it go, but Hell decided it liked me and decided to stay as a part of me, something I need to to adapt to."
"So you'll be weakened for the forseeable future?" The general asked, worried about her mate but also thinking of what to do with him during 'alone time'. "Then I will need to step up my training. How do we do?" Ichigo sighed, knowing that her training would have to take priority while he's weakened to sucha a state. He was thinking about how to help her attain her Shikai when he felt something fly through his chest. "What the-" There was a hole in his chest the size of a dinner plate, directly over his heart. Esdeath gasped in shock while Ichigo took the small window of life to look behind himself, finding a silver hilt, and to remove his Gigai Ring.
(In the outskirts of Kyoroch)
Way out in the distance, flying high above the earth in a flying vessel of gold and emerald, were four figures. Two were standing next to a throne where a third sat while Syura, the Prime Minister's son, stood at the bow with a Quincy bow and a satisfied smirk. He turned to face his companions, one being Makiri Zolgen, the other being a small hooded figure in raggedy robes, while the one sitting on the throne wore golden armor with golden blonde hair and had an annoyed expression.
"There. Mission accomplished." Syura said with a cocky smirk, walking toward the throne. "One shot, through the heart, and Ichigo Kurosaki is dead." He then let out a short demented laugh. "For everything I heard, I was expecting it to be tougher. But now-"
"You wasted your one chance." The golden man said as a spear suddenly appeared from a floating golden circle and was pushing itself into Syura's leg, ending his confidence and making him scream in pain. "You had one chance to kill Ichigo Kurosaki and instead of going for a certain kill to his head, you aimed for his heart." The spear pushed further into Syura, forcing him to his knee. "I said to kill him instantly." An explosion of dark Reiatsu suddenly washed over them, making the three figures scowl while Syura looked terrified. "He can recover from a missing heart. All you did was set loose a beast." The golden vessel turned tilted, giving its occupants the view of Ichigo, standing less than a mile away, in his Vasto Lorde Hollow form. "Now I have to put him down. What a worthless servant you are." The man in gold said as he rose to his feet and floated off his ship, sending it away to avoid any coming damage.
"Kneel before me and die mongrel." He commanded the hybrid. "I am Sternritter G and the one true king of all."