Ichigo Awakens

Chapter 118: First Clash

(Ichigo vs Gilgamesh)

"What good was it to tell you that much?" The Quincy said as he floated high above the hybrid, fully aware of the waste of energy and focus to keep himself aloft but too prideful to face his enemy as an equal. "After all, you are no different from a rabid dog right now." Behind him, ten portals appeared and glowed bright as ten different weapons appeared in the portals. "Try to entertain me." Two spears shot at Ichigo at supersonic speeds, exploding on contact and digging deep craters into the ground. Next he shot two swords to the right, where Ichigo moved to dodge the spears, only to miss again. Releasing a small growl of annoyance the Sternritter fired the remaining six in rapid succession, one directly at Ichigo and the others to where Ichigo was going in an attempt to intercept the hybrid.

"I've heard tales of your abilities mongrel." Gilgamesh said when not a single one of his shots hitting their mark. "But you seem a bit sluggish," fifty portals appeared this time, "can you dodge this?" Once again he fired at the hybrid, keeping track but not fast enough to land a hit, then he sped up the attack. An ax dug its way into Ichigo's chest, bringing a disappointed smirk to the Quincy's face. "I was expecting more from-" He was silenced when a foot slammed into his cheek and sending him plummeting into the ground. Gilgamesh landed on his feet, tearing a gash into the earth with a deepening crater from the force of the strike. He was shocked to find that Ichigo was unharmed, standing above him now, and that he was struck.

"You dare strike your better and force me to the ground." He growled, shaking with anger. "I'm done playing. NOTHING WILL SPARE YOU FROM MY WRATH!" He roared as hundreds of portals appeared with hundreds of weapons, all ready to shoot at the hybrid. Ichigo held up the ax that Gilgamesh once thought found its mark and threw it back to the Quincy. The ax was flying so fast and spinning with such force that Gilgamesh had to focus ten of his blades to stopping the attack, leaving Ichigo to charge straight at him with both Zangetsu blades charged with Getsugas at the ready. The Quincy launched the remaining weapons from his portals in an effort to damage Ichigo and cancel out the Getsugas. The two attacks clash and unleash an explosion that made the very earth tremble.


The city was in a panicked uproar, many fleeing in terror while others dropped to their knees in frantic prayer until forcibly moved by the evacuation. After Ichigo turned into his Hollow state, the entire city felt the crushing pressure of his spirit and the dark primal fear of being in the presence of an apex predator. Luckily for them the intended prey was far from the city, but not out of danger. People noticed when the fight began, large explosions and earthquakes are hard to miss, and began to panic before Esdeath ordered an evacuation. The general herself stayed behind, erecting a massive wall of ice when she saw the fiery explosions and telling her subordinates to continue the evacuation while she maintained the barrier. It did little to quell the earthquakes, but it did shield Kyoroch from the heat and shockwaves of the explosions.

'This is nothing like when you summoned those Hollows.' Esdeath thought as she stood atop her ice wall. 'That's just one person, but he's still commands powers beyond that of any Teigu.' She felt herself smile savagely, gripping at her chest. 'This is it! This is what I've craved! A new war! Stronger enemies!' She unconsciously took a step forward before being pushed back off of the wall.

"That's not exactly a smart move Esdeath." Marik said, gaining her attention after she landed on her feet. "Ichigo is in a state of pure instinct, if you get in the way then you're going to be lunch. Besides," he looked to the raging battle, "anyone that can keep up with the king is someone that's far out of the league of anyone without a bankai."

"You mean there's another level of power I need to reach beyond this 'shikai'?" Esdeath asked, wondering just where she stood among the powers of the Shinigami.

"Ask the king for details. When he comes back." Marik answered before flashing away. Esdeath growled in annoyance before hearing another explosions and her ice wall cracking. She waved her hand and repaired the barrier, just before creating a fog of fine ice particles around herself.

"I admit I was distracted, but you wouldn't dare give up the chance to kill me." The general turned to find an old enemy of her's, the leader of Night Raid, Najenda. Esdeath glanced around to spy the other various members of Night Raid getting into a position to attempt to strike her down. "So why give me the chance to catch on to your assassination attempt?" Najenda took a drag of her cigarette.

"You're certainly crazy Esdeath, always have been from the day I met you." The assassin leader answered. "But you aren't crazy enough to talk to thin air for no reason. Meaning only one thing, you can see and speak to spirits." Esdeath found a pink haired girl with Pumpkin aimed directly for her head and see the cursed edge of Murasame in her peripheral. "So why don't you tell me how you're connected to our resident Soul Reaper, Ichigo Kurosaki?" Esdeath smiled, ready to play the game.

(Back to the fight)

The two combatants burst out from the cloud of dust and smoke, the golden armored Quincy utilizing Hirenkyaku and jumping off the weapons he summoned to fly around the battlefield with Ichigo in hot pursuit. During this chase, Gilgamesh fired at least a dozen weapons at Ichigo, who would destroy them with Ceros and Balas. The Quincy could feel his fury burn, being forced to the defensive like a weakling? By a mongrel like the hybrid when all he is right now is a mindless beast? Such insolence could not be tolerated, Ichigo had to die.

"You will know pain!" Gilgamesh roared out as he shot another dozen swords and spears at Ichigo, who swung a Getsuga Tensho to destroy them all. The hybrid burst from the smoke cloud aftermath, closed in on the golden Quincy with his teeth about to rip out Gilgamesh's throat, who was paralyzed in fear before smirking in triumph just as Ichigo was hit. A spear through his stomach, a sword through his back, a scythe severing his legs, and a mace slamming him back into the earth. "Know the price for baring your fangs at your better." Gilgamesh taunted as thousands of portals opened, all aiming from the downed hybrid. "Now die! And repent for the sin of defying me!" The smirking Quincy sent the thousands of weapons down to his foe, intent on destroying every trace of the hybrid now that he remembered Ichigo's regenerative ability. His smile died as he saw a ball of dark crimson with an electric screeching whir grow rapidly from Ichigo's back.

'Gran Rey Cero!?' He thought as he remembered the data they had from what little they could get on Ichigo's fight in the Valley of Screams from the Shinenju Incident. 'Has he truly lost all reason!?' He fired the many thousands of weapons, hoping to cancel the attack out before it tore a hole in space. The two attacks collided and caused another massive explosion that scorched and cracked the landscape, leaving behind a massive cloud of smoke and dust. 'Where is he?' The Quincy thought, scanning the ground below him as he stood on a platform of Reishi. As if to answer him, the spike mace that struck Ichigo was now shooting toward him. Gilgamesh quickly summoned a shield, grunting from the force of the impact but held strong, while Ichigo appeared behind him with the spear. The hybrid swung it down onto the Quincy's back like a staff, breaking the polearm and sending Gilgamesh crashing down. He managed to land on his feet and glared at Ichigo as the hybrid dropped to ground level.

"Not once, but twice you dare force me to the ground?" The Sternritter growled as he created even more portals. "I'LL DESTROY YOU! YOU RABID BEAST!" In Ichigo's claws was the sword that he was impaled with, replacing Zangetsu as he charged toward the Quincy. "DIE!" Gilgamesh roared as he fired his latest barrage of weapons. Some missed, many were deflected, some cut into Ichigo's being, but none could slow him down. A shot did force Ichigo to discard the sword, but his left hand pulsed and suddenly the smaller Zangetsu blade was in his hand with a getsuga ready to launch. 'Damnit!' Gilgamesh cursed as he summoned another shield just before the sword could connect, sending him flying with the explosive blast. Ichigo summoned the other half of Zangetsu to his hand and prepared for the next bout.

"YOU MISERABLE CUR!" Gilgamesh roared as Ichigo was once again surrounded in portals, this time shooting out chains. Many of the chains snapped but the endless number began to slow the hybrid down, stopping him only when a sword wide enough to decapitate Ichigo was an inch from his throat. Ichigo also had a cero charged, this one pitch back, and ready to fire. The Quincy stopped the chains and felt his neck, feeling the thinnest thread of a Rasotengai. "You have finally come to your senses then, you mongrel?" He asked the hybrid.

"Who are you?" Ichigo asked, preparing an Itto Kaso should it prove necessary. "I remember hearing Sternritter G, but I'd prefer a name for any opponent."

"I know you are a rather learned individual, but I will only give you this hint," Gilgamesh replied, "I am named after and the heir of the first king and hero to the realm of man, who owns and knows all of the pleasures of the world." The hybrid thought, going back through all the myths and legends he was told to learn from

"Gilgamesh, I'm guessing." The Sternritter smiled, despite the situation. Ichigo did a quick evaluation of himself and figured that he couldn't keep this up for much longer, he needed to recover and it'd be too risky to continue this. "What say we end this fight and start again at a later time?"

"What do you mean?" Gilgamesh asked, still ready to launch a killing strike.

"This wasn't a proper match. I don't consider it a proper or honorable fight if I'm a mindless beast for any of it. You probably still have a few tricks up your sleeve and I haven't even used my bankai. What's more impressive if you win; killing me when I'm weakened or defeating me when I'm at my best?" Ichigo loosened the thread around Gilgamesh's throat. Gilgamesh, in turn, soon released the chains and made the sword disappear while Ichigo did the same with his techniques.

"Very well mongrel. We'll fight when you are at your best." The Quincy summoned a smaller version of his golden vessel and sat on its throne. "As future king of all, it wouldn't do if I didn't fight and defeat you at anything less than your best. This was merely stalling until you came to your senses." With that the Quincy flew away on a ship of gold, leaving Ichigo to feel the weight of his battle.

"You really saved my ass this time Zangetsu." He grunted, watching as Gilgamesh faded into the distance. "Next time, I need to go all out." He flashed away, returning to Esdeath's side.


"You expect me to believe that he actually made you a Shinigami?" Najenda asked her former colleague, who never dropped her smile. Then the world shook with another massive explosion, this one shattering her ice wall and knocking out some of Night Raid.

"What is happening there?" Esdeath whispered under her breath before turning her attention back to Najenda. "Like I said, it came with certain restrictions, but I was indeed granted the power of a Soul Reaper. When Ichigo is done fighting whoever he's fighting then he can vouch for me. Till then, shouldn't you see to the comrades that were injured?"

"Not unless you're either dead or incapacitated Esdeath." The assassin leader responded, looking out to where the chaos raged. "Every instinct in me is screaming to just have you killed because I also know you could very easily kill us all. But you haven't... yet." Just then, Ichigo emerged from beyond the ice and took in the sight before him.

"I do not have the patience for this." The Soul Reaper sighed as he walked over to Esdeath and held out his hand, knowing she had his Gigai Ring. "Ring." Esdeath glanced at him and dropped the ring into his hand, which soon found its home on his finger. "Yes, Esdeath can see spirits and it's because I made her a Shinigami Najenda." Ichigo said the moment he appeared on the physical plane, making Najenda do an impression of a fish as she tried to process the information. "Also, the both of you are going to hold a ceasefire as everyone comes together. I have some things to say and this civil war ends in the next few days.

(Evacuation Camp: Meeting Tent)

Everyone was gathered in the largest tent, torches giving ambient light, a wide table separating the Jaegers and Night Raid with Ichigo and the Lord sitting at the head of the table. The religious leader was there to help serve as a more peaceful mediator since Ichigo thought it might help, especially with how Najenda and Esdeath were glaring. Najenda was glaring at Esdeath for past grudges and at Ichigo for giving a psychopath access to greater power, Esdeath was glaring at the Lord for sitting next to her mate, Ichigo was glaring at both for acting so childish, everyone else was horribly uncomfortable with the glares and the silence. Except for Susanoo and Bols who were serving tea and refreshments, they were getting along.

"Okay, let's get this thing started." Ichigo said, taking charge of the meeting he organized. "The point of this meeting is to accelerate the end of this war, arresting Honest and his allies, and I can give my full focus on the Quincy with a clear conscience."

"The enemy that you were preparing for," Esdeath answered for the group before anyone could ask about the Quincy, "spiritually powered humans that disrupt the balance of souls which in turn threatens creation." Everyone not privy to spirit matters became shocked at the news. "So you're ending the war because there's a bigger war and you want them to help."

"Yes Esdeath. That last fight ended in a stalemate and my opponent was holding back." Ichigo informed the group, surprising everyone that saw the destruction. "So here's what I'm going to do; I'm taking both Esdeath and Najenda with me back to the capital, I'm going to Honest and banish his soul to Hell just like I did with Boric, you two will gather any evidence to help prove Makoto's claim that Honest is a traitor to the Empire and help him create peace, then I gather my own forces and fight the Quincy. Any objections?" Najenda raised her robotic arm.

"I'm still a wanted criminal, how are you going to stop that from getting in the way of your plan??"

"I have any number of ways to disguise you Najenda. You only need to wait until I reveal you and anything to do with the mortal world will be up to you." Ichigo then turned to the Lord. "Makoto's going to need someone like you to help guide him down a more moral and peaceful path. Are you willing to do that and face the possibility that this religion may become the core belief of the Empire?"

"I'll need to be more cautious in who I pick to help me, but if this is to be my fate then I accept it." The Danger Beast hybrid said with a smile.

"Then let's get a move on!" Ichigo said as he ended the meeting and pointed at the two generals. "You two are coming with me, everyone else stays behind to protect Kyoroch." Suddenly Ichigo went to Susanoo and cut him in half from the waist, picking up the top half. "Did I damage your core?" The Teigu shook his head. "You can regenerate?" The Teigu nodded. "You're coming with us." The Shinigami said before walking out. Esdeath laughed, following her mate... then went back to grab a stunned Najenda.

(The Throne Room: 12 hours later)

"Considering that Esdeath's team has been proving rather... ineffective," Honest was saying as he began his presentation, "I've got an offer my lord." Syura emerged from the shadows with five other individuals; one was a fat and dark skinned clown with a small baseball cap and tufts of curly black hair, one was lean and muscular man with a triangular bob haircut that was wearing tight black clothes that exposed much of his body, another man was dressed like a ronin samurai with a twig in his mouth, one woman had a mini dress and had glasses and bunny ears, and the last woman was a little girl in a turquoise dress with an apron and a ribbon in her blonde hair. "My son has returned to the capital, and with a power that will make the Empire rule over death itself!"

"This I bring to the glorious empire!" Syura proudly declared, holding up a wrist with a Quincy cross bracelet on it and then bringing out a case with more of the Quincy crosses. "And we can get more but for now, take this power beyond the mightiest Teigu." He said with a smile watching as Makoto nodded to Budo who ordered a guard to claim one of the bracelets. Honest smiled viciously, victory was his.

"QUINCY!" A familiar voice rang out, making everyone turn to see Ichigo, Esdeath, Najenda, and Susanoo. "Move!" Ichigo roared as the group sprang into action.

"Susanoo! Watch our backs!" Najenda ordered before shooting her hand like a grappling hook and grabbing onto the young monarch, pulling him to her arms. "We need to get you to safety!" She told him, earning his trust just by appearing with the Shinigami.

"Budo! It's a coup! They're trying to kill the emperor!" Esdeath called out, thinking quickly to get the grand general to help. Budo grinned and cracked his knuckles, charging his Adramelech with electricity. It didn't matter if what Esdeath said was true or not, it was an excuse to kill Honest and that's what he was waiting for. As he prepared to fire an electric blast, the bunny eared girl jumped in front and yelled into a microphone.

"LA~!" She sang, causing the entire room to shake and crack, forcing Budo to stop his attack and cover his ears in an attempt to stop the ringing in his head. The clown pulled out a ball that burst into flames and got ready to throw but Esdeath surrounded them in ice spears and was aiming to impale them all quickly. The fire ball blew a hole in the ice only for them to find Ichigo ready to cut them down with an enlarged katana. Honest got in front and spread his arms out, veins glowing a bright blue. Ichigo's blade bit into the fat man's arm and Honest's body was proving stubborn to cut through.

"Syura! Get us out of here!" Honest ordered, making his pull out the teleportation Teigu. What should have been an instant cut was taking half a minute to cleave the man in half. Time Syura took advantage of to activate his Teigu.

"Shambala!" He shouted, creating a bright flash that forced everyone to look away. When the light died, there wasn't even a trace of the Teigu's power that Ichigo could follow. The prime minister's body was also gone, taken with the rest of the Quincy. A quick Pesquisa confirmed that there were no Quincy left in the castle.

"Damn. That's one annoying Teigu." Ichigo sighed, grunting in pain due to not fully recovering from his fight with Gilgamesh. "Today has not been a good one."

"Can someone please explain what's going on?" Makato asked, still being carried by Najenda while Susanoo starting grooming him.

"Yeah... Esdeath you do that." Ichigo ordered as he started walking out of the throne room, looking for Esdeath's bedroom to get some much needed rest. "Now I've got a war of my own to fight, and all I know is that they have Teigu and at least one person that can fight on level with me. I need more information." He grumbled, stopping as he felt a presence behind him.

"I can tell you what I know." Ichigo turned to see the ronin looking at him with black eyes. "My name is Izou and I have information. I've heard about you, Ichigo Kurosaki, and I want to fight you."

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